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Focus: Digital Literacy and Critical thinking skills

Research gap: The impact of using different types of digital tools on students'
mathematical problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills. Some studies have
found that using digital tools can help students to develop their mathematical
problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills. However, other studies have
found that the effects of using digital tools are mixed. More research is needed to
understand the specific impact of different types of digital tools on students'
mathematical learning.

1. The Impact of Digital Tools on Critical Thinking Skills in Mathematics

Research objectives:

 Investigate the relationship between digital tool use and critical

thinking skills in mathematics.

 Identify the types of digital tools that are most effective for
supporting the development of critical thinking skills in mathematics.

Result and Findings: Digital tools can be used to provide students with
personalized instruction and feedback. This can be especially helpful for
students who are struggling with a particular concept or who need extra
support. Digital tools can be used to create engaging and interactive
learning experiences. This can help to motivate students and make learning
more fun.

Use digital tools in addition to other instruction methods, such as teacher-
led instruction and cooperative learning. Digital tools can be used to
supplement and enhance traditional instruction, but they should not be
used as a replacement for it

2. The Correlation between Digital Literacy and Parents' Roles towards

Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking.

Research objectives:
 Investigate the relationship between digital tool use and critical
thinking skills in mathematics.

 Identify the types of digital tools that are most effective for
supporting the development of critical thinking skills in mathematics.

 Develop recommendations for educators on how to use digital tools

to support the development of critical thinking skills in mathematics.

Result and Findings: The study also found that the correlation
between digital literacy and critical thinking skills is stronger when
parents are also involved in their children's digital education. This
suggests that parents can play a significant role in helping their
children develop both digital literacy and critical thinking skills. The
study's findings have important implications for both educators and
parents. Educators should strive to integrate digital literacy into their
curriculum and provide students with opportunities to develop their
critical thinking skills. Parents can support their children's digital
literacy development by monitoring their online activities, talking to
them about their digital experiences, and helping them to develop
healthy digital habits.
Recommendations: Integrate digital literacy into the curriculum and
provide students with opportunities to develop their critical thinking
skills. Provide students with access to high-quality digital resources
and tools. Train teachers on how to effectively teach digital literacy
and critical thinking skills. Create a supportive learning environment
where students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing their
ideas. Parents Talk to your children about digital citizenship and help
them to develop critical thinking skills. Set limits on screen time and
encourage your children to engage in other activities. Be a role model
for your children by showing them how to use technology
responsibly and ethically.

In addition to these specific recommendations, it is also important to

note that the field of digital literacy is rapidly evolving. Educators and
parents should stay up-to-date on the latest research and best
practices in order to best support students' digital literacy and critical
thinking development. Schools should provide digital literacy training
for parents. This training could cover topics such as online safety,
privacy, and ethics. Schools and parents should work together to
create a comprehensive digital literacy curriculum for students. This
curriculum should include both formal instruction and opportunities
for students to practice their skills in real-world contexts. Schools and
parents should also work together to create a supportive digital
learning environment. This environment should be one where
students feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes.

3. Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking in Elementary Mathematics


Research objectives:
 The role of digital literacy and critical thinking in solving real-world
mathematics problems
 The relationship between digital literacy and critical thinking and
other 21st century skills, such as creativity and collaboration
 The impact of digital literacy and critical thinking on student
motivation and engagement in mathematics learning

Result and Findings: Handayani's study found that there are a number of
ways in which digital literacy can support the development of critical
thinking skills. For example, digital tools can help students to: Access and
evaluate information from a variety of sources, Organize and synthesize
information, Communicate their ideas effectively, Solve problems

This study also found that the roles of parents can play a significant role in
supporting the development of both digital literacy and critical thinking
skills in elementary mathematics education. Parents can support their
children's digital literacy development by providing them with access to
digital tools and resources, and by helping them to learn how to use these
tools effectively. Parents can also support their children's critical thinking
development by asking them open-ended questions, encouraging them to
challenge assumptions, and helping them to develop their own problem-
solving strategies. Overall, Handayani's study suggests that digital literacy
can play an important role in supporting the development of critical
thinking skills in elementary mathematics education. Parents can also play a
significant role in supporting this development by providing their children
with access to digital tools and resources, and by helping them to learn how
to use these tools effectively.

