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Unit 3 Rocks, the rock cycle and soil

Topic 3.1: Igneous rocks

Getting started page 63

1. Name the layers A,B,C and D

2. What does layer B consists of ?

ANS: Magma
3. What happens when the material in layer B is ejected
through the Earth's surface?
ANS: A volcanic eruption occurs.
Activity Page 67( describe Igneous rocks and complete a key)
Q1: Name the process in which magma cools down and
becomes a rock.
ANS: Solidification
Q2: Do you think the magma that made granite rock cool down
slowly or quickly explain your answer
ANS: Slowly, because the crystals are large enough to see with
the naked eye
Q3: Is Granite an extrusive igneous rock or an intrusive igneous
ANS: Intrusive igneous rock
Q4: Do you think the liquid basalt rock cool down slowly or
ANS: Quickly, because the crystals are too small to see with
the naked eye
Q5: Is basalt an exctrusive igneous rock or an intrusive igneous
ANS: Extrusive igneous rock
Q6: In this photograph of a piece of granite
a) Which mineral appears as glassy crystals?
b) Describe the crystals of feld spar
White and larger than the other crystals.
c) Name the mineral which forms black shiny crystals
c) Mica
Q7: Copy and complete this key for Igneous Rock
ANS: Missing words: granite; extrusive
3.2 Sedimentary rocks and Fossils
Q: Describe the sedimentary rocks how are they different to
igneous rock
ANS: The rocks are different to igneous rocks because they are
reddish brown in colour and they are formed off layers.
3.2 Sedimentary rocks and Fossils
ACTIVITY 1 (Use text a photograph and a diagram to describe
how sedimentary rocks form) pg 72
Q1: Give an example of weathering
ANS: Any one from heating and cooling of rock to break up
surface layers; plant roots breaking up surface rock and rain
loosening and dissolving rock.
Q2: Describe how a river uses weathered rocks to erode
ANS: The river uses the broken rocks to scrape the sides and
bottom of its valley.
Q3: Where are layers of sediments deposited?
ANS: On the sea bed or lake bed
Q4: How do you know that the rocks in the photograph on the
opening page of this topic are sedimentary rocks?
ANS:Because the rocks are formed of layers
Q5: Put these 5 stages of the formation of sedimentary rocks in
the correct order
Sedimentation ,transporting ,depositing ,eroding ,weathering
ANS: Weathering; eroding; transporting; depositing;

Activity 2: Identify and describe sedimentary rocks(pg 73)

1–3 Learners’ own responses

Q4: Copy and complete these sentences which give two
important characteristics of sedimentary rocks:
Ans:Sedimentary rocks are formed of sediments stuck together.
Sedimentary rocks form in layers.
Q5: Copy and complete this key for sedimentary rocks
Ans: Missing words Left – sandstone Middle – shale Right –
3.3 Metamorphic rocks and the rock Cycle
ACTIVITY 1:(Identify and describe metamorphic rocks)
Q1: Which metamorphic rock forms when limestone is heated?
Ans: Marble
Q2: Name the sedimentary rock that quartzite is formed from?
Ans: Sandstone
Q3: What happens to shale when it is heated and put under
Ans: It changes into slate
Q4: What is gneiss?
Ans: Gneiss is a metamorphic rock that forms when granite is
changed by heat and pressure
Q6: Copy and complete these sentences which gives three
important characteristics of metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocks are shiny because they are crystalline
metamorphic rocks sometimes have many layers because of
pressure metamorphic rock sometimes have bands of crystals
because of pressure
ACTIVITY 2:(Describe how a model can help us understand the
rock cycle)
Q1: How do we call this a rock cycle?
Ans: Because it shows how rocks are continuously formed,
broken down and reformed
Q2: How does the model show actions such as melting?
Ans: Arrows
Q3: Name the actions that break rock up into sediment.
Ans: Weathering and erosion
Q4: Name the actions that happens when magma changes into
igneous rock.
Ans: Cooling
Q5: Name the action that changes rock back into magma.
Ans : Melting
Q6: Name the actions that change sedimentary and igneous
rock into metamorphic rock.
Ans: Heating pressurising and burial
Q7: Describe the two changes that can happen to sedimentary
Ans: It can be buried heating and put under pressure and
change into metamorphic rock or it can be weather and erode
to make sediments which become new sedimentary rock.
Q8: We can show parts of the roads cycle as chain diagrams
here is an example. Weathering and erosion
Sedimentary rock sediments
Draw chain diagram to show how
a) sedimentary rock changes into metamorphic rock
Burial,heat and pressure
sedimentary rock metamorphic rock
b) granite changes into gneiss

Heat and pressure

granite gneiss
c) magma changes into granite
magma granite
ACTIVITY 1 :Type of Soil (pg 91)
Q2: Copy and complete the following table which summarises
the differences between the three types of soil. Choose your
answers from the words in brackets

Q3: Look at the photograph of rice growing

Rice is planted when the soil is covered with water
what type of soil do you think this is?
Give a reason for your answer
Ans: Clay soil because it holds a lot of water and the water
cannot drain through
ACTIVITY 2: (Changing the Composition Of Soil) pg 93
Q1: What must a farmer or gardener do to make sure that
a) thesoil has enough water?
Ans: What are the soil when there is no rain
b) thesoil has enough nutrients?
Ans: Dig in compost or fertilisers
c) the soil drains well?
Ans: Dig the soil and add sand
Q2: Look again at the vegetable garden in the photograph at
the beginning of the topic
a) What type of soil is this. Explain how you know.
Ans: Loam the dark brown colour shows that it contains a
lot of organic matter
b) list ways in which the women maintain the composition
of the soil
Ans: She mixes air and organic matter in with the soil by
turning it with a hoe
She takes out the weeds
She waters it in dry weather
Q3: Draw a table with two columns headed “action” and
“change” in the composition of the soil in the first column
list actions that damage the soil in the 2nd column write
down how the action changes the composition of the soil
1 1E; 2A; 3C; 4B; 5F; 6D
2 a Basalt
b Limestone
c Loam
3 a Igneous
b It is crystalline
c Minerals (or crystals of minerals)
d Magma inside the Earth’s crust cooled to form solid rock.
4 a Sedimentary
b It contains fossils
c On the sea bed or lake bed
5 a Marble
b Limestone
c The limestone was heated. The rock melted and then re-
crystallised into marble.
6 a 1. Weathering 2. Erosion 3. Sediments 4. Sedimentation
5. Heat 6. Pressure
b The rock cycle

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