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1. Listen to the clip ( and

answer the questions.

Was Grinch a happy child? Why yes/not?

How did Grinch’s Christmas as a child look like?

How did Whos celebrate Christmas?

What couldn’t Grinch “stand in the least”?

For how long has Grinch put up with Christmas?

What is Grinch’s wonderful, awful idea?

2. Listen again and insert the missing words of the story.

He walked through the ___________ and the sound and the lights and his ears heard
the thump of their __________ and delights, and it took him right back to his earliest
years to that lost lonely boy who cried all of those _____________. That lost lonely boy
isolated and sad with no home of his ___________, no mom and no dad.

And as the Grinch looked around, he felt downright ____________ as he

remembered that Christmas where nobody cared or nobody ____________, not
even a flea and there were no cards, no gifts and no ____________.

And as he watched other kids, one thing became _________: that this was
the single worst day of the year. And now here it was that day once
again and he felt all those feelings he felt way back when he’d
watched Whos young and ________ all sat down to feast and they’d
feast and they’d feast … they’d feast on Who-pudding and rare Who-
roast beast which is ____________ the Grinch could not stand in the
least. And then they’d do something he liked least of all: every Who
down in Whoville, the tall and the ____________, would stand close
together, with Christmas _________ ringing. They’d stand hand in ________
and the Whos would start singing. And they’ll sing and they’ll sing and
they’ll sing … Yes he couldn’t recall without feeling the sting, so the
Grinch finally declared: I must stop this ___________ thing. Why, for
53 years I’ve put up with it, now I must stop this ____________ from
coming. But how? Then he got an idea, an awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful,
awful idea: I know just what to do: I’m going to steal their Christmas. All the
trimmings, all their gifts and garlands, when they wait and see it’s gone, then all their
joy and happiness will be gone as well. So prepare yourself, Max, for tomorrow we

3. You will notice that the text rhymes. What rhymes with the following words?

lights years
sad scared
flea clear
feast sing

4. Some of the words in the text are in bold. Put them next to the right
a) A feeling of great pleasure: __________________
b) To accept somebody/something that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without
complaining: ____________________________
c) Any sharp pain in your body or mind: __________________
d) A very small jumping insect without wings, that bites animals and humans
and drinks their blood: ________________
e) The sound of something heavy hitting the ground or another object:
f) A large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate
something: _________________
g) Without much contact with other people: _________________
h) To remember something: _________________

5. What is this?

It is a __ __ __ __ __ __ __

6. What do you think about Christmas? Do you like it? Or are you like Grinch?
Write some things that you like most about Christmas and some things that
you don't. How do you celebrate Christmas?


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