Recommendations: Integrate digital literacy and critical thinking into the

elementary mathematics curriculum. This can be done by using digital tools
and resources to teach and learn mathematics, and by providing students
with opportunities to develop their critical thinking skills when using digital
Provide teachers with professional development on digital literacy and
critical thinking. This will help teachers to effectively integrate these skills
into their teaching and to support their students in developing them.
Encourage parents to support their children's digital literacy and critical
thinking development at home. Parents can do this by talking to their
children about their online activities, by helping them to find reliable digital
resources, and by modeling critical thinking skills.

4. Integration of critical thinking skills into elementary school teacher

education courses in mathematics

Research objective:

 To examine the effects of integrating critical thinking skills into a teacher

preparation course in mathematics.

Result and findings:

The study found that integrating critical thinking skills into a mathematics teacher
education course had a positive effect on students' attitudes towards critical thinking.
The experimental group, which received instruction on critical thinking skills, had
significantly higher scores on the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale than the control
group, which did not receive instruction on critical thinking skills.

The study also found that the experimental group was more likely to use critical thinking
skills in their mathematics teaching. For example, the experimental group teachers were
more likely to ask their students to explain their reasoning, to challenge their students'
assumptions, and to provide their students with opportunities to solve open-ended


Teacher education programs should consider integrating critical thinking skills into their
mathematics courses. This can be done by providing students with opportunities to
learn about different critical thinking skills, to practice using these skills in mathematics
problems and tasks, and to reflect on their own critical thinking skills.

In addition to the above, here are some specific recommendations for integrating critical
thinking skills into elementary school teacher education courses in mathematics:
 Define critical thinking skills and explain why they are important for mathematics
teachers. Students need to understand what critical thinking skills are and why they are
important for their future teaching practice.
 Model critical thinking skills in the classroom. Teacher educators should model critical
thinking skills in their own teaching. This could involve asking students open-ended
questions, challenging their assumptions, and explaining their own reasoning.
 Provide students with opportunities to practice using critical thinking skills in
mathematics problems and tasks. Teacher educators can do this by using problem-
based learning, cooperative learning, and inquiry-based learning methods in their
 Encourage students to reflect on their own critical thinking skills. Teacher educators can
do this by providing students with opportunities to write about their experiences using
critical thinking skills in mathematics, or by leading them in class discussions about
critical thinking skills.

By integrating critical thinking skills into elementary school teacher education courses in
mathematics, teacher educators can help to prepare future teachers to teach
mathematics in a way that promotes critical thinking in their students.

5. The Role of Digital Tools in Developing Critical Thinking Skills in


Research objectives:
 Identify the ways in which digital tools can support the development
of critical thinking skills in mathematics.

 Examine the impact of digital tools on students' critical thinking skills

in mathematics.

 Develop a framework for integrating digital tools into mathematics

instruction to support the development of critical thinking skills.
Result and Findings: Study found that digital tools can play a significant role
in developing critical thinking skills in mathematics classrooms. The study
identified three key ways in which digital tools can support critical thinking:

Visualizing mathematical concepts: Digital tools can provide students with

powerful ways to visualize mathematical concepts, which can help them to
better understand and apply those concepts. For example, students can use
graphing calculators to see how equations and functions work, or they can
use dynamic geometry software to explore geometric relationships.

