How To Win and Influence People

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Rohit Chandra Thakur #


Lessons from How to Win Friends and Influence People:

1. Be genuinely interested in other people

This is the most important lesson in the book. If you
want to win friends and influence people, you need to be
genuinely interested in them. This means listening to
them, understanding their point of view, and showing that
you care about them.

2. Smile
A smile is a powerful tool that can help you connect with
people and make them feel good. When you smile, you
are sending a message that you are friendly and

3. Remember names
People love to hear their own names, so make an effort to
remember the names of the people you meet. This shows
that you are paying attention to them and that you care
about them.

4. Be a good listener
One of the best ways to show that you are interested in
someone is to be a good listener. This means paying
attention to what they are saying, asking questions, and
not interrupting.

5. Avoid arguments
Arguments are a surefire way to alienate people. If you
disagree with someone, try to find a way to agree to
disagree. This shows that you are respectful of their
opinion, even if you don't agree with it.

These are just five of the many lessons that can be

learned from How to Win Friends and Influence People.
By following these lessons, you can start to build stronger
relationships with the people around you
See translation


& 116 '2 ( 57

Rohit Chandra Thakur #


𝟏𝟎 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫, 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦



A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by

great men and to imitate those who have been supreme
so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least he will
savor it.
—Niccolò Machiavelli


When Pabrai discovers a subject that fascinates him, he

attacks it with obsessive fervor. In Buffett’s case, the
available resources seemed limitless, including decades
of letters to Berkshire’s shareholders and seminal books
such as Roger Lowenstein’s Buffett: The Making of an
American Capitalist. Pabrai devoured it all. He also began
to make a pilgrimage each year to Omaha for Berkshire’s
annual meeting, showing up without fail for more than
twenty years.

Eventually, Pabrai develops a personal relationship with

Buffett. Through Buffett, he’d also become friends with
Munger, who invites him for meals at his home in Los
Angeles and games of the bridge at his club. But in those
early days, Pabrai’s knowledge came entirely from
reading. And the more he read, the more convinced he
became that Buffett, with Munger’s help, had laid out “the
laws of investing,” which are as “fundamental as the
laws of physics.”


“The number one skill in investing is patience—extreme

patience.” Prabai



“The difference between successful people and really

successful people is that really successful people say no
to almost everything.” Warren Buffett. Pabrai once said
“On my gravestone, I want them to write, ‘He loved to play
games, especially games he knew he could win.’


It is impossible to produce superior performance unless

you do something different from the majority.
—Sir John Templeton


You may be well-read, but there are areas that you are
ignorant about. The deeper you go, the narrower you
become. Remain conscious of your ignorance. Remain
conscious of the areas you have no expertise. You don’t
know everything.


“Look, luck is not enough. But equally, intelligence is not

enough, hard work is not enough, and perseverance is not
necessarily enough. You need some combination of all
four. We all know intelligent people who worked hard but
didn’t get lucky.”


“Individually, we’re smart,” says Wojcik. “Collectively,

we’re stupid.”


“To be strong, you have to be like water: if there are no

obstacles, it flows; if there is an obstacle, it stops; if a
dam is broken, then it flows further; if a vessel is square,
then it has a square form; if a vessel is round, then it has
a round form. Because it is so soft and flexible, it is the
most necessary and the strongest thing.” Lao-Tzu


Our life is frittered away by detail.… Simplify, simplify.

—Henry David Thoreau

Thanks for reading

10 पाठ $रचर, वाइजर, *व+लयम /ीन2ारा खुशी।

१. सबै भ<दा रा>ो आइAडया C*त+ल*प गनुFहोस्

Iानी मा<छे ले सधM महापुNषले कुट*पट गरेको मागFमा पRाउनु पछF र

सवTUचको अनुकरण गनुF पछF ता*क उसको Xमता बराबर भएन भने
कZसेकम उसले [यसको पालन गछF ।
—Niccol ò Machiaveli

