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Facing the demand for scientific and technological support for the implementation of

“The Belt and Road Initiative”, this project will establish and develop “The
International Scientists Union for the Belt and Road (ISU)”, which is led by Chinese
scientists, with the participation of scientists from countries along “The Belt and Road”
and all over the world. This project combines more than 20 scientific research
institutions, including the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources
Research, CAS, Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch of RAS, V.B.
Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch of RAS, Institute of Economics and
Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the RAS, Institute of Pacific Geographical,
RAS, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, SB RAS, Chita, Russia,
Institute of Geography and Geoecology, MAS, Institute of Geography, Academician of
the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences, Institute of Geography, Ministry of
Education and Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of geology and geophysics,
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences(UAS), Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering
and Seismology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Institute of
Geology, National Academy of Science of The Kyrgyz Republic, Benazir Income
Support Program, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad Pakistan, Indira Gandhi National Open
University, New Delhi, Institute of Geography named after acad. H.Aliyev, The
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Housing and Building National Research
Centre, HBRC, Egypt, Computer Engineering Program Nile University, and
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development. This project aims to unite
scientists from countries along “The Belt and Road” and around the world to gather
intelligence and information, and format the international talents and intelligence
highlands to provide long-term international think tanks and information support for
research, policy-making and national governance on major issues such as resources,
environment and sustainable development under the implementation of “The Belt and
Road Initiative”.

In the next three years, “The International Scientists Union for the Belt and Road” will
further improve the organization system, improve the operation mechanism and
management system, organize “Think Tank Forum of the International Scientists Union
for the Belt and Road” every two years, strengthen the construction of think tank to
attract more famous scientists from “The Belt and Road” to join us, collaborative
innovation, and focusing on the major scientific issues, provide consultant
countermeasures and policy suggestions for the implementation of “The Belt and Road
Initiative” and the construction of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor.
Meanwhile, we are discussing to construct the Russian sub-center of the Northeast
Asian Sustainable Development Research Center, continuously promote scientific and
technological cooperation in Northeast Asia, and organize joint scientific research
expedition on China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor.

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