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Environmental Chemistry

Submitted to Miss. Aqsa Noor

Submitted by Arisha
Registration No. F22-UC-CHM-63

Department of Chemistry
3rd Semester

Primary Treatment of Wastewater:


Wastewater treatment plays a pivotal role in safeguarding public health and the
environment by reducing the pollution load that enters natural water bodies. The
primary treatment of wastewater is the first and crucial step in this process, focusing
on the removal of larger, physical contaminants and some organic matter. This article
will explore the importance of primary treatment, the processes involved, and its
significance in the larger framework of wastewater treatment.

Methods Involved in Primary Treatment

The primary treatment of wastewater involves several physical and chemical

processes that collectively remove solids and some organic matter from the incoming
sewage. These processes include:

1. Screening: Wastewater enters the treatment plant and first passes through bar
screens or mesh screens to remove large debris, such as sticks, rags, and plastic
materials. These screens prevent damage to pumps and downstream equipment.

2. Grit Removal: After screening, the wastewater often contains small, heavy
particles like sand and grit. These are removed using grit chambers where settling and
sedimentation occur.

3. Primary Sedimentation: The pre-treated sewage then enters primary

sedimentation tanks or clarifiers. In these tanks, the water is allowed to sit undisturbed,
and larger solid particles settle to the bottom due to gravity. The settled solids are
known as primary sludge.
4. Skimming: Grease and oils, which are lighter than water, float to the surface in
primary sedimentation tanks. Skimmers remove these floating materials.

5. Chemical Coagulation and Flocculation (optional): Some treatment

plants use chemicals to aid in the removal of fine suspended solids. These chemicals
encourage the particles to clump together, making them easier to settle.


While primary treatment is an essential step, it is only the beginning of the wastewater
treatment process. The effluent from primary treatment still contains a substantial
amount of pollutants, including dissolved organics, nutrients, and pathogens.
Therefore, it must undergo secondary and sometimes tertiary treatment processes,
depending on the specific requirements of the treatment plant.

Secondary treatment typically involves biological processes, such as activated sludge

or trickling filters, which further break down organic matter in the wastewater.
Tertiary treatment, if required, goes a step further to remove nutrients like phosphorus
and nitrogen, as well as any remaining pathogens.


Primary treatment of wastewater is a fundamental step in the overall wastewater

treatment process. It removes large, non-dissolved contaminants and some organic
matter, ensuring that downstream processes are protected and that the effluent is of a
quality that poses minimal risks to public health and the environment. A well-
designed primary treatment system is a cornerstone of any effective wastewater
treatment plant and plays a crucial role in our efforts to maintain clean and safe water


1. Tchobanoglous, (2003).
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (1999).
3. Water Environment Federation. (2013).

Secondary Wastewater Treatment:


Wastewater treatment is a critical component of modern sanitation and environmental

stewardship. It ensures that harmful pollutants and contaminants are removed from
domestic and industrial wastewater before being released back into natural water
bodies. Secondary wastewater treatment is an essential stage in this process, playing a
vital role in improving the quality of effluent water. In this article, we will delve into
the importance of secondary wastewater treatment, its methods, and its environmental

Methods of Secondary Wastewater Treatment

Several methods are used in secondary wastewater treatment to further purify the
effluent. The choice of method depends on the specific needs and circumstances of
the treatment plant. The two primary methods are:

1. Activated Sludge Process: In this method, wastewater is mixed with a culture

of microorganisms (activated sludge) in aeration tanks. These microorganisms break
down organic matter into harmless byproducts. The sludge is then settled, separated,
and recycled to continue the treatment process. This method is highly effective in
removing organic pollutants.

2. Trickling Filters: Trickling filters use a bed of rocks or synthetic media on

which microorganisms grow. Wastewater is trickled over this bed, allowing
microorganisms to consume the organic matter. The treated water then passes through
a secondary clarification process. Trickling filters are known for their efficiency in
organic matter removal and low energy consumption.
Environmental Significance

The secondary wastewater treatment plays a pivotal role in preserving our


1. Aquatic Ecosystems: By removing organic matter and nutrients, secondary

treatment helps maintain balanced aquatic ecosystems. This is critical for the health of
fish, plants, and other aquatic life.

