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CSC 201

Computer Hardware


Q1. Determine the logic operation performed by the gates arrangement in Fig. Q1


Fig. Q1

Q2. Analyse the circuit of Fig. Q2 and obtain its output for an input voltage that varies linear from 0V
to 10V. Draw the input and output waveforms.

Fig. Q2

Q3. Show that the circuit of Fig. Q3 realises a half subtractor HS.

Fig. Q3

Q4. Determine the truth table for the circuit in Fig. Q4 .

CSC 201
Computer Hardware

Fig. Q4
Q5. a. Simplify the circuit of Fig. Q5 with Boolean algebra.
b. Replace each gate in the circuit with a NOR gate and repeat (a).

Fig. Q5

Q6. Construct the truth table for the diagram of Fig. Q6

Fig. Q6

Q7. Fig.Q7 shows the diagram of an automobile alarm circuit used to detect certain undesirable
conditions. The three switches are used to indicate the status of the door by the driver’s seat, the ignition
and the headlights, respectively. Design the logic circuit with these three switches as inputs so that the
alarm will be activated whenever either of the following conditions exists.
i. The headlights are ON while the ignition is OFF
ii. The door is open while the ignition is ON.

Fig. Q7

Q8. Given two 2-bit binary numbers X ={ x1xo } and Y = {y1y0 }. Design a logic circuit with inputs as
X and Y and output Z. The output Z will be HIGH only when the two numbers are equal. Realise your
CSC 201
Computer Hardware

circuit with; (i) AND, OR and NOT gates and (ii) Minimum number of gates.
Q9. Simplify each of the following expressions using DeMorgan’s theorems
a. A(B+C )D b. (M + N )( M + N ¿)¿ c. ABC D

Q10. Construct the truth table for the circuit of Fig. Q10 and state the operation it performs.
b. If one of the legs of the AND gate is tied to the power supply, determine the modification to
the truth table. State reasons for the behaviour of the circuit.

Fig. Q10

Q11. Design a logic circuit that will allow signal from input A to pass to the output only when control
inputs B and C are both HIGH; otherwise the output stays LOW.

Q12. Design a logic circuit with input A, control input B, and outputs X and Y with the operations;
i. When B=1, output X will follow A and output Y will be 0.
ii. When B = 0, output X = 0 and output Y will follow A.

Q13. Design a logic circuit with three inputs A, B and C and an output that goes LOW only when A is
HIGH, while B and C are indifferent.

Q14. Design a logic circuit that controls the passage of a signal A according to the requirements;
i. Output X will equal A when control inputs B and C are the same.
ii. X will remain HIGH when B and C are different.

Q15. Figure Q15 shows four switches that are part of control circuitry in a copy machine. The switches
are at various points along the ath of the copy paper as the passes through the copier. Each switch is
normally open, and as the paper passes over a switch, it closes. It is impossible for SW1 and SW4 to be
closed at the same time. Design the logic circuit to produce a HIGH output whenever two or more
switches are closed at the same time. Use minimum number of gates to realise the circuit.

Q16. Figure Q16 shows the intersection of a main highway with a secondary access road. Vehicle
detection sensors are placed along lanes C and D (main road) and lanes A and B ( access road). These
sensors are LOW (0) when no vehicle is present and HIGH (1) when a vehicle is present. The intersection
Traffic light is to be controlled according to the following logic:
i. The East-West (E-W) traffic will be green whenever both lanes C and D are occupied.
ii. The E-W will be green whenever either C or D is occupied but lanes A and B are not both
iii. The north-south (N-S) light will be green whenever both A and B but C and D are not both
iv. The N-S light will also be green when either A or B is occupied while both C and D are

CSC 201
Computer Hardware

v. The E-W light will go green when no vehicles are present.

Using the sensors at A, B, C and D as inputs, design a logic circuit to control the traffic.
Note: there shall be two outputs, N-S and E-W that go HIGH when the corresponding light is green.
Simplify the circuit as much as possible.

Figure Q15

Figure Q16

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