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Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Prospective Members: We are pleased with your interest in Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity. Since April 4, 1986, Sigma Lambda Beta has grown from a single chapter at the University of Iowa to well over one hundred collegiate entities that stretch from California to New York and has even reached the shores of Puerto Rico. This growth can be attributed to the combined efforts of alumni, faculty, staff, and collegiate students who believe in the ideals for which Sigma Lambda Beta stands and the programs it promotes. As a Fraternity, we exist to establish honorable friendships that will work together to foster academic excellence, cultural understanding and the dissemination of Latino cultures. Our philosophy is best summarized by our motto: Opportunity for Wisdom. Wisdom for Culture. As an organization, we are working diligently to ensure that we move in a direction that will create change in our society. Though we welcome new schools to join us in our mission, we demand that those committing to the expansion process be ready to exert the energy, planning, time and motivation that are necessary to properly build a firm and well established extension of our organization. Additionally, we adhere to our principles (Brotherhood, Scholarship, Community Service and Cultural Awareness) on an everyday basis to become productive members of society. Our strong emphasis on brotherhood helps promote the family-like atmosphere that is present across all of S igma Lambda Beta. In this packet you will find a summary of the expansion process. Please review it thoroughly. After review feel free to contact our office with any questions you may have. You may reach us at 319-626-7686 or via e-mail at Fraternally, Bro. Mary Peterson Executive Director

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity

Table of Contents
Contact Information
Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Executive Office 125 E. Zeller St. Ste. E North Liberty, IA 52317-9248 (p) 319.626.7686 (f) 319.626.7688 (e)


4 6

Expansion Summary

Resources for Expansion

Executive Office Staff

Mary Peterson Executive Director Eduardo Daz Assistant Executive Director Ext. 1# Ricardo J. Cortez Director of Member Services & Development Ext. 5# Christopher Maxwell Director of Member Services & Outreach Ext. 3# Karen Hanes Executive Assistant Ext. *# Katie Schneider Human Resources/Bookkeeper Ext. 7#

7 Petition for Colony Status 8 9

Petition for Chapter Status

How to Submit your Petition

10 Frequently Asked Questions

Expansion Packet

Expansion Summary
Eligibility In order to pursue membership in Sigma Lambda Beta, each collegiate man must be a full-time student of his academic institution and have at least a 2.50 cumulative Grade Point Average on a 4.0 scale. Stages of Expansion The expansion process consists of four stages: Initial Interest, Interest Group, Colonization and Chartering. Initial Interest During the Initial Interest stage, it is recommended that there are at least eight (8) eligible and interested men on the campus; however, if your group is smaller, do not worry, as recruitment will be integral in the coming stages. The initial interst group (or interested man) needs to follow these steps: 1. Complete the Expansion Form found under the Expansion section of our website (; 2. Contact the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (or similar office) and set up a meeting with the appropriate individual. This will allow you to express your interest in pursuing expansion, and learn whether or not your institution is currently open for expansion. This meeting will allow you to begin a working relationship with this office, and collect any relevant information regarding expansion requirements and expectations. Make sure you inquire about your schools expansion policies, and that you get digital copies of these; 3. Gather the following information: GPA Statistics: All undergraduate men; All Greek men; All students; Enrollment Statistics: Male students; All student; Students living in residence halls; Minority students; Enrollment Demographics; List of all social fraternities, sororities, and Greek councils on the campus; 4. Contact the Executive Office to express your interest in expansion. Upon contacting our office, you will be assigned a staff member to work with through your expansion process. Please provide this individual with the information youve gathered including: All statistics Expansion policies/guidelines; List of Fraternities, Sororities, and Greek Councils; Contact information for Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (or similar office); 5. After reviewing the information with you, our office will contact your schools administration to iron out further details and determine the feasibility of expansion, and a tentative timeline. 4 Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity

Expansion Summary, Cont.


Interest Group During Interest Group stage, you will be put in contact with several brothers in your local area as well as our regional officers, and volunteers in order for them to serve as local guides and resources to you. Depending on your insitution, your group will need to become a registered student organization on campus. This stage will last at least one (1) semester, and during this time you will complete all the requirements outlined in this packet for you to assemble your Petition for Colony Status (page 7). It is recommended that the group holds weekly meetings in order to ensure proper dissemination of information, and facilitate organization and planning. In order to be eligible to apply for Colony Status, the Interest Group must have at least eight (8) committed, full-time students with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of a 2.50 on a 4.0 scale. Only those who meet this criteria will be approved to proceed with intake during the Colonization Period. A $250 petition fee must be submitted along with your petition. Colonization Once your Petition for Colony Status has been received and approved, you will begin your intake process. Once intake has completed, your interest group (only those eligible who were approved) will receive full membership into Sigma Lambda Beta with all its Rights and Responsibilities. At this point the colony is fully recognized and is subject to all benefits, rules and regulations of the Fraternity. Intake may last anywhere between eight (8) and ten (10) weeks depending on the schedules of the interested men. Your intake period must end at least one week prior to the beginning of your finals, and may not start if the schedule suggests this condition wont be met. Intake Fees include a one-time induction payment of $189 payable prior to the beginning of intake and a one-time initiation payment of $141 later on in the process depending on the intake schedule. Chartering Once your colony has been fully recognized, you will begin to work toward obtaining full chapter status by completing the Petition for Chapter Status (page 8). Your colony will be eligible to apply for chapter status as early as six (6) months after Colonization but no later than two (2) years after colonization. As a Colony, you will be responsible for meeting all Fraternal requirements in accordance to the Fraternitys Constitution and Policy Manual including, but not limited to: Semester Membership Dues, Programming Requirements, Academic Requirements, Attendance to Annual National Events, etc. To be eligible to be considered for Chapter Status, a colony must have at least eight (8) initiated brothers who are considered Active-Good Standing. A $250 petition fee must be submitted along with your petition.

