Post Assessment Test

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Cebu City (17-18 April 2018)

Encircle the CORRECT answer.

1. The Climate Change Act recognizes the role of LGUs in mainstreaming climate change
efforts and requires LGUs to formulate and implement local climate change action plans
(LCCAP) that is consistent with local and national policies and frameworks
A. True B. False

2. Greenhouse gas inventory is a listing of greenhouse gas emissions and sources.

A. True B. False

3. Entity-level GHG inventory is the quantification of GHG emissions of all the facilities located
in the community.
A. True B. False

4. How can we address the problem of climate change?

A. Adaptation B. Mitigation C. Both A and B

5. This refers to the heat trapping ability of a GHG relative to that of carbon dioxide.
A. Ozone depleting potential B. Net heating Value C. Global warming potential

6. Which has the highest global warming potential among the GHGs below?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Methane C. Nitrous Oxide

7. A base year is best defined as :

A. A calendar year of activities for which verifiable emissions data are available
B. Year in history against which an entity’s emissions are tracked over time and for which
verifiable emissions data are available.
C. A hypothetical recording of a company’s activities for 12 months.

8. What boundary defines the sources of emissions to be included in the Entity-level GHG
A. Organizational Boundary B. Operational Boundary

9. Which GHG accounting principle ensures to meaningfully compare the calculations

A. Relevance B. Completeness C. Consistency

10. Which GHG accounting principle provides a reasonable assurance of the information?
A. Accuracy B. Transparency C. Consistency

11. Which GHG accounting principle ensures that the GHG inventory contains all the relevant
emissions and removals within the chosen inventory boundary?
A. Accuracy B. Completeness C. Consistency

12. The electricity purchased/consumed by the reporting entity is classified as:

A. Scope 1 B. Scope 2 C. Scope 3

13. The GHG emissions due to fuel use of vehicles owned by the employees of the reporting
entity are considered as _____
A. Scope 1 B. Scope 2 C. Scope 3

14. GHG emissions due to waste disposed in a dumpsite owned or managed by the reporting
entity is considered as ___
A. Scope 1 B. Scope 2 C. Scope 3

15. Which greenhouse gas is emitted from the anaerobic decomposition of waste?
A. Ozone B. Methane C. Sulfur- hexafluoride

16. Geographic Plus approach of Community-level Inventory includes only all the emission
sources within the geographical jurisdiction of the community.
A. True B. False

17. Other greenhouse gas/es emitted during fuel combustion is/are:

A. Methane B. Nitrous Oxide C. Both A and B

18. Forest is a source of greenhouse gas removal only.

A. True B. False

19. Emissions from the industry sector should include emissions from electricity consumption.
A. True C. False

20. Why is GHG accounting and inventory/management important?

A. It allows LGU to set targets and implement policies that aim to reduce GHG emissions.
B. It creates opportunities for efficiencies in operations.
C. Both A and B

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