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Table of Contents

CAUSES OF DRUG ABUSE AND ALCOHOL ABUSE.........................................................................................3
IMPACT OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE....................................................................................................4
THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH ON DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ABUSE....................................................................5
CONTROL PROGRAMS.................................................................................................................................6


1) To examine the impacts of drug and alcohol abuse as well as to allude to the role of the Church in
dealing with the problem of alcohol and drug abuse.

2) To develop stress management and other life management skills.

3) To come up with skills that can be used by the youths ( individually or in small groups) inorder to help
them to avoid the problematic of alcohol and drug abuse.

4) To design, evaluate and create programs geared toward specific developmental levels of children and
teenagers, parental involvement programs and programs aimed at providing alternatives to drug and
alcohol use
Today young generations face very serious dangers and risks through drug abuse and alcohol abuse.
Drug abuse is a serious health, social and moral problem. It brings families, schools, communities,
societies, churches into disorder, ruins careers, leads to human misery, and destroys bodies and
friendship. In the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe, drug misuse and alcohol misuse causes half of the
serious accidents, arrests, fire deaths, child abuse, rape cases, unwanted pregnancies and domestic
violence. More than 40% of assaults, rapes and suicides are as a result of drug and alcohol abuse.

The midlands province is well known for illegal and legal mining. Illegal miners are well known for killing
and murdering using machetes .The Department of justice estimates that more than one-third of
nation’s inmates drank and smoke heavily before murdering or committing crimes that caused them to
be jailed. One family in every four to ten families are troubled by drug and alcohol abuse. Abusing
alcohol and drugs is common among men, women, teenagers and the elderly. These two substances
have paralyzed individuals in and outside the church. They are ranked third and fourth after cancer and
heart disease. In Zimbabwe ,drugs includes heroin ,Mutoriro cocaine,mbanje , Marijuana and other
illegal drugs combined while alcohol includes beers, wines , home-made beers and hot stuffs. Gary
Collins (1988:488) notes,” Alcohol and drug abuse costs the economy of over one billion American
dollars a year in reduced work efficiency ,absenteeism, property damage, treatment expenses and
premature deaths and mental disorders.


Alcohol and drug abuse can be caused by loneliness and isolation. People turn to drugs and alcohol
inorder to find friends . The researcher found out that stress is one of the major causes of alcohol and
drug abuse. This happens when pressure builds up, and some people use alcohol or other drugs to hide
the stress and give a feeling of euphoria and a sense that everything is good. People may try to escape
their problems through drugs and alcohol abuse but all of this fails to acknowledge the scriptural
directive to bring our burdens to Christ where we can face them squarely and deal with them directly.

The youths watch parents and other adults guardians use alcohol and drugs. Young people usually
admire most of the things that their elders do. It is not surprising that young people follow this adult
example and perpetuate the idea that drugs can help in pain easing .It is interesting to note that most
youths who abuse drugs and alcohol have grown up in homes where family instability is common. Most
parents do not even watch the programs or materials that their children watch in television, cellphones,
laptops, magazines etc. This ineffective parenting and lack of mutual attachment and nurturing by
parents or caregivers leads to problems in behaviors,alcohol and drug abuse . "Having a family history of
substance abuse, for example, puts a child at risk of drug and alcohol abuse"(NIDA; 1997:15). This means
the more parents expose their children to alcohol and drugs the more children will abuse alcohol and

Sobejak A(2009),observes that,"Drug abusing and alcohol abusing can also be inherited. Because of
genetically biological influences many people are vulnerable to alcohol and drug abuse."The
environment where parents raise their children can increase or decrease the probability of alcohol and
drug abusing. The place where we live, the society and ethnic group to which we belong can perpetuate
children to slip into drug and abusing. Some parents do not even care to explain the dangers of alcohol
and drugs to their children while some parents are neglectful ,excessively punitive which all may lead
children to becoming rebellious and fall into the dangers of alcohol and drug misuse. Therefore parental
attitudes and environments aids much to alcohol and drug abuse. Most people do abuse drugs and
alcohol because their of cultural expectations. Some cultures have guidelines of how to use alcohol and
drugs. Some do take drinking as a sign of growing up .In Binga, where the Tonga people live, drinking
and smoking is part of their culture

