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WRITING PART I...............................................................................................................................1

I. Express apology..........................................................................................................................1
1. One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to
tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write an email to apologize to your friend....................1
2. Write an email to apologize for a missing appointment with your clients................................1
3. Apology for delivering damaged products to our valued customers.......................................2
4. Apology for Noise Complaints from My Flat............................................................................3
II. Express thank.............................................................................................................................3
1. Write an email to thank your friend for a wonderful gift...........................................................3
2. Write an email to thank your friend's hospitality during your stay...........................................4
3. Write an email to thank your manager for supporting you......................................................4
III. Express a complaint..................................................................................................................4
1. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are
many problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to study. Write an email to
your apartment manager to complain about that and request assistance..................................5
2. Write an email to complain about the car air conditioner and request for assistance.............5
3. Write an email to complain about the defective computer delivery.........................................6
4. Write an email to complain about a disappointing meal at XYZ company..............................6
5. Write an email to complain about a disappointing cruise experience.....................................7
IV.Express interest/ concerns.........................................................................................................7
1. Write an application for accountant position...........................................................................7
2. You are going to visit New Zealand. Write an email for the hotels to ask for more
4. Write an email to ask for information about an English course...............................................8
5. Write an email to express your interest in joining the University Music Club..........................9
Giving good news...........................................................................................................................9
1. Write an email to a selected applicant....................................................................................9
Các dạng khác..............................................................................................................................10
Đề thi thật năm 2023...................................................................................................................11
Write an email to tell your director that you got an accident while working and suggest
Write an email to invite your foreign friend to attend your company's year end party..............13
WRITING PART II............................................................................................................................13
I. Agree or disagree......................................................................................................................14
1. Vấn đề hút thuốc (hút thuốc nơi công cộng có được k)........................................................14
2. (lý do duy nhất làm việc là để kiếm tiền) The only reason to work hard is to earn money.. .14
3. (sử dụng đt ở nơi công cộng nên bị cấm) Some people say that mobile phones should be
banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport.....................................15
4. (Thà thất nghiệp còn hơn làm công việc mình không thích) It is better to be unemployed in
jobs rather than to be employed in jobs even if they don’t feel happy......................................16
5. Việc giới trẻ sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông (internet, fb, mobifone ...) media...............16
II. Advantages and disadvantages...............................................................................................17
1. Sự ảnh hưởng của công nghệ trong giáo dục ( lợi và bất)...................................................17
2. Bất lợi và lợi ích của việc du học ( studying board ...)..........................................................18
3. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng (public transport)
4. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc học trực tuyến.......................................................................19
5. (công nghệ thay đổi trẻ em sử dụng tg rảnh rỗi) Technology has changed the way children
spend their free time.................................................................................................................20
III. Discussion essay.....................................................................................................................20
Ảnh hưởng của việc chơi game đối với trẻ em.........................................................................20
Ô nhiễm môi trường nói chung.................................................................................................21
(Thể thao có quan trọng không) Some people believe that sport has an important role in
society. Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people..22
Giới trẻ chạy theo thời trang( Young people are now spending more and more time and
money following fashion trends. ).............................................................................................22
(có nên làm 1 công việc suốt đời) Some people believe that no one should do the same job for
all their working life....................................................................................................................23
IV. Causes and effects..................................................................................................................24
1. Obesity in children is becoming a big problem in many countries. What are the main
causes and effects?..................................................................................................................24
2. What are the causes and the effects of traffic jams in big cities?.........................................24
3. The causes and effects of TV on children.............................................................................25
4. The Causes and Effects of Air Pollution on People's Health................................................26
5. The causes and effects of the popularity of junk food and fast food nowadays..................27
What are the effects and solutions of internet addiction?.........................................................27
(Lãng phí lương thực) Everyday, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world..........28
8. (Nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho sức khỏe không lành mạnh ) Scientists tell us that some
activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people still
continue doing unhealthy activities...........................................................................................29
Các đề thi thật năm 2023..............................................................................................................30
Some people think that it is better to spend all of their income to meet their personal needs
than to pay taxes to the government. Others believe that paying taxes to the government is
necessary to prevent social disorder. Discuss both views and give your own opinions...........30
Nowadays, people tend to have multiple jobs at the same time. Do the advantages outweigh
its disadvantages?....................................................................................................................30
Many people try to balance work and other parts of their life. However, this is very difficult to
do. What are the problems associated with this? What is the best way to achieve a better


I. Express apology

1. One of your friends recently had a birthday celebration, but you missed it and you forgot to
tell your friend that you couldn't attend. Write an email to apologize to your friend.

Dear Long,

How have you been? To begin with, happy birthday to you. I wish you all the best of luck. I am
writing this letter not only to give you a wish but to apologize to you also. I knew that you had a
birthday celebration yesterday and I forgot to tell you about my absence for some personal reasons.
I hope you will forgive me for this.

On Monday morning, when you sent me an invitation to join your birthday party, I felt under the
weather so I couldn't check my phone. My body temperature was very high and soon I had a fever.
After taking some medicine, I slept for a long time. Therefore, when I woke up I missed your
message, followed by a large number of notifications from other chat groups.
I would like to invite you to dine at Haidilao restaurant to celebrate your birthday as a late gift from
me. I hope I have an opportunity to apologize to you in person and spend our time together.

Best Regards

2. Write an email to apologize for a missing appointment with your clients

Dear [Client's Name],

I am writing this email to express my sincere apologies for missing our scheduled appointment on
[Date] at [Time]. I understand that your time is valuable, and I deeply regret causing you any
inconvenience and disappointment.

I take full responsibility for the mix-up, and I assure you that it was not intentional. Unfortunately,
an unexpected emergency came up, and I was unable to attend the meeting as planned. However, I
realize that this is not an excuse for letting you down, and I should have informed you beforehand.

I want you to know that I value your business, and I am committed to ensuring that such a situation
never happens again. I have already taken steps to improve my scheduling process and put measures
in place to prevent any similar mistakes from occurring in the future.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused you. Please let me know if there is
anything I can do to make it up to you. I look forward to rescheduling our appointment at your
convenience and discussing how we can move forward. for

Thank you your understanding

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name]

3. Apology for delivering damaged products to our valued customers

Dear [Customer Name],

Dear [Neighbour's Name],

I am writing this email to express my sincere apologies for delivering damaged products to you. We
understand that this has caused you a great deal of inconvenience and disappointment, and we are
truly sorry for this.

We take full responsibility for the damaged products that we delivered to you, and we assure you
that it was not intentional. Unfortunately, due to a mistake in our quality control process, some of
the products were damaged during shipment. We deeply regret this error and understand how
important it is to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services.

We have taken immediate action to rectify the situation and ensure that such incidents do not
happen again in the future. We have reviewed our quality control procedures and made necessary
changes to prevent such mistakes from happening in the future. We have also ensured that you will
receive a replacement of the damaged products at our earliest convenience, and we will cover all
shipping costs associated with it.
Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to you, and we hope that you can accept our
sincere apologies. Our customers are important to us, and we want to ensure that you receive only
the best products and services from us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further concerns or questions. We appreciate
your business and thank you for your understanding.

[Your name]

4. Apology for Noise Complaints from My Flat

I am so sorry for the noise coming from my flat that has been disturbing you and other neighbors. I
completely understand how unpleasant and disruptive it can be to have to deal with noise, and I am
deeply sorry for any inconvenience I have caused.