Expansion Packet

Resources for Expansion

Executive Office Staff Sigma Lambda Betas Executive Office Staff consists of one full-time Director of Member Services & Development, one full-time Director of Member Services & Outreach, one full-time Assistant Executive Director, an Executive Assistant, Human Resources Member, and an Executive Director. Our entire staff will be an important part of your expansion process as well as the every day operations of your entity once it is fully established. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please dont hesitate to contact us! Regional Board of Directors The Regional Board of Directors is made up of the Regional Director and several Assistant Regional Directors, including an Assistant Regional Director of Expansion. These men will be an integral resource through the Interest Group, Colonization, and Chartering stages of your expansion process. Additionally, these men will be equally as important to you during your day to day operations once your entity is fully established. Alumni Because membership in Sigma Lambda Beta does not end after your collegiate experience, many of our members remain active through their alumni years. Alumni in your area will be instrumental in your development and in your acquisition of knowledge and wisdom from their collegiate experiences. The Beta Nation Our network of Brothers spans across the entire nation from corner to corner. As an interest, you will be able to get in contact with Brothers from anywhere should you need advice on how to better run your interest group and later on as a brother on how to better run your entity, as well as get help networking in different fields, or simply a couch to crash on as you road trip across the country!

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity

Petition for Colony Status


Allow this list to guide you as you put together your Petition for Colony Status. This list can also serve as your table of contents. Please keep in mind that proper approval and support from the institution is necessary at the time of application. 1. Letter of Intent explaining how the group became interested in Sigma Lambda Beta as well as a brief history of the group; 2. Member Profiles. Must include at least eight (8) commited, full-time students who intend to go through the intake process, and have at least a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale. The profiles should include: Name; Age; Contact information; Parents contact information; Major; Year in school; Anticipated date of graduation; Other collegiate involvement; 3. On-campus Mailing Address; 4. Advisor Contact Information. The group should meet with its advisor on a regular basis; 5. A summary of the groups fiscal management system, and a copy of all budget files (included as a separate attachment, preferably in Excel format); 6. Documentation and description of at least: One (1) community service event; One (1) cultural awareness event; One (1) member bonding event per week; One (1) fundraiser; 7. List of Goals the group has over the next two (2) academic terms after Colonization and include a detailed action plan that will be implemented to achieve these goals; 8. A copy of the by-laws adopted by the interset group (to be submitted as a separate file, preferably in Word format); 9. Provide the following letters of recommendation (to be sent directly by the individual providing it via physical mail or e-mail): One (1) letter from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (or similar office) in favor and support of the interest groups expansion (required); One (1) letter from the interest groups Advisor detailing the work ethic and effectiveness of the group (required); One (1) letter from the Greek council into which the interest group group has been admitted in favor and support of the groups expansion; Other letters may be submitted at the groups discresion;

Expansion Packet

Petition for Chapter Status

Allow this list to guide you as you put together your Petition for Chapter Status. This list can also serve as your table of contents. 1. Letter of Intent explaining why the group is ready to be chartered. Include your date of establishment; 2. Colony Brief History; 3. Member profiles. Must include at least eight (8) initiated brothers that are considered ActiveGood Standing; Name; Age; Contact Information; Year in School; Major; Anticipated Date of Graduation; 4. A list of short- and long-term goals inclluding a detailed action plan that will be implemented to achieve these goals. Make sure you define short-term and long-term. 5. Timeline of events hosted by the colony throughout the Chatering stage broken down by semester and type (i.e. Cultural Awareness, Community Service, Philanthropy, Brotherhood, Fundraiser, etc.); 6. Brief description of the events outlined in the timeline (item 5). This is your opportunity to show what youve done and why you deserve to be chartered!; 7. Provide information of member involvement in other organizations on campus. Include positions held if applicable; 8. A summary of the colonys fiscal management system, and a copy of all budget files (included as a separate attachment, preferably in Excel format); 9. Documentation of educational programing on hazing hosted or attended by the colony on all semesters when the colony has had intake; 10. Copy of the colonys by-laws updated to comply with the Fraternitys Constitution and Policy Manual (to be submitted as a separate file, preferably in Word format) and Risk Management policy 11. Provide the following letters of recommendation (to be sent directly by the individual providing it via physical mail or e-mail): One (1) letter from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (or similar office) in favor and support of the groups expansion (required); One (1) letter from the groups Advisor detailing the work ethic and effectiveness of the group (required); Additional letters may be submitted at the discretion of the colony.

