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Text 1

Communicative purpose: The text aims to explain why some children exhibit better behavior in certain
contexts, like school, compared to at home. It discusses how a child's behavior is shaped by the responses it
receives, emphasizing the role of reinforcement and imitation.

Contextual background: The text explores the idea that children learn early on how their behavior
influences others' actions. It highlights examples, such as a baby crying to signal distress or a child realizing
that whining may lead to getting an electronic device. The text also contrasts home and school
environments, suggesting that well-established systems in schools contribute to better behavior, and
children may imitate peers for positive outcomes.

The rhetorical structure of this text follows a logical progression, moving from the general statement about
children behaving differently in various settings to a detailed exploration of the reasons behind this
phenomenon. It begins with an assertion about some children behaving worse at home, prompting the
need for understanding. The text then unfolds by presenting examples and explanations, starting from
infancy and gradually delving into the reinforcement mechanisms shaping behavior, both at home and at
school. The use of specific instances, such as a baby's cry or a child's whining, serves to illustrate key points.
The text concludes by emphasizing the influence of peer behavior on children. Overall, the structure is
deductive, moving from a broad observation to specific details and examples.

Lexico-grammatical realizations in this text include:

Contrastive conjunctions: "However" is used to introduce a contrast, setting up the premise that some
children behave differently at home than with others.

Causal language: Phrases like "To understand this phenomenon" and "it’s necessary to understand why
children behave the way they do" signal a causal relationship, guiding the reader to the purpose of the

Temporal markers: "From the very beginning" establishes a chronological sequence, leading into the
discussion of a child's behavior development.

Exemplification: The text employs examples to illustrate points, such as the baby crying or a child whining
for an electronic device.

Cohesive devices: Pronouns like "they" and "their" maintain coherence, referring back to the subject
(children) without repetition.

Modal verbs: "May" is used to express possibility, indicating that children may learn to whine for an
electronic device.
Connectives: "Unfortunately" serves as a connective, signaling a negative consequence in the scenario

Comparative language: Phrases like "worse at home than with other people" and "behave better at school
than at home" involve comparative structures, highlighting differences in behavior across contexts.

Comparative language: Phrases like "worse at home than with other people" and "behave better at school
than at home" involve comparative structures, highlighting differences in behavior across contexts.

Descriptive language: Adjectives such as "effective," "engaging," and "clear" add detail and nuance to the
descriptions of behavior and school systems.

Causal conjunctions: "Because" is used to explain the cause-and-effect relationship between a child
whining, the parent giving an iPad, and the subsequent reinforcement of the behavior.

Generic Integrity:

The text maintains generic integrity by consistently addressing the central theme of children's behavior and
the factors influencing it. It begins with a clear statement about children behaving differently at home, and
the subsequent paragraphs systematically explore the reasons behind this phenomenon. The coherence in
discussing various aspects of child behavior and reinforcement mechanisms contributes to the overall
generic integrity.


The text exhibits diversity in its exploration of different scenarios contributing to child behavior. It starts
with infancy, discussing how crying and smiling lead to specific responses from parents. It then transitions
to more complex behaviors, such as whining for electronic devices, and highlights the unfortunate
reinforcement cycle. The text further diversifies by comparing behavior at home and school, introducing the
role of teachers and peer influence. This diversity enhances the richness of the discussion, offering insights
into various aspects of children's behavior in different contexts.

The text effectively analyzes the behavioral differences in children across home and school environments,
providing a comprehensive exploration of the reasons behind such variations. It begins by clearly stating the
observed phenomenon and establishes a logical flow throughout the text, using examples to illustrate key
points. The progression from infancy to more complex behaviors adds depth to the discussion.

The evaluation of reinforcement mechanisms, both positive and negative, is a strength of the text. It
highlights the impact of parental responses on shaping behavior and intelligently discusses the unintended
consequences of certain actions, such as rewarding whining for an electronic device.

The comparison between home and school environments is well-articulated, showcasing a nuanced
understanding of how systems and expectations influence children's behavior. The incorporation of teacher
practices and peer influence adds valuable layers to the analysis.
However, the text could benefit from a more explicit acknowledgment of potential mitigating factors or
solutions to the challenges presented. Additionally, a brief conclusion summarizing the key insights would
enhance the overall cohesion of the text. Overall, the text effectively achieves its purpose of explaining the
observed phenomenon and offers valuable insights into the dynamics of children's behavior.