I realize that the noise level from my flat has been too high and has been causing disturbance to the
peace of the community. I assure you that I never intended to cause any disturbance, and I regret
that my actions have had a negative impact on you.
I would like to assure you that I have taken immediate measures to address the issue. I have reduced
the volume of the music and made sure that all the windows and doors are closed when playing
music. I have also spoken to my guests and advised them to keep the noise level low.

I would like to apologize once again and assure you that I will take all the necessary steps to ensure
that the noise level from my flat is minimized and does not disturb you or any other neighbor in the

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. I value the peaceful co-existence of our
community and appreciate your understanding.

Best regard
[Your name]

II. Express thank

1. Write an email to thank your friend for a wonderful gift

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the
amazing gift you gave me on [occasion/date]. I was thrilled and touched by your thoughtful gesture.
The dress is so amazing and it suits me a lot. I received tons of compliments when I wore it.
It truly means a lot to me that you went out of your way to pick out such a beautiful gift for me. It
shows how well you know me and how much you care about our friendship. I will treasure it
Thank you once again for your kindness, generosity, and thoughtfulness. Your gift has made my
day, and I feel very fortunate to have you in my life.
Looking forward to seeing you soon and spending more time together.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Write an email to thank your friend's hospitality during your stay.

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your
kind hospitality during my stay at your house. I had a wonderful time and felt very comfortable
during my entire stay. We had dinner and told stories, which made me feel like I was at home.
I can't thank you enough for your warmth, generosity, and hospitality. You went out of your way to
make me feel at home, and I am very grateful for that. Your kindness and thoughtfulness have left a
lasting impression on me, and I will always remember my stay at your house with fond memories.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to return the favor. I am always here to help you in
any way I can. I look forward to seeing you soon and spending more time together.
Once again, thank you so much for your hospitality. I truly appreciate it.

Best regards,
[Your name]

3. Write an email to thank your manager for supporting you

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing this email to express my sincere gratitude for your unwavering support and guidance.
Your support has been invaluable to me, and I feel very fortunate to have you as my manager.
Your support has given me the confidence to take on new challenges and to perform to the best of
my abilities. I truly appreciate the time and effort you have put into helping me achieve my goals,
and I am grateful for your patience and understanding during the times when I faced obstacles.
I look forward to continuing to work under your leadership and guidance. Please let me know if
there is anything I can do to support you and the team. I am always here to help in any way I can.
Once again, thank you for your support. It means a lot to me, and I will always remember your

Best regards,
[Your Name]

III. Express a complaint

1. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are
many problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to study. Write an email
to your apartment manager to complain about that and request assistance.

Dear [Apartment Manager's Name],

I am writing this email to bring to your attention some ongoing issues I have been facing in my
shared room at [Apartment Name]. I currently live with another student, but unfortunately, the
arrangement has not been working out well for me.
She never cleans our room. Furthermore, she often invites her friend to stay without my permission.
I have tried to speak with my roommate and resolve the issues, but unfortunately, the situation has
not improved.
These issues have been making it extremely difficult for me to focus on my studies and have been
affecting my overall well-being.
I am hoping that you can assist me in finding a solution to these issues, as I am struggling to cope
with the current living arrangement. If possible, I would like to request a change in room or
roommate to help me better focus on my studies and improve my overall living conditions.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thank
you for your time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name]

2. Write an email to complain about the car air conditioner and request for assistance

Dear [Car Rental Company's Name],

I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that I have been facing with the car I rented from
your company. I am currently renting a XYZ car from your location, and unfortunately, the air
conditioning system has stopped working properly. It does not blow cool air and makes strange
noises sometimes.
This issue has been causing me significant discomfort and inconvenience, especially during the hot
weather we are currently experiencing. I have tried to fix the issue myself, but unfortunately, the
problem has persisted.
Therefore, I am kindly requesting that you please provide assistance in resolving this issue as soon
as possible. I would appreciate it if you could arrange for the car to be inspected and repaired by a
qualified mechanic. Alternatively, if a replacement car is available, I would be willing to exchange
the current rental for a car that has a working air conditioning system.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, as I rely on the rental car for transportation and
cannot continue to use it under these conditions.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in resolving this issue.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name]

3. Write an email to complain about the defective computer delivery

Dear [Computer Supplier's Name],

I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration with the computer I recently purchased
from your company. The computer was delivered to me yesterday, but unfortunately, it is not
working properly. I couldn't turn it on. I have tried to troubleshoot the issue myself, but
unfortunately, the problem persists. Furthermore, it has a crash on the screen. This is causing me
significant inconvenience, as I rely on the computer for work and personal use. I am extremely
disappointed with the quality of the product I received, and I am hoping that you can provide a
solution to this issue.
Therefore, I am kindly requesting that you please arrange for the computer to be inspected and
repaired by a qualified technician. Alternatively, if a replacement computer is available, I would be
willing to exchange the defective unit for a working one.
I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a swift resolution. Please let
me know if there is any additional information or documentation that you require from me to
facilitate this process.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

Yours Sincerely,
[Your Name]

4. Write an email to complain about a disappointing meal at XYZ company.

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my disappointment with the meal that my family and I had at your
restaurant yesterday. Unfortunately, the experience was not up to our expectations, and we would
like to bring to your attention the issues that we faced.
We were extremely disappointed with the quality of the food that was served to us. The dishes were
not cooked properly, and some items were cold and seemed to be reheated. Additionally, the service
we received was not good, as we had to wait a long time to be seated.
We have been loyal customers of your restaurant and have always enjoyed our meals in the past.
Therefore, we were deeply disappointed with the poor quality of our recent experience. We hope
that you can address these issues and take appropriate action to improve the quality of your
We kindly request that you take necessary steps to ensure that such issues do not happen again in
the future. We would appreciate your prompt response and assurance that these concerns will be
addressed promptly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We hope that our feedback will help you to improve
your services.

[Your Name]

5. Write an email to complain about a disappointing cruise experience

Dear [Cruise Company's Name],

I am writing to express my disappointment with the cruise that I recently took with your company.
Unfortunately, the experience was not up to our expectations, and we would like to bring to your
attention the issues that we faced.
We were extremely disappointed with the overall experience on the cruise. The quality of the food
and the variety of options were not good, and we found the service to be slow and unsatisfactory.
Additionally, the cleanliness of the ship was not up to our standards, and we noticed several unclean
areas that were not attended to properly.
We understand that issues can arise during a journey, but the disappointment we faced during our
time on the cruise was significant. We hope that you can address these issues and take appropriate
action to improve the quality of your services.
We kindly request that you take necessary steps to ensure that such issues do not happen again in
the future. We would appreciate your prompt response and assurance that these concerns will be
addressed promptly.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We hope that our feedback will help you to improve
your services.

