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Personal Development SHS 12

Family Structures and Legacies Lesson Plan

I. Objective

After the lesson, the learners are expected to be able to:

1. Distinguish the various and diverse roles of family members.
2. Make a genogram that will describe their family system.
3. Prepare a plan on how to make your family members firmer and gentler
with each other.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: MODULE 11: Family Structures and Legacies
Reference: Personal Development SHS, pg. 85 – 93

 Laptop
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Activity Sheet/ LAS
 Chalkboard
 TV for presentation
III. Lesson Proper
 Prayers
 Greetings
 Recall previous lesson
A. Content
This lesson focuses on the acceptance and valuing role of each family
member and provides information regarding different family compositions
or systems. This lesson will help the students be aware and
knowledgeable about the importance of maintaining relationships with
their family.

B. Learning Activities

1. Motivation
 Recall previous lesson before introducing and relating to new
 After that, play a short video (with at least 2 – 5 minutes.)
regarding different family structures.
 Ask a student a random number, then choose a student that will
answer based on their sitting arrangement.
 Ask the students what is the message of the video that they’ve
2. Activities
After discussion about family structure and genogram:


 On the Learning Activity Sheet, the students will create a basic

genogram based on their family structure. (Individual Task)
 The students will be given 10 minutes to accomplish the task to
give time for the next activity.


 After making a genogram, the class will be grouped in eight

 The students will perform a short role play showing the
importance of one of the different kinds of family structures,
choosing a topic may be determined by picking a respective
 At least one student per group must explain the message
conveyed in the role play.
 The students will be given 10 minutes to brainstorm and group
presentations will follow.


 While discussing Family Legacies, the students will be asked

some evaluation questions regarding how they feel about their
relationships with their family according to:
o The decision making process.
o Communication to their family.
o Roles and responsibilities.
o Activities/Bond, and
o Overall feelings about the relationship

IV. Generalization
It is very important for every student to know the value of their relationship
with their parents and families. In particular, students should be
knowledgeable about the different kinds of family structures that they may not
experience themselves, but other people in their environment may. This
lesson can help them provide some advice on how to maintain or even
recreate a healthy relationship with their families. Parents should also know
that a healthy relationship as a committed partner can benefit their child as it

Prepared by:
Noma, Aaliyah N.

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