The text exhibits several dimensions of communicative preference:

Clarity and Directness: The language is clear and direct, making it accessible for a broad audience. It
employs straightforward explanations and examples to convey complex ideas about child behavior.

Illustrative Examples: The use of concrete examples, such as a baby crying or a child whining for an
electronic device, enhances the text's clarity and helps readers visualize the discussed behaviors.

Logical Progression: The text follows a logical progression, moving from the observation of children's
behavior to an exploration of the reasons behind it. This structure aids in the comprehension of the
presented ideas.

Causal Relationships: The text effectively communicates causal relationships, particularly in explaining how
certain behaviors lead to specific outcomes and reinforcement, contributing to the understanding of the

Comparisons and Generalizations: By comparing behavior at home and school, the text makes
generalizations about the influence of different environments, contributing to a broader understanding of
the subject.

Emphasis on Results: The text consistently emphasizes the outcomes of behaviors, highlighting the
importance of results in shaping and reinforcing children's actions.

Conciseness: The text maintains a concise style, delivering information succinctly without unnecessary
elaboration, contributing to a focused and easily digestible presentation.

These communicative preferences collectively contribute to the effectiveness of the text in conveying its
intended message about children's behavior and the influencing factors.

The text doesn't heavily employ hedging; however, there are a few instances where cautious language is

"Some children seem to behave consistently worse at home than with other people": The use of "seem to"
introduces a level of uncertainty, suggesting that the observation is not universally applicable.

"It's necessary to understand why children behave the way they do": The inclusion of "it's necessary"
implies a degree of importance, emphasizing the need for understanding without making absolute claims.
Children may also learn when they whine and complain for an electronic device, they are more likely to get
it": The use of "may" introduces a sense of possibility rather than stating this as an absolute certainty.

While the overall tone is declarative and confident, these subtle instances of hedging acknowledge the
complexity and variability inherent in child behavior, allowing for exceptions or individual differences.

Text 2

Communicative Purpose:

The text aims to convey the unfortunate turn of events during Megan Rapinoe's final soccer match in the
NWSL (National Women's Soccer League) against Gotham FC. It highlights the anticipation and aspirations
for a triumphant conclusion to Rapinoe's illustrious career, emphasizing her iconic status, achievements,
and values beyond sports. The sudden injury, described vividly, adds a dramatic element to the narrative,
creating a sense of disappointment and resilience.

Contextual Background:

The text unfolds in the context of the NWSL final in San Diego, where Megan Rapinoe, a renowned soccer
player and advocate for social justice, had intended to culminate her career with a championship win. The
backdrop includes the presence of 25,000 fans, Rapinoe's team (OL Reign) facing Gotham FC, and the
significance of this match as Rapinoe's potential last game. The injury, occurring just three minutes into the
final, abruptly shatters her dreams, evoking a mix of emotions as she reflects on the severity and
unexpectedness of the situation during a press conference.

The rhetorical structure of this text follows a narrative pattern, beginning with the anticipation of a
significant event in Megan Rapinoe's career—the NWSL final. The text sets the stage by describing the
expectations and atmosphere surrounding the match. It introduces Rapinoe as an iconic figure known for
her achievements, activism, and even personal style.

The narrative takes a turn when, within just three minutes of the final, Rapinoe faces a devastating injury,
shattering her dreams. The use of vivid language, such as "es fühlte sich an wie ein riesiger Knall" (it felt like
a huge bang), conveys the abruptness and impact of the moment. The text then delves into Rapinoe's
immediate reactions and emotions, expressing her disbelief and disappointment.

Despite the setback, Rapinoe is portrayed as resilient, emphasizing her sense of humor even in the face of
adversity. The text concludes with her acknowledgment of the harsh reality of exiting the final so early and
her expression of the universal desire for closure in one's last game, whether in victory or defeat. The
overall structure blends anticipation, drama, and personal reflection to capture the highs and lows of this
crucial moment in Megan Rapinoe's career.

Lexico-grammatical realizations in the text:

Modal verbs: "Es hätte" (It should have), "sollen" (should), "müssen" (must) convey intentions,
expectations, and hypothetical situations.

Temporal markers: "zum Abschluss" (at the conclusion), "Einmal noch" (Once more), "vor dem Finale"
(before the final), "schon nach nur drei Minuten" (already after only three minutes) provide a chronological

Infinitive constructions: "Glanz versprühen" (to spread brilliance), "die Trophäe in die Höhe recken" (to raise
the trophy) illustrate actions planned or intended.

