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Spains Role during the Second World War – Spanisch Presentation HJ 13.

1 – 2022-11-05

Everyone knows about the second world war. Or at least about the basics. Gross
menschenrechtsverletzungen, Nazi-power, Allied powers, fighting, 6 million dead, many
never named.

And everyone knows who was involved. The allied powers (USA, UK,UdSSR ) and the axis
powers (Germany under Nazi rule, The Italian Kingdom and the Japanese empire).

Yet many people underestimate, or dont even know about Spains important Role during the
second world war.

This is what this presentation today is about. Spains role during the 2 ww.

To be able to firmly understand what role Spain played during the 2WW, we first have to get
a verständniss for Spains own history during that time period.
So first, i will be going through , grob/in zügen, aspects of spains history that pertain to that
time period.
 History line with important dates and facts (background and pre war)
o (Conditions 1920-1930)
o Civil War
o Major Events
 Life in Franco regime & Domestic politics during war time

That should cover the basics for your understanding.

(now, we see that francos regime aligned perfectly with hitlers ideology and the nazi regime.
So why is spain still seen as neutral?)

After that i will come to spains role during the second world war.
 Spains „forced neutrality“ (Allied Measures)
 Diplomacy & The relationship between franco and Hitler
 Military Interactions
 Jews and other Refugees (i think this part will shock many of you)

I will end with the wars effects on spain,

a fazit of both parts and come to a conclusion

Officially, Spain is said to have been and stayed neutral during the second world war, thus
one might think that spains role wasnt that important. But in this presentation, i will show
you why the

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