Representing mathematical ideas: Digital tools can also help students to

represent mathematical ideas in different ways, which can promote deeper
thinking and understanding. For example, students can use word
processing software to write mathematical explanations, or they can use
presentation software to create visual representations of mathematical

Collaborating on mathematical tasks: Digital tools can also facilitate

collaboration among students on mathematical tasks. This can provide
students with opportunities to share ideas, discuss different approaches to
solving problems, and learn from each other. For example, students can use
online discussion forums to share their work and feedback on each other's
solutions, or they can use video conferencing tools to collaborate on

The study also found that effective integration of digital tools into
mathematics classrooms requires teachers to have a strong understanding
of both mathematics and technology. Teachers need to be able to identify
and select appropriate digital tools for their students' needs, and they need
to be able to design and implement lessons that effectively leverage the
power of digital tools to support critical thinking.
Recommendations: In addition to these general recommendations, Mishra
and colleagues also make some specific recommendations for the use of
digital tools in different areas of mathematics. For example, they
recommend the use of dynamic geometry software for teaching geometry,
the use of graphing software for teaching algebra and calculus, and the use
of spreadsheets and programming software for teaching statistics and data

The researchers also emphasize the importance of teacher training in the

use of digital tools for teaching mathematics. They argue that teachers
need to have a deep understanding of both the mathematics and the digital
tools in order to use them effectively in the classroom.

Overall, Mishra and colleagues' research provides strong evidence that

digital tools can be used to support the development of critical thinking
skills in mathematics. However, it is important to note that digital tools are
not a magic bullet. They need to be used in conjunction with effective
teaching practices in order to be effective

6. Aims to look at the effectiveness of project-based learning on literacy

skills and digital literacy of students in elementary schools.

Research objective:

To examine the effectiveness of project-based learning (PBL) on the literacy skills

and digital literacy of elementary school students.

Result and findings:

A growing body of research suggests that PBL can be an effective way to improve
literacy skills and digital literacy in elementary school students.

One study found that students who participated in a PBL unit on the solar system
showed significant gains in their reading comprehension scores. Another study
found that students who participated in a PBL unit on the water cycle showed
significant gains in their digital literacy skills.

PBL can be effective for improving literacy skills and digital literacy because it
provides students with opportunities to:

 Engage in authentic and meaningful learning activities

 Develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills

 Collaborate with others

 Communicate their ideas effectively

 Use a variety of digital tools and resources


Elementary school teachers should consider using PBL to improve their students'
literacy skills and digital literacy. When implementing PBL, it is important to
choose projects that are aligned with the curriculum and that provide students
with opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge they need.

Here are some specific tips for implementing PBL in elementary school

 Choose projects that are relevant to students' interests and

experiences. This will help to motivate students and engage them in the
learning process.

 Make sure that projects are aligned with the curriculum. This will help to
ensure that students are learning the skills and knowledge they need.

 Provide students with clear instructions and expectations. This will help
students to understand what they are supposed to do and how they will be
 Give students time to work on their projects independently and in
groups. This will help them to develop their critical thinking, problem-
solving, and collaboration skills.

 Encourage students to use a variety of resources, including digital tools and

resources. This will help them to develop their digital literacy skills.

 Provide students with opportunities to present their projects to their

classmates and to the community. This will help them to develop their
communication skills.

7. A Guide for Teachers: Using Digital Tools to Develop Critical Thinking

Skills in Mathematics

Research objectives:
 Identify and describe the ways in which digital tools can be used to
develop critical thinking skills in mathematics.

 Examine the research on the effectiveness of digital tools in

developing critical thinking skills in mathematics.

 Provide teachers with guidance on how to use digital tools effectively

to develop critical thinking skills in mathematics.

Result and Findings: There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that
digital tools can be effective in promoting students' critical thinking in
mathematics. For example, one study found that students who used
dynamic geometry software to learn about geometry performed better on
a problem-solving assessment than students who learned about geometry
using traditional methods. Another study found that students who used a
computer-based math tutorial to learn about algebra performed better on
a standardized math test than students who did not use the tutorial.
The NCTM guide also highlights the importance of providing teachers with
professional development opportunities to learn how to use digital tools
effectively. The guide states that teachers need to be able to select and
integrate digital tools into their instruction in a way that supports student
Based on the results and findings from the NCTM guide, it is clear that
digital tools can be a valuable asset for teachers who are working to
develop students' critical thinking skills in mathematics. However, it is also
important to note that digital tools should not be used as a replacement for
effective teaching. The best way to use digital tools to develop students'
critical thinking skills is to integrate them into a well-designed curriculum
and to provide students with opportunities to use them in meaningful

