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Behavioral Interview Practice

To complete this task, select three story topics from the list below and draft three stories using the CARR METHOD.
● Leadership ● Time Management ● Communication Style
● Teamwork/Collaboration ● Conflict Resolution ● Adaptability
● Relationship Building ● Decision-Making ● Motivation/Values
Story Topic #1 teamwork___________________

Context I was assigned to lead a team of four colleagues in my high school marketing course. We had to develop a comprehensive
digital marketing strategy for a company

Action I organized our group to work on different components of the plan, ranging from content, social media, and email
strategy and assigned various jobs to them while helping them out at the same time

Result We came up with a 12 page report and received an A*

Relate Subsequently, in any task that requires me to take up the leadership position, I will strive to complete and fulfil my role effectively in the same manner

Story Topic #2 time management ___________________

I was promoted in many team leads in my school, so my responsibilities shifted to include more interaction with others.

Action Each day when I wake up, I create a to-do list for myself that includes important things I need to complete within that
day. I order my list by level of importance and deadline so I can focus on the most urgent tasks first while keeping all
other tasks on the list to make sure they get done as well.
I also adjusted to the change by starting each day by responding to emails. I made a daily list of people I needed to contact
and questions to answer.
Result Hence I became more productive and was able to manage my time effectively, allowing me to completing various tasks without an outlined timespan
allocated for the specific task.
Relate Relate Subsequently, in any task that requires me to make use of my time management skills I will strive to complete and fulfil my role effectively i
same manner in order to remain productive and on top of all my tasks

Story Topic #3 conflict resolution ___________________

Context While working on a project for a, one of my team members regularly challenged every solution I presented. She also had a
tendency to interrupt and talk over others without listening to their input. I experienced a challenge in maintaining my
patience when she interrupted others without listening.

Action To resolve this conflict, I had to recognize that I cannot change or control her behaviour . I also acknowledged that this
behavior, from both of us, was likely a result of stress due to the heavy workload of the project. Therefore, I adjusted my
own communication style to increase empathy, avoid triggers and build patience

Result We were able to complete the project and maintain polite correspondence whenever we needed to work together after

Relate In the same manner like before, I will always strive to resolve any conflict that arises even if it means being the bigger person. I will always put myself
in the other persons shoes and try my best to work together with mutual relations to fulfil the task effectively with ease.

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