Marduk and Gilgamesh.

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Using the T- Chart give the similarities and differences of the two characters Marduk and Gilgamesh. 10 points

Character 1 Marduk (Differences) SIMILARITIES Character 2 Gilgamesh (Differences)

King of all gods They are both endowed by God. he has several defects that slow him
down, including arrogance,
righteousness, and selfishness.
He is depicted as a human wielding Both Half Human and Half God. Gilgamesh possessed several
both a spade and a snake-dragon admirable traits, including bravery,
while wearing regal robes. tenacity, and loyalty.

In the epic poem Gilgamesh, Punished by the Gods

Praised by God Gilgamesh battles a giant, just like
Marduk did in the Enuma Elish.
Babylon's patron god Both wanted to demonstrate their Strongest man alive
Bad guy

Easily fall asleep

1. Cite some scenarios from the Epic of Creation “Enuma Elish” and Epic of Gilgamesh that is connected or similar from
the Book of Genesis (Bible)? 5 points

 Leadership, courage, bravery, and perseverance are characteristics that the ancient Gilgamesh world and
the modern world have in common. Among Gilgamesh's excellent qualities are bravery, tenacity, and loyalty.
However, he is hampered by personality flaws like conceit and egotism. The Philippine government answers
directly to the President, a rarity in contemporary culture when absolute power is held by one person. New
leaders have been appointed because of the restructuring and reorganization. Although Gilgamesh's
subjects occasionally do not appreciate his superior strength and power, they are aware of it and respect it.
Gilgamesh and a president have similar principles in that they both adhere to the fundamentals and excel as
military leaders. The Duterte administration has always defended the nation's territorial integrity in the

2. Based on your notion who do you think is the person or a hero whom you could consider as a modern
Gilgamesh? Why? What is the implication of this to the new world? 5 points

 The tales of Gilgamesh and contemporary heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman aid in
understanding that real heroes are not always apparent right away. Heroes must look for novel ways to
provide their services and establish their value since society still lacks the strength to acknowledge the
necessity for heroes. The desire to improve the world and give society hope that anything is possible if a
certain amount of desire and possibility is present are two things that Gilgamesh and our modern heroes
have in common despite coming from different eras and presenting different images.

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