Recommendations: Recommendations for using digital tools to develop

critical thinking skills in mathematics are excellent. Digital tools can be a
powerful way to help students visualize mathematical concepts, model
real-world situations, collaborate with each other, communicate their
ideas, and reflect on their own learning. It is important to choose digital
tools that are appropriate for the age and ability level of your students. It is
also important to provide students with training on how to use the digital
tools that you have chosen.

Finally, it is important to remember that digital tools are just one tool that
can be used to develop students' critical thinking skills in mathematics. It is
also important to provide students with opportunities to solve problems
and to think critically about mathematics without the use of technology.
8. Implementing a digital reading and writing workshop model for content
literacy instruction in an urban elementary (K–8) school.

Research objectives:
 Identify the challenges and opportunities of implementing a digital
reading and writing workshop model in an urban elementary school.

 Describe how teachers' knowledge and practice of digital reading and

writing workshop instruction changed as a result of the professional

 Examine the impact of the digital reading and writing workshop

model on student content literacy achievement.

Result and Findings: The study concluded that the digital reading and
writing workshop model is a promising approach for teaching content
literacy in urban elementary schools, but that more professional
development and support is needed to help teachers implement it
effectively. Overall, the findings of Ciampa's study suggest that the digital
reading and writing workshop model is an effective way to improve content
literacy instruction for urban elementary school students. The model is
scalable and sustainable, making it a promising option for schools and
districts that are looking to improve their literacy instruction.

Recommendations: Overall, Ciampa's research suggests that a digital

reading and writing workshop model can be an effective way to improve
content literacy instruction in urban elementary schools. However, it is
important to provide teachers with the necessary training and resources,
and to create a supportive school culture that encourages collaboration

9. Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking: The Future of Mathematics


Research objectives:
 Identify the key themes and findings of the existing research on
digital literacy and critical thinking in mathematics education.

 Synthesize the research findings and develop a framework for

understanding the relationship between digital literacy, critical
thinking, and mathematics education.

 Develop recommendations for future research and practice on

digital literacy and critical thinking in mathematics education.

Result and Findings:

Digital literacy and critical thinking are essential skills for success in
mathematics education and in the 21st century workforce. Digital technologies
can be used to support the development of both digital literacy and critical
thinking skills in mathematics education. However, the use of digital technologies
in mathematics education is not a guarantee of success. It is important to
carefully design and implement digital learning activities that are aligned with the
desired learning outcomes.

Recommendations: Mathematics educators should develop their own

digital literacy and critical thinking skills.
Mathematics educators should integrate digital technologies into their
teaching practices in a meaningful way.
Mathematics educators should provide students with opportunities to
develop their digital literacy and critical thinking skills through authentic
and engaging mathematical activities.
More research is needed on how to effectively use digital technologies to
support the development of digital literacy and critical thinking skills in
mathematics education.
Overall, Thomas et al. (2019) concluded that digital literacy and critical
thinking are essential skills for success in mathematics education and in the
21st century workforce. They also concluded that digital technologies can
be used to support the development of both digital literacy and critical
thinking skills in mathematics education, but that more research is needed
on how to do this effectively.

10.The Implementation of Mathematics Comic through Contextual

Teaching and Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability and

Research objectives:
 To analyze the effectiveness of mathematics comic teaching material
with Pancasila values in improving students' critical thinking ability.

 To analyze the effectiveness of mathematics comic teaching material

with Pancasila values in developing students' character.

Result and Findings:

Using mathematics comic teaching material with Pancasila values is
effective in improving students' critical thinking ability. Using mathematics
comic teaching material with Pancasila values is effective in developing
students' character, especially discipline and hard work.

