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About Kansas




示一下上次讨论的两个制表的地方,一个是 population,另一个是 education。

How to create a newsletter:

1. Research your subject, collect photos, graphs, etc.
2. Find an online template that you like for your material.
3. Organize your research into the template.
4. Be sure to use spell check or other programs to make the grammar and
spelling correct.

Research your choice, collect facts, charts, pictures, basic information, and create a 2-3
Newsletter about your state.

Newsletter layout: Inviting design, at least 2 photos, chart, lettering, and so forth (30
points). A newsletter is like a brochure and is designed on 8” by 11” pages. You can find
programs that have newsletter design on Microsoft Word.

1. History, population, immigration, first citizens

13~16 世纪大批印第安人曾在里帕布利肯河和布鲁河流域建立农业社区。1541 年
西班牙探险家科罗纳多为寻找黄金到此。1682 年此地归法国所有,法国皮毛商与印第安
人在此进行频繁交易。1803 年根据购买路易斯安那协议让给美国。它通往建国的道路漫
长而血腥:在 1854 年《堪萨斯-内布拉斯加州法案》开放两个领土定居并允许新定居者确
该地区。这很快导致了暴力,领土被称为"流血堪萨斯"。1861 年建州后加入联邦,为美
国第 34 州 In the 13th and 16th centuries, a large number of Indians
established agricultural communities in the Republican River and Bru
River basins. In 1541 the Spanish explorer Coronado came here in
search of gold. It was owned by France in 1682, where French fur
merchants traded frequently with the Indians. It was ceded to the
United States in 1803 under the Purchase of Louisiana Agreement.
After the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 opened the two territories to
settlement and allowed the new settlers to determine whether the
states would be admitted to the union as “free” or “slave,” North and
South competed to send the most settlers into the region. This quickly
led to violence, and the territory became known as “Bleeding
Kansas.” After the founding of the state in 1861, he joined the Union,
the 34th state of the United States. (Time Line)

州。非裔美国人,大部分来自南方,在 19 世纪 70 年代到达,建立了农业定居点,如尼科
Population composition
1.Kansas’s early settlers were principally antislavery New
Englanders of British ancestry.
2. After the American Civil War and with the building of the railroads,
many central Europeans were attracted by the promise of jobs laying
track and of free land when the jobs were finished.
Small communities populated by citizens of predominantly Russian,
Bohemian, German, or Scandinavian ancestry still dot the state.
3.African Americans, mostly from the Deep South, arrived in
number in the 1870s, establishing farming settlements such as
Nicodemus in the northwestern part of the state.
4.During World War II, there was an influx of military personnel and
aircraft workers, many of whom remained. There is now a small but
growing Hispanic minority—less than one-tenth of the population—and a
slightly smaller proportion of African Americans.

这段话讲的是 immigration,我建议也可以采用时间线
Demographic trends
Because it has provided insufficient employment opportunities,
Kansas has lost a considerable number of its young people to other
states. The birth rate, however, has produced a slight natural increase in
population in most years. The most conspicuous demographic trend has
been the move from the farms to the cities, a trend that has continued
with further technological advances in farming and the increasing size
of individual landholdings.
2. Geography, weather, special features
处。后者是北美最长的河流,诨号“大泥流”(the Big Muddy),最终汇入密
西西比河黑褐色的洪流之中。与密苏里河相比,堪萨斯河短而浅,长度不过 185
间的极端高温或高温。年平均气温为 55 °F (13 °C)。
堪萨斯州的地形千差万别。陆地缓慢而稳定地上升到科罗拉多边境附近的 4000
英尺(1200 米)以上。遥远的西部部分由高平原组成,几乎没有天然树木.
Kansas City was born and grew up in the middle of the vast North
American continent, at the intersection of the Kansas River and
the Missouri River. The latter is the longest river in North
America, known as the Big Muddy ended up in the dark-brown
torrent of the Mississippi River. The Kansas River is short and
shallow compared to the Missouri River, which is only 185
kilometers long, and the entire basin is located in what is now
Kansas。It's the intersection of two ecosystems, and at the
beginning of the Kansas River, the eastern woodland ecology of
tall oak and pecan trees is confronted by the high grass
grassland ecology of the Midwest.
Kansas has a temperate but continental climate, with extreme
temperatures between summer and winter, but not over long periods
of time. The average annual temperature is 55 degrees F (13
degrees C).
Its terrain varies widely. Land rises slowly and steadily to more
than 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) near the Colorado border. The
western part is made up of high plains, with few natural trees.

