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Adolescent pregnancy is a global phenomenon with ckarly
known causes and serious health,social and economic
consequences, Globaly, the adolescent birth rate(ABR)has
decreased,but rates of change have been uneven across
region,World Health Organization(WHO)works with partners to
advocate for attention to adolescent pregnancy,to build an
evidence base for action,to develop policy and programme
support tools,to build capacity and to support countries to
address adolescent pregnancy effectively.
As of 2021,the estimated global number of child brides was
650Million:Child marriage places girls at increased risk of
pregnancy because girls who are married very early typically
have limited autonomy to influence decision-making about
delaycing child-bearing and contraceptive use second in many
places,girls choose to be come pregnant because they have
limited educational and employment prospects.
According to WHO,every year,anestimated 21 million girls aged
15-19 years in developing regions become pregnant and
approximately 12 million of then given birth(1), Globally, ABR
has decreased from 64.5 birthsper 1,000 womenin 2,000 to
42.5 birthsper 1,000 women is 2021.WHO has articulated both
a definition of health and the importance of a supportive
legislative and regulatory framework.Implicit in the framework
of WHO's definition of health are the right to be informed
about and to have access to safe,effective,affordable and
acceptable methods of fertility regulation,the right of access to
appropriate health care services that enable women to go
safely through pregnancy and childbirth,and the right for
couples to have the best chance of having healthy children.
This study aims todetermine the prevention of early pregnancy
and abortion.Specifically,this study seeks to answers the
following question.
•What is the main problem of early pregnancy to commit
For females aged 15 to 19,pregnancy and child birth problems
are the leading causes of death.Pregnant girls and teenagers
suffer additional health risks and challenges due to their under
developed bodies.Adolescents who are sexually active should
use effective contraception everytime they have sexual
intercourse.The Early Pregnancy Study,which can from 1982 to
1986,was designed to examine the amount of pregnancy loss
that occurs before women realize they are pregnant.
This study will help them avoid early pregnancy by using
effective contraception everytime they have sexual
intercourse.The aim of this study is to inform all teenagers
whenever they engage in sexual activity with a partner and to
prevent delivery complications,which are one of the main
causes of death because of their immature and under
developed bodies.
According to SHAI-ANN KARYO, that there will be conflict between two
groups of people. The SOCIAL CONFLICT THEORY claims human behavior in
social context results conflict between compete groups. This theory is
Marxist-based. With teen pregnancy there can be conflict between the
parents of the teen's and the teen's themselves. Parents and kids are always
butting heads. Parents want obedience and control from their kids, while
kids want freedom from their parents. Teenage pregnancy can be form of
rebellion. A lot of parents kick their child out after finding out their child is
pregnant, or refuse to help financially support the child. Some parents can
even force their child into abortion and adoption, even against the teen's will
which can lead to resentment and issues in that family.
Another example of conflict is between taxpayers and teenage
mothers. In an earlier statistic, it says that tax-dollars go to teenage
mothers, and that can enrage some people in society who feel like they
being bothered with a huge burden of paying for teen moms. Another
example of conflict that has arose in society because of teenage
pregnancy is the war between Americans and media. Many people
feem like the media is promoting teenage pregnancy or glamorizing it
by turning it into television shows like “16 and pregnant”. Pros kf this
theory is anyone can see the option of both sides of a conflict. But cons
is with this theory, Who are only experience two extreme and radical
different opinions, there's not many forms of different opinions that
get focused on.

The issue of early pregnancy and abortion is a significant
concern in many countries, particularly in developing nations.
The consequences of early pregnancy and abortion can be
devastating for young girls, including health risks, social stigma,
and limited educational and economic opportunities.
This research will provide insights into the effectiveness of educational platforms for preventing
early pregnancy and abortion.The research will involve a review of the literature on educational
platforms for preventing early pregnancy and abortion, as well as a survey of young people who have
participated in educational platforms. The survey will include questions about the effectiveness of the
educational platform, the quality of the information provided, and the impact of the platform on the
participants' attitudes and behaviors.

