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University of Thi Qar

College of Arts
English Department
Evening Studies
2nd Year undergraduates
Prepared by: Assistant Lecturer Laith Th-Hameed

Henry Fielding and his contribution to the English novel

The English novel of today is greatly indebted to Henry Fielding,
Daniel Defoe, and Samuel Richardson. Fielding novels in which the author
himself tells the story and controls the plot structure are considered the first
accurate portrayal of contemporary manner. He is a classical writer,
interested in classical theories, and Aristotle's rules, however, in writing his
works he focused on the mind rather than feelings, his works were written
in the style of classic writers and he imitated them. He was also influenced
by Homer and Shakespeare, that is why most of his works tackle moral
lessons, thus he is a moralist, and he gives moral lessons for English
society. Also, Fielding developed the genre of comic epic in prose,
however, in most of his works he used this type, for instance, his work
titled Joseph Andrews has been written in this style of writing.
Additionally, he created a dialogue between the characters, and he used an
ironic style to critique the norms of English society. Further, Fielding
developed the characterization, form, and style in writing his novels.
A Very Short Introduction to the Novel
It is a novel written by the English author Henry Fielding, and published
in February of 1742. It is considered a unique narrative piece of the 18 th
century, however, the novel is a mixture of seriousness and comedy.

In Joseph Andrews, Fielding, the author, is a moralist writer interested

in moral values and moral lessons thus his main characters represent it. The
novel itself stands as picaresque, however, the title page of it tells us it was
an “imitation of the manner of CERVANTES, the author of “Don
Quixote”. The novel follows the tradition of comic romance as Fielding
fashioned his characters on the pattern of Cervantes's Don Quixote, the
greatest of European novels with its nightly heroes. However, Fielding
takes his characters through a series of conditions, also he creates different
episodes, moreover, he aligns his main characters with suitable partners in
the social and the setting of the novel. Thus the arrangements for the
marriage of Fanny take place in an ideal setting. In short, the whole story
encompasses the journey of Joseph Andrews the supposed brother of the
chaste heroine of Richardson's novel Pamela. He is one of the servants of
Lady Booby, a rich lady who makes immoral advances toward him. Joseph
refuses and defies Booby’s advances as he is in love with Fanny his
childhood friend, therefore he is compelled to leave her house and journey
home on his way he meets Parsons Adams an erudite but eccentric
clergyman who becomes Joseph's moral guide throughout his journey.
After many adventures, Joseph is reunited with Fanny, and the three of
them Adams, Joseph, and Fanny continue to travel toward Adam's parish.
Joseph Andrews: Plot Summary
The novel begins with the preface, the rest of the novel is divided into
four books comprising 64 chapters written in a mock epic style. The
preface attempts to explain the nature of the new genre of the novel. Below
is a summary of each book with special reference to the main events.
Henry Fielding explains to his readers and audience that he is presenting
a new genre, a comic epic poem in prose, sometimes it is called a comic
romance. The author used elements that contain a comic romance, and a
burlesque, however, he used them to create a sense of a new kind of writing
which Fielding called a comic epic poem in prose, he creatively blended
two classical traditions of the epic which had been poetic and the drama
but emphasized the comic rather than tragic.