3. Industry, Businesses


Agriculture and industry
Both agriculture and manufacturing contribute significantly to
Kansas’s economy—the former supplying many raw materials for
the latter. The production of its farms and ranches has placed
Kansas first among the U.S. states in wheat and
sorghum grains; it also has ranked high in wild hay, beef, and
Manufacturing and processing plants produce a wide variety of
items. In addition to ranking first in the world in production of
general-aviation aircraft, Wichita also is an important
manufacturing center for military aircraft. Other plants in the
state turn out baby foods, prefabricated houses. Etc.

4. Location, Dialect
堪萨斯州,美利坚合众国的组成州。 它以北的内布拉斯加州、东部的密苏里州、
Kansas, the constituent state of the United States of America.
It borders Nebraska to the north, Missouri to the east, Oklahoma
to the south, and Colorado to the west.

5. 10 words you should be sure to know.

the Sunflower State people of the south wind wheat aviation aircraft
Kansas state university Topeka Cottonwood sunset zoo barbecue
agriculture The central United States

6. Education opportunities

20 世纪具有里程碑意义的民权案,布朗诉教育委员会案,起源于 1951 年的托皮卡,当

时一个 9 岁黑人女孩的牧师父亲带她到一所全白学校门口。她被拒绝入学,美国最高法院
在 1954 年作出的裁决基本上指出,隔离教育,即使"独立但平等",本质上是不平等的,

Kansas Education

The landmark civil rights case of the 20th century, Brown v. Board of
Education, originated in Topeka in 1951, when the pastor father of a 9-
year-old black girl took her to the door of an all-white school. She was
denied admission, and a 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling essentially
stated that segregated education, even if "independent but equal", was
inherently unequal and must be eliminated at the speed it should have
been, forming the basis of most civil rights decisions that have applied
to schools since then.
堪萨斯州有六所公立大学。海斯堡州立大学(1902 年成立)、匹兹堡州立大学(1903
年)和恩波里亚州立大学(1863 年)提供文科学位。堪萨斯大学(1859 年)位于劳伦
斯,堪萨斯州立大学(1863 年)在曼哈顿,威奇托州立大学(1895 年)在威奇托。堪
堪萨斯大学医学中心的一部分,其校园位于堪萨斯城。1971 年,医学院在威奇托建立了
卡的沃什本大学(1865 年)。此外,堪萨斯州还有大约 20 所教会附属的私立四年制学

院,全部提供文科学位。(对大学直接以表格形式进行呈现 form&chart)

7. “famous” people from the state

The thirty-fourth president of the United States : Dwight David


Poet: Edgar Lee Masters , Gwendolyn Brooks

Jazz musician “bird”: Charlie Parker

8. Unique custom, food, dangers



在 20 世纪 40 年代和 50 年代初,堪萨斯城,堪萨斯州,是爵士乐和蓝调音乐的领先中心,


Cultural life

Although it lies far from the great cultural centres on the Atlantic
and Pacific coasts, Kansas has long enjoyed a thriving cultural life with
an emphasis on folk arts.

In the 1940s and early ’50s, Kansas City, Kansas, was a leading
centre of jazz and blues music, the home of artists such as Count
Basie, Charlie Parker, and Big Joe Turner.

the small community of Lindsborg has a biennial folk festival, the

Svensk Hyllningsfest, which honours the Swedish pioneers who settled
the town. It features Swedish costumes, traditional food, folk dances,
and displays of the arts and crafts of local artisans. Wilson has a Czech
festival each year. Examples of eccentric folk sculpture are found in
Lucas, where Samuel Perry Dinsmoor, a self-taught artist, sculpted in
concrete and limestone his own idea of the Garden of Eden and other
biblical stories, along with illustrations of populist themes

