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Expert Review ajog.


Assessment of uterine contractions in labor

and delivery
Hadar Rosen, MD; Yariv Yogev, MD

Normal labor and delivery are dependent on the presence of regular and effective contractions of the uterine myometrium. The
mechanisms responsible for the initiation and maintenance of adequate and synchronized uterine activity that are necessary for
labor and delivery result from a complex interplay of hormonal, mechanical, and electrical factors that have not yet been fully
Monitoring uterine activity during term labor and in suspected preterm labor is an important component of obstetrical care because
cases of inadequate and excessive uterine activity can be associated with substantial maternal and neonatal morbidity and
mortality. Inadequate labor progress is a common challenge encountered in intrapartum care, with labor dystocia being the most
common indication for cesarean deliveries performed during labor. Hereafter, an accurate assessment of uterine activity during
labor can assist in the management of protracted labor by diagnosing inadequate uterine activity and facilitating the titration of
uterotonic medications before a trial of labor is prematurely terminated. Conversely, the ability to diagnose unwanted or excessive
uterine activity is also critical in cases of threatened preterm labor, tachysystole, or patients undergoing a trial of labor after
cesarean delivery. Knowledge of uterine activity in these cases may guide the use of tocolytic medications or raise suspicion of
uterine rupture. Current diagnostic capabilities are less than optimal, hindering the medical management of term and preterm
Currently, different methods exist for evaluating uterine activity during labor, including manual palpation, external tocodynamometry,
intrauterine pressure monitoring, and electrical uterine myometrial activity tracing. Legacy uterine monitoring techniques have advantages
and limitations. External tocodynamometry is the most widespread tool in clinical use owing to its noninvasive nature and its ability to time
contractions against the fetal heart rate monitor. However, it does not provide information regarding the strength of uterine contractions
and is limited by signal loss with maternal movements. Conversely, the intrauterine pressure catheter quantifies the strength of uterine
contractions; however, its use is limited by its invasiveness, risk for complications, and limited additive value in all but few clinical
scenarios. New monitoring methods are being used, such as electrical uterine monitoring, which is noninvasive and does not require
ruptured membranes. Electrical uterine monitoring has yet to be incorporated into common clinical practice because of lack of access to
this technology, its high cost, and the need for appropriate training of clinical staff. Further work needs to be done to increase the
accessibility and implementation of this technique by experts, and further research is needed to implement new practical and useful
methods. This review describes current clinical tools for uterine activity assessment during labor and discusses their advantages and
The review also summarizes current knowledge regarding novel technologies for monitoring uterine contractions that are not yet in
widespread use, but are promising and could help improve our understanding of the physiology of labor, delivery, and preterm labor, and
ultimately enhance patient care.
Key words: action potentials, contraction frequency, contraction intensity, contractions, dysfunctional labor, electrical activity, electrical
uterine monitoring, electro hysterogram, external tocodynamometry, gap junctions, hysterography, intrauterine pressure catheter, labor
augmentation, labor induction, labor progression, manual palpation, Montevideo units, myometrium, preterm labor, tachysystole, uterine

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center, Bnei Brak, Monitoring uterine activity is a common
Israel (Dr Rosen); Lis Maternity and Women’s Hospital, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv,
Israel (Dr Yogev); and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel (Drs Rosen and
obstetrical practice. During labor, it
Yogev). allows for the supervision of labor pro-
Received May 28, 2022; revised Sept. 1, 2022; accepted Sept. 1, 2022. gression and can aid clinical decision-
The authors report no conflict of interest.
making regarding intervention. Uterine
activity may be assumed adequate when
Corresponding author: Hadar Rosen, MD.
progressive cervical dilatation and
0002-9378/$36.00 ! ª 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. !
fetal descent occur. Dysfunctional
labor has been estimated to affect up to
Click Video under article title in Contents at
21% of primigravid labors,1 and it is the