Conjunctions: "und dann" (and then), "aber" (but), "zum ersten Mal" (for the first time) connect ideas and
signal contrasts or sequences.

Relative pronouns: "die" (who), "der" (which) introduce relative clauses, providing additional information
about Megan Rapinoe's achievements and plans.

Adjective-noun combinations: "großen Karriere" (great career), "nordamerikanische Frauen-Profifußballliga"

(North American Women's Professional Soccer League) create detailed descriptions.

Direct speech: The quoted words "Wie ein riesiger Knall" (Like a huge bang) and other quoted statements
add direct expressions, capturing the speaker's emotions.

Subordinating conjunctions: "weil" (because), "dass" (that) introduce dependent clauses, explaining causes
or reasons.

Participial construction: "nach ersten Vermutungen die Achillessehne riss" (after initial assumptions that the
Achilles tendon tore) presents a complex action in a concise form.

Comparisons: "wie ein riesiger Knall" (like a huge bang), "so früh im Finale" (so early in the final) use similes
and comparisons to emphasize the impact and timing of events.

Generic Integrity and Diversity in the Text:

Genre and Purpose:

The text appears to be a sports narrative, recounting Megan Rapinoe's experience in a significant soccer
It combines elements of news reporting, personal reflection, and direct speech to convey the events and

Cohesion and Coherence:

The text maintains coherence through a chronological structure, starting with anticipation, progressing
through the match, and concluding with Rapinoe's reaction to the injury.

Lexical and grammatical choices contribute to the flow of the narrative, linking ideas and events.

Diversity of Language Use:

The text exhibits a range of linguistic elements, including modal verbs, temporal markers, direct speech, and
descriptive language.

Quotes and direct speech add a personal and emotional dimension to the narrative.

Individual Perspectives:

The narrative presents Megan Rapinoe's perspective, emotions, and reactions to the unfolding events,
creating a personalized account.

Inclusion of Details:

Specific details, such as the number of fans, Rapinoe's achievements, and the setting in San Diego, enrich
the narrative and provide context.


References to Rapinoe's past achievements, activism, and public stance against Donald Trump contribute to
a broader understanding of her persona.

Emotional Tone:

The text conveys a mix of emotions—from anticipation and excitement to disappointment and resilience—
enhancing its human and relatable aspect.

Narrative Techniques:

The use of direct quotes ("Wie ein riesiger Knall") and vivid descriptions ("pink gefärbten Haare")
contributes to the narrative's engagement and authenticity.

Narrative Techniques:

The use of direct quotes ("Wie ein riesiger Knall") and vivid descriptions ("pink gefärbten Haare")
contributes to the narrative's engagement and authenticity.

Reflective Element:
Rapinoe's reflective comments on the injury and its impact add depth to the narrative, allowing readers to
empathize with her experience.

Thematic Unity:

The text maintains thematic unity around Megan Rapinoe's planned highlight, the unfortunate injury, and
her emotional response, creating a cohesive narrative.

The text effectively captures the emotional and dramatic narrative of Megan Rapinoe's anticipated final
match, infusing it with personal reflections and vivid details. Here's an evaluation of the text:


Engaging Narrative: The text weaves a compelling narrative, building anticipation for Rapinoe's planned
highlight and then delivering a sudden twist with the injury.

Descriptive Language: Descriptive phrases like "90 Minuten Glanz versprühen" (spread brilliance for 90
minutes) and "wie ein riesiger Knall" (like a huge bang) create vivid images, enhancing the reader's
connection to the story.

Emotional Depth: Rapinoe's emotional journey—from anticipation to disappointment—is effectively

conveyed. The use of direct quotes adds authenticity to her feelings.

Thematic Consistency: The text maintains a consistent theme around Rapinoe's aspirations, the unexpected
turn of events, and her emotional response, providing a cohesive reading experience.

Detail Expansion: While the text provides a good overview, expanding on certain details—such as the nature
of the match, interactions with teammates, or reactions from fans—could further enrich the narrative.

Diversity in Vocabulary: While the text effectively uses descriptive language, introducing a wider range of
vocabulary could enhance the stylistic variety and overall impact.

Punctuation Consistency: There are variations in punctuation usage, and maintaining consistency in
punctuation throughout the text would improve readability.

