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Lesson plan

Teacher’s name:
Topic: Places
Form: 6
Aims: - apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases
into well-formed sentences;
- understand and recognise specific information and details while reading;
- give extended information about places ;
-discusses and selects an appropriate topical vocabulary on topic;
-find translation of these words.

1. Greetings.
T: Good morning, children! How are you today? What’s the weather like today?

2. Topic discussion
T: Open your books at page 45. Do you live in a small town or a big city?
S: I live in a big city.
T: Okay, Would you like

3. Work with book

T: Okay now let’s look at the exercise 1 page 20. We can see pictures, let’s match them with
holiday activities.
T: So, the first one is sunbathe, what does it mean?
S: Засмагати?
T: That’s right we will match it with picture number 5.
T: The next one is travel abroad so we will choose picture number 6 because we can see the
T: What does go on a cruise mean?
S: It means їхати в круїз.
T: Good, go sightseeing, do you know this phrase? It means: ходити по визначних місцях.
So, we will choose picture 1.
T: Thats right. The next one is buy souvenirs, we all know what does it mean, so we will
choose picture number 8. Go hiking means ходити в похід, we will choose picture 7.
T: What does it mean explore a cave?
S: Досліджувати печеру.
T: Well done! And the last one is go horse riding, займатись верховою їздою, so we will
choose picture number 2.
Now let’s listen and check our exercise. Repeat all unknown words.
(Students check their answers and repeat all unknown words)

4.Work in pairs
T: Now let’s do Task 2. Look at the pictures, where did Liv travel to? So, listen to the
dialogue first.
We have Liv, Stu, Amy and Bill. I want you to try to make these dialogues in pairs. We will
choose 4 students and each of you will read it as in audio.
Now we will read and translate.
Liv: Hi, guys!
Stu: Hey, you're back!
Amy: How was your trip?
Liv: It was a great experience. Bill: Did you visit the Pyramids?
Liv: Of course. And the Sphinx. We also walked around Cairo and went on a cruise down the
Amy: Did you take pictures?
Liv: Yeah, but I haven't got my camera with me, so I can't show you.
Stu: So, what else did you do there?
Liv: I rode a camel. Well, I tried to ride a camel.
Amy: No! What was it like?
Liv: I was quite scared, to be honest. It's not like riding a horse. Camels are really tall.
Bill: Did you fall off?
Liv: Almost. But I managed to stay on.
Stu: So, did you go on a trip into the desert?
Liv: No, it was really hot. Oops, I almost forgot. Here you go guys, souvenirs all the way
from Egypt.
Stu: A pyramid! Thanks, Liv.
Bill: Ermm... Liv, my souvenir is broken. It hasn't got a nose.
Liv: It isn't broken, Bill. That's what the Sphinx looks like.
Bill: I know, I'm only joking!

T: Now we will answer the questions.

My first question is: Where did Liv go on a cruise?
S: She went down the Nile.
T: Well done!
T: My second question is: Why can’t Liv show them pictures of her trip?
S: She hasn’t got a camera now.
T: That’s right!
T: My third question is: What does Liv think of camel riding?
S: She thinks it’s difficult.
T: Good job! The next question is: Did Liv fall off the camel?
S: No she, didn’t.
T: Okay, what did Liv get Stu from Egypt?
S: She gave him a pyramid.
T: Yes, that’s right. And the last question: Why does Bill say his souvenir is broken?
S: Because it hasn’t got a nose.
T: That’s right!

5. Speaking, questions.
T: In your opinion why do people travel?
Students answer:
-to visit new places
- to meet people
-to learn foreign languages
- to watch attractions
-to make new friends
-for pleasure
-on business
-to see the beauty of the world
-to go shopping
- to go sights
-to see other countries
-to get new emotions
- to learn traditions and customs of other countries.

Now each of you will say the reason you want to travel, you can start with a phrase

-I want to travel because I can ...

(Students share their opinion)

T: Now Open your books on page 21. What can you see?
S: Past Simple Tense.
T: Yes, today we will talk about Past Simple Tense. Минулий неозначений час, ми його з
вами вже вивчали, хто мені скаже коли ми його використовуємо?
S: Для позначення подій, які відбулися у минулому.

T: That’s right, на це вказують часові вирази такі як yesterday (вчора), Last

night/week/month/year (минулої ночі/тижня/місяця/року), in 1981 (в 1981), two
days/month ago (два дня/місяці тому)
Ви вже знаєте що усі дієслова при утворенні минулого часу поділяються на правильні і
неправильні. Щоб утворити речення у минулому часі з правильним дієсловом
достатньо додати до нього закінчення Ed, наприклад He visited his grandparents
yesterday (Я відвідував моїх дідуся та бабусю вчора). Щоб утворити речення з
неправильним дієсловом ми використовуємо табличку неправильних слів, які ви вже
вчили раніше. Наприклад go-went.
Щоб утворити його заперечну форму нам потрібно вживати допоміжне дієслово did
яке з часткою нот утворює композицію didn’t і вже слово visit пишеться без закінчення
-ed, отже ми складемо речення He didn’t visit his grandparents yesterday. Ну і щоб
утворити питання, ми маємо починати його з частинки Did: Did he visit his grandparents
Ну і останнє, що ми пригадаєм це дієслово to be. Хто пам’ятає як воно у нас міняється
в Past Simple?
S: Was/were.
T: Now complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Our first sentence is
1. A: Did you like (like) the film?
B: Yes, it was (be) great.
2. Last summer we didn't go (not go) camping. We went (go) on a cruise around the
3. Matt and Fay didn’t buy (not buy) a bike. They bought (buy) a skateboard.
4. Yesterday, at 5 o'clock, it started (start) raining. so I stayed (stay) at home.
5. A: Did Alice take (take) pictures in Japan?
B: Yes, she took (take) lots of pictures. She loved (love) the place.

6. Speak
Now talk in pairs. Think of your last holiday. Then ask each other different questions.

-When did you last go on holiday?

-Where did you go?
-Did you go sightseeing?
-What did you see?
-Did you take pictures?
-Did you buy souvenirs?
-What did you buy?
-Did you have a good time?
(students talk in pairs and ask/answer questions, teacher check and correct their mistakes)

T: Now let’s play a game with travel items. You need to find definition to words and match
(Children play a game and get points, everyone gets stickers and the winner gets a present)

T: Okay you did a great job, wish you to travel a lot and to see many interesting places!

8. Homework
T: Your home task will be WB p. 18 Ex. B, C.

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