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1209

Expert Review

For most of the duration of a normal Transmembrane calcium flux is an

pregnancy, the uterus maintains a quies- important modulator of intracellular
Scheme showing how Ca2D cent state and the cervix remains firm and calcium and it initiates a cascade of events
entry leads to smooth muscle closed. This state is hormonally mediated including interaction of contractile pro-
contraction mainly by progesterone and human cho- teins (myosin and actin) regulated by
rionic gonadotropin (hCG), whereas later myosin light-chain kinase, ultimately
on in gestation it is dependent on placental resulting in muscle contraction
production.5 Progesterone suppresses the (Figure 1). Thus, uterine contractility is a
production of gap junctions between consequence of the electrical activity
myocytes and consequently prevents the underlying myometrial cells.3 Therefore,
transmission of electrical activity between the frequency, amplitude, and duration
these cells.6 Additional mechanisms that of uterine contractions can be deter-
contribute to uterine quiescence have mined by the frequency of the action
been proposed, including the anti- potentials within a burst, the duration of
inflammatory effects of placental proges- a burst, and the total number of cells that
The contribution of the SR to augmenting Ca2þ terone on suppressing prostaglandin are activated simultaneously. The prop-
for contraction is not established for the uterus, production, which is known to promote agation of this electrical activity is facili-
but is indicated for completeness, and the red myocyte depolarization,7,8 and other tated by gap junctions, which increase in
bar indicates its negative effect on contractility. placental hormones such as hCG and number before the onset of labor.14
Some Ca2þ entry predominates in the uterus. corticotropin-releasing hormone pro- Gap junctions are composed of con-
Adapted from: Wray S. Insights into the uterus. moting myometrial relaxation via nexin proteins that provide channels of
Exp Physiol. 2007 Jul;92(4):621e31. cyclic adenosine 3’-5’-monophosphate low electrical resistance between the
MLCK, myosin light-chain kinase; MLCP, myosin light-chain
(cAMP)edependent pathways.9,10 cAMP myometrial cells, creating a pathway for
phosphatase; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum. plays important roles in cellular responses efficient conduction of action potentials.
Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and de- to many hormones and neurotransmitters. Throughout pregnancy these cell-to-cell
livery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
There are 3 main effectors of cAMP, one of channels are low in number, resulting in
which is protein kinase (PKA), the well- poor coupling and decreased electrical
most common cause of intrapartum known target—a symmetrical complex of conductance. At term, however, gap
cesarean delivery2. Uterine contraction 2 regulatory (R) and 2 catalytic (C) sub- junctions increase in number and form
monitoring may guide the need for ute- units. It is activated by the binding of an electrical syncytium required for
rotonic medication or operative delivery cAMP to 2 sites on each of the R subunits, effective contractions.3 The hormonal
when labor fails to adequately progress. which causes their dissociation from C balance between estrogen and proges-
Furthermore, it allows for the accurate subunits.11 Beta-adrenoreceptor agonists terone regulates the formation and
classification of fetal heart rate decelera- (ß-agonists) bind to ß-adrenoreceptors, expression of gap junctions, whereby
tions (which requires accurate timing which are couples to G-proteins that acti- estrogen is responsible for up-regulation
against contractions, both antepartum vate adenylyl cyclase to form cAMP from and progesterone is associated with
and intrapartum) and ongoing surveil- adenosine triphosphate. Increased cAMP down-regulation of gap junctions.3,15,16
lance of uterine activity in the setting of a activates PKA that phosphorylates L-type Estrogen also increases expression of
trial of labor after cesarean delivery calcium channels, which causes increased cyclooxygenase-2, which promotes
(TOLAC). calcium entry into the cells. ß-agonists can uterine myocyte depolarization and
The purpose of this review is to describe serve as potential drugs to influence the contraction.17 In addition, oxytocin and
the physiology of labor contractions, as cAMP-dependent pathway.11 mechanical stretch cause increased
well as current widespread uterine In preparation for labor, the cervix excitability of smooth muscle cells.18
contraction monitoring methods of softens, and the myometrium undergoes Myometrial smooth muscle generates
assessment such as external tocodyna- changes to allow efficient generation phasic contractions in the absence of
mometry and intrauterine pressure and propagation of electrical activity stimuli from the central nervous system
catheter (IUPC), to introduce a newer throughout the myometrium. Myo- or circulating hormones.3 The location
method using electrical uterine moni- metrial activity leading to uterine con- of the electrical activity initiation and the
toring (EUM), and to describe the clinical tractions is the result of molecular propagation pattern of the electrical wave
implementation of these methods. changes that cause increased coupling during labor remain obscure.19 Some
and excitability of uterine muscle studies suggest that myometrial cells
Physiology cells.3e6 Electrical discharges of the exhibit “pacemaker” capabilities.20 Early
As is the case with any muscle in the body, myometrium consisting of intermittent work by Caldeyro-Barcia assumed a
contractility of the uterine muscle is a bursts or spikes depolarize the myo- catastalsis-like downward mechanism
direct consequence of the underlying metrial membrane, causing influx of with fundal fixed pacemakers.21 To date,
electrical activity in the myometrial cells.3,4 calcium ions.12,13 no pacemaker regions with specific

