Scholarship Essay

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My name is _________, and I am a ___________. I am optimistic that in 5-6 years, I

will be productive in achieving my goals in my life, which include being a woman of STEM
who can contribute to innovation in my field of expertise. I will be someone who can utilize
all the learnings I acquired from my four-year education for the greater good of my
community. Equipped with knowledge and values, I will engage with the community I serve
and utilize my knowledge to assist. Furthermore, I want to give my family a better life
without any worries in this life. And to achieve my goals, I believe I have to start the road to
my goals today by acquiring this scholarship.

I came from a not-very well-off family. However, my ambitions for the future is high
as a skyscraper. I believe in myself, and so does my family. Despite our circumstances, I want
to hone my abilities and knowledge and acquire skills to reach my optimum potential as a
college student. However, as it is known, college fees are costly and too much for a family of
seven. I want to ease my parents' burden through this scholarship that gives me financial
assistance for my education. Financial assistance would help my family and me, especially
during these times of financial crisis. I want to start building a self-sufficient, independent
self that can help my family from their burdens. I am far from being a perfect daughter, but I
want the best for my family: my parents and siblings. The future I am trying to build is not
for my benefit but for theirs. They are my source of strength. That is why I want to assist my
family as much as possible. And I have concluded that acquiring this scholarship is the best
thing I can do to help my family and myself.

If I can get this scholarship, I would guarantee that it will be an excellent investment
for the future of our community. I have the drive and willingness to be successful and
contribute to the greater good of the community. That is why in this world full of
uncertainty; I am confident that my future self will satisfy me in achieving my goals. And to
come to that point, this financial assistance will greatly help me for a future I am preparing
for myself, my family, and the community. They said the youth is the key to a brighter future
in our community. For me, this scholarship program is the key to the future that I am trying
to pursue.

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