Factors such as drug and alcohol availability, drug and alcohol trafficking patterns believing that these
two substances are tolerated also influences youths to start abusing them. Associating with drug and
alcohol abusing friends has a high risk of exposing youths to drugs and alcohol abuse. As 1 Corinthians
15 vs 33 states: Do not misled: Bad company corrupts good character. Research also shows that drug
and alcohol abuse can also occur during major transitions in children’s lives. Changes in physical
development ( for example puberty) or social situations (such as moving or parents divorcing) heightens
drug and alcohol misuse. When children leave their parents and enter school where they meet with
wider group friends from different environments and different situation, most of them ends up engaging
into substance abuse.


According to the “Global status Report on Alcohol and Health” released by the world health organization
in Geneva in February 2011

 Approximately 2, 5 million people die from alcohol related causes each year.
 Almost 4% of all deaths worldwide are related to alcohol through injuries, cancer, cardiovascular
diseases and liver cirrhosis.
 Drugs contributes to nearly six million (6 000 000) deaths each year.
 Approximately one person dies every six seconds as a result of drug related diseases
 Up to half of current will eventually die of drug related causes.
 In the European Union (E.U), alcohol accounts for about 120 000 premature deaths per year: 1
in 7 men and 1 in 13 women.

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Researchers in the European Union , where
cancer has become the second-most common cause of deaths( about 2.5 million cancer deaths per
year ), approximates that alcohol and drugs causes more than 10% of cancers in men and 3% in women.
Alcohol triggers breast cancer in women and colon cancer in both men and women. Mark Finley and
Peter landless (2014:81) wrote,” alcohol use, lies behind accidents of all kinds of, such as road fatalities,
as well as domestic violence, murder, rape and other criminal activities.” Drugs and alcohol and drug can
cause mental retardation. It is said alcohol and drugs can cross the placenta and damages the
developing brain of the unborn baby. It has been that drugs can cause respiratory disease in adults,
sudden infant death syndrome, cardiovascular, lung cancer and coronary heart diseases.

In Kwekwe great numbers of murders are drug-related. The Mexican government estimates 90% of
killings in their country to be in connections to drugs. Drugs affects every organ of the body. They
weaken immune system , increasing susceptibility to infections , cause vascular problems, including
abnormal heart rate , heart attacks and infection of blood vessels and heart valves , abdominal pains,
triggers stroke , permanent brain damage, affect memory , attention and decision making ,
aggressiveness, hallucinations , depressions and has a number of risks to pregnant women and their

Siegel R (1985) has this to say,"Drug and alcohol overuse causes behavior change ,physical deterioration
due to eating disorders ,family stresses ,financial problems, career destruction ,spiritual
emptiness ,destroyed relationship and loss of promotions at work due to poor performance and
absenteeism (hangovers)."The above shows us that the impact of drug and alcohol abusing on one’s
health is beyond description however numerous people get sick and die every day as a result of drug
and alcohol abuse.


DEATH: Of illegal miners,from the ages of 16 to 45, more than 12% die each year from drug-alcohol
injuries, vehicle accidents and murders.
ASSAULTS AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCES : About 13% assaults and domestic violences are reported and
some not, in the midlands province each year, between the ages of 18 to 50, being committed by those
who smoke drugs and abuse alcohol.

SEXUAL ABUSE AND UNSAFE SEX : At least 15% of alcohol and drug related sexual assaults or date rape
and unprotected sex are committed each year from the ages of 15 to 50, with three-quarters of them
having been too intoxicated to remember or know whether they agreed to having sex or not.

ACADEMIC PROBLEMS AND SUICIDE ATTEMPTS : At most 20% of students from secondary schools,
colleges and universities miss classes, fail exams, some had unwanted pregnancies and many develop
health problems related to Drug and alcohol misuse, with 2% to 3% trying to commit suicide each year.