S1210 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

anatomic features have been described in palpation, external tocodynamometry,

the mammalian uterus.22 Studies con- IUPC measurement, and EUM. Char-
ducted in animal and human models acteristics of uterine activity that are
External tocodynamometry
failed to demonstrate a clear origin and a traditionally analyzed include the fre-
specific pattern of propagation, which quency (beginning of contraction to
was observed to be variable, shifting beginning of the next contraction),
from one site to the other and from one duration (length of contraction from its
direction to the other.19 High-resolution beginning to end, measured in seconds),
recordings showed complex wave prop- intensity (strength of contraction
agation patterns, such as #3 wavefronts assessed via palpation or mm Hg), and
emerging at different uterine positions resting tone (intrauterine pressure when
and time instants and propagating in uterus is not contracting, assessed via
different directions.23 These recordings palpation or mm Hg).
Image credit: Philips Healthcare.
refute theories that argue fundal domi-
Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and de-
nance and downward progression. External palpation for assessment of livery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
Nevertheless, the rhythmic pattern of uterine activity
uterine contraction during labor is clear, External palpation has the advantage of
and it is dictated by the rhythm of the being readily available and inexpensive. It based on mechanical measurement of
electrical bursts. It has been suggested does not require any equipment and can abdominal shape by placing a transducer
that in contrast to longer tubular-shaped be easily taught. Nevertheless, it is a on the abdominal wall. The transducer
organs such as the intestines where spe- subjective form of assessment, and uter- (Figure 2) detects the change in shape of
cific propagation pattern is necessary, the ine contractions can only be perceived by the uterus by detecting the changes in the
uterus during pregnancy is more spher- manual palpation when their intensity abdominal contour as a result of the
ically shaped. In that situation, the exceeds a threshold of approximately 20 contraction. The main advantages of the
intense rhythmic pressure that surges in mm Hg.21 Furthermore, sensitivity and method are ease of application and
accordance with the electrical bursts accuracy of evaluation are also dependent noninvasiveness. In optimal circum-
might be more important than a tightly on the myometrial and abdominal wall stances (ie, nonobese, relaxed patients),
controlled propulsive contraction thickness and the experience of the it can accurately measure contraction
wave.24,25 The myometrium has 2 layers. obstetrical caregiver.26 Indeed, when the frequency with adequate positioning of
The circular layer, called the sub- efficacy of manual palpation was assessed the transducer and sufficient tightness of
endometrial or junctional endometrium, by asking observers to define contractions the belt.29 Furthermore, in contrast to
is thinner and present at the innermost as mild, moderate, or severe, without manual palpation, tocodynamometry
aspect of muscle fibers. The outer lon- knowing the recorded IUPC values,27 the allows the classification of fetal heart rate
gitudinal layer is made of intertwined observers’ assessment was accurate in changes in relation to the timing of
muscle bundles embedded in an extra- only 49% of the 236 observations ob- uterine contractions and providing
cellular matrix made of collagen fibers, tained in 46 laboring women during the documentation of contractions inde-
which is highly vascular.20 Propagation first stage of labor. Manual palpation pendently of staff presence.
occurs more rapidly in the longitudinal consistently underestimated the onset There are, however, some limitations
direction and more slowly in the trans- and length of uterine contractions, and of external tocodynamometry. Although
versal and circumferential directions. therefore the primary use of manual this method of uterine activity assess-
This structure further promotes building palpation is for determining the presence ment facilitates the evaluation of the
the intense pressure needed for contrac- and frequency of uterine contractions.26 presence and frequency of uterine con-
tions.20 Thus, electrical activity is effi- It can also detect uterine hyperstimula- tractions, it cannot accurately determine
ciently transferred to the whole uterus, tion or tetany, which is important in the intensity or strength of contrac-
resulting in rhythmic synchronous con- diagnosing uterine abruption. However, tions.30 In addition, external tocography
tractions across the uterus that act to it is still an effective method of evaluating is also influenced by changes in maternal
raise the intrauterine pressure. Uterine uterine contractions, particularly in low- position and abdominal wall muscle
activity studies reveal the complexity of resource settings. contractions, such as coughing and
its electrical propagation properties, vomiting.31 Moreover, it is less reliable in
underscoring the need for further External tocodynamometry detecting contractions in obese women
investigation and clarification. External tocodynamometry is the most because the accuracy of tocodynamom-
common method for assessing uterine etry is limited by the abdominal wall
Methods for uterine contraction contractility during pregnancy and la- thickness and its position relative to the
assessment bor. Mechanical devices for monitoring uterus. These limitations lead to less
Current methods in clinical practice for contractions externally were introduced accurate results,32e34 and therefore
assessing uterine activity are manual as early as 1861.28 Such monitoring is cautious interpretation is required.