Recommendations: The authors also recommend that teachers:

Provide students with opportunities to discuss and reflect on the Pancasila
values embedded in the mathematics comics. Encourage students to apply
the Pancasila values in their daily lives. Model the Pancasila values in their
own teaching behaviors. Overall, the study by Lestari, Ahmadi, and
Rochmad (2021) provides evidence that mathematics comic teaching
material with Pancasila values can be an effective way to improve students'
critical thinking ability and character. Mathematics comic teaching material
with Pancasila values can be used as an alternative teaching material to
improve students' critical thinking ability and character in mathematics
learning. Teachers need to be creative in developing and using mathematics
comic teaching material with Pancasila values in their teaching. Further
research is needed to develop more effective mathematics comic teaching
material with Pancasila values for different mathematics topics and grade

11.Fostering students’ mathematical critical thinking skills on number

patterns through digital book STEM PjBL .
21st-century learning requires students to have the competency
problem-solving and critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration
and communication.

Research objective:
 Develop a digital book STEM PjBL to foster students' mathematical
critical thinking skills on number patterns.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the digital book STEM PjBL in fostering
students' mathematical critical thinking skills on number patterns.

Result and Findings: The study found that the digital book STEM PjBL was
effective in fostering students' mathematical critical thinking skills on
number patterns. Students who learned using the digital book STEM PjBL
showed significantly higher scores on a test of mathematical critical
thinking skills than students who learned using a traditional textbook
method. The study also found that the digital book STEM PjBL had a
positive impact on students' other 21st-century learning skills, such as
problem-solving, collaboration, and communication.

Recommendations: The authors of the study recommend that the digital

book STEM PjBL be used in classrooms to foster students' mathematical
critical thinking skills on number patterns. They also recommend that
further research be conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the digital
book STEM PjBL in other areas of mathematics and science. In addition to
the recommendations above, I would also recommend that the digital book
STEM PjBL be made available to students and teachers all over the world.
This would help to ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop
their mathematical critical thinking skills, regardless of their location or
socioeconomic status.

12.Digital comic learning media based on character values on students’

critical thinking in solving mathematical problems in terms of learning

Research objective:
 To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of digital comic learning
media based on character values on students' critical thinking in
solving mathematical problems in terms of learning styles.

Result and findings:

The study found that the digital comic learning media was effective in
improving students' critical thinking in solving mathematical problems.
Students who used the digital comic learning media showed significantly
higher scores on the Critical Thinking Skills Test than students who did not
use the digital comic learning media. The study also found that the digital
comic learning media was effective for all three learning styles: visual,
auditory, and kinaesthetic. Visual learners benefited from the illustrations
and animations in the digital comics. Auditory learners benefited from the
sound effects and music in the digital comics. Kinesthetic learners benefited
from the interactive elements in the digital comics.

Teachers should consider using digital comic learning media based on
character values to improve their students' critical thinking in solving
mathematical problems. Digital comic learning media can be an effective
way to engage students in learning and to help them develop the critical
thinking skills they need to be successful in school and in life.
Here are some specific tips for using digital comic learning media in the
 Choose digital comic learning media that are appropriate for your students'
grade level and learning style.
 Provide students with opportunities to work on digital comic learning
media independently and in groups.
 Encourage students to discuss their learning from the digital comic learning
media with each other and with you.
 Use the digital comic learning media to supplement your other teaching

13. Digital comic learning media based on character values on students’

critical thinking in solving mathematical problems in terms of learning

Research objectives:
 To develop digital comic learning media based on character values on
students' critical thinking in solving mathematical problems.
 To evaluate the effectiveness of the digital comic learning media in terms of
learning styles.

Results and findings:

The study found that the digital comic learning media was effective in
improving students' critical thinking in solving mathematical problems,
regardless of their learning style. Students who used the digital comic
learning media showed significantly higher scores on the Critical Thinking
Skills Test than students who did not use the digital comic learning media.
The study also found that the digital comic learning media was effective for
all three learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners
benefited from the illustrations and animations in the digital comics.
Auditory learners benefited from the sound effects and music in the digital
comics. Kinesthetic learners benefited from the interactive elements in the
digital comics.