२. पढ् नुहोस्

जब पा^ैले आफूलाई मो*हत पानb *वषय पcा लगाउँदछ, तब उसले

यसलाई अचेतन जोशले आeमण गदF छ। बफेटको माAमलामा, उपलfध
gोतहh असीAमत दे iख<छन्, बकFशायरका शेयरधनीहhलाई दशकj
अXरहh र रोजर लोवे<kटlनको बफेट: द मेmकnग अफ अ अमे$रकन
पूँजीवादl जkता सेAमफाइनल पुkतकहh स*हत। पा^ै ले सबै खायो ।
उनले बेकFशायरको वाoषnक बैठकका ला*ग C[येक वषF ओमाहामा याqा गनF
थाले, बीस वषFभ<दा बढl समयदे iख असफल sँदै दे खाउँदै।

अ<ततः प^ैले बफेटसँग u+vगत सZब<ध *नमाFण गर् यो । बफेट माफFत,

उहाँ मुंगरसँग प*न साथी बxुsनेछ, जसले उहाँलाई लस ए<जलसमा
आyनो घरमा खानाको ला*ग र आyनो {लबमा *^जको गेमको ला*ग
*नम<qणा गदF छ। तर ती सुNवाती |दनहhमा पा^ैको Iान पूणF पठनबाट
आएको +थयो। र ज*त धेरै उसले प}ो, [य*त नै उनी *व~kत भए *क
बुफेट, मुंगरको सहयोगमा, "लगानी गनb कानूनहh" पेश गरेका +थए, जुन
"भौ*तकÄको कानूनहh जkतै मौ+लक छन्। ”

३. धैयF

"लगानी गनb एक नZबर सीप धैयF हो - चरम धैयF। ” Cबाई

४. धेरै कुरालाई नाई भxुहोस्, र तपाÉले वाkतवमा सफल sन स{ने

केहीलाई हो भxुहोस्

"सफल u+v र वाkतवमै सफल u+v बीच फरक यो हो *क वाkतवमै

सफल u+vहhले लगभग सबै कुरालाई नाई भ<छन्। ” वारेन बफेट।
पा^ाईले एक पटक भने "मेरो /ेवkटोनमा, म उनीहhले लेÑनको ला*ग
चाह<छु , 'उसले खेल खेÖन मन पराउँदछ, *वशेष गरी खेलहh उसलाई
Üज[न स{छ ‘

५. àभx sनुहोस्

बsमत भ<दा फरक नगरेसZम उ[कृä CदशFन गनF असZभव छ ।

—सर जोन टे Zपलटन

६. आyनो अIानताबाट सावधान रहनुहोस्

तपाÉ रा>ोसँग पढ् न स{नुs<छ, तर [यहाँ Xेqहh छन् जुन बारे तपाÉ
अIानी sनुs<छ। ज*त ग*हराइमा जानुs<छ, [य*त नै संकुAचत बxुs<छ।
आyनो अIानता C*त सचेत रहनुहोस् । कुनै *वशेषIता नभएका XेqC*त
सचेत रहनुहोस्। *तमीलाई सबै कुरा थाहा छै न ।

7. तपाÉलाई सफलता पाउनको ला*ग एक संयोजन चा*ह<छ

"हेर, भाåय नै पयाFçत छै न। तर समान hपमा बुÜéले पयाFçत छै न,

प$रèमले पयाFçत छै न, र लगनशीलताले पयाFçत छै न। चारवटै को संयोजन
चा*ह<छ । हामी सबैले Aच<छौ प$रèम गरेका तर भाåय नपाएका बुÜéमान
u+vहN । ”

८. हडF माइ<डसेट हटाइयो

"u+vगत hपमा, हामी kमाटF छë," Wojcik भ<छन्। "सामू*हक hपमा,

हामी मूखF छë। ”

९. पानी जkतै sनुहोस्

"ब+लन sन पानी जkतै sनु पछF : कुनै अवरोध छै न भने बåछ; अवरोध छ
भने रो{छ; बाँध भाँUयो भने अझ बåछ; भाँडो चौकोर भए चौकोर hप
s<छ; भाँडो गोलो भए गोलो भए गोल Nप छ । यो य*त नरम र लAचलो
भएकोले यो सबैभ<दा आवîयक र ब+लयो कुरा हो। ” लाओ-[जु

१०. सरल

हा>ो जीवन *वkतारले टाढा भएको छ.... सरल बनाउनुहोस्, सरल

—हेनरी डेàभड थोरेउ

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