Food BBQ:堪萨斯州当地烤肉的典型特征是,先用小火长时间 coast,在用各种木头



A typical feature of local barbecues is to take a long time to roast with

small fire, smoke with a variety of wood, and then apply molasses and

9. Clothing needed for a visit

堪萨斯城十月平均温度是 8℃-20℃
白天建议穿单层棉麻面料的短套装、T 恤衫等舒适的衣服
The average temperature in Kansas City in October is 8C-20C.
During the day, it is recommended to wear short suits with a
single layer of cotton, T-shirts and other comfortable clothes
At night, it is recommended to wear warm clothes such as
jacket, windbreaker and thin sweater

10. Modes of transportation


路也是如此。例外是该州的单一收费公路,堪萨斯 Turnpike,它运行在堪萨斯城和俄克
拉荷马州线之间的威奇托以南,和州际 135。虽然堪萨斯州有超过 350 个公共和私人机
Kansas has an excellent system of railroads for east-west transport
but, except in the east, has less-adequate north-south lines. The same
may be said of its highways. Exceptions are the state’s single toll road,
the Kansas Turnpike, which runs between Kansas City and
the Oklahoma line south of Wichita, and Interstate 135. Although Kansas
has more than 350 public and private airports and is served by several
airlines, the only major airport in the state with transcontinental
service is at Wichita. Kansas City International Airport, in Kansas
City, Missouri, is the main airport serving the eastern Kansas–western
Missouri region.
11. Other?

这一部分就你就直接看着办吧 hh,不要也行
 莱利堡建于 1853 年,靠近堪萨斯河,以保护定居者和沿俄勒冈和圣达菲小径的贸
易。1866 年,第 7 骑兵在乔治·阿姆斯特朗·卡斯特将军的堡垒组织,后来在
1876 年 6 月的小比格霍恩战役中率领该团对苏部落和谢延部落发动了臭名昭著的
 1868 年,当法国天文学家皮埃尔·詹森首次在太阳上发现他称之为氦的元素时,
它被认为是最稀有的元素之一。直到 1905 年,劳伦斯堪萨斯大学的教职员工开始
 堪萨斯州是美国小麦的主要生产国。被称为"世界小麦之都"的萨姆纳县 2009 年生
产了 900 万蒲式耳。
 位于堪萨斯州奥斯本县的米德牧场是北美大地测量中心的参照点,通过该点对北美
的所有财产线和边界进行了调查。该三角测量站于 1901 年确定,为美国、加拿大
 虽然起源尚不清楚,但"杰霍克"和"杰霍克"这两个词最初被用来描述 1854 年堪萨

Interesting Facts
 Fort Riley was established near the Kansas River in 1853 to
protect settlers and trade along the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails.
In 1866, the 7th Cavalry organized at the fort under General
George Armstrong Custer, who later led the regiment in the
infamous attack on Sioux and Cheyenne tribes at the Battle of
Little Bighorn in June of 1876.
 When French astronomer Pierre Janssen first discovered the
element he called helium on the sun in 1868, it was believed to
be one of the most rare elements. It wasn’t until 1905, when
faculty members at The University of Kansas in Lawrence began
experimenting with gas from a newly drilled well in Dexter, that
helium was identified as a common element found on Earth.
 Kansas is the leading producer of wheat in the United States.
Referred to as “The Wheat Capital of the World,” Sumner County
produced 9 million bushels in 2009.
 Meade’s Ranch in Osborne County, Kansas, is the Geodetic
Center of North America—the point of reference by which all
property lines and boundaries in North America are surveyed.
Identified in 1901, this triangulation station for the United States,
Canada and Mexico is also known as the North American Datum.
 Although the origin remains unclear, the terms “jayhawk” and
“jayhawker” were originally used to describe raiders and looters
during the period of unrest following the Kansas-Nebraska Act of
1854 when settlers of the Kansas Territory were left to decide
the issue of slavery. It was later used solely as a label for free-
state proponents, and eventually became associated with all
 During the Civil War, Kansas suffered the highest rate of fatal
casualties of any Union state.

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