Teachers should consider using digital comic learning media based on
character values to improve their students' critical thinking in solving
mathematical problems. Digital comic learning media can be an effective
way to engage students in learning and to help them develop the critical
thinking skills they need to be successful in school and in life.
Here are some specific recommendations for using digital comic learning
media in the classroom:
 Choose digital comic learning media that are appropriate for your students'
grade level, learning style, and interests.
 Provide students with opportunities to work on digital comic learning
media independently and in groups.
 Encourage students to discuss their learning from the digital comic learning
media with each other and with you.
 Use the digital comic learning media to supplement your other teaching
In addition to the above, here are some specific recommendations for
developing and using digital comic learning media based on character
 When developing digital comic learning media, be sure to include
characters who exhibit positive character values, such as honesty, integrity,
perseverance, and compassion.
 Use the digital comic learning media to teach students about different
critical thinking skills, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and
evaluating information.
 Provide students with opportunities to practice using critical thinking skills
to solve mathematical problems in the digital comic learning media.
 Encourage students to reflect on their learning from the digital comic
learning media and to apply what they have learned to their own lives.

14. Digital Literacy Conceptual Framework for Survival Skills in the Digital

Research objective:
 To develop a conceptual framework for digital literacy in the digital
 To identify the key components of digital literacy.
 To explore the relationship between digital literacy and other types
of literacy.
 To examine the implications of digital literacy for education and

Result and Findings: Access to digital technologies, Ability to use digital

technologies, Ability to understand digital technologies, Ability to create
with digital technologies, Ability to evaluate digital technologies, Ability to
communicate using digital technologies. Eshet also found that digital
literacy is closely related to other types of literacy, such as reading, writing,
and critical thinking. She argued that digital literacy is essential for survival
and success in the digital era.

Recommendations: Education systems should integrate digital literacy into

all subjects. Digital literacy should be taught from a young age. Adults
should have opportunities to develop their digital literacy skills.
Governments and businesses should invest in digital infrastructure and
training programs. Implications for today, Eshet's research is still relevant
today. The digital landscape has changed significantly since 2004, but the
core components of digital literacy remain the same. Digital literacy is
essential for success in all aspects of life, from education to employment to
personal relationships.

15.Engaging preservice primary and preprimary school teachers in digital

storytelling for the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Research Objective:
 To explore how preservice primary and preprimary school teachers
can be engaged in digital storytelling for the teaching and learning
of mathematics.

Result and Findings: The research found that preservice primary and
preprimary school teachers can be engaged in digital storytelling for the
teaching and learning of mathematics through a variety of activities and
experiences, including: Learning about digital storytelling and its potential
for mathematics education, Creating their own digital mathematics stories,
Observing and reflecting on other digital mathematics stories. Discussing
and planning for the use of digital mathematics stories in the classroom
Increased knowledge and understanding of digital storytelling, Increased
confidence in using technology for mathematics education, Increased
understanding of the importance of creativity and innovation in
mathematics education.

Recommendations: The study reported in this paper highlights the

importance of interrelating pedagogical, technical and content knowledge
competencies within the education of preservice teachers. The evidence
put forward is enough to reject the null hypothesis and to argue that the
intervention has in deed impacted positively on the competencies of
preservice teachers in multimodal literacy and com-position, mathematical
problem solving and their ability to teach mathematics. There search
reported here extends the understanding related to student-teacher
education in ICT by redressing the tendency to make ICT practice adjunct to
,rather than integrated with, the pedagogic and subject education f
preservice teachers. A teacher’s capability to engage in creative work with
ICT in teaching involves sound knowledge of the subjects being taught as
well as pedagogic and technical competencies. The use of multi modal
designing digital storytelling has the potential to impact not only on the
perceptions preservice teachers may hold relative to ICT use in the
classroom, but al soon their understanding of subject
specific concepts, such as mathematical problem solving. By taking a
multimodal design approach, preservice teachers can be forced to develop,
combine and present a variety of knowledge constructions an

16. Digital technology in learning mathematical literacy, can it helpful?

Research objective:

 To examine the effectiveness of digital technology in learning

mathematical literacy.