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1211

Expert Review

systems are connected to the fetal heart Montevideo unit multiplied by the mean
rate monitor, obviating the need for a duration of contractions over a 10-
Terminology of uterine fluid-filled catheter. Because no signifi- minute period,41 or uterine activity
contractions cant difference has been demonstrated units, which calculate the area under the
between the different types of IUPCs in pressure curve42 (Figure 4). However,
relation to maternal and fetal complica- these have not been adopted in clinical
tions, the choice of catheter used is practice. Planimeter units are used
determined by availability, cost, or to determine the area of an arbitrary
preference.35e37 One randomized trial 2-dimensional shape, defined by the area
that included 249 patients showed a under the curve$10.
higher rate of extramembranous place- The rise in cesarean delivery rates over
ment with transducer-tipped than with the years,43 in large part owing to intra-
sensor-tipped catheter (12.5% vs 2.4%), partum cesarean deliveries for failure to
with no difference in the rate of com- progress (Table 1), has highlighted the
Adapted from Michele J. Grimm, Forces plications.37 One retrospective cohort importance of making an accurate
involved with labor and delivery- a biochemical study showed that among 6445 women, diagnosis of arrested labor, which de-
perspective, annals of biochemical engineering, 3944 (61.2%) had internal monitors. pends on the precise assessment of
49,1819-1835 (2021) Women with internal monitors were uterine contractions. Table 1 is adapted
Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and de-
livery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
more likely to have a fever than women from a consortium study by Zhang et al2
without internal monitors (11.7% vs that evaluated deliveries from 2002 to
4.5%). The risk of cesarean delivery was 2008. Since then, definitions and prac-
Intrauterine pressure catheter for higher in women with internal monitors tices have changed, with new World
uterine activity monitoring (18.6% vs 9.7%). The routine use of Health Organization recommendations
Some of the above-mentioned limita- IUPC in laboring patients should be for nonclinical interventions to reduce
tions of external tocodynamometry may avoided because of an increased risk of unnecessary cesarean deliveries.40 Un-
be overcome using internal monitoring maternal fever.38 derstanding that nonprogressive labor is
of uterine contractions during labor often the result of insufficient uterine
with an IUPC. The first measurement of Role of internal uterine monitoring in contractions rather than a premature
intrauterine pressure to record uterine labor management diagnosis of arrest of dilatation allows for
contractions was performed in 1872 by The main advantage of IUPC over the use of uterotonic medications and
Friedrich Schatz. His method for external tocodynamometry is that it al- thus may in theory reduce the rate of
assessing uterine contractions used a lows quantification of contraction cesarean deliveries performed for labor
small bag of fluid introduced between strength, usually measured by Mon- dystocia. It also supports clinicians in
the membranes and the lower segment tevideo units. IUPC use may also be titrating uterotonic treatment during
of the uterus, connected to a mercury considered when external tocodyna- inductions or augmentation of labor. It
manometer. mometry fails to provide a clear tracing has been suggested that an average of 150
Currently, use of the IUPC requires its of uterine contraction pattern because of to 250 Montevideo units are necessary to
placement within the intraamniotic technical limitations such as obesity or cause cervical dilation and fetal
cavity following either spontaneous or patient movements. In 1952, Caldeyro- descent.40,44 Uterine activity is currently
artificial rupture of the membranes, and Barcia et al39 introduced Montevideo defined by the American College of
is therefore limited to only when delivery units to quantify uterine contraction Obstetricians and Gynecologists
is desired. There are 3 types of IUPCs: power. Montevideo units represent the (ACOG) as “adequate” when Mon-
fluid-filled, transducer-tipped, and sum of the amplitude of each contrac- tevideo units exceed 200 mm Hg.45 Early
sensor-tipped. The fluid-filled catheter tion over a 10-minute period.40 The descriptions by Caldeyro-Barcia et al46
has a column that connects a balloon in amplitude of each contraction is suggested that the average uterine
the amniotic cavity to an external pres- measured as the peak contraction pres- contraction pressures achieved during
sure monitor, and the water column in sure minus the baseline tone to give the the final stages of the first and second
the catheter transmits the intrauterine “active pressure” (Figure 3). stage of labor can reach up to 250
pressure to a transducer on the monitor A major criticism of Montevideo units Montevideo units, yet later studies found
that converts the resulting electrical is that contraction duration and the that average Montevideo units during
signal to contraction waveforms. The 2 resting period between contractions are the active phase of normal spontaneous
more modern systems are one in which only indirectly accounted for in this labors were even lower than those ob-
both the pressure sensor and the trans- calculation. Other calculations incorpo- tained during induced labors.47 In a
ducer are at the intrauterine tip, and one rating duration of uterine contractions study of 109 women undergoing induc-
in which the transducer is extrauterine. have been suggested, such as Alexandria tion or augmentation of labor, all of
Both transducer- and sensor-tipped units, which are equivalent to a whom ultimately delivered vaginally, it

S1212 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

was reported that 91% of induced

women and 77% of women receiving
oxytocin for augmentation achieved
Contraction intensity measuring units
>200 Montevideo units.48 It was subse-
quently reported that 92% of women
who underwent cesarean delivery for
arrest of labor in the active phase were
able to achieve greater Montevideo
units.49 Authors concluded that a
diagnosis of arrest of dilatation can
only be made in the presence of
uterine contractions with a minimum
of 200 Montevideo units >4 hours.
Some studies, however, dispute this
conclusion. Another study followed 501
women undergoing oxytocin augmen-
tation for active phase arrest or dystocia.
No difference in average Montevideo
units was found between women who
delivered vaginally and those who had a
cesarean delivery. Some women who
delivered vaginally never achieved a
contraction pattern of #200 Montevideo
units (43.9% nulliparous and 46.6%
multiparous women), and similar labor
patterns were observed in women
who ultimately underwent cesarean
When obese nulliparous women were
evaluated, only 47% of 2287 women who
had a successful vaginal delivery reached
#200 Montevideo units.51 A prospec-
tive, randomized trial compared 2 Adapted from Miller et al.42
groups of patients undergoing labor in- Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.
duction assessed with IUPC with respect
to contractile power measurement vs
contraction frequency. The study docu- the above-mentioned ACOG guideline, Development (NICHD), ACOG, and
mented oxytocin titration required to it was cautioned that there is no Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
achieve either preset uterine activity convincing proof that use of intrauterine adopted a standardized definition for
values (measured in kilopascals in 15 tocodynamometry results in a reduction tachysystole as >5 contractions in a 10-
minutes) or 6 to 7 contractions every 15 in cesarean delivery rates or improved minute period, averaged over a 30-
minutes. There were no differences be- neonatal outcomes. IUPC may be useful minute window.53 There is a lack of a
tween the groups in terms of the length in cases where objective calculation of sufficiently clear definition of hyper-
of labor, mode of delivery, or Apgar contraction strength is desirable to help stimulation, which may be over-
scores.52 A later study investigated determine the cause of protracted or simplified as any increase in uterine
augmented labors and found no differ- arrested labor, especially when contrac- activity associated with a fetal heart rate
ence between the amount of oxytocin tion frequency is adequate. IUPC can change. Some definitions have also
required to achieve preset uterine activ- shorten the duration of obstructed labor involved increased baseline pressure,
ity levels and the amount necessary to before decision for cesarean delivery is insufficient relaxation between contrac-
achieve a preset uterine contraction made, with potential reductions in fetal tions, and prolonged isolated contrac-
frequency.52 compromise and maternal risks of tions. Tachysystole occurs in 10% to 50%
The results of these findings suggest infection or postpartum hemorrhage. of all labors,54e58 and is more common
that there are many causes behind the Excessive uterine activity is another when labor is induced or augmented,
arrest of dilatation and labor dystocia, problem encountered in labor. The particularly with prostaglandins.54,58
with inadequate uterine activity being Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Insti- The main concern associated with hy-
only one of these causes. Accordingly, in tute of Child Health and Human perstimulation is fetal compromise and