Relevant Background Information: References to Rapinoe's achievements, activism, and stance against
Donald Trump add context and depth to the narrative.

Dimensions of Communicative Preference in the Text:


Emotional Tone: The text employs an emotional tone, reflecting the highs of anticipation and the lows of
disappointment. Rapinoe's emotional struggle is evident through phrases like "es fühlte sich an wie ein
riesiger Knall" (it felt like a huge bang) and expressions of gratitude and reflection.


First-Person Perspective: The narrative is primarily presented from Megan Rapinoe's perspective, providing
a personal and intimate account of her thoughts, emotions, and experiences.


Reader Engagement: The use of vivid descriptions and direct quotes enhances reader engagement, allowing
them to empathize with Rapinoe's journey and creating a connection to the narrative.

Narrative Structure:

Chronological Structure: The text follows a chronological structure, beginning with the anticipation of the
planned highlight, detailing the match, and concluding with Rapinoe's reflections on the unexpected injury.


Expressive Language: The text employs expressive language, such as metaphors like "Wie ein riesiger Knall"
(like a huge bang), contributing to the emotional impact and vividness of the narrative.


Informal Elements: The text includes informal elements like direct quotes, colloquial expressions ("zum
Besten gab"), and a personal touch, fostering a conversational and approachable style.


Direct Speech: The use of direct speech, especially in Rapinoe's quoted statements, adds authenticity to the
narrative, allowing her voice and emotions to come through.

Cultural References:
Cultural References: The text includes cultural references, such as Rapinoe's activism, her iconic status, and
her stance against Donald Trump, adding depth and context to the narrative.

Resilience and Humor:

Resilience and Humor: Rapinoe's resilience, humor, and acknowledgment of gratitude, even in the face of
adversity, contribute to a nuanced portrayal of her character.

Cohesion and Consistency:

Cohesiveness: The narrative maintains cohesion through a consistent thematic focus on Rapinoe's planned
highlight, the unexpected injury, and her emotional response, creating a unified reading experience.

The text's communicative preferences effectively blend emotional depth, personal perspective, and
engaging language to convey the unique experience of Megan Rapinoe in the context of a significant soccer

Hedging in the Text:

Modal Verbs:

The use of modal verbs like "hätte" (should have), "sollen" (should), and "würde" (would) introduces a level
of uncertainty, indicating that the anticipated highlight did not materialize.

Example: "Es hätte ein weiteres Highlight werden sollen..."

Conditional Statements:

Conditional structures, such as "Wenn" (if) or "würde" (would), contribute to hedging by presenting
scenarios that are contingent on certain conditions.

Example: "Wenn noch einmal 90 Minuten Glanz versprüht würden..."

Subjective Language:

Expressions like "Es fühlte sich an wie ein riesiger Knall" (It felt like a huge bang) convey a subjective
experience, acknowledging the personal and emotional impact without stating it as an absolute fact.

Mitigation in Statements:
Phrases like "schon nach nur drei Minuten war es für Rapinoe zu Ende" (it was already over for Rapinoe
after only three minutes) mitigate the abruptness of the event, suggesting a sense of unexpectedness.

Adverbs of Certainty:

The use of adverbs that indicate a level of certainty, such as "meist" (mostly) and "manchmal" (sometimes),
introduces variability, acknowledging that the consequences of the injury may not be universal.

Example: "...meist eine Pause von mindestens einem dreiviertel Jahr bedeutet, manchmal auch Aus."

Acknowledgment of Subjectivity:

Phrases like "Das habe ich nicht verdient" (I don't deserve this) and "Es ist enttäuschend" (It is
disappointing) express personal feelings and reactions, acknowledging the subjective nature of the

Softening Language:

Softening language, such as "zum Besten gab" (gave her best) and expressions of gratitude, adds a layer of
humility and softens the impact of the statement.

Example: "wie sie selbst bei einem Schluck alkoholfreiem Bier zum Besten gab..."

Expression of Personal Opinion:

The use of phrases like "Ich danke Gott, dass ich so einen verdammt guten Sinn für Humor habe" (I thank
God that I have a damn good sense of humor) introduces a personal perspective and emphasizes a
subjective interpretation of the situation.

Overall, the text employs hedging strategies to convey a sense of uncertainty, subjectivity, and personal
interpretation, particularly in relation to the anticipated highlight and the unexpected turn of events.

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