PROPERTY DAMAGES AND POLICE INVOLVEMENT: More than 10% drug and alcohol abusers damage
properties and about 5% illegal miners are involved with the police, for alcohol and drug related
violation, such as public drunkenness and public fighting.

FUTURE DESTROYED: Almost 25% of the future of our young generations between the ages of 15 to 25
are destroyed by drug abusing and alcohol misusing each year in the midlands province.

future Destroyed Academic And Suicide Sexual Abuse and unsafe sex
Assultand Domestic violence Deaths Property Damage
Police Involvements







Female Male


Qualitative research was used because it promotes close link with informants, respondents and settings.
The strategy includes formal and informal interviews. So the researcher had first hand information and
was able to investigate variety of problems.


The above drug and alcohol abusing consequences proves that a lot of young people are destroyed each
year by abusing these substances. Even though past efforts at preventing drug and alcohol abuse has
been made through education, mass media and church programs they have produced less effect. The
above drug and alcohol consequences are tears waiting to be written. This is because the abuse is really
critical in future, if parents, teachers, police, churches and other government authorities do not put
more effort and resources in curbing the fast spreading destroyer. It is wise to look for a black goat
during the day before night falls.


The church was created to fulfill the great commission of making disciples and teaching them. The early
church lived in fellowship and had a community relationship with one another .This promoted the
gospel and built up believers ,sharing experiences ,worship, needs and material possessions. Jesus'
teachings, life and instructions pointed to the practical and theoretical aspects of Christianity
People come to church with marriage issues ,family conflicts ,sinful behaviors and problems concerning
prayer .The church has to be concerned with all these kinds of problems. The church should bring all
such issues to Jesus who was and is concerned with all these kinds of problems.Jesus stated that he
came to give life in abundance and in all its fullness. He went on to say that in him we can find abundant
life on earth and eternal life in heaven.

The has to organize youth programs with social discussions on drugs and alcohol abuses. It is the
church's duty to lobby for career guidance in high schools and promote social games like football,
netball etc, by doing so, time that supposed to be spent on drugs and alcohol is spent on church social
functions. Kudakwashe Madziva notes," Youths should have monitored services to lead , so that they
can share their experiences and achievements in life." This will challenge and encourage other youths to
imitate good things. The church may invite police and nurses to talk about the dangers of alcohol and
drug abusing. Churches sometimes has to be like youth centers where youngsters compete in music,
Biblical quiz and other award winning activities. As the church preaches message about Jesus it must
also teach the effects of drugs and alcohol to its youths and elders as well. According to Patience
M(2023), "The church should raise awareness campaigns on drug and alcohol abuse, promote
productive projects to occupy their children with projects." This means the church should empower
youths with surviving skills and encouraging entrepreneurship and creation of small business projects.

Alcohol and drugs are destructive habits and agencies of premature deaths and no man can overcome
them without surrendering their weak and wavering wills to God. The church should always point those
weaker vessels to God who gives power to overcome these destructive lifestyle habits. For the apostle
John says: for whatever is born of God overcomes the world –our faith” (1 John 5:4). God wants us to be
free from these causers of life threatening diseases such as cancer and heart diseases. The church
should help sinners to guide their choice in God's way, so that in Jesus they will have victory over
destructive habits.

The church must encourage youths and adults to live a drug and alcohol free life and for those who are
already in it, the church has to make sure that they are back on the right track and should not give up
because God is the God of the second chance and more. Many have and are still struggling with drugs
and alcohol in their own strength, this is where the church should chip in and do encourage them to
depend upon God’s strength and power to stay an alcohol and a drug free life. Philippians 4:13 reads,”I

do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This means our source of strength is the power
outside ourselves. When struggling with drugs and alcohol people should know that, they are not alone
it. It is only through the Holy spirit that we have physical ,mental , emotional and spiritual power.

