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Different types of safety procedures for elderlies (HOSPITAL)

6. Infection Control: Older adults may have weakened immune systems, making them more susceptible to infections. To prevent infection use soap
and water and frequently wash your hands, especially after touching handrails, and doorknobs. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer.
And also tell SO to clean their hands regularly as well.
7. Assistive Devices: Provide and educate older adults on the use of assistive devices, such as walkers, canes, and hearing aids, to enhance their
safety and independence. Assistive technology can enable older people to continue to live at home and delay or prevent the need for long-term care.
Increased choice, safety, independence, and sense of control for service users. Improved quality of life.
8. Pain Management: Assess and manage pain effectively, as older adults may underreport pain, which can lead to complications and falls. Older
adults should be given the lowest analgesic dose for the shortest possible time to adequately manage their pain: starting low and titrated cautiously.
Formally reassess the pain in older people to help guide the effectiveness of both the initial and ongoing treatments.
9. Psychosocial Well-being: Address the psychological well-being of older adults by providing emotional support, social engagement, and activities
that promote mental health.
Common problems seen in older people during a hospital stay include delirium, dementia and depression. Assess the client's level of anxiety and
behaviors that indicate the anxiety is increasing; recognizing these behaviors, the nurse may be able to intervene before violence occurs

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