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Verb To Be (am/is/are)

Name: Result: __/20 Date: __/__/20__

1. I don't think he ______ very happy.

2. I do not know whether they ______ bad or good.

3. I ______ sure they don't know you.

4. I tell you, it ______ great.

5. You ______ right in the line of it.

6. I ______ sure that I can make it.

7. You ______ like all the rest.

8. ______ you going to run after her?

9. And so, they ______ quite happy.

10. And I ______ so glad to see you.

11. We ______ poor, but we want nothing.

12. Now it ______ too late for you.

13. I know you ______ going to do well.

14. He ______ dead as I told you.

15. And I ______ very glad of that.

16. It ______ sufficient that I know it.

17. We ______ only other girls like you.

18. It ______ me for knowing them.

19. I don't know where he ______ going.

20. I dare say you ______ right.

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