Like the apostle Paul, the church should help these drug and alcohol addicts or abusers to walk in the
spirit so that they would overcome the desires of their flesh (Galatians 5:16).As they submit to the
spirit’s control, that is responding in obedience to the simple commands of the Bible, they will grow
spiritually which will result in righteous behavior and spiritual attitudes. The Pastor should then
encourage those alcoholics and drug addicts who wants to change to stay away from all drug and
alcohol friends, this is because bad company corrupts good behavior (1 Corinthians 15:33 ). New
converts should then be taught by the church to have faith in God ,as he only has our best interest at
heart . Teaching them how to walk with God, one day at a time is the most important thing in a new
convert’s life as God knows all our problems and needs (Mathew 6:25-34;Philippians 4:6-7)

Bible Study groups ,prayer groups ,cell groups, youth seminars etc. helps to maintain support systems
and for them to have other Christians with whom they can share their struggles and receive
encouragement which will help them to cope with the pressures of life (Galatians 6:1-2).The church
should teach them to pray every day ,read the Bible every day and attending church services
weekly .Prayer helps to keeps them close to God, who changes them (James 5:13 -18 ).The Bible has
answers to all problems and has the direction that everybody needs (proverbs 3:5-6).In church services
they can worship and serve God and also grow spiritually as they associate with others.

Heather N (1982) wrote, "Control programs should enhance protective factors and reverse all forms of
drugs and alcohol abuse, including the underage use of illegal drugs such as Marijuana , heroin , cocaine,
mbanje ,mudzepete etc. Community leaders, parents and educators should address alcohol and drug
problems, develop preventative actions ( talking about family rules before problems occur),strengthen
learning and bonding by addressing aggressive behaviors and poor concentration associated with
alcohol and drug related problems." This will make parents can work with others in their communities to
increase awareness about the local drug and alcohol abuse problems and the need for research based
control programs. Teachers and other educators should unite with others in their schools to review
current programs and identify research based control interventions appropriate for students.
Community leaders can organize a community group to develop a community control plan, coordinate
resources and activities in all sectors of the community .Parents can also use prevention principles in
selecting drug abuse and alcohol abuse programs

Goldstein A (2001) says, " Teachers can incorporate research based content and delivery into their
regular classroom curriculum." Evaluation experts should help community leaders to evaluate program
progress and develop improvements in out comes .This can only be achievable when there is a strong
bond between children and their families. Parents must be supportive and meet financial, emotional
and social needs in their children’s lives .There should also be clear limits and consistent enforcement of
discipline in a child’s life. Parental monitoring of social behavior including establishing curfews, ensuring
adult supervision of activities outside home, knowing the child’s friends and enforcing household rules is
of paramount importance.

Drug effects are short lived and any temporary gains can easily turn into long term losses. Each time
drug and alcohol users rely on those substances to relieve tension and feel good about themselves, they
become less capable of coping on their own and face the reality. Alcohol and drug abuse has caused
many accidents, premature deaths, diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Under their influence
many have committed crimes such as domestic violence, murders and rape cases. It is because of this
that the nation at large has to come up with programs to curb drug and alcohol abuse.
Parents,community leaders, teachers, pastors and cabinet ministers should come together and address
this problem before it brings the whole world into chaos. The church should preach the gospel of Christ
that will heal our nation.

1)Alpha Nicholas (2003). The Church In the community. Aspher Press. Lilongwe.

2) Gary Collins (1988). Christian counseling. W. Publishing Group. United states of America.

3) Goldstein A(2001). From Biology to drug Policy. Oxford University Press.

4) Heather(1982). Addictive Behaviors. Caritas Press. Finland.

5) Kudakwashe Madziva(2022). Drug Abuse in Zimbabwe. Madiro publications. Kwekwe. Zimbabwe.

6) Mark Finley and Peter landless (2014). Health and wellness. Africa Publishing Company. Pretoria.
South Africa

7) NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse (1997) Preventing Drug Use among children and Adolescents)
NIDA Publications United States Of America.

8) Patience Masango(2023). Empowering Today's Church. Christian Institute of Theological Studies.

Kwekwe. Zimbabwe.

9) Siegel R(1985). Behavioral And Clinical Perspectives. Raven Press. New York.

10) Sobejak A(2009). Alcohol Use Sexual Function In Women. Journal Of Addictions. Boca Raton, FL:CRC
Press. USA.

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