UNIT 8 Brainy kl4 TRF Teaching Notes

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Unit 8 3
Lesson 2
I’m fighting a dinosaur! Type of activity: Writing sentences.
Organisation: Individual and pair work.
1 and 2 Time: 10 minutes.
Preparation: One worksheet per student – use
the same worksheet as in Activities 1 and 2 above.
Type of activity: Writing sentences.
To use: After Activity 5.
Organisation: Individual work.
Time: 15 minutes.
Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student. INSTRUCTIONS
To use: After Activity 5. • Elicit who Iggy is and who his family members are. Find
out if Imogen generally likes Iggy’s inventions (No).
Explain that she is inventing excuses why no one can
help Iggy with the new invention, not even his robot.
• Hand out the copies of the worksheet. The students
Ask the students to invent good excuses for each
read the instructions for Activity 1 and look at the
character, using the Present Continuous tense.
example. Review the spelling rules for the ing ending,
• The students complete the sentences. Ask volunteers
if necessary, by referring the class to page 109 of the
to read out the excuses. Find out if the class thinks the
Student’s Book. The students complete the sentences
excuses are convincing or not.
and compare their answers in pairs. Ask volunteers to
• In pairs, the students read the excuses to each other
write the missing verbs on the board for the whole class
and decide if they are convincing.
to check the spelling.
• The students then look at Activity 2 and check if the
sentences 1-7 in Activity 1 are true in relation to the
picture. Point to the example sentence and ask the
Unit 8
students to correct the false sentences in a similar way.
Check the answers with the whole class. Lesson 3
• Extension: Sentences 8-10 are to be corrected if they Look for Brainyballs!
are give untrue information about the students and the
teacher. 1
1 Type of activity: Card game Memory challenge.
1 is holding 2 is taking 3 are wearing 4 is sitting Organisation: Group work.
5 is singing 6 is using 7 is telling 8 are speaking. Time: 25 minutes.
Preparation: Copy one set of worksheets per group
2 of 4 and cut them up into cards or ask
3 Lisa and Jeff aren’t wearing shirts. They’re wearing the students to do that.
T-shirts. To use: After Activity 4.
4 Zac isn’t sitting on the sofa. He’s standing on the
6 Jeff isn’t using a smartphone. He’s using a laptop.
• Divide the class into groups of 4. Each group should
comprise two pairs competing against each other.
Give each group one set of worksheets cut up into
cards. The students select the adventure activities
(pictures and words) and put the cards with the places
in town temporarily to one side.
• Tell the groups to lay the cards face up on the desk.
Give the students 1 minute to memorise as many cards
as possible. When the time is up, the students turn the
cards over. It’s important that the cards remain in the
same position as when they were face up.
Teaching notes and key

• Each pair take turns to turn over a card, and make • Hand out the copies of the worksheet. Ask the students
a sentence containing the word or expression written to study the pictures and read the speech bubbles
on it – this expression appears either in a written or containing gaps. The students’ task is to complete the
visual form. If they are able to make a correct sentence, speech bubbles with verbs in the Present continuous.
they can attempt to find the matching card. If they Draw their attention to the symbols as they need to
successfully find one, the two cards are removed from make both positive and negative sentences, questions
play, and the game passes to the other pair. When there and short answers.
are no cards remaining, the pair with the most cards is • When the students have finished, they compare their
the winner. answers in pairs. Check the answers with the whole
• Alternative version: The students look at all the cards class.
and memorise them before turning them face down
again. Then one student from a pair picks a card and, KEY
without revealing the word to the other player, mimes 1 We’re going 2 Are you looking for … 3 No, I’m not.
the word on the card. Their partner tries to guess the 4 Are you looking for … 5 Yes, I am. 6 is putting …
word, makes a sentence containing the word and 7 are giving … 8 are texting…
looks for the matching card. If they are successful with
each of these stages, both cards are kept by the two
students. The other pair repeat the process. Individual 2
students take turns picking words and miming them for
the other person to guess and use in a sentence. The Type of activity: Picture description.
winner is the pair with the most cards. Organisation: Individual work.
Time: 15 minutes.
Preparation: One worksheet per student – use
the same worksheet as in Activity 1 above.
Unit 8 To use: After Activity 3.
Lesson 4
Iggy the Inventor INSTRUCTIONS
• Ask the students to draw a picture to add to the story
1 about Iggy. Each person in the picture should be
involved in some activity.
• Next, the students describe their drawing, writing
Type of activity: Gap fill.
sentences in the present continuous about each of
Organisation: Individual work.
the people. Monitor their work and provide help as
Time: 15 minutes.
Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student.
• In small groups, the students present their drawings
To use: After Activity 3.
and describe what each person is doing.

• Ask the students to summarise the story in their own
words. Elicit what happens with Iggy’s newest invention
in this episode (It is very successful, everybody wants to
buy his smoothie).
Teaching notes and key

Unit 8 Unit 8
Lesson 6 Lesson 7
In the city Around the world
1 and 2 1

Type of activity: Matching places and activities. Type of activity: Reading comprehension.
Role play. Organisation: Individual work.
Organisation: Individual and pair work. Time: 20 minutes.
Time: 25 minutes. Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student.
Preparation: Copy one set of worksheets per pair. To use: After Activity 5.
To use: After Activity 5.