[Your Name]

IV.Express interest/ concerns

1. Write an application for accountant position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Accountant position currently available at XYZ
company. I came across the job posting on Facebook and was immediately attracted to the job
description and responsibilities listed.
I graduated from the Academy of Finance. My major is accounting. I used to be an intern at ABC
company. Thanks to my working period here, I learned a lot to use accounting software such as
QuickBooks, Oracle, and SAP, and can perform a range of accounting functions such as accounts
receivable, financial statement preparation.
I am a detail-oriented individual who ensures that all financial records are accurate and up-to-date. I
am also a team player who enjoys collaborating with colleagues to achieve common goals. I possess
excellent communication skills
I am excited about the opportunity to work with your team and contribute to the success of your
organization. I am confident that my skills and commitment to excellence would make me a
valuable addition to your team.
Thank you for considering my application. Please find my resume attached for your review. I look
forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]

2. You are going to visit New Zealand. Write an email for the hotels to ask for more

Dear [Hotel Name],

I am planning a trip to New Zealand and I came across your hotel while searching for
accommodation options. I am interested in learning more about your hotel and the amenities you
offer. Could you please provide me with some additional information about your hotel?
Specifically, I am interested in the following:
1. Availability of rooms and rates during the dates of my stay
2. Types of rooms available and their respective prices
3. Amenities and services offered, such as Wi-Fi, parking, airport shuttle, and breakfast options
4. Location and proximity to nearby attractions
5. Check-in and check-out times and any related policies
I would also appreciate any other information you think would be helpful for a traveler to know.
I would be grateful if you could provide me with this information at your earliest convenience, as I
am in the process of finalizing my travel plans. If you have any recommendations for local
attractions or restaurants, I would be happy to hear them.
Thank you for your time and assistance.

Sincerely, [Name]

4. Write an email to ask for information about an English course

Dear [School/Institution Name],

I am writing to inquire about your English language course that I came across on your website. I am
interested in learning more about the course and how it can help me improve my English language
Could you please provide me with some additional information about the course? Specifically, I am
interested in the following:
1. Course duration, start dates, and timings
2. Level of the course and the requirements for enrollment
3. Qualifications and experience of the teachers
4. Fees and payment options
I would also appreciate any other information you think would be helpful for a prospective student
to know.
If possible, could you also provide me with some student testimonials and success stories from your
previous students who have completed the course? I am very interested in pursuing this course, but
I would like to learn more about it before I make a final decision. I would be grateful if you could
provide me with this information at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
[Your Name]

5. Write an email to express your interest in joining the University Music Club

Dear [Music Club President],

I am writing to express my interest in joining the university music club that I have heard so much
about. I have been passionate about music for as long as I can remember, and I would love the
opportunity to be a part of a group.
Could you please provide me with some information about the club and how I can join?
Specifically, I am interested in the following:
1. Meeting times and locations
2. Types of music played and instruments used
3. Upcoming events and performances
I would be grateful if you could also let me know if there are any auditions or requirements for
joining the club, as well as any fees or dues associated with membership.
I am excited about the possibility of joining your club and would be honored to be a part of it.
Please let me know what the next steps are and how I can get involved.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]
Giving good news

1. Write an email to a selected applicant

Dear Jonathan,

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the marketing director position. We enjoyed getting
to know you. We have completed all of our interviews.
I'm pleased to inform you that we would like to offer you the marketing director position. We
believe your past experience and strong interpersonal skills will be an asset to Smith Consulting.
Your starting salary will be $65,000 per year with an anticipated start date of June 1. The next step
in the process is to set up meetings with our CEO, Brandon Davis, and our CFO, Marilyn Jones.
Please respond to this email by May 25 to let us know if you would like to accept the marketing
director position.
I am eager to work with you since I know I can learn more from you.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me via email. I look forward to hearing from

Sincerely, Name

Các dạng khác

Write an email to request for Time Off

Dear [Manager's Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from work for personal reasons. Due to unforeseen
circumstances, I need to take some time off from work to attend to some personal matters that
require my immediate attention.
I would like to take [number of days/weeks] off, starting from [start date] until fend date]. I assure
you that I will make every effort to minimize any disruption to the workflow and will complete any
pending assignments before my leave begins.
I have made arrangements to ensure that my work responsibilities are covered during my absence. I
have discussed my plans with my colleagues and arranged for them to take over my duties and
responsibilities during my absence. I am confident that they will be able to handle any issues that
may arise, and I will be available remotely to provide support if needed.
I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience to the organization, and I apologize
for any inconvenience this may cause. However, I would be grateful if you could consider my
request for time off, as this matter requires my immediate attention. I assure you that I will return to
work as soon as possible and will resume my duties with the same level of commitment and
Thank you for your understanding.
Sincerely, [Your Name]

Write a letter to the newspaper to tell them about a restaurant you would like to recommend,
describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth visiting.

I am writing to recommend a fantastic restaurant that I recently visited and had an unforgettable
dining experience. The restaurant is called [Restaurant Name], and I believe it is one of the best
restaurants in town. I had the pleasure of visiting [Restaurant Name] last weekend with some
friends, and I must say that the food was exceptional. The restaurant's ambiance was warm and
inviting, and the service was impeccable. The menu was well-curated, and we were spoiled for
I ordered the [dish name], which was absolutely delicious. The flavors were perfectly balanced, and
the presentation was exquisite. The portion size was generous, and the dish was cooked to
perfection. My friends tried other dishes on the menu, and they were equally impressed.
Apart from the food, the service at [Restaurant Name] was outstanding. The staff was attentive,
knowledgeable, and went out of their way to ensure that we had a great dining experience. The
restaurant's decor was stylish and modern, which added to the overall dining experience.
I would highly recommend [Restaurant Name] to anyone looking for a memorable dining
experience. The food, service, and ambiance make it worth visiting. I can't wait to go back and try
some of their other dishes.
Thank you for your attention, and I hope that others will have the opportunity to experience this
wonderful restaurant.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Đề thi thật năm 2023

Write an email to tell your director that you got an accident while working and suggest

Dear Mr/Ms,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to report an unfortunate incident that occurred while I
was working at the office today.
At 9am this morning, when I went to the toilet, I fell on the floor. My knee has been covered in
bruises, which was quite painful. I checked with my doctor already and fortunately everything was
fine. I just took some painkillers so don't worry about that. However, I realized that the reason for
that is wet floors. The cleaning staff might not mop the floor properly. I think you place clear and
visible "Caution: Wet - Floor" signs on the toilet door to let people have awareness of this. In
addition, implementing effective cleaning procedures is a good idea. This may include using non-
slip cleaning products, appropriate mops, and ensuring through drying after cleaning.
Thanks for your time

Recently, You have read a newspaper about a beautiful place that you know. You found some
wrong information in that article. Write a letter to the editor to:
- Point out incorrect information to the editor and how to fix that
- Suggest solutions to avoid mistakes in the future

Dear Editor,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring to your attention
some incorrect information published in an article titled "A heaven” in ABC newspaper on
September 10th.
In the aforementioned article, there were a few inaccuracies regarding the description of ABC city.
You recommended visitors going to ABC restaurant on Third Avenue to try its food. However, it's
located on Fourth Avenue.
Besides, the chairlift price to cross the ABC river is 400.000 VND instead of 500.000 VND. I
kindly request that a correction be issued in the next edition, clearly addressing the errors mentioned
above. It is essential to double check before releasing any new editions. Besides, encourage
journalists and writers to thoroughly research and cross - reference information before publishing.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and your commitment to maintaining high journalistic
standards. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to
contact me at your convenience.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your name]

Guests of the nearby Italian restaurant parked their vehicles in the area surrounding your
house. Write a letter to the restaurant manager to tell:
- How it bothers you
- What you will do if the restaurant won't solve the problem

Dear [Restaurant Manager's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to bring an ongoing
concern to your attention regarding the parking situation near your Italian restaurant. I reside at No
40, which is in close proximity to your establishment, and I have observed a recurring issue that is
causing considerable inconvenience and bother to myself and my neighbors.
The problem we are facing is that many of the guests who dine at your restaurant have been parking
their vehicles in the area surrounding our houses. While I understand that the popularity of your
restaurant may attract a large number of patrons, the overflow of parked vehicles on our residential
streets has become a major source of frustration for us.
With the restaurant's guests occupying the available parking spaces, it becomes extremely
challenging for us, the residents, to find suitable parking spots near our homes. This is especially
problematic during peak dining hours when the number of parked cars increases significantly.
I Kindly request that you address this issue promptly to ensure a harmonious coexistence between
your business and our residential community. I will have, otherwise, the town officials interfere in
this situation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a positive response from your end.
Please feel free to reach out to me via the contact information provided above if you wish to discuss
this matter. further.