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1213

Expert Review

uterine rupture with 48 successful and 35

TABLE 1 failed cases of vaginal birth after cesarean
Main recorded indications for cesarean delivery delivery followed with IUPCs with respect
Prelabor cesarean Intrapartum cesarean to the pattern of change of Montevideo
Indication delivery (%) delivery (%) units over time. No association between
Individual indicationsa Montevideo units and uterine rupture
Previous uterine scar 45.1 8.2 was noted.66 A systematic review exam-
ining tocogram characteristics of uterine
Failure to progress/cephalopelvic 2.0 47.1
disproportion rupture included 13 studies with either
external or internal tocodynamometry,67
Electiveb 26.4 11.7
and found that 3 tocogram characteris-
Nonreassuring fetal testing/fetal 6.5 27.3 tics were associated to varying extent
distress with uterine rupture: hyperstimulation,
Fetal malpresentation 17.1 7.5 decrease of uterine activity, and increase
Hypertensive disorders 3.1 1.6 in baseline. Five of the 13 studies docu-
Fetal macrosomia 3.3 1.2
mented no changes in uterine activity or
Montevideo units in uterine rupture
Multiple gestation 2.8 0.8 cases. Thus, it was concluded that current
Grouped indications (hierarchical, data cannot provide evidence to support
mutually exclusive) the standard use of an IUPC in TOLAC.67
Clinically indicatedc 9.7 74.9
Mixed d
80.7 23.0 Limitations and complications of
intrauterine pressure catheter use
Truly electivee 9.6 2.1
IUPCs are invasive and can only be used
Total 100 100 after the amniotic sac has been ruptured,
Adapted from Zhang et al.2 restricting its use to stages of labor after
Women may have >1 indication. The total percentage may exceed 100%; b Indications for elective cesarean delivery include membrane rupture and limiting its use in
“elective,” declining trial of labor, elderly gravida, multiparity, remote from term, postterm/postdate, diabetes mellitus,
chorioamnionitis, chronic or gestational hypertension without preeclampsia/eclampsia, premature rupture of the membranes, any other scenario (eg, labor before
human papillomavirus infection, group B streptococcusepositive, polyhydramnios, fetal demise, tubal ligation, and social/ rupture or ripening of the cervix with
religious concerns; c Clinically indicated includes emergency, nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing/fetal distress, failure to
progress, cephalopelvic disproportion, failed induction, failed forceps, failed vaginal birth after cesarean delivery, placental intact membranes). The invasive nature
abruption, placenta previa, shoulder dystocia, and history of shoulder dystocia; d Mixed includes: previous uterine scar, of the procedure carries additional risks of
breech/malpresentation, fetal anomalies, fetal macrosomia, HIV infection, multiple gestation, preeclampsia/eclampsia, and
other; e Truly elective: without any indication in the “clinically indicated” or “mixed” categories. complications that occur at low rates such
Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023. as infections, uterine perforation, fetal
injuries, and placental disruption.68e70
Known or suspected placenta previa or
acidemia as a result of reduced blood superior means for determining the vasa previa are contraindications to IUPC
flow through the spiral arteries to the timing of fetal heart rate decelerations placement.
placenta and fetus during uterine con- when confronted with a potentially Extramembranous placement of
tractions.59 Indeed, the duration of the nonreassuring heart rate pattern. IUPCs between the uterine wall and the
spiral artery compression depends on Because of its more accurate assess- fetal membranes has been reported to
the strength and the duration of the ment of uterine activity, the IUPC may occur in approximately 14% to 38% of
contraction.60 also be considered in the setting of a IUPC placements.70 Although extra-
Increased uterine activity, including TOLAC when there is an increased risk of membranous placement is rarely asso-
higher Montevideo units and increased uterine rupture. However, there is no ev- ciated with complications,68 some of
contraction frequency, has been associ- idence suggesting that IUPC has a role in them may be significant and require
ated with fetal acidemia, defined as diagnosing or reducing the risk of this emergency intervention. Uterine perfo-
umbilical cord arterial pH <7.11.32 significant complication.62e64 In a review ration is a rare complication occurring in
These findings have been supported by of 76 cases of uterine rupture, 39 of which between 1 in 300 and 1 in 1400 cases.
another study observing an association were monitored with an IUPC, loss of Placental abruption, placental vessel
between uterine tachysystole and arterial intrauterine pressure or cessation of labor perforation, cord entanglement, endo-
cord pH <7.05.61 The NICHD noted the was not observed in any of the patients.62 metritis, and anaphylactoid syndrome
importance of qualifying tachysystole However, 2 case reports noted a stepwise are other adverse outcomes.70
with its associated fetal heart rate tracing. gradual decrease in uterine contraction Other rare reported complications
Therefore, IUPC may be useful in case amplitude preceding uterine rupture.65 A include placental abruption71 and am-
the accurate measurement of the onset caseecontrol study of women who un- niotic fluid embolism syndrome (also
and offset of a contraction provides a derwent TOLAC compared 9 cases of referred to as anaphylactoid syndrome of