Book One
It begins with the introduction of the characters like Parson Adams,
Mrs. Slipslop, square Booby, and Lady Booby with which Fielding sets the
stage. The initial chapter of the novel makes it clear that it is modeled on a
mock epic style. Joseph is a handsome, young footman, who lives at
Thomas Booby's house. He is the brother of Pamela, like her chastity, male
chastity. At the beginning of the novel, Joseph was working with Sir Booby,
he takes care of his dogs. In the past years, he was kidnapped by gypsies
and then he lived at Andrew's house. He is the son of Mr. Wilson. However,
Sir Booby is a man who evaluated people around him according to their
money and their social status in society. In chapter five of the novel, Sir
Booby died, meanwhile, Lady Booby pretended that she was mourning his
death, but she does not mourn his death, she was gambling and drunk. Mrs.
Booby is shown to have a deep affinity for Joseph. She even tries to seduce
him with different strategies. She tries to make a sexual relationship with
Joseph, but he stands against this idea. Joseph believes that he is not from
the same social class, and he is a servant to her. However, even Mrs.
Slipslop has feelings for Joseph to sleep together and she wishes that
moment to happen. Chapters 6-8 continue with the scenes of the growing
relationship between Joseph and Lady Booby. This leads to various kinds
of gossip in society and Joseph's escape.
In the end, Joseph leaves the house. Thus he went to London. Chapters
9 to 13 show a dramatic change in Joseph's Journey away from the malice
of Lady Booby and the town, Fielding makes Joseph all set for adventure.
During his journey, Joseph was attacked by some robbers and they took
everything including his clothes. The attackers beat him badly.
Subsequently, Adams was on his way to London, he wanted to sell some
of his sermons, and he stopped at the same inn where Joseph set in. The
entire spectrum of the reality of human life its vice and virtue are all subtly
Book Two
Through Joseph Andrew's journey and experiences, Fielding tries
to show the social-political state of England, although it must be admitted
that the plot in Joseph Andrews is rudimentary, its examination reveals
many significant episodes. In the rest of the chapters, Adams and his
various experiences with justice, thus Fielding throughout his character
Adams shows his respect for the law. According to Fielding, the truth of
life is a match of circumstances it is a logical progression. In this novel
within the framework of The Adventures of the Protagonist in epic
structure, the realities of life are highlighted throughout the entire trailer
scene. Book two is a revelation, especially of Parson Adams and Fielding's
assertion on the title page that the novel is written in “imitation of the
manner of Cervantes”. Here, Adams is depicted as a symbol of Christian
charity and is a perfect example of Christian chivalry. One of the most
significant encounters Joseph has with Adams. He becomes Joseph's loyal
companion and guide, providing him with wisdom and support throughout
his journey. As Joseph and Adams continue their journey they face several
challenges including dangerous encounters with dishonest individuals,
however, their strong friendship helps them to overcome these difficulties.

Book Three

This book begins with an introduction to Mr. Wilson, through a short

journey of adventure, escape, and refugee. However, Fielding again brings
out the hard facts of life, “Lady Booby's attempts to tarnish the relationship
and marriage with Joseph and Fanny”. It is a sharp contrast to the goodness
depicted through Adams, Joseph, or Fanny. However, Booby is still
determined to get Joseph back, she even hires a deceitful Mrs. Slipslop to
help her to convince him to return to Booby's house and prevent him from
being with Fanny. Subsequently, Adams and Joseph arrive at an inn where
they discover that Fanny who is Joseph's love is also there . At the squire's
house, the squire planned to rape Fanny. So, Joseph and Adams have been
tied up and Fanny is kidnapped. Coincidentally, Fanny is rescued by Peter
Pounce, Lady Booby's steward. At the end of this book, Joseph and Fanny
ride on a horse and Parson rides with Pounce.

Book Four

In the last book of the novel, the readers see the triumph of love
over difficulties. In the last part of the novel, various small incidents are
revealed like the dismissal of Mrs. Slipslop, the long-lost child business in
the story of the gypsy objection, the revelation of Fanny's true parentage,
the Strawberry mark on Joseph's chest, which reveals his true parentage,
the melodramatic device of incest, hence the ultimate union of Joseph and
Fanny. However, we found the characters are revealed through agnostic
and agnosticism. Anagnorisis is a term that originated in Greek tragedy
used for recognition, “it is a revelation of the characters and situation lead
to the resolution of the plot”. The main conclusion that can be drawn is
that; the happy end of the lovers, they married to live happily, Adams
comes into a decent living, Lady Booby returns to London and meets
another man, a young captain, thus the obsession for Joseph has deceitful
motives are soon obligated.

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