Sincerely, [Name]

Write an email to invite your foreign friend to attend your company's year end party.

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you in great spirits. As the year comes to a close, I wanted to reach out and
personally extend a warm invitation to you for our company's much-awaited year-end party! The
event promises to be a night of merriment and a chance to celebrate the successes and memories
we've shared throughout the year. It will be held on Monday, December 21st at the Balloon Event
Center on 3rd Avenue. The dress code is red and white.
As you know, our company hosts a fantastic year-end celebration each year, and this time, we've
prepared an extravaganza that you won't want to miss. It's an excellent opportunity for you to
experience our corporate culture, meet some incredible people, and, most importantly, have a
wonderful time.
We have planned an array of activities, including live music, delicious international cuisine,
captivating performances, and a lively dance floor to keep the celebration going into the wee hours
of the night. Our diverse team will be coming together to share stories, exchange laughter, and build
cherished memories.
You've been an essential part of my life, and I would be absolutely thrilled to have you there with
me on this special occasion. Not only will you have a great time, but it will also be an opportunity
for you to get to know some of the fantastic people I work with, and for Them to get to know you. I
sincerely hope you can make it and share this joyous evening with us. It wouldn't be the same
without you!
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Warmest regards, [Your Name]


I. Agree or disagree

1. Vấn đề hút thuốc (hút thuốc nơi công cộng có được k)

Nowadays, more and more people, especially young people, prefer smoking. Many people
think that smoking is bad for the health of both smokers and people close by. I totally agree that
smoking should be banned in public places because of the following reasons.

The first reason is that smoking is not good for people's health. Cigarettes contain toxic elements, so
it causes a lot of diseases for smokers; for example, lung diseases, lung cancer and even death.
Besides, smoking affects non-smokers badly. For example, people around smokers can get some
diseases, especially children and pregnant women who are easily affected by smoke. Moreover,
most people feel uncomfortable when being near smokers.

The second reason is that smoking is bad for the environment. Many smokers throw their cigarettes
on the ground when smoking in public places, so this makes the ground dirty. Besides, cigarette
waste pollutes the water and harms animals in the water. Also, smoke is toxic and polluted, so it
affects the air badly.

The final reason is that smokers set a bad example for children. When children see an adult smoke,
they can learn this wrong thing very quickly, especially teenagers who often learn to smoke to show
that they are cool. Therefore, they have a bad habit and it is not good for their health.

In conclusion, smoking should not be allowed in public places because it has a lot of disadvantages.
I think that people should not smoke to be healthy and live in a clean environment.

2. (lý do duy nhất làm việc là để kiếm tiền) The only reason to work hard is to earn money.
It is the universal truth that money plays a vital role in our lives. Thus, diligent people work hard to
earn money, therefore, They can fulfill their needs and sustain themselves in modern society.
Apparently, There are also few people who love their jobs and are always passionate and dedicated
towards the given task. They focused more on achieving their life goals rather than monetary terms.
Hence, My inclination partially agreed with the statement. It can be supported by the following

To begin with, This is so evident that every individual has their basic and opulent needs. It can only
be fulfilled by remuneration which they get from their work. Due to technological advancement and
modernisation, Life has changed a lot. Nowadays people run after money so that they can buy
gadgets, luxurious cars, and lavish homes. As a result , They do extra shifts, freelancing
accordingly. For example, Most multinational companies set a monthly target for their employees
who ever achieved that should get the incentives which is icing on the cake for them as they already
get handsome salaries. Thus, Employees put full effort.

On the other hand, Some people work for the country and society without showing much concern
about monetary benefits. Their property should always be to serve the nation and the civilians. It
gives them immense satisfaction. Soldiers , Athletes, social workers, painters worked for long hours
and paid less as compared to white collar workers. For Instance, Mother Teresa was a social worker
and devoted her life to caring for the sticks and destitute people. Many times we read the news that
Army officials martyr during wars, Still youngsters have that patriotism they want to become
soldiers despite having life threats at borders.

To recapitulate the essay i would say even though earning money is the foremost and primary
driving force behind many people but still there many of them works for self satisfaction

3. (sử dụng đt ở nơi công cộng nên bị cấm) Some people say that mobile phones should be
banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport.
Communication has become easier and more convenient as a result of mobile phones. However,
some humans argue that cell phones should not be allowed to be used in public areas such as
libraries, stores, and public transportation. From my point of view, I totally agree with this view.

To begin with, phones can be annoying in spaces where people are expected to be entirely silent and
focused, such as libraries and museums. Consider how a group of people in a community would use
a phone to communicate with others. They are likely to make a lot of noise. Because cell phone
conversations are only heard over the phone speaker, you must speak loudly in order for your
acquaintance or friends to hear what you're talking about. As a consequence, it will work as a
distraction to somebody else, it also can impact their work. For instance: in my old school library,
pupils or tutors can get an easy to take their telephones in.

Furthermore, mobile phones can make users ignore everything around them and be able to cause
any accidents. Besides that, they will not pay attention to people around them if they are in the case
of traffic incidents, it might have a negative result of using phones. Thus, it is quite unsafe for
surrounders when phone users since interrupted crashes will happen. An example is two days ago, I
saw a man who was just looking on his phone when he crossed the street with his carelessness and
one car ran near the man suddenly but luckily he realized and he was still saved.
In conclusion, I am really convinced that mobile phones should be prohibited in public zones.
Firstly, it is very annoying for people around. Secondly, this is maybe caused by any harmful
consequences in public transport.

4. (Thà thất nghiệp còn hơn làm công việc mình không thích) It is better to be unemployed in
jobs rather than to be employed in jobs even if they don’t feel happy.
In recent years, the issue of job satisfaction has ratcheted up public interest, with many people
believing that leaving the unsuitable job is more favorable than adhering to the job that employees
can hardly relate to. I completely disagree with the given statement.

On the one hand, there are compelling reasons why workers should resign if they are not cut out for
the job.

The first point worthy of note is that working in an inappropriate workplace and doing
unstimulating tasks can adversely affect ppl's working attitude. An explanation for this is devoting
their time to jobs that people loathe would demotivate workers, making them loathe the job more. In
the long term, their degree of productivity would reduce accordingly; therefore, leading to below-
standard working quality. Besides, keeping an inappropriate job may prevent workers from
opportunities that suitable offers. For example, working a nine to five job forces employees to stay
at the office most of the day, making it impossible for them to seek a new career that suits them.

