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We use WILL to We use GOING TO to

- a predict the future without evidence - predict the future when we have
*I will be a pilot in future. evidence that what we say is likely to
- give our opinion about the future happen
*I think she won’t come today. * Look! The cat is going to fall down.
- offer help - talk about plans or intentions
*I will help you carry these bags. *She is going to have a party at the
- express sudden decisions weekend.
*I’m thirsty. I will drink water. - express things already decided
* He is going to leave tomarrow.

A) Complete the conversations with the words below. C) Fill in will or the correct form
of be going to
‘ll visit - ‘ll buy - ‘ll close - ‘ll be - won’t pass - ‘ll help
1) Sam phoned me last night. We
----------------- see the film tomorrow.
1) It’s cold. I’ ll close the window. 2) I’m very tired. I --------------- go to
2) His teacher thinks he ------------ a great basketball bed early tonight.
player in future. 3) Be carefull ! You ----------------
3) I ------------ my auntie in London next week. hit the tree.
4) I think my sister ------------ pass the
4) I’m afraid he ------------ his exams.
exam. She studied hard last night.
5) I promise I ------------ you paint the walls. 5) I ------------------- do the shopping
6) This skirt is nice. I------------ it. this evening.
6) Look at the clouds. It ---------- rain.
7) We ---------- meet at 5 p.m.
8) Perhaps Ann ------------ sing in the
B) Circle the correct option. choir.
1) I think people will/are going to live on the moon in future. 9) If you touch the paint, you --------
2) Will/Are you going to call me at 8 p.m tonight?
get dirty.
10) She ---------- have a baby in a few
3) Let’s have some pizza after the meeting. I will/am going to pay weeks.
it. 11) We ---------- have a Maths exam
4) She is going to be/will be a dancer when she leaves school. tomarrow.
12) We ---------- organize a suprize
5) Be carefull! You’re going to/will hit your head on the door.
birthday party for my dad.
6) I am going to/will stay late and finish my homework. 13) People ------------ live on another
7) The box is very heavy. I am going to/will carry it for you. planet in 2040.
8) It is too cold here. I am going to / will close the window. 14) Don’t worry. I ------------ vacuum
the foors.
9) We are going to / will go to the zoo this weekend. 15) He ---------- speak to the teacher
10) I am going to / will buy a new t-shirt for my mum tomarrow. tomarrow.
11) I think we are going to / will be late for the appointment. 16) I ------------ visit the dentist on
Fridat at 2 p.m.
12) My room is very dirty. I am going to / will clean it tonigh.
13) I am going to / will help you water the garden dad.

A- 2) ‘ll be 3) am going to 4) won’t pass 5) ‘ll help 6) ‘ll buy

B- 1) will 2) Are you going to 3) will 4) will be

5) are going to 6) will 7) will 8) will
9) going to 10) am going to 11) will be 12) am going to 13) will

C- 1) are going to 2) will 3) are going to 4) will 5) am going to

6) is going to 7) are going to 8) will 9) will 10) is going to
11) are going to 12) are going to 13) will 14) will 15) is going to
16) am going to

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