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A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of
Lumban Senior High School
Lumban, Laguna

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the
Practical Research 2
In Humanities and Social Sciences

Time management has always been a vital factor for achieving

success in life. In daily life, every human being has different priorities and

schedules. Following a proper schedule implies that they have manages

their time well. In daily routine lie, every work has its own importance.

Time management helps in organizing a routine which reduces

complications in life and maintains balance by increasing productivity. It is

essential for parents to manage their time properly to maintain their

activities and daily routine effectively.

It is essential for parents to manage their time properly to maintain

their time properly to maintain their activities and daily routine effectively.

We students don’t want to bother our parents about this distance learning

but we have no choice. This study helped us realize how hard it is for our

parents to do tasks at once specially distribution and retrieval are always

happening in the morning.

One of the most pressing issues facing Time Management towards

their School Engagement is how our parents manage their time under their

hectic schedule. So we decided to do this research to have knowledge on

how they handle their time from morning to evening. And also we did this

to show efforts and hard works of our parents throughout New Normal


Background of the Study

Parents are teaching their children during new normal. Parents having

lots of children are having difficulties on managing their time on teaching

their children one by one together with their responsibilities in work and
house hold chores. And also parents playing a big role in new normal

because they are the one who is getting and bringing their children’s

module in school. However, not all parents are able to help their children

on doing their module because of their hectic schedule at work and/or they

are OFW or even working far but still in the country. And some of parents

don’t have ability to teach their children because they did not finish

schooling. But some responsible parents working far from their family pay

someone or ask their relatives to look after their children and also to teach

them while they are working.

Research, policy and practice on education in recent years have

focused attention on the mediating role that parents play in their children’s

schooling. Parents have been constructed as responsible agents; in the

performance-oriented educational project. Much of the literature has

looked at parent-school relations from the vantage point of parents,

particularly parents in disadvantaged areas. Less has been written on how

parent-school relations look from a school’s perspective. In this article, we

draw on data from a case study English school in a socio-economically

deprived area and explore the nature of the construct ‘responsible parent’

from the perspectives of teaching staff. We utilize data from semi-

constructed internet research with teaching staff in one case study school.

Through the data we outline teachers’ conceptions of parents and an

emerging network of engagement incorporating parents as part of a

broader social and educational project in schools. We argue that a

dominant construct, the responsible parent, has resonance with the ways

that teachers conceptualize parents. At the same time, the case study
school inhabits a dual institutional space: it is captured within a neo-liberal

discourse on the responsible parents as a key conduit for an outcomes-

oriented education project and also goes beyond the narrow confines of

formal education structures in offering ‘challenging’ parents social and

emotional support in connecting with their children and schooling

Scope and Delimitation

This study focus on parents hard work for their children in terms of

studying. To motivate them, to show them that we appreciates all their

hard works for us.

The reason for this study, is to find how parents manage their time,

how they do their own task and find what they need to do, and to motivate

them to continue doing it. It should be do in places where there’s a lot of

parents that has children going in school.

This research is designed to have a trough knowledge of every

parents why sometimes or why they can’t teach their children’s on their

module. This research study is for parents.

Significance of the Study

The study of “Parent Time Management towards their School

Engagement” is a learning passed by enhancing students’ knowledge and

skill. The goal of the study is to determine what are the things that

students need to learn to manage their time.And also, time management is

very important because it will be very usable for students to avoid hectic

chores and also it affect as individual in performance and achievement.

The result of the study is significant and great help in; Parents retrival

of the module in the right time and when is the day the student need to

complete their works.

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