On the other hand, it stands to reason that being unemployed brings several drawbacks in its wake.
The first point worth noticing is that it may create a financial burden for those who experience
unemployment. To be more specific, adults need a salary to meet the basic needs of life. Without
monthly wages, one cannot cover the cost of electric bills or staples to sustain life. Another point
endorsing this view is that joining the ranks of the unemployed makes ppl feel insecure. This is
because they cannot have a stable job while many of their colleagues might have settled down.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the idea of quitting the unsatisfying job is rather absurd.

5. Việc giới trẻ sử dụng phương tiện truyền thông (internet, fb, mobifone ...) media
Nowadays children take more time to use some common types of media such as television, the
Internet and the mobile phone . While many people claim that using the media brings children many
benefits, others argue that it is bad for them. In my opinion, children should use the media in a
controlled way.

On the one hand, using the mass media has many advantages. Firstly, the mass media helps children
open their knowledge. For example, they can get information about many fields in life with a
computer connected to the Internet. Besides, there are many educational TV programmes for them
to watch and this is good for their study. Secondly, using the mass media is a good way for children
to relax after school. For instance, they can watch funny films or interesting game shows on TV. It
is also great to listen to music or play games on the Internet.

On the other hand, the media also has several bad effects. The first one is that they are harmful to
children's health. When using the mass media too much, kids can get some eyesight problems and
feel tired. In the second place, the mass media contain unsuitable content for children. For example,
there are some violent and sexual images or content on TV and the Internet, so children may easily
learn bad things or behaviors. Lastly, the media affects children's study badly. When taking too
much time to use the mass media, children do not focus on studying. Therefore, they may get bad

In conclusion, although the mass media make life easier, they bring some drawbacks to children. In
my opinion, their pros far outweigh their cons. Parents should limit the time children use the media
to get their benefits.

II. Advantages and disadvantages

1. Sự ảnh hưởng của công nghệ trong giáo dục ( lợi và bất)
Nowadays, there is an increasing use of technology such as computers and laptops in teaching and
learning. While some people think that this trend is positive, others believe that it has several
drawbacks. This essay will discuss both good and bad effects of technology in education.

On the one hand, there are some benefits of technology in education. First of all, learners and
teachers can get a lot of information by using the Internet. For example, students can look for
information to improve their knowledge or do their homework while teachers access information to
make lesson plans. As a result, they can develop research skills and computer skills which are
important for their future jobs. Secondly, learners can take online courses easily. Online courses
help them save time and money. Besides, it is convenient to learn online because they can learn
every time and everywhere. Lastly, using computers or laptops makes learners more engaged in
learning. For example, some teachers use PowerPoint slides to make lessons more interesting.

On the other hand, using technology in education has some disadvantages. Firstly, it decreases real
human interaction. For example, in some online courses, students cannot discuss topics with
classmates or ask teachers questions directly; therefore, they do not improve their soft skills such as
communication skills and group work skills. Besides, using technology can distract students from
learning. When spending too much time using the Internet, they might not have enough time to
finish their homework. Finally, learners can get wrong information on some websites. This is
because anyone can post information without being checked.

In conclusion, technology brings learners and teachers both benefits and drawbacks. In my opinion,
there are more positive effects than negative ones. Therefore, users should use technology more
suitably so that it becomes a good tool for learning and teaching.

2. Bất lợi và lợi ích của việc du học ( studying board ...)
Nowadays, more and more people choose to move abroad to study. Many people think that studying
overseas brings students many benefits, others believe that students have to face a lot of challenges.
My essay will discuss both sides of this trend.

On the one hand, there are advantages to studying in another country. First of all, foreign countries
often offer students better courses than their home country. Therefore, they can learn with better
teachers and more modern equipment. Besides, they can gain foreign degrees and have more
chances to get a good job with a high salary. It also means that they have a higher quality of life.
Secondly, studying abroad helps students become more independent. When living overseas, they
have to do everything by themselves such as cooking, cleaning houses and getting money. Finally,
students can broaden their minds and relationships. They can make new friends and visit new places
in a foreign country.

On the other hand, studying abroad has some drawbacks. Firstly, living abroad causes
homesickness. When living far from home, students may feel lonely and bored, which affects their
health badly and makes them not focus on study. Moreover, learning a foreign language is usually
difficult, so if students do not speak the target language well, they cannot communicate with other
people. Finally, studying abroad is very expensive. Many students have to work part time to pay for
living costs; as a result, their study is badly affected.

In conclusion, studying in a foreign country has both benefits and drawbacks. I believe that people
should be encouraged to study abroad to have a better life in the future.

3. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng (public transport)
Nowadays more and more people choose to go by public transport. Many people think that using
public transport is good for them and the society; however, it also brings them some drawbacks. My
essay will describe both pros and cons of public transport.

On the one hand, there are many benefits of using public transport. Firstly, it helps to protect the
environment. When more people use public transport like buses and trains instead of private
vehicles, air pollution will be reduced. This is also good for people's health. Secondly, going by
public transport reduces traffic jams. If people choose to travel by public transport, the number of
private vehicles will decrease. Therefore, traffic jams and road accidents will lessen and traveling
will become easier. Finally, using public transport helps people to save money. Bus fares and train
tickets are very cheap. For example, it costs only seven thousand dongs to buy a single bus fare.

On the other hand, public transport has several disadvantages. First of all, public transport has poor
quality. For example, the air conditioning system does not work in some old buses; therefore,
people may feel uncomfortable. The second downside is that going by public transport is unsafe.
Because buses are often very crowded, people are easily stolen things and money by thieves and
pickpockets. Lastly, public transport is unreliable. For example, sometimes public transport like
buses does not arrive on time, so people may go to school or work late. This affects their study or
work time badly.

In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawbacks of using public transport. I personally think
that the pros are more than the cons. Therefore, the government should encourage people to use
public transport.

4. Nêu lợi ích và bất lợi của việc học trực tuyến
Nowadays, with the development of technology,online learning is becoming more popular because
it has many benefits. However, many people think that it is also negative in some ways.This essay
will discuss both advantages and disadvantage this way of learning

On the one hand, learning online has many benefits.First of all, online learning is very
convenient.Learners can learn anytime and anywhere they want with a laptop connected to the
internet. Besides, they can take courses in another country and learn with the best
teachers.Secondly, learning on the internet helps learners save time and money. For example, they
do not have to go to class, so they can save time and money by traveling. Also they can take cheap
or free online courses because it is not necessary to rent equipment for classrooms. Lastly, a lot of
people can take an online course. This is because unlike a traditional class, the number of sts in an
online class in unlimited

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of e-learning.The first one is that learning online can
be bad for people’s health.When people use the internet for a long time, they may get diseases such
as headache, being overweight and so on. Moreover, it decreases real human interaction. For
example, sts cannot discuss topics with classmates or teachers directly, therefore, they do not
improve their soft skills such as communication skills and group work skills.Finally, sts easily get
distracted from their study when learning on the internet. They might access other websites such as
Youtube and ZingMP3 while learning, so they may get bad marks
In conclusion, online learning brings learners both benefits and drawbacks.Learners should control
the time they spend online suitably to learn better

5. (công nghệ thay đổi trẻ em sử dụng tg rảnh rỗi) Technology has changed the way children
spend their free time.
With the advancement of novel technology, more and more pupils take their pastime on playing
video games and computers rather than other activities. Personally, I disagree with this
phenomenon. This essay will discuss both sides and provide compelling reasons to sustain my

There is no doubt that revolutionary technology can offer students a new way to reach out to the
world and communicate with their friends and family members worldwide. It is convenient to keep
in touch with their social network through social media and the Internet. Especially during the
pandemic, connecting with their friends through technology stays social distances and safe.
However, addiction to virtual friendships on the air may not only waste children’s leisure time but
also let them lose social capabilities in reality. Thus, even if technology provides a feasible method
to remain the children’s friends, they may spend too much time online and lose chances to get along
with their friends physically.