Result and findings:

A growing body of research suggests that digital technology can be an

effective way to improve mathematical literacy.
One study found that students who used a digital math game showed
significant gains in their mathematical literacy scores. Another study found
that students who used a digital math learning platform showed significant
gains in their ability to solve real-world mathematical problems.
Digital technology can be effective for improving mathematical literacy
because it provides students with opportunities to:
 Engage in active and interactive learning activities
 Visualize and explore mathematical concepts
 Practice solving mathematical problems in a variety of ways
 Receive immediate feedback on their work
 Collaborate with others


Teachers should consider using digital technology to improve their

students' mathematical literacy. When choosing digital technology tools
and resources, it is important to select those that are aligned with the
curriculum and that provide students with opportunities to develop the
skills and knowledge they need.
Here are some specific tips for using digital technology to improve
mathematical literacy:
 Use digital technology tools and resources to supplement your other
teaching methods.
 Choose digital technology tools and resources that are appropriate for your
students' grade level and abilities.
 Provide students with opportunities to use digital technology tools and
resources to explore mathematical concepts, solve problems, and
collaborate with others.
 Monitor students' progress and provide them with support as needed.

17. Augmented Reality for Integer Learning: Investigating its potential on

students’ critical thinking

Research objective:

 To investigate the potential of augmented reality (AR) for improving

students' critical thinking in integer learning.

Results and findings:

The study found that AR was effective in improving students' critical thinking
in integer learning. Students who used AR showed significantly higher scores
on the Critical Thinking Skills Test than students who did not use AR.
The study also found that AR was particularly effective for improving students'
ability to solve real-world mathematical problems. Students who used AR
were better able to apply their knowledge of integers to solve problems that
were presented in real-world contexts.


Teachers should consider using AR to improve their students' critical thinking

in integer learning. AR can be an effective way to engage students in learning
and to help them develop the critical thinking skills they need to be successful
in school and in life.

Here are some specific tips for using AR in the classroom:

 Choose AR activities that are aligned with the curriculum and that provide
students with opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge they need.

 Provide students with clear instructions and expectations for using AR


 Give students time to explore and interact with AR activities independently

and in groups.

 Encourage students to discuss their learning from AR activities with each

other and with you.

 Use AR activities to supplement your other teaching methods.

By following these tips, teachers can effectively use AR to improve their

students' critical thinking in integer learning.

Additional recommendations:

 Use AR to create interactive and engaging learning experiences for


 Use AR to help students visualize and understand complex mathematical

 Use AR to provide students with opportunities to practice solving
mathematical problems in a variety of ways.

 Use AR to assess students' progress and to identify areas where they need
additional support.

18. Critical thinking in mathematics education

Research objective:
 To explore the importance of critical thinking in mathematics
education and identify ways to promote it in the classroom.

Result and Findings:

