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Rizal in France and Germany

 After finishing his studies in Madrid, Rizal decided  For a time, he resided in a German boarding house
to leave the Spanish capital and move to France and where he became friends with some German law
Germany. students.
 His decision to migrate to these two countries was  Because Rizal was a good chess player, his
due to his desire to specialize in ophthalmology, by boardmates recommended him to become a member
his desire to cure the eye ailment of his mother. of Chess Players’ Club of Heidelberg.
 He became popular among these German law
 RIZAL IN PARIS (1885-1886) students because he joined them not only in their
 When he migrated to Paris, he was already 24 years chess games but also in their beer drinking speers.
old and a full-pledge surgeon.  After a few days, Rizal decided to transfer to a
 Before going into gay, Paris, Rizal went to boarding house close to the University of
Barcelona, Spain to visit Maximo Viola Heidelberg.
 Medical student from San Miguel, Bulacan  He was privileged to work at the eye hospital of the
 He worked as an assistant at the eye clinic of Dr. university, under the tutelage of Dr. Otto Becker.
Louis De Wecker for 4 months, where he learned  In this university town, Rizal perfected the
the following : techniques of diagnosing eye ailments, which he
 The actual performance of eye operation learned under Dr. Louis de Wecker.
 Recent studies on the eye ailment of the  While at Heidelberg, Rizal wrote letters to his
eyes sisters, Maria and Trinidad.
 The various techniques of eye operation  Rizal described Germany as a country of order
 Outside his working hours in the eye clinic, he takes and obedience.
visits to his fellow Filipinos.
 He frequented the residences of:  From the same correspondence to Maria in
 Felix R. Hidalgo February, Rizal described the German student as:
 Pardo de Tavera  Affectionate
 Juan Luna  Respectful
 His frequent contact with other Filipinos in the city  Modest
contributed immensely to his ability to learn and  not boastful
speak French fluently  Women, however, were described by Rizal as tall,
 He stayed with Juan Luna for some time in the stout and blonde
latter’s studio in Paris where Rizal became a model  His letter to his sister Trinidad, dated March 11,
in two of his canvasses: 1886 (May ibibigay kaming print out ng letter)
 The Blood Compact  The letter is from One Hundred Letters of Jose
- Rizal posed as Sikatuna Rizal by the National Heroes Commission
 Death of Cleopatra  He stressed so much the good qualities of
- Rizal as a priest German women:
- Serious
- Simple
GERMANY - Industrious
 He left Paris due to its high cost of living, which he - Not afraid in men
could not cope with. - Concerned about education
 He arrived at Heidelberg on February 3, 1886
 University town of Germany
 Rizal visited the different scenuc spots of Heidelberg  after his summer vacation at Wilhelmsfeld on July
on weekends. 31, 1886, he sent his first correspondence with
 He usually strolled around the city, not only to see its Ferdinand Blumentritt.
church and theater but also to savor the cool  What impelled him to write Blume was the latter's
breeze of the Neckar River, which was teeming interest in ethnology and Philippine languages.
with flowers.  Accompany his letter was a book entitled Aritme
 This scenery inspired Rizal to write a poem entitled authored by Rufino Baltazar Hernandez published
A Las Flores de Heidelberg (To The Flowers of by the UST Press in 1868.
Heidelberg). (magbibigay din kami ng copy)  Rizal's first correspondence impress Blumentritt
 on April 12, 1886.  the Director of the Aten of Leimeritz
 This poem, as translated by Derbyshire  In return, Blumentritt sent Rizal two books.
 a poem of two of the greatest loves of man on  This marked the beginning of the frequent
earth. communication between Rizal and Blumentritt
 It is a poem of remembrance and a poem of through the medium of writing.
the motherland.
 SUMMER VACATION AT  After attending the fifth centenary foundation day
WILHELMSFELD celebration of the University of Heidelberg, Rizal
 After composing the poem. A Los Flores de visited other cities in Germany.
Heidelberg, Rizal took a three-month vacation at  He arrived in Leipzig on August 14, 1886, on board
Wilhelmsfeld a train.
 a mountainous village at Heidelberg.  Part of his activities in this city was attendance at the
 he met Dr. Karl Ulmer, a pastor of the vicarage lectures given by German professors in history and
of Wilhelmsfeld. psychology.