Moreover, the adverse effects of innovative technology are detrimental to children’s physical
health. For example, keeping an eye on the screen for playing games and watching the iPad will
ruin and decrease kids’ eyesight. Meanwhile, pupils miss opportunities to do outdoor activities and
approach nature. According to recent studies, the more children play in the wild field, the happier
and healthier they are. It is because they can watch green vegetation and do physical exercises
instead of staying sedentary in front of the television and computer screen. Therefore, spending too
much leisure time on technology is a negative trend for the young generation.

In conclusion, although modern technology can benefit children, parents should teach them how to
use it effectively to avoid unfortunate consequences.

III. Discussion essay

Ảnh hưởng của việc chơi game đối với trẻ em

Nowadays many people, especially children, are keen on playing video games. While I accept that it
is good for their learning and developing many skills, I believe that it brings them negative effects.

On the one hand, there are several advantages to playing video games. First of all, it helps children
reduce stress after hard study at school. When players play some interesting games and enter the
online world, they can feel relaxed and excited. Secondly, it improves children's imagination and
creativity. While playing games, they have to try to solve problems, think logically and become
creative to get the highest score or win the games. Learning these skills is also useful for their study
and real life. Finally, children can develop social skills. For example, thousands of people

in the virtual world of a game, so children have chances to make new friends with other gamers and
improve social relationships.

On the other hand, playing games has many disadvantages. The first drawback is that it is bad for
children's health. Because children easily get game addiction, they may spend most time playing
games instead of going out and doing exercise. Therefore, they may get a lot of diseases such as
overweight or back pain and feel tired. Moreover, playing games distracts children from their study.
Kids tend to waste a lot of time playing games, so they do not focus on studying and may get bad
marks. Lastly, it affects their behaviors badly. There are violent actions in most games; therefore,
children might copy these bad things and behaviors in their real life.

In conclusion, playing computer games is both positive and negative. It seems to me that the
dangers of video games are more than their benefits. Parents should limit children's time playing
games to make them focus on their studies and real life.

Ô nhiễm môi trường nói chung

It is known that humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems,but we can also
take steps to minimize the damages that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss
environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address
these problems.

Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from
factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming,which may have a devastating
effect on the planet in the future. As the human population increases,we are also producing ever
greater quantities of waste,which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and
oceans.Governments could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce
laws to limit emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar,
wind or water power. They could also impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies. In this
way, people would be encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad,therefore
reducing emissions.Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the
environment. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose products with less
packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for
shoppers as well as banks' for recycling glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. By reusing and
recycling, we can help to reduce waste.

In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the

(Thể thao có quan trọng không) Some people believe that sport has an important role in
society. Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people.
These days, there has been a positive trend that the game has gained fame in society. However,
others believe the game is merely a leisure activity. In my view, both viewpoints have authenticity,
which I will elaborate on in this informative article.

First, it is undeniable that there are a few reasons why sports are vital to society. One reason is that
individuals can become fitter than ever before. By playing sports often, individuals can release toxic
elements from their body to help the government save money allocated for health insurance.

Still, another reason is that young generations can cultivate a great habit. Together with the rapid
progress of technologies, they tend to perform sedentary pursuits like playing computer games and
chatting through social websites. If parents encourage their kids to perform games rather than
playing games in the home, kids can enhance their social interaction with peers. However,
conflicting arguments are saying that games are not anything more than a leisure activity.
Therefore, people usually consider it like an effortless task for relaxing their body and mind during
vacations. Aside from that, many families visit games as the best way to strengthen the feeling of
belonging to their relatives, particularly for kids, because parents’ time is invested in performing job
tasks and placing less attention on them.

In conclusion, though some people today feel that sports are only some leisure activities, I think that
games have a significant part in society since it has brought benefits to individuals concerning
social and health places.

Giới trẻ chạy theo thời trang( Young people are now spending more and more time and
money following fashion trends. )
In this day and age, more and more young people tend to spend an increasing amount of time on
clothes to assert themselves and dress up. There are several reasons why this trend occurs but
personally, I believe that the demerits of this trend surpass its merits.

On the one hand, spending too much time following fashion fads can make the young waste a great
deal of money. As there are dozens of brands with various prices and designs for them to choose
from, they are easily tempted to buy things impulsively and misspend money on unnecessary stuff.
For instance, when some big brand names launch new clothing collections, a shopaholic may
splurge their money on such up-to-date clothes; however, such items often end up old-fashioned
and being left in the wardrobe. As a result, this issue imposes a significant financial burden on
teenagers and their families. Moreover, running after fashion fads might be considered as a bad
behavior student in the school environment because dressing flashy means you are neglecting to

On the other hand, there are also some advantages to this trend. First, in terms of the young,
spending time surfing the net and allocating their budget on trendy items is considered a method of
relaxation. In modern life these days, young people have to deal with lots of pressure from school or
the workplace, so this trend helps them enjoy their life and effectively release their stress. Secondly,
nations’ economies also benefit from this phenomenon. The increase in the amount of consumption
will promote manufacturing and commerce in the fashion industry, which afterward will create
more jobs and boost economic growth.

In conclusion, I believe that devoting a huge amount of time and money to slaving to be fashionable
would be beneficial to some extent, I strongly believe that this can contribute to a host of

(có nên làm 1 công việc suốt đời) Some people believe that no one should do the same job for
all their working life.
In the past most persons stayed at their job all their service years until they retired, while some
people think this is ideal, others are of the opinion that hopping from one work to another is a better
way to pay.

On the one hand, some individuals are of the opinion that maintaining their job in a company is of
enormous benefit and I agree. Firstly, it makes one become proficient in their field. In other words,
to a specialist in a field of practice, it is necessary for the skill to be practiced continuously and with
this better services are provided to consumers which in turn ensures community satisfaction. For
example, an officer with ten years of experience in a profession will deliver better quality services
than his counterpart who only has two years. Another reason why staying in the same field of
practice is profitable is that it is easier for career progression. Employees who do not office hop
progress climb their professional ladder faster as they do not lose any period of their promotion.
Also, the company's growth and sustainability are guaranteed when they do not have to spend a lot
of time filling vacant seats every now and then.

On the other hand, some staff of institutions believe that it is boring to put their entire life in the
same career, they prefer to acquire various skills in different areas of life. Furthermore, changing
their appointment five-yearly provides them with the opportunity to meet more people thereby
enlarging their scope of friends.

In conclusion, while people may vary in their opinions, I think that investing a person's service year
in the same institution would be of enormous benefit to the worker, the industry and the entire
community at large as the worker's career will grow and would also improve the quality of services
provided to the community and the society at large.