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity

How to Submit your Petition?


Your Petition must be submitted in the following manner: One (1) file including the Petition itself, preferably in PDF format following the appropriate guidelines (sent via e-mail); For Colony Status, please follow the guidelines on page 7 of this document; For Chapter Status, please follow the guidelines on page 8 of this document; One (1) file including your budgets, preferably in Excel format (sent via e-mail); One (1) file including your by-laws, preferably in Word format (sent via e-mail); Petitions for Chapter Status should include an additional file in Word format for the Colonys Risk Management policy. One (1) file including the Roster History Report (Petition for Chapter Status ONLY). Please contact the Executive Office to obtain this file; Official Transcripts per man (sent via physical mail); Letters of Recommendation (sent via physical mail or e-mail directly from the individual providing the letter); Check or Money Order for $250 payable to: Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity (sent via physical mail). Please retain the receipt portion of your Money Order as proof of purchase, and for tracking purposes. Petition items should be submitted electronically to your assigned Executive Office staff member. Any items that must be mailed in should be sent to: Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Executive Office 125 E. Zeller St. Ste. E North Liberty, IA 52317-9248

Expansion Packet

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I join Sigma Lambda Beta if I am not of Hispanic-Latino descent? Yes, Sigma Lambda Beta does not base membership on ability, age, citizenship, color, creed, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, physical attributes, race, religion, sexual orientation, social-economic status, or political party affiliation. Can I be a part of intake (educational process) if I am a first semester freshman? Yes! However, you must provide official grade verification from your high school showing that your graduating cumulative Grade Point Average was 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. How long does intake (educational process) last? Intake may last anywhere between eight (8) to ten (10) weeks depending on the schedules of all parties involved. What type of cultural activities are performed? Our member perform a wide variety of events that highlight cultural awareness and while we are historically a Latino-based fraternity, our membership believes that it is only through the understanding of all cultures that we can achieve true tolerance and acceptance of one another. Does Sigma Lambda Beta have a fraternity house on Greek Row? No, Sigma Lambda Beta has no official houses at any college campus because of the increased cost in membership fees and the liability it poses on our members and our Fraternity. What is the average size of your chapters? The average entity size as of the 2011-2012 academic year is 8 full-time students; however, some of our chapters can have over 40 members! Each entity is very different in their make-up, and you are encouraged to determine what the right size is for you! What does Sigma Lambda Beta bring to me as a student? Sigma Lambda Beta brings many advantages to the student. The first is the opportunity to meet others on campus that they may not have known prior to joining the Fraternity. Sigma Lambda Beta also gives the student the chance to give back to the community and expand on his leadership skills. Next is the opportunity to network with other members. You will have the chance to meet other members in a similar career field as you go around the country. Additionally, the opportunity to travel. The Fraternity holds an annual event located in different parts of the country each year. Finally, the fraternity allows the student to be more culturally aware of his surroundings. Does Sigma Lambda Beta offer scholarships? Yes! Every semester, the Sigma Lambda Beta Education Foundation puts out scholarship applications for our collegiate members. Additionally, many chapters across the nation have their own scholarship system.


Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity

FAQs, Cont.


What sets Sigma Lambda Beta apart from other fraternities on campus? Each organization can bring different assets to a student. Sigma Lambda Beta does not claim to be superior to other fraternities on campus; however, some organizations are better suited for an individual than others. Sigma Lambda Beta encourages the student to explore their options and determine which fraternity is better suited for him. Remember, Greek life is a decision that will last beyond your collegiate years, and you want to make sure you make the best one for you. I am a part of another organization, can I still be a part of Sigma Lambda Beta? Yes, youre encouraged to be as involved as possible! However, you will not be able to join Sigma Lambda Beta if you already belong to another social fraternity. What are the costs of membership? Cost of membership is as follows: $250 Petition for Colony Status fee (one-time as a group); $250 Petition for Chapter Status fee (one time as a group): $189 Induction Fee per man (one time as part of your new member fee paid at the beginning of your intake process); $141 Initiation Fee per man (one time as part of your new member fee paid toward the middle of your intake process); $115.50 Semester Membership Dues required of all full-time students; $57.75 Discounted Semester Membership Dues if you obtain a 3.50 previous semester G.P.A. Registration for annual National Events (required, 2 per entity), related travel and related lodging change from year to year and are the responsibility of the collegiate entity.

Expansion Packet


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