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to product design

what is Product
what really is it?

Product design is the process of

creating and developing innovative
and functional products that meet
the needs of users.
say it to yourself

say it to yourself

Importance of Product
Product design plays a crucial role in the success
of a product as it directly impacts user experience,
functionality, and aesthetics.
AirPods Mini
Well-designed products can differentiate a brand
from its competitors, enhance customer
satisfaction, and drive sales.

Key Elements of Product


User-Centered Approach

Product design focuses on understanding user needs, preferences, and
behaviors to create products that provide a

Functionality and Usability

aim to create products that are easy to use, efficient, and fulfill their intended
purpose effectively.

Aesthetics and Visual Appeal

The visual appearance of a product influences its desirability and emotional
connection with users, making aesthetics a crucial aspect of design.

Material Selection and Manufacturing Considerations

Designers must consider suitable materials, manufacturing processes, and
cost-effectiveness while ensuring quality and durability.

Design Process Overview

Research and Analysis

Understanding user needs, market trends, and competitors'

Ideation and Concept Development

Generating and refining ideas, creating sketches, and developing design

Prototyping and Testin g

Creating physical or digital prototypes to evaluate and improve the


Iteration and Refinement

Repeating the design process, incorporating feedback and making
necessary modifications.

Final Design and Production

Developing detailed design specifications and preparing for manufacturing.

a re you a p ro u t es d c d ign er ?

Designers com ine their creative ills technical

b sk ,

k nowledge and pro lem olving a ilities to create

, b -s b

innovative and user centric products. -

a re you a p ro u t es d c d ign er ?

Designers com ine their creative ills technical

b sk ,

k nowledge and pro lem olving a ilities to create

, b -s b

innovative and user centric products. -

Und ersta nding U ser -C e tere

n es
d D ign

and D es ign Thinking

U ser -C e tere
n d D es
ign (UCD)

UC D is an approach that prioritizes the needs preferences and , ,

behaviors of users throughout the design process.

D es ign Thinking

Design thin ing is a pro lem olving methodology that emphasizes empathy
k b -s ,

colla oration and iterative prototyping.

b ,

K ey Pr incip les of ser U -C e tere

n d D es ign

Understanding the users' perspective needs and goals through research and , ,

user feed ac .
b k

b. Iterative Proces

Designing testing and refining olutions in multiple cycles to continually

, , s

improve the user experience.

c. User Involvemen
Involving users directly in the design process through interviews o servations , b ,

and co creation activities.

d. Multidisciplinary Colla oratio b

Bringing together individuals from different bac grounds and areas of expertise k

to foster creativity and diverse perspectives.

D esign Thinking P ro ess c

a. Empathiz
Researching and gaining a deep understanding of users their needs and , ,


b. Defin

Synthesizing research findings to define the pro lem or opportunity for design.

c. Ideat
Generating a wide range of creative ideas and potential olutions.

d. Prototyp
Building physical or digital prototypes to visualize and test concepts.

e. Tes

Gathering feed ac from users through usa ility testing and iterating on the
b k b


f. Implemen
Bringing the refined olution to life through production and implementation.

B e ef ts of ser
n i U -C e tere n d D esign and D esign Thinking

Improved user atisfaction and experience


Increased innovation and creativity in pro lem olving b -s

H igher li elihood of developing products that meet user needs and



Reduced ris of investing in olutions that do not resonate with users.

k s

t a you h nk ! 

see you to orro m w

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