What Is A Duc

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I look Alagoas and welcome back in this segment of the course, we're just going to have a slight,

um, small introduction to the definition of a duck if you have no idea what a doctor is and what is

it that we're doing or so you had a vague idea what a doctor is.

This brief segment, we just simply introduce you to what a ducting is and its application within the


Before we begin to learn how to size of duct tape, let's start by defining what is a duck duct through

a simplistic definition is a conduit or a passage that allows the transportation of air from one place

to another in a confined manner as part of the design process.

The first thing that you need to do is conduct load calculations in order to figure out the zone

in terms of conditioned air.

If you're not familiar with the process, I strongly urge you to take the cooling load calculations,

of course, that we have that will equipe with the techniques and knowledge that you need in order to

build the fundamental requirements before initiating the duct sizing process.

Now, when it comes to duct CICIG, first of all, we have to understand what is a duct, which is a

conduit, a passage that allows the transportation of air from one place to another in a confined

Therefore, once we're going about the duct sizing process, we should have in mind that we are

a duct that has to meet specific requirements in terms of standards, cost effectiveness, space

or limitations, such that we have a clear picture on how to go about sizing our duct.

Now, this is just simply a representation of a schematic or drawing obtained from one of the projects

where you have the layout showing you the different areas or zones such as the corridor, exam halls

and any other zones that require cooling or conditioning.

Now, as you can see in the solid, bold lines, we can see that this illustration represents the distribution

of the ducting throughout the layout.

Now, the color blue, where I marked it for you, it says tronc.

This is the main line.

This is the line coming, let's say, from the air conditioning unit or any other unit delivering the

flow into the conditions space.

And the branches are basically the segments that take, take, take, let's say, a certain amount from

the flow rate, from the main line, and they pass it on for that specific zone.

Now, in this case, let's say we have one trunk now as the flow is going through the main trunk, we're

having an extension or a branch taken to the corridor, another branch taking to the exam three

branch taking to the exam, let's say 23 and out of the final branch taken to corridor one zero to zero

as simply as an example.

So the doctor simply carrying the flow into your into your space, that requires conditioning.

And for every designated area, for every designated that is needed zone that you need to deliver that

specific flow you'll be extracting from the main line.

So now at this point, we have quite a generic idea.

What is it?

What is the importance of product and what is the use of the bullet?

So why are we waiting for let's jump to actually designing one, using the software.

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