IV. Causes and effects

1. Obesity in children is becoming a big problem in many countries. What are the main
causes and effects?
Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly increasing. This essay will discuss the
main reasons for this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits.
Today more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work,
and prefer passive leisure activities. This results in burning fewer calories and gaining weight.
Moreover, the problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and
consume large portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in
Europe with so-called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity. First
of all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of
developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s
metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart disease. Secondly, overweight
people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work
capacity and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person
needs to put more effort to complete some tasks than a person of average weight.

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by an
inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

2. What are the causes and the effects of traffic jams in big cities?
Traffic jams are a common problem in big cities around the world. They occur when the volume of
vehicles on the road exceeds the road's capacity, leading to a slowdown or even a complete
standstill of traffic. Traffic jams can cause a host of problems for drivers, including frustration,
wasted time, and increased air pollution. In this essay, we will explore the causes and effects of
traffic jams in big cities.

One of the primary causes of traffic jams in big cities is the sheer volume of vehicles on the road.
As more and more people move to urban areas, the number of cars on the road has skyrocketed,
putting a strain on the city's infrastructure. Additionally, there are a limited number of roads
available in most cities, which worsen the problem.

Another major cause of traffic jams is road construction and repairs. When a road is under
construction or undergoing repairs, it can cause traffic to be redirected, leading to congestion in
other areas. This is a common problem in big cities, where construction and repairs are frequently
needed due to the high volume of traffic.

Lastly, accidents on the road can also cause traffic jams. When an accident occurs, it can block
lanes of traffic, forcing drivers to slow down or come to a complete stop until the accident is

The effects of traffic jams are numerous and can have a significant impact on drivers and the
surrounding environment. One of the most obvious effects of traffic jams is increased travel time.
When traffic is at a standstill, it can take significantly longer for drivers to reach their destination,
leading to frustration and wasted time.

Another effect of traffic jams is increased air pollution. When cars are stuck in traffic, they emit
more exhaust fumes, which can contribute to poor air quality in the surrounding area. This can have
health implications for people living in the area, particularly those with respiratory issues.

Finally, traffic jams can also have economic impacts. When drivers are stuck in traffic, they are
unable to get to their destination on time, which can lead to missed meetings or appointments. This
can have financial implications for businesses and individuals who rely on timely travel.

In conclusion, traffic jams are a common problem in big cities around the world. They are caused
by a variety of factors, including the volume of vehicles on the road, road construction and repairs,
and accidents. The effects of traffic jams can be significant, including increased travel time,
increased air pollution, and economic impacts. To ease these effects, cities must invest in
infrastructure to accommodate the growing number of vehicles on the road and implement policies
to encourage alternative modes of transportation.
3. The causes and effects of TV on children
Television is a ubiquitous presence in the lives of many children today, with many spending hours
every day watching TV shows, movies, and other content. While TV can provide educational and
entertaining content, it can also have negative effects on children's health, behavior, and
development. In this essay, we will explore the causes and effects of TV on children.

One of the primary causes of TV's effects on children is the sheer amount of time they spend
watching it. With the proliferation of streaming services and on-demand content, children now have
access to an endless stream of TV shows and movies, which can lead to excessive TV watching.
This can have negative effects on their health, behavior, and academic performance.

One of the most significant effects of TV on children is its impact on their physical health.
Excessive TV watching can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, which can lead to obesity and other
health problems. Additionally, watching TV late at night can disrupt children's sleep patterns,
leading to fatigue and other negative outcomes.

TV can also have negative effects on children's behavior and development. Exposure to violent or
inappropriate content can lead to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, and other
negative outcomes. Additionally, excessive TV watching can lead to a lack of social skills and
decreased academic performance.

In conclusion, while TV can provide educational and entertaining content, it can also have negative
effects on children's health, behavior, and development. To mitigate these effects, parents and
caregivers should monitor the amount of time children spend watching TV and the content of the
shows and movies they are exposed to. Additionally, children should be encouraged to engage in
other important activities, such as exercise, socializing, and academic pursuits, to promote their
overall development and well-being.

4. The Causes and Effects of Air Pollution on People's Health

Air pollution is a significant environmental problem that affects people's health around the world. It
is caused by a variety of factors, including emissions from vehicles and industry, burning fossil
fuels, and natural events like wildfires. In this composition, we will explore the causes and effects
of air pollution on people's health.

One of the primary causes of air pollution is emissions from transportation, industry, and other
human activities. These emissions release harmful particles and chemicals into the air, which can be
inhaled by people and have negative effects on their health. Additionally, natural events like
wildfires can release large amounts of smoke and other pollutants into the air, exacerbating air
pollution levels.

The effects of air pollution on people's health can be significant. Exposure to polluted air can lead to
respiratory problems like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer.
Additionally, air pollution has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular
problems. Children, the elderly, and people with pre-existing health conditions are particularly
vulnerable to the negative effects of air pollution.

Furthermore, air pollution can have broader societal impacts on people's health, such as increased
healthcare costs and reduced economic productivity. It can also contribute to environmental
degradation, including damage to ecosystems and reduced crop yields.

In conclusion, air pollution is a significant environmental problem that has negative effects on
people's health. To mitigate these effects, governments and individuals must take steps to reduce air
pollution levels, including promoting alternative modes of transportation, reducing industrial
emissions, and using cleaner energy sources. Additionally, people should take steps to protect their
own health, such as avoiding exposure to polluted air and seeking medical attention if they
experience respiratory or other health problems.

5. The causes and effects of the popularity of junk food and fast food nowadays
Junk food and fast food have become increasingly popular in recent years. This can be attributed to
several factors, including their convenience, affordability, and palatability. Fast food restaurants and
convenience stores are readily available in most areas, making it easy for people to grab a quick
meal on the go. Additionally, fast food is often cheaper than healthier options, making it an
attractive choice for those on a tight budget. Furthermore, junk food and fast food are often highly
processed and contain large amounts of fat, sugar, and salt, which makes them more flavorful and
enjoyable to eat.

However, the popularity of junk food and fast food has several negative effects on health. Regular
consumption of these types of food can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart
disease. Fast food is also often lacking in essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals,
which can lead to malnutrition. In addition to the health effects, the popularity of junk food and fast
food can have societal effects as well. Fast food restaurants often promote sedentary lifestyles,
encouraging people to eat on the go and avoid physical activity. This can lead to a lack of exercise
and an increase in sedentary behavior, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems.

In conclusion, the popularity of junk food and fast food can be attributed to their convenience,
affordability, and palatability. However, the negative health effects of regular consumption of these
types of food should not be ignored. It is important to make healthy food choices and limit the
consumption of junk food and fast food to ensure good health and well-being.

What are the effects and solutions of internet addiction?

With the development of technology, more and more people use the Internet and become addicted
to it. Internet addiction is a serious problem to everyone, especially the young. My essay will
describe problems of Internet addiction and suggest possible solutions to it.

It is true that Internet addiction has many bad effects. Firstly, it is bad for children's health. For
example, when using the Internet too much, people may get many serious diseases such as being
overweight and headache. Secondly, the Internet bly affects children's study. For example, when
they spend a lot of time surfing websites, they do not focus on studying. Therefore, they may get
bad marks. Finally, the Internet makes children spend less time with their family and friends. As a
result, they become less close to each other and do not even have chances to broaden their

There are several ways to solve Internet addiction. First of all, parents should limit children's use of
the Internet. They should encourage children to do outdoor activities such as playing sports instead
of using mobile phones. They can also set time limit

for using the Internet each day. This helps children become healthier and use the Internet. Secondly,
schools should teach children about the disadvantages of Internet addiction and how to use the
Internet suitably. Lastly, children should spend more time with friends and family. They can do
many things together; for example, going for a coffee and chatting about their life. By doing so,
they can develop social skills and improve their relationship.

