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Three Ways a Business Can Shield Itself From

Artificial Intelligence
In the past fifty years, no technology has grown at the explosive rate of artificial
intelligence. And if you’re not paying attention to the world of AI today, you’re
putting your business at risk.
Chief Marketing Officers Kipp Bodnar (HubSpot) and Kieran Flanagan (Zapier)
discussed three ways businesses can build defensibility against AI in an episode of
their podcast Marketing Against the Grain.
As the hosts put it, if you’re not actively involved in understanding and integrating
AI into your organization, the likelihood of business failure grows exponentially.
To get more critical insights into AI, check out the complete video.
1. A unique set of data
Data can help your business stand against the wave of AI. In fact, data acts as
currency in the field of AI generation. If your organization has collected large
amounts of distinct data (e.g., a unique set of customer information), this sets you
up for success when integrating AI into your business.
But your organization must collect and work with unique data. For example,
Quora’s AI tool, Poe, lets users switch between popular chatbots — including
ChatGPT. However, Poe lacks a unique selling point that makes it truly sticky.
After all, why go through Poe when users can use ChatGPT by itself?
So, when looking at how to defend yourself against AI, find ways for your
organization to collect original data and integrate it into an AI feature or product.
2. The ability to scale and go to market fast
If your organization can scale and launch new features and products quickly, it
can ride the AI wave sooner. This means you can integrate AI into your business
before competitors, which gives you a huge first-mover advantage.
Users get bombarded with new AI tools every day. But if you move before other
competitors by launching a new AI tool or feature, then that incumbency gives
you an advantage down the line.
Alongside upping your go-to-market efficiency, you also need to optimize your
customer activation and retention. You must ensure customers can reap the
benefits of your AI-oriented products while keeping them from leaving.
Customers have an array of AI options today, so you need to give them a reason
to stick with you.
This might involve, as examples, making the onboarding process as smooth as
possible via 24/7 (AI) customer support, fixing bugs as soon as they arise, and so
3. Bold AI-driven moves
When it comes to AI, the hosts put it bluntly: Be bold or die in the long term.
Regardless of industry — construction, health care, technology, and others — AI
has and will continue to commoditize everybody. So, you need to move with real
urgency and develop a unique feature or product.
In other words, think of ways to integrate AI that leverages your company’s value
proposition. As an example, HubSpot released an AI chatbot that relies upon its
client data, such as customer information, to help users optimize their customer
Consider asking yourself the following questions when it comes to AI:
Do we have any data that benefits generative AI?
Do our competitors leverage AI already?
Would we be the first player to integrate AI in the industry?

Writing Question: Based on the articles, and in your opinion, what are the ways
we can integrate Artificial Intelligence in Education?

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