Educational platforms have been implemented to prevent early pregnancy and abortion. These
platforms aim to provide young people with information and skills to make informed decisions about
their sexual and reproductive health. Educational platforms can take many forms, including school-
based programs, community-based programs, and online platforms.
To accomplish the objective of the research, a mixed-methods research design will be used. A triangulation
strategy will be implemented through the following procedures:

1. Qualitative Research:
The first phase of this study will be exploratory in nature, and it will involve qualitative research.
The purposive sampling technique will be used to select the participants for in-depth interviews.
The participants of the study are batang inas, healthcare workers, government agencies (Department of
Education, Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare), and non-profit organizations that provide
services to teenage mothers. The qualitative research will be conducted using semi-structured interviews,
and open-ended questions will be asked from participants. The questions will focus on the factors that
contribute to teenage pregnancies, their social, economic, and educational impact on the participants. The
qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic analysis.
2. Quantitative Research

A survey will be conducted to gather data from batang ina who will participate
in the educational platform. The survey questionnaire will consist of closed-
ended questions to measure the effectiveness of the educational platform in
preventing early pregnancy and abortion. The questionnaire will be developed
based on the findings of the qualitative research. The survey participants will
be recruited by the non-profit organizations, healthcare workers, and schools.
The sample size will be determined using the power analysis formula. The
quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, and inferential
statistics such as correlation, regression and t-test.
3. Educational Platform Development
The findings of the qualitative research and the survey will be used to develop an
educational platform. The platform will be developed using interactive videos, infographics,
and social media. The platform will provide information about the consequences of early
pregnancies and the importance of reproductive health. The educational platform will also
provide access to counseling services from trained professionals.

4. Educational Platform Testing

The developed educational platform will be tested through pre- and post-surveys. The same
questionnaire used for the quantitative research will be used for testing the effectiveness of
the educational platform. The survey will be conducted before and after the participants
engage with the educational platform. The surveys will indicate whether the educational
platform is effective in preventing early pregnancies and abortion.

The study wil be conducted in the Catbalogan City.The

respondents will be interviewed at any comfortable plce that the
respondent will choose to.The researchers chose the place of
implementation because it will give the researchers the need
information for people about the early pregnancy abd
abortions.The study will be conducted in the year of 2023.
This part of the study where in about the data
gathered. Researcher uses the semi-structured where
in the participants are well-inteviewed personally using
questionnaire. Since the study was all about the
experience of those teenager's who got pregnant at
the very young age and some of them commit abortion.
Also researcher must limit their questions since it is
also a very exclusive topic.
The researcher utilize Stratified Random Sampling to select a sample
ABORTION. stratified sampling method ensure that subgroups (strata) of a
given population are each adequately represented within the whole sample
population of a research study

10 participants will be chosen to represents the population of teenage

pregnancy at age 18 years old and below.

Research guide question #1

• When did you realized that you were pregnant?
A. What is the specific scenario for confirmation that you are pregnant?
B. At what age did you experience or realize that you were pregnant?
Research guide question #2
• Does anyone know that you are pregnant?
A. What do you think is the best way to tell if you are pregnant?
B. When you’re in a relationship, how did it start? Describe?
Research guide question #3
• When did you decide to come out?
A. When did you decide to admit that you were pregnant?
B. How do you tell them you are pregnant?
Research guide question #4
• After coming out, how’s your life?
A. Describe life after coming out.
B. Compare life before and after coming out.
Research guide question #5
• Are there challenges after coming out to your parents that you’re
A. How did you handle challenges in your experience?
B. Did you regret coming out? Why or why not?
DATA Analysis

1. Early pregnancy is a prevalent issue in Batangas, with a significant number of girls

getting pregnant before reaching the legal age of 18. According to a survey
conducted by the local government, the majority of these pregnancies are
unplanned and result from lack of sex education and access to contraceptives.

2. The Batangas local government has implemented several education platforms to

promote awareness and prevent early pregnancy and abortions. One of these
platforms is the Batang Ina program, which provides sex education and reproductive
health services to young girls. The program also offers counseling and guidance to
parents, teachers, and community leaders to increase awareness and address
social stigmas associated with premarital sex.
3. The effectiveness of the education platforms in preventing early pregnancy and
abortion is difficult to measure due to the lack of reliable data. However, anecdotal
evidence suggests that programs like Batang Ina are making a positive impact on
the community by increasing awareness and providing access to contraceptives
and other reproductive health services.

4. Some challenges in implementing education platforms in Batangas include limited

resources, cultural barriers, and local religious beliefs that view sex education and
contraception as taboo topics. These obstacles make it difficult to generate
support for these programs and to target the most vulnerable populations, such as
rural and low-income communities.
5. Going forward, a comprehensive data collection and analysis
system is needed to better understand the impact of education
platforms to prevent early pregnancy and abortion in Batangas.
This system should include key indicators such as the number of
teenage pregnancies, incidence of STDs, and access to
reproductive health services. By using data-driven strategies, the
local government can improve program effectiveness and
increase community support for sex education and contraception.

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