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Many important events happened around 1200 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. that changed technology, and religious ideas.

During this time the environment was effected by human evolution. For example, Afroeurasia discovered the ability to wield iron, which in turn gave farmers more precise tools to use. These tools allowed them to be able to clear virgin land. This is an example of both a technological and environment evolution. Religion became very important to a lot of empires in that time. Some rulers even declared themselves gods. During this time period Afroeurasia discovered iron and how to use it. Farmers were able to make more advanced and precise tools for clearing land and planting crops like: spades, axes, hoes, plows. City artist were able to make iron chisels, hammers, and saws that were capable of building tall and sturdy buildings made of wood and stone. Great rulers would also equip there warriors with iron weapons and armor for better effect. During this time the iron and the skill to manipulate it was never spread worldwide, but stayed in the African-Asian continent. Most of the worlds basic inventions were here already but this time period really evolved technology. The main religions in the world today originated in this era, namely Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daosim, Hinduism, and Judaism. Before these belief systems were established and before the population of the world started to grow everyone believed in local gods and goddesses or sacred places in nature. Larger civilizations like city states the ruler could not resist the urge to make their subjects to believe they were supernatural or gods. Once the population started to grow and civilizations were significantly larger. It became a little more complicated which required a broader belief and moral system. This new foundation of religious beliefs helped provide a foundation for the societies culture and performing business from people that are farther than their neighborhood. Through these evolutions the environmental status of this world has changed over time. The population growth has made it necessary for the environment to evolve, the advancement in technology has allowed man to clear areas of land for the growing population. The major impact humans have had on the environment is the deforestation. This deforestation was a great idea at the time, but in the long

run it hurt the environment and the people by killing animals and creating famine that otherwise would not be there. Archeological evidence proves that many societies over by the Mediterranean basin, West Europe, East Africa, and other regions have substantially cut or burned the forest. The areas did not use animal strength to deforest until later in history, but they efficiently found a way to use man power. 1200 B.C.E. To 500 C.E. was the biggest evolution to human kind, because the world became more populated. The increase in population made the main religious faiths we have today come together. Technology advancements also allowed for this evolution from the discovery of iron and the skill developed to wield it. There were a lot of good things that helped human kind move on. However, there were a few down sides, the environment in the long term was effected and forests were destroyed.

References: Dunn, R. (n.d.). Big era four. Retrieved from

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