In conclusion, there are various effects of Internet addiction; however, parents, schools and children
can take some actions to solve it. Children should use the sternet suitably to get its benefits.

(Lãng phí lương thực) Everyday, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world.
Food wastage has now become a big problem in many parts of the world. There are several factors
that are attributable to this situation, and solutions need to be adopted to combat the issue.
Primarily, people have become wealthier than before. Increased personal wealth means that
individuals no longer appreciate food, and they tend to throw food away after eating rather than
storing it in the fridge for the next meal. Fresh vegetables, meat and fish at the supermarket are now
sold at an affordable price for middle-class people, so many of them are willing to discard the food
as soon as they satiate their hungry stomach.

Another reason is that the food industry has been developing fast, with a variety of choices and
marketing techniques that encourage food spending. Television programs are often interrupted by
food advertisements that are digitally altered to trigger the craving for a wide range of delicious
food. It is, therefore, not surprising why consumers do not feel the need to preserve the food that
they have not eaten for later use.

However, food wastage is not an intractable problem. The simplest measure the government can do
is to step up campaigns to raise public awareness with the aim of changing public attitudes to food
consumption. The deleterious effects of food waste on the environment should be highlighted via
posters and television programs to draw the attention of the public to the problem. Also, a heavy tax
ought to be imposed on the food industry, which may cause the price of everyday food to rise and
consequently deter people from taking food for granted.

In conclusion, people throw food away after meals because of several reasons, which requires the
government to take action to mitigate the problem.

8. (Nguyên nhân và giải pháp cho sức khỏe không lành mạnh ) Scientists tell us that some
activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people still
continue doing unhealthy activities.
Modern people are regularly informed about the dangers of leading unhealthy lifestyles. Despite the
spectacular advances in the medical field, many people are still suffering from and being killed by
diseases, most of which are preventable.

There are some reasons why there is still a prevalent habit of doing unhealthy activities. This can
be, firstly, explained by the fact that most people are prone to undue optimism. Although powerful
and constant reminders of what unsound lifestyles can bring are readily available everywhere,
people still keep the faith that they would hardly be inflicted. Even for those who are aware, they
are often in denial and convince themselves that unhealthy habits are not as terrible as the media
want them to believe. Secondly, once people are addicted to unhealthy habits, it is very difficult for
them to break. For example, people with smoking habits cannot reduce their dependence on
cigarettes due to its high addicts, or people with sedentary lifestyles are unable to bring themselves
to be more active on the simple grounds that exercises are not pleasurable.
To address these problems, multiple solutions can be proposed. One of which is imposing higher
taxes on unhealthy products, such as food with high concentrations of fat, alcohol or cigarettes. This
solution promises direct impacts. Moreover, healthy lifestyles should be further promoted and
likewise unhealthy lifestyles should be strictly criticized in the media.

To conclude, With a sense of self-protection and knowledge that everybody around them practices
the same habit, I believe that people would find it easier to break their old self-destructive lifestyles.

Các đề thi thật năm 2023

Some people think that it is better to spend all of their income to meet their personal needs
than to pay taxes to the government. Others believe that paying taxes to the government is
necessary to prevent social disorder. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
A group of people think that residents should keep all their earnings. Others perceive that people
should pay taxes to the government. In this essay, I will discuss both views and give my own

On the one hand, when individuals have a chance to use all their money to fulfill their personal
needs and desires without the burden of compulsory taxation, they can be free to make their life
what they want. They can spend more money to carry out their responsibilities such as taking care
of their parents or children. In addition, some governments may not allocate funds efficiently,
leading to wasteful spending, corruption, or mismanagement. Therefore, keeping money in private
hands allows individuals to make better choices for their own welfare.

On the other hand, it is a fact that taxes are used by the government for developing its nations.
Taxes are allocated for various kinds of essential matters. Firstly, they are used for expanding and
maintaining public transportation facilities, such as expanding roads and highways, and replacing
old public transportation units. Secondly, taxes are utilized for providing decent medical services
and basic education for their residents. And last but not least, taxes are also used for funding
military services, which is important for maintaining the political stability of a nation.

In conclusion, although there are still some benefits of keeping all our income, taxes play an
important role in the development of a nation which every single person has to be responsible for.
Nowadays, people tend to have multiple jobs at the same time. Do the advantages outweigh its
The era of working for the same company from graduation to retirement is over. The trend is
increasingly popular for the benefits of boosting incomes, despite having less leisure time for
multiple-jobs workers. In the essay, I will discuss the pros and cons of multi-jobbers and give my
opinion on the issue.

On the one hand, achieving stable income goals is one of the biggest advantages of working several
jobs and changing careers frequently. Employees who work full-time can obviously be faster on
earning a standard of living, even better life. Another major benefit is avoiding reluctance at the
workplace. A new working environment could allow them to be more creative and more productive.

Turning to the other side of the argument, One of the most considerable disadvantages is that
employees might be decreasing in their relaxation time. If white-collar workers, for example, do
their side hustles, they have to work more than eight hours per day. That means they have less time
for relaxation and for entertainment. Another drawback of the phenomenon is the adverse effects on
their professional growth. As those who often switch their careers might miss opportunities to
acquire specialized skills in their fields, those opportunities are often for senior staff.

In conclusion, lifetime employment might not double their incomes as much as switching careers.
Remaining in the same occupation brings not only advantages but also disadvantages such as a busy
schedule and a loss of a chance for promotion. From my point of view, long-term employment
cannot give workers financial benefits, they should consider changing occupations.

Many people try to balance work and other parts of their life. However, this is very difficult to
do. What are the problems associated with this? What is the best way to achieve a better

Work-life balance is of utmost importance in sustaining an invariably healthy lifestyle. However,

globalization and industry-wide struggles have rendered it more challenging. In this essay, a well-
rounded study over the causes, effects, and solutions of this momentous issue will be discussed.

There are two major outcomes associated with the over-competitive work environment. Firstly,
employees are forced to take on heavy duties to maintain their positions in the companies.
Secondly, keeping up with the barrage of workloads can be at the same time daunting and time-
consuming. For instance, fresh graduates seeking equal opportunities and salaries are compelled to
spend long working hours in their offices.

The mentioned factors can have a dramatic impact on all aspects of life. By dedicating a large
proportion of daily hours to work, only a scanty time will be left for recreational and personal
activities. Obesity and psychological problems are two clear indications of aforesaid points which
are mainly caused by the lack of physical exercises and high-stress levels, respectively. Spending
less quality time with intimate ones is another destructive outcome of unhealthy work-life balance.

To sum up the points, it should be said that there exists no simple solution to the problem of work-
life imbalance; however, a methodical approach, developed by the authorities, can be a useful tool
to minimize the irreparable consequences of this adverse way of life. A long-term strategy would be
establishing socioeconomic equality in society as a life-changing method to diminish the effects of
this issue and help the individuals to find more worthwhile passion.

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