2. Drinking Water Sources: Discharging highly treated effluent into rivers and
lakes ensures that drinking water sources remain free from pollution, reducing the
need for extensive water treatment downstream.

3. Recreational Areas: Clean water in recreational areas promotes outdoor

activities like swimming, fishing, and boating, benefiting both the economy and
public health.

4. Climate Change Mitigation: The biogas produced during secondary

treatment can be harnessed for energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
supporting a more sustainable energy mix.


Secondary wastewater treatment is a crucial step in the wastewater treatment process.

It not only safeguards our environment, public health, and aquatic ecosystems but also
contributes to resource conservation and climate change mitigation. As our
populations grow and urban areas expand, the significance of effective secondary
treatment will continue to be paramount in maintaining a cleaner, healthier, and more
sustainable world.

1. Metcalf, Eddy,, 2013.
2. Tchobanoglous, George, et al, 2013.
3. Water Environment Federation. "Secondary Treatment of Wastewater."

Tertiary Treatment of Wastewater:


Wastewater treatment is a critical process that ensures the safe disposal of sewage and
industrial effluents while protecting the environment and public health. The treatment
of wastewater is typically categorized into three primary stages: primary, secondary,
and tertiary treatment. While primary and secondary treatment processes remove
solids and organic matter, tertiary treatment plays a pivotal role in further improving
the water quality by removing residual contaminants. In this article, we will delve into
the significance of tertiary treatment in wastewater management and explore the
various methods and technologies used to achieve this.

The Importance of Tertiary Treatment

Tertiary treatment is the final step in the wastewater treatment process, and it serves
several essential purposes:

1. Effluent Polishing: Tertiary treatment is designed to remove any remaining

pollutants that might be present in the wastewater after primary and secondary
treatment. These can include fine particles, suspended solids, pathogens, nutrients
(such as nitrogen and phosphorus), and emerging contaminants (e.g., pharmaceuticals
and personal care products).

2. Environmental Protection: By further purifying treated wastewater, tertiary

treatment ensures that effluents released into receiving waters, such as rivers and
oceans, do not harm the ecosystems. This is crucial for maintaining aquatic
biodiversity and overall environmental health.
3. Water Reuse: Tertiary treatment can produce water of such high quality that it
becomes suitable for non-potable and even potable reuse. This can help alleviate
water scarcity issues in water-stressed regions and reduce the strain on freshwater

Methods and Technologies for Tertiary Treatment

Several methods and technologies are employed in tertiary treatment to achieve the
desired water quality standards:

1. Filtration: Filtration is a common method that removes fine suspended solids,

microorganisms, and some organic matter. Sand filters, microfiltration, and
ultrafiltration are examples of filtration techniques that can be used in tertiary

2. Chemical Coagulation and Flocculation: Chemicals like alum, ferric

chloride, or polymers are added to the wastewater to encourage the aggregation of
fine particles. These coagulated particles can then be removed more easily during the
subsequent sedimentation or filtration processes.

3. Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR): BNR processes are used to remove

excess nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus. The activated sludge process with
enhanced nutrient removal or specialized biofilters can effectively reduce these
contaminants to environmentally safe levels.

4. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): AOPs involve the use of strong

oxidants, like ozone or UV radiation, to break down persistent organic compounds,
pharmaceuticals, and other emerging contaminants. These processes are particularly
effective for treating challenging wastewater streams.
5. Membrane Processes: Membrane technologies, such as reverse osmosis and
nanofiltration, can provide exceptional water quality by physically blocking
contaminants. They are often used in water reuse applications.

6. Disinfection: Disinfection, typically using chlorine, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation,

or ozone, is a crucial step to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and ensure the
safety of water for reuse or discharge.


1. Metcalf & Eddy, (2003).

2. MWH Global. (2011).
3. Al-Sameraiy, M., & Jowkari, R. (2019).

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