S1214 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

pregnancy) occurring immediately after supine, and is referred to the top of the augmentation of labor.76 There were no
IUPC placement.69,72 IUPC insertion uterus if zeroed. For calibration purposes reports of maternal or neonatal deaths in
has been associated with colonization of the external transducer is initially placed any of the studies. Neonatal outcomes
the amniotic cavity with bacteria. In a at the level of the symphysis pubis, and at (Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes, umbilical
study of 30 consecutive labors, amniotic this fixed point the “baseline tone” is artery pH <7.15, admission to the
fluid was collected from the IUPC registered. This uterine tone measure- neonatal intensive care unit, and >48
immediately after insertion and 1 hour ment varies with maternal posture. hours of hospitalization) did not differ
after insertion.73 Whereas the amniotic significantly between study groups.
fluid obtained at the time of insertion Comparison between external and There were no demonstrated increased
was sterile, 50% of patients had bacterial internal contraction monitoring maternal or fetal complications with
colonization of the amniotic fluid 1 hour during labor IUPC vs external tocography. Risks of
later, and 36% developed postpartum Comparison between external tocody- invasive monitoring exist but should not
fever, although there was no correlation namometry and the IUPC has been the be overstated. In addition, there were no
between bacterial count and maternal subject of a few investigations. One large, significant differences between study
fever. Data were not available on the randomized control trial evaluating in- groups in the number of instrumental or
timing of rupture of membranes; there- ternal vs external tocography during in- cesarean deliveries, the use of analgesia,
fore, it is unclear whether bacterial duction and augmentation of labor and time to delivery. Furthermore,
colonization was caused by the insertion aimed to determine the effect of internal women in whom an intrauterine cath-
of the IUPC or by membrane rupture. In tocodynamometry vs external moni- eter was placed had no increased risk of
addition, IUPC use was associated with toring on the rate of operative vaginal infection. It was concluded that internal
an approximately 2-fold increase in the and cesarean deliveries (the rates of tocodynamometry did not improve any
risk of maternal fever before and after which are higher in the United States maternal or neonatal outcomes.74
delivery.38 However, in women under- than in the Netherlands, where the study Because external tocography correlates
going cesarean delivery, internal IUPC was conducted).75 Overall, 1456 women well with internal tocography with
use did not place women at increased with singleton cephalic term pregnancies respect to frequency, and IUPC use may
risk of endometritis.74 (the rates of which are higher in the be associated with complications, as
Maternal fever and chorioamnionitis United States than in the Netherlands, detailed above, ACOG does not recom-
have been examined as secondary out- where the study was conducted) under- mend routine use of IUPCs,77 but rather
comes in studies that randomized went induction or augmentation of labor suggests that they should be considered
women to IUPC placement. One study with intravenous oxytocin and were only in select clinical situations.
that randomized women diagnosed with randomized to receive either IUPC or
labor dystocia to either IUPC or external external tocodynamometry. The authors Electrical uterine monitoring
tocography demonstrated no difference failed to demonstrate a decrease in Electromyography (EMG) of uterine
in the use of antibiotics or clinical signs operative delivery with internal tocog- muscle activity is a monitoring tech-
of maternal or neonatal infection be- raphy. There were also no differences nique that relies on the detection and
tween groups.75 between the groups in the rate of anti- recording of bioelectrical signals pro-
Another limitation of the IUPC con- biotic use, the time from randomization duced by the contracting uterus in a
cerns its sensitivity and accuracy of to delivery, or rate of adverse neonatal similar manner to other better-
measuring uterine activity. During outcomes. There were no reported recognized techniques such as
quiescence, intrauterine tone is referred complications with use of the IUPC, and electrocardiography and electroence
to as the “resting uterine pressure” or there were no neonatal or maternal phalography.
“baseline tone,” which comprises pressure deaths. It is important to note, however, Electrical activity of the uterine mus-
owing to the elastic recoil of the tissues, that 12% of women randomized to cle was first recorded over half a century
and a hydrostatic component, which external monitoring received internal ago.78 Early animal studies showed that
varies with the depth below the upper monitoring because of either inability to propagation of myometrial electrical
fluid level of the uterus. The contribution adequately monitor uterine activity us- activity is facilitated by gap junctions,
of the hydrostatic component to the ing external tocodynamometry or sus- which increase in number before the
overall intrauterine pressure varies from pected arrest of dilation. onset of labor. These studies were then
0 when measured with the upper fluid To better understand the effectiveness followed by noninvasive recordings of
level of the uterus, to approximately 35 of IUPC vs that of external tocography uterine EMG signals from the abdom-
cm H2O (25.7 mm Hg, 3.43 kPa) if when intravenous oxytocin is used to inal surface in human participants. The
measured at the lowest fluid level. Hence, induce or augment labor, a systematic recordings provided convincing evi-
the baseline tone is not a single value but Cochrane review of 3 randomized trials dence that uterine EMG activity tracing
rather varies according to the position of comparing internal with external toco- or EUM can be elucidated from nonin-
the maternal posture referred to as “the dynamometry was conducted, including vasive transabdominal surface measure-
baseline problem.” Baseline is measured 1945 women undergoing induction or ments evaluating uterine contractions

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1215

Expert Review

determined from transabdominal EMG.

