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I see myself as a happy individual in the future.

But right now, while I'm a student, I'm

still learning new things and encountering some peculiar customs in my daily life, which
I hope to get used to in the future.
Two qualities I like most about myself are that I am easy to communicate with and
easy to be friends with, which I think can benefit me in my life. Also, I am an observer in
the community where I live, so I can easily adapt to it.

Two qualities I feel are my limitations are my confidence in public speaking,

especially when reporting in front of class, and my overthinking of what could happen in
the future and what people are going to think and feel about me.

Values I hold on to myself are what my parents always told me: always be humble no
matter what and don't be arrogant even if you have things to be proud of. Just stay
humble at all times, and good things will come to you.

People I often relate with or are significant to me:

1. Father
2. Mother
3. Brother
4. Friend
Description of people mentioned above:
1. He is strict but also a loving a caring father at the same time.
2. She is a caring and a responsible mother.
3. He is a dependable and also strict brother at the same time
4. He is a true friend and will not tolerate you from any wrong things you are doing
Positive influence on me of people mentioned above:
1. He teaches me how to be a true man and also taught me to be responsible in all
things in this life.
2. She taught me mostly things that I can use in my everyday life also taught me to
be a responsible man.
3. I look up to him also makes me to strive more in my life.
4. Makes me a much better man and friend at the same time.

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