Critical thinking is essential for success in mathematics. It allows students

to analyze problems, identify and evaluate different solutions, and make
informed decisions about their approach. Critical thinking skills are also
important for applying mathematics to real-world situations.
Research has shown that there are a number of ways to promote critical
thinking in mathematics education. One important approach is to create a
learning environment where students are encouraged to ask questions,
share their ideas, and challenge each other's thinking. Teachers can also
model critical thinking by explaining their own reasoning process and
encouraging students to do the same.
Another important way to promote critical thinking in mathematics
education is to provide students with opportunities to engage in problem-
solving activities. When students are faced with challenging problems, they
are forced to think critically about different ways to approach them.
Teachers can provide support by scaffolding problems and encouraging
students to work together.
Finally, teachers can promote critical thinking in mathematics education by
assessing students' understanding in a variety of ways. Traditional tests
and quizzes can be used to assess students' knowledge of mathematical
concepts and procedures. However, it is also important to use assessments
that require students to think critically about mathematics, such as
problem-solving tasks, open-ended questions, and mathematical
Recommendations about this research:
 Teachers should create a learning environment where students are
encouraged to ask questions, share their ideas, and challenge each other's
 Teachers should model critical thinking by explaining their own reasoning
process and encouraging students to do the same.
 Teachers should provide students with opportunities to engage in problem-
solving activities.
 Teachers should assess students' understanding in a variety of ways,
including assessments that require students to think critically about
In addition to the above recommendations, here are some other ideas for
promoting critical thinking in mathematics education:
 Use real-world problems and examples. This will help students see the
relevance of mathematics and learn to apply it to their own lives.
 Encourage students to make and defend their own conjectures. This will
help them develop their critical thinking and reasoning skills.
 Have students work collaboratively on problem-solving tasks. This will give
them the opportunity to learn from each other and challenge each other's
 Provide students with opportunities to reflect on their own learning. This
will help them develop their metacognitive skills and become more
effective learners.

19.. Exploring digital literacy strategies for students with special

educational needs in the digital age

Research objective:

 To explore digital literacy strategies for students with special

educational needs in the digital age.
Result and Findings:

Digital literacy is essential for all students in today's world. It allows

students to access information, communicate with others, and participate
in society. However, students with special educational needs may face
challenges in developing digital literacy skills.
Research has shown that there are a number of strategies that can be used
to support students with special educational needs in developing digital
literacy skills. One important strategy is to provide students with access to
appropriate technology and software. There are a variety of assistive
technologies available that can help students with disabilities use digital
tools and resources.
Another important strategy is to provide students with instruction in digital
literacy skills. This instruction should be tailored to the individual needs of
each student. For example, students with learning disabilities may need
additional support with reading and writing online. Students with physical
disabilities may need help using specialized input devices.
Finally, it is important to create a supportive learning environment where
students feel comfortable asking for help and taking risks. Teachers can
model digital literacy skills and provide students with opportunities to
practice in a safe and supportive environment.

 Provide students with access to appropriate technology and software.
 Provide students with instruction in digital literacy skills tailored to their
individual needs.
 Create a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable
asking for help and taking risks.
In addition to the above recommendations, here are some other ideas for
supporting students with special educational needs in developing digital
literacy skills:
 Use a variety of teaching methods and materials. This will help to engage all
students and meet their different learning styles.
 Break down tasks into smaller steps. This will make tasks more manageable
for students with difficulty planning and organizing.
 Provide students with multiple opportunities to practice and learn from
their mistakes.
 Use positive reinforcement and encouragement. This will help students to
develop confidence in their digital literacy skills.

20.Digital comic learning media based on character values on students’

critical thinking in solving mathematical problems in terms of learning

Research objective:
 To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of digital comic learning
media based on character values on students' critical thinking in
solving mathematical problems in terms of learning styles.

Result and Findings:

The study found that the digital comic learning media was effective in
improving students' critical thinking in solving mathematical problems.
Students who used the learning media showed significantly higher scores
on critical thinking tests than students who did not use the learning media.
The study also found that the digital comic learning media was effective for
students with all three learning styles (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic).
Students who used the learning media, regardless of their learning style,
showed significant improvement in their critical thinking skills.


 Teachers should consider using digital comic learning media based on

character values to improve their students' critical thinking and
mathematical problem-solving skills.
 Teachers should provide students with opportunities to use the digital
comic learning media in a variety of ways, such as for individual learning,
small group work, and whole class instruction.
 Teachers should assess students' critical thinking and mathematical
problem-solving skills using a variety of methods, such as tests, quizzes, and
problem-solving tasks.
In addition to the above recommendations, here are some other ideas for
using digital comic learning media based on character values in the
 Use the digital comic learning media to introduce new mathematical
concepts and skills.
 Use the digital comic learning media to provide students with opportunities
to practice solving mathematical problems.
 Use the digital comic learning media to help students develop their critical
thinking skills.
 Use the digital comic learning media to promote character education.

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