TABLE 2 They found that EUM correlated
Comparison of operating characteristics for contraction detection strongly with intrauterine pressure and
between electrohysterography and intrauterine pressure catheter and that EUM burst energy levels were
tocography and intrauterine pressure catheter (n[59) significantly higher in patients who
Tocography delivered within 48 hours than in those
EHG vs IUPC vs IUPC Difference who did not. Moreover, burst energy
Variable Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD P value levels were highly predictive of delivery
Consistent contractions 33.8 19.4 23.5 16.2 10.4 16.3 <.0001 within 48 hours. EUM measurements
correlated strongly with the strength of
CCI 0.88 0.17 0.69 0.27 0.19 0.33 <.0001
contractions, suggesting they may be a
CCI <0.75% 16.7 26.7 46.1 34.0 &29.4 44.2 .0001 valuable alternative to invasive mea-
Correlation 0.62 0.24 0.38 0.28 0.25 0.35 <.0001 surement of intrauterine pressure
Positive predictive value 0.89 0.14 0.86 0.19 0.03 0.24 .37 and preferable to tocodynamometry.
Another study compared frequency and
Sensitivity 0.89 0.20 0.62 0.29 0.27 0.37 <.0001
timing of uterine contractions through
CCI calculated as: simultaneous monitoring of 53 laboring
CCI ¼ women with external tocodynamometry,
ðNT þ NE Þ
NT is the number of contractions detected by IUPC, NE is the number detected in the EHG or tocographic signal, and NC is the
EUM, and IUPC during labor.30 A
number of consistent contractions. Contractions Consistency Index (CCI)
Adapted from Euliano et al.30 was defined to allow comparison of
CCI, Contractions Consistency Index; EHG, electrohysterography; IUPC, intrauterine pressure catheter; SD, standard deviation. EUM and tocodynamometry with IUPC
Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023. measurements. CCI represents the
number of consistent contractions
divided by the average of those detected
during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. EMG bursts.3 When bursts occur before by either IUPC or EMG as the gold
Some technical challenges were met the onset of labor, they often correspond to standard, where the method is more
initially, such as the need to filter other periods of perceived contractility by the accurate when CCI is closer to 1. The
bioelectrical signals, for instance from patient. During term and preterm labor, mean CCI for EUM was 0.88%0.17 vs
maternal electrocardiogram (ECG), bursts of EMG activity are frequent, of 0.69%0.27 for tocodynamometry
respiration, movement artifacts, and large amplitude, and correlated with the (P<.0001) (Table 2). In contrast to
skin impedance.79,80 In more recent large changes in intrauterine pressure and tocodynamometry, EUM was not
years, technological advancements have pain sensation.3 significantly affected by obesity, leading
overcome these limitations. to the conclusion that EUM provides a
Different studies have used various Electrical uterine activity monitoring reliable noninvasive alternative, regard-
devices to measure EUM, or as it is compared with intrauterine pressure less of body habitus.
frequently termed, “hysterography.” catheter and external monitoring Another study was designed to deter-
Nevertheless, no standardized form of Similar to IUPC, EUM enables evalua- mine the accuracy of EUM vs that of
electrode placement for recording EUM tion of the initiation, time to peak, IUPC in 47 women during active labor.86
has been established. Although some duration frequency, and intensity of All women were monitored simulta-
studies show that this placement is uterine contractions.86 Because it is neously with IUPC and EUM. The cor-
possible either in a monopolar or bipolar noninvasive and does not require relation of the frequency, intensity, and
configuration,81e83 the latter was shown ruptured membranes, in contrast to the tone of contractions between uterine
to be more stable and less prone to noise IUPC, it can be used as a diagnostic tool EUM and IUPC was significant, sug-
or interference.84 Other studies used a 9- both antepartum and intrapartum in gesting that EUM yields information
or 16-electrode configuration to estab- term and preterm pregnancies. Impor- about uterine contractility close to that
lish the spatial distribution of the largest tant to note that it carries a warning of obtained with IUPC (Figure 5).
surface of the maternal abdomen.85,86 false-positive contraction readings. A prospective observational study
The bioengineering details of EUM To validate that EUM is a reliable attempted to validate EUM as a method
signal processing and analysis are method for evaluating uterine contrac- for uterine activity monitoring during
beyond the scope of this review and are tile activity, studies have compared EUM labor by comparing EUM with IUP re-
described elsewhere.87 with IUPC by translating EUM data into cordings in 32 laboring women.89 EUM
Throughout most of pregnancy, the an “intrauterine pressureeestimated” detected uterine contractions accurately,
uterus is in a quiescent state, and there is waveform.88 Maul et al33 investigated although the correlation of contraction
only low uterine electrical activity con- whether the strength of uterine con- duration and amplitude between the 2
sisting of infrequent and low-amplitude tractions monitored by IUPC could be methods was weak.

S1216 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

Simultaneous recordings of uterine contractions using 2 separate methods

Bottom: standard IUPC recording; top: simultaneous EUM measurement. (Orange dot) on bottom tracing represents the point in time reflected on the top
EUM graph. A, Uterine quiescence; although baseline uterine pressure is measured by IUPC, no electrical uterine activity is recorded simultaneously. B,
Uterine contraction; in parallel with peak intrauterine pressure, peak electrical myometrial electrical activity is recorded. IUPC records pressure of a solitary
point inside the uterus, whereas EUM measures numerous points on the uterine surface, allowing evaluation of progression of the contraction wave.
EUM, electrical uterine monitoring; IUPC, intrauterine pressure catheter.
Rosen. Assessment of uterine contractions in labor and delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2023.