INSTRUCTIONS • Find out if students have heard of any unusual
• Review the places in town. The students mention all the structures such as buildings, bridges, roads, etc. Listen
names of places they can remember from the Student’s to their answers. Students may use L1 in their answers.
Book. They should also raise their hands if there is • Explain that the students are going to read an article
something similar in their own town. about three amazing structures abroad. Hand out the
• Divide the class into pairs comprising Student A and worksheets and go through the instructions. Make sure
Student B. Give each their respective worksheets and they understand all the words in the definitions. The
focus their attention on Activity 1. Explain that this students read the texts, match the words in bold to the
activity is identical on both worksheets. The students’ correct definitions and select the structure they would
task is to match each activity to a different place a-l. most like to see.
These should be the associations that first come to mind. • The students compare their answers in pairs. Then
• When the students have finished, they compare their check the answers with the whole class. Find out who
ideas in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. would like to visit each of the structures.
If someone has an alternative idea, ask them to explain • If you have internet access in the classroom, find
it in either L1 and L2. If their explanation is satisfactory, images of the three structures to show to students
accept their answer. after they have read the texts.
• Next, go through the instructions in Activity 2. Student
A and Student B should not show each other their
1 roller coaster 2 slide 3 floors 4 bridge 5 skyscraper
maps. Six of the places from Activity 1 are marked
6 canal
on Student A’s map and the other six are marked on
Student B’s map. Based on the illustrations, individual
students attempt to work out which six are on their
map and label the pictures accordingly.
• The students then take turns to role play a dialogue Type of activity: A description.
between a tourist and an inhabitant in order to find the Organisation: Individual work.
location of the remaining six places from Activity 1. They Time: 25 minutes.
give each other directions and label the map so that all Preparation: One worksheet per student – use
twelve locations are included. Model the role play with the same worksheet as in Activity 1 above.
a good student first. Remaining in the pairs, students To use: After Activity 4.
compare their maps and check that they have labelled
the buildings correctly.
KEY • Go through the instructions with the whole class.
1 Ask the students to select an interesting structure:
1c 2 h 3 b 4 e 5 k 6 d 7 j 8 g 9 a 10 l 11 f 12 i a building, a bridge, a road, etc. It could either be in
2 Poland or abroad, and even in their own town.
Place the two maps side by side to check the completed • If you have internet access in the classroom, ask the
versions. students to find any necessary information online;
Teaching notes and key

otherwise, assign the research for homework. Once 3

the table has been completed and checked by you, 1 You’re not fighting a dinosaur 2 It isn’t raining
the students use it to write a description of the 3 Miss Blake isn’t taking a selfie 4 You’re not wearing
structure. Refer them to the texts in Activity 1 as a red cap. 5 Our friends aren’t swimming.
a model. Optionally, they can print photos to attach to 4
their project or prepare a slide show on their chosen 1 Are you eating an apple? 2 Is your teacher texting
structure. Monitor the task and provide help as a friend? 3 Are your classmates speaking English now?
necessary. 4 Are you wearing a T-shirt? 5 What is your best friend
• Extension: The students present their structures to the doing? 6 What are you wearing?
whole class. They read out the descriptions. The rest of 5
the class listens and raises their hand if they would like 1 Excuse 2 looking 3 straight 4 turn 5 right
to visit the structure. 6 welcome

Unit 8 Unit 8
Lesson 8 Grammar summary
Revision workout
Type of activity: Grammar auction – sentence
correction game.
Type of activity: Vocabulary and grammar
Organisation: Group work.
Time: 30 minutes.
Organisation: Individual work.
Preparation: Copy one worksheet per group of 3
Time: 35 minutes.
Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student.
To use: After Grammar summary.
To use: After Activity 3, Grammar.

• Divide the class into groups of three. Give each group
• Hand out the copies of the worksheet. Go through the
a copy of the worksheet. Explain that the worksheet
instructions to Activity 1, explaining anything that is
contains 15 sentences with the grammar points from
unclear. Give the students sufficient time to complete
Units 1-8. Some sentences are correct and some contain
the task. Then ask them to compare their answers in
grammatical mistakes. The students are going to play
pairs before checking with the whole group.
a game called Grammar auctions.
• Repeat the procedure for the remaining activities: 2-6.
• Explain the rules of the game. Each group has ₤30 or
• Explain that Activity 6 is a self-assessment task and a equivalent value in Brainy balls. The group members
that students do not need to show their responses to have to study the sentences and:
anyone. It does not affect their grade. Explain that the
• agree whether the sentence is correct or incorrect
students should colour in the right face depending
and label it accordingly;
on how well they can perform each task, e.g. they can
• decide how much to bet on their decision
colour the smiling face for perfect, the neutral face for
– the minimum bet is ₤1 (pounds are unable to be
average, and the sad face for I need to revise this.
KEY • they have to place a bet on a minimum of 10
1 sentences but can choose not to bet on 1-5
1 are taking 2 is buying 3 are looking 4 are waiting sentences;
5 are learning 6 am watching 7 are buying 8 is buying • total bets cannot exceed ₤30;
9 are drinking 10 is locking • if they think a sentence is incorrect, they should try
2 to correct it in writing on a separate sheet of paper.
Suggested answers: • Allow 15 minutes for the students to discuss the
1 j main square 2 e train station 3 c museum 4 i bus sentences, make corrections and place their bets.
stop 5 g school 6 a cinema 7 h shopping centre
8 b supermarket 9 f café 10 d car park
Teaching notes and key

• When the time is up, explain the next stage:

• you will discuss the sentences one by one;
• if the sentence is correct and the students marked it
as such, they double the money they bet and write
this amount in the Win column;
• if the sentence is incorrect and the students marked
it as such, they keep the money they bet and write
this amount in the Win column. If they have written
a correct version of the sentence, they double the
money they bet;
• if the sentence is incorrect but the students marked
it as correct or vice versa, they lose all the money
they bet;
• once the game is over, the students add up the totals
in the Win and Lose columns. Then they subtract the
money ‘lost’ from the money ‘won’ in order to find
the final total. The winner is the group with the most

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