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How chocolate is produced ?

The diagram demonstrate the process of producing chocolate .

There are ten main stages begining with picking up a cacao on the
trees , growing in S.America , Africa , Indonesia and ending with
pressing inner part to take liquid chocolate
Intially , Cacao trees are grown in S.America , Africa ,
Indonesia .The cacao trees produced large red pods , and once the red
pods are ripened , the famers are havested them with sharp blade .
And then the pods are cut by machinary to leave the beans inside .
After that ,the beans are taken to fermentation area , where workers
leave them ferment in large boxes . The next stages is dry the seeds
into the sun by spreading them on trays . After which , the beans are
put in large sacks by hand and trasported to processing factory by
truck . Next , they are supplied product to the factory , the workers
roast the beans in a machine at 350 C . After a while , the beans are
put in a grinder to separate the outer shell and pulverized beans . At
the last steps , the beans are pressed in a hydraulic press and chocolate
liquid are produced .

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