The results of these studies suggest throughout term labor for both non- contractions in clinical settings where
that EUM is a sensitive method for obese and obese women. EUM allows IUPC is contraindicated or when mem-
improving external uterine monitoring the assessment of intensity of uterine branes are intact. However, unlike IUPC,

MAY 2023 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology S1217

Expert Review

EUM may provide some readings of false the mean EUM index during oxytocin consideration should be given to EUM in
positive contractions. administration and time to delivery. these patients because in addition to its
accuracy, it does not carry the previously
Assessment of labor progression by Electrical uterine activity monitoring mentioned risks associated with IUPC
electrical uterine activity monitoring during the third stage of labor placement.
A prospective double-blind study eval- The third stage of labor is defined as the Another study evaluated the influence
uated EUM in 63 active laboring women. time interval from delivery of the fetus of maternal obesity on the performance
The control group consisted of 26 pa- to the expulsion of the placenta and of external tocodynamometry vs EUM
tients with normal labor progression, membranes. EUM was prospectively during labor at term.96 Uterine con-
and the study group included 37 patients measured during the third stage of la- tractions were simultaneously measured
with abnormal labors.90 Analysis of pa- bor and compared with that observed by EUM, external tocodynamometry,
tients with labor abnormalities in the in the second stage of labor.93 Signifi- and IUPC in 14 morbidly obese, 18
active phase revealed that the electrical cant uterine activity was identified obese, and 20 nonobese women. Data
uterine activity increased after the during the third stage, and contraction were compared among these groups. In
administration of oxytocin and during peaks were similar to those observed contrast to external tocodynamometry,
the active phase in spontaneous labor. during the second stage of labor the sensitivity of EUM was not affected
Analysis of the electrical uterine activity (3.43%0.64 vs 3.42%0.57 mWs; P¼.8). by the degree of obesity, further sup-
of patients in spontaneous labor vs those No correlation was found between the porting a role for EUM in obese patients.
receiving oxytocin augmentation was duration of the third-stage length and
similar, suggesting that comparable EUM measurements during the third Limitations of electrical uterine
electrical uterine activity occurs in or second stage of labor. monitoring
spontaneous and augmented labor. Despite the mentioned advantages, there
In an attempt to assess the effect of Electrical uterine activity monitoring are some limitations to the use of EUM.
amniotomy on uterine electrical activity, and labor induction The accuracy of EUM signal transmission
EUM was prospectively measured in 23 Assessment of uterine activity during can be affected by the relative conductivity
women with singleton pregnancies at induction of labor allows the determi- of tissue layers through which the signal
term in the active phase of labor.91 EUM nation of uterine response to cervical must be transmitted. Furthermore, the
was continuously measured at least 30 ripening and uterotonic agents and the quality of the signal can be affected by
minutes before and at least 30 minutes detection of uterine tachysystole. The interference from other signals, such as the
following performance of amniotomy. effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on skeletal muscle electromyogram, maternal
There was a significant increase in mean electrical uterine activity was studied in ECG, and movement artifacts.40,97 The
EUM measurement after artificial patients undergoing induction of la- signal can even be lost, which is a major
rupture of the membranes compared bor94; 31 women were monitored before problem of using EUM. Cost is also a sig-
with when the membranes were intact and up to 12 hours after vaginal PGE2 nificant limitation. The introduction of
(3.59%0.39 vs 3.42%0.47 mWs; P<.001), application. The EUM index was not new technology into already equipped and
confirming that amniotomy augments increased significantly during the first 2 trained birthing units demands capital
uterine activity. hours following PGE2 application. Peak investment in material and training re-
In a prospective study,92 electrical EUM activity was observed 2 to 8 hours sources. In addition, the use of EUM re-
uterine activity was measured in women after PGE2 application. sults in a substantial rate of false-positives,
with singleton term gestations undergo- and efforts need to be undertaken to
ing labor augmentation by oxytocin Electrical uterine activity monitoring decrease this rate. Current US Food and
administration. Measurements begun 30 in obese patients Drug Administration clearances for ECG/
minutes before oxytocin infusion initia- Traditional noninvasive methods of EMG fetal monitors are only for term
tion and continued until 4 contractions measuring uterine activity are limited in pregnancies. In the past years, there were
per 10 minutes were achieved. The delta obese women. One study compared EUM no EUM devices that are commercially
EUM index was defined as the difference with traditional tocodynamometry and available for clinical use. Recently, the
between the mean EUM index (mean the IUPC in 25 obese (median body mass Monica device has been made available for
electrical activity in 10-minute intervals index, 39.6) laboring women.95 Tocody- clinical use in the United States, and the
in microjoule) before and after the initi- namometry identified 248 contractions vs device of OBMedical, which was acquired
ation of oxytocin. It was found that uter- the 336 identified by EMG, whereas IUPC by Philips, may be brought soon.
ine electrical activity as evaluated by EUM monitoring identified 319 contractions vs
is significantly intensified following the 342 identified by EMG. These results Summary
oxytocin administration, regardless of suggest that in obese women, EUM is as The monitoring of uterine activity is a
obstetrical characteristics, although no effective as invasive IUPC measurement of routine component of modern ante-
correlation was observed between the uterine activity, and that both are partum and intrapartum obstetrical care.
delta EUM index and time to delivery or superior to tocodynamometry. Therefore, In the United States, fetal monitoring is

S1218 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MAY 2023 Expert Review

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