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College of Education
Module: 6
Course Topic: The Purpose of Teaching Learning Materials
The Types of Teaching Learning Materials
Time Allotment: (for the week) 1.5hrs. Saturday/Sunday (9:00AM - 12:00NN)
Course Objectives: Expected Outputs:
❖ Demonstrate an understanding of Infographics
the purpose of teaching learning
❖ Identify the types of teaching Written Exercises
learning materials; and
❖ Reflect on significant learning
takeaways from the lesson

This learning module provides meaningful and comprehensive discussion on the purpose
of teaching learning materials and types of teaching learning materials. These topics are
quite essential for the development and completion of this course as you prepare for your
great roles of providing quality learning for your language learners. By understanding the
purpose of teaching learning materials, you would be able to design the most effective
types of teaching learning materials that could help you achieve your learning goals and

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(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
❖ Why do learning materials in teaching really matter?

A. The Purpose of Teaching Learning Materials

Teaching learning materials are used to enhance the learning of students in classrooms.
A teacher uses it to make teaching-learning effective. Teaching and learning materials
also help learners achieve the learning outcomes after classroom teaching and learning.
Some of reasons to use TLMs in classroom are of various types as described below:
❖ Motivate learners – Capturing attention is the first step to any learning and TLMs
help in capturing the attention of learner in classroom. Once motivated to look at
TLMs, the children are curious to learn new things. TLMs provide a variety of
stimuli, which helps in making classroom teaching most effective.

❖ Help in longer retention of information – The more the number of sensory

channels involved in interacting with TLMs, the longer will be the retention of
information. Therefore, the learning will be effective and will last long.

❖ Facilitate holistic learning – You have read about Blooms –Taxonomy of

Objectives. Learning objectives to be achieved through classroom teaching are in
all domains- cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Therefore, to achieve varied
objectives, varied learning experiences need to be provided, which can be done
through the use of TLMs.

❖ Help in organizing classroom teaching –As a teacher you need to organize

learning experiences, making them as realistic as possible. You can use visual or
verbal TLMs to present accurate data in sequentially organized manner. This
helps teacher to verbal and visual communication in classroom. Thus, you may
use TLMs to overcome shortcomings in verbal or visual communication.

❖ Facilitate change in attitude – TLMs also help in changing attitude of learners

towards learning in general and subject content in particular. Pictures, models and
other TLMs help in inculcation of positive attitude of learners.

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(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
❖ Practical applications – TLMs show application of theoretical knowledge into
practical applications. The theoretical knowledge studied in class is shown in
concrete form through TLMs for effective learning.

❖ Making learning fun – TLMs help in making learning fun in the classroom.
Students enjoy the novelty of handling new objects and learn new concepts
through them.

❖ Concept formation – TLMs facilitate the formation and attainment of concepts

among children. They concretize the abstract concepts; thus children are able to
understand them and not resort to rote learning.

B. Types of teaching and learning materials

There is a tremendous range of instructional materials available to be used by the teacher
which ranges from models, radio, television programs, pictures and diagrams, books,
display materials and wall charts to bulletin boards, flannel boards, chalk-board, slides
and film strips, video tape recorders, cassette tapes, overhead and opaque projectors
(Opoku-Asare, 2014). Omane-Akumoah et al. (2014) explain that, all materials can be
grouped into three main types. These are primary, secondary and tertiary teaching and
learning materials.

Teaching learning materials are of various types and thus are classified and categorized
in several ways. Edgar Dale’s cone of experience is one of the simplest ways of
categorizing TLMs. He experimented with different TLMs and categorized them on the
basis of type of experiences the learner acquires – from concrete to abstract. Another
widely accepted and popular way of categorizing TLMs is based on the senses they
stimulate in learners, which, in turn affect the effectiveness of teaching learning process.
TLMs can broadly be classified into three categories.

❖ Primary Aids are real objects such as plants, animals, aero planes in an airport
and several real objects used in teaching.
❖ Secondary Aids include models of real objects such as statues of birds or
animals, models of houses and cars or voices reproduced through the use of audio
cassette recorders.
❖ Tertiary Aids include slides, photographs, charts, maps, and prepared drawings.
Omane-Akumoah et al. (2014) argue that tertiary material can be used when
secondary aids are not accessible. Secondary materials can be used when real

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(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
objects or primary aids are not available. It implies that, primary aids have the best
effect and can be replaced with secondary or tertiary aids.
❖ Oladejo et al (2015) propound that teaching and learning materials are categorized
into audio visual, audio and visual. Materials are what the teacher can use to
appeal to student’s sight and hearing. Electronically operated teaching and
learning materials include television, radio, film, slide motion; computer and non-
electronic ones such as chalk board, charts, burners, and models. On the other
hand, Borich et al (2013) as cited in Rafaqat and Ahsan (n.d), have classified the
media into common grouping or types as follows:
o Print Media (newspaper, magazines, digest, journals, bulletins, handouts,
poster etc).
o Graphic Media (overhead transparencies, charts, graphs models, maps,
o Photographic Media (still pictures, slides, filmstrips, motion pictures, multi-
o Audio Media (audiotape