 Because Rizal became a friend of Pastor Ulmer,  It was at the University of Heidelberg where Rizal
he stayed with the former's family during the came to know:
entire duration of his summer vacation in the  Prof. Friedrich Ratzel, a well-known German
said village. historian
 Owing to his pleasant disposition and  Dr. Hanz Meyer, a famous German
personality, as well as his talents in sketching anthropologist
and languages Pastor Ulmer's wife greatly  It was also in this city where he translated Schiller's
admired Rizal. William Tell into Tagalog, for the Filipinos to
 He returned to Heidelberg on June 2, 1886 become aware of the story of the champion of
remembering the hospitality and friendship accorded Swiss independence.
to him by the Ulmers.  He also translated the Fairy Tales, written by Hans
 The religious tolerance that the people practice in the Christian Andersen
area is the things that he appreciated so much in his  for the benefits of his young nieces and
stay in the German village nephews in the Philippines
 He observed Pastor Ulmer being able to get  While at Leipzig, Rizal worked as a proofreader in
along well with the Catholic priest in the area a publishing company
 something that will not be possible in the  He was fortunate enough to be accepted due to his
Philippines as that time due to the dominant knowledge of German, Spanish, and other
belief of the friars that only themselves were the European languages.
only true purveyors of the words of God  Owing to the lower cost of living at Leipzig, he
stayed in the city for two months
 He left Leipzig on October 29, 1886 and went to
 It was at Dresden where he met Dr. Adolph Meyer
 the Director of Anthropological and
 FIRST CORRESPONDENCE WITH Ethnological Museum of the city.
 After his three-day visit to Dresden, he left  Acting on the invitation of Dr. Virchow, Rizal
Dresden for Berlin by train. presented a paper in German entitled Tagalische
Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art) to the
Ethnographic Society of Berlin.
 RIZAL IN BERLIN  The paper was well appreciated, which proved that
 Rizal arrived in Berlin in the evening of November Rizal was recognized for his scientific knowledge
1, 1886. in Europe.
 He went to Berlin due to the following reasons
(Rivera et al, 1969):  Life in Berlin was not that easy for Rizal.
 to further enhance his knowledge of  In the morning, he worked as an assistant in Dr.
ophthalmology: Schweigger's clinic.
 to supplement his studies of languages and  In the evening he attended lectures at the
sciences; University of Berlin.
 to study and observe the political and  At his boarding house, Rizal continued his physical
economic conditions of Germany; trimming exercises and practiced speaking German,
 to join the circle of famous German scientists French, and Italian languages.
and scholars; and  Before resting in the evening, he took time to write
 to complete and publish his novel, Noli Me and complete his first novel.
Tangere.  November 1886 to May 1887 – he found himself
 Rizal was fortunate enough to meet in person Dr.  His brother Paciano was unable to send him his
Feodor Jagor monthly stipend owing to crop failures in
 the author of the book Travels in the Philippines Calamba.
 This book was one Rizal admired so much when  In order to eat, he had to pawn the diamond ring
he was still a student at UST. given by his sister Saturnina and sell his books to
 His admiration of this book was due to two second-hand bookstores.
reasons.  Devoid of proper nutrition, he got sick with coughs
- First, it predicted the collapse of the and colds, signs of tuberculosis.
Spanish regime in the Philippines.  Penniless at Berlin, he thought of burning the
- Finally, it prophesied the coming of the manuscript of his first novel. which he had
Americans into the Philippines. completed.
 His acquaintance with Dr. Jagor, through a letter of
introduction from Ferdinand Blumentritt,
resulted into his friendship with numerous German
intellectuals, like the following:
 Dr. Rudolf Virchow, a German anthropologist:
 Dr. Hans Virchow, a German professor of
Descriptive Anatomy; and
 Dr. W Joest, a famous German geographer; and
 Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger, a noted German
 His association with these German intellectuals led
to his membership in prestigious societies of
scholars and intellectuals in Berlin.
 On the recommendation of Dr. Jagor and Dr.
Meyer, Rizal was accepted as a member of the
following societies in Berlin:
 Anthropological Society;
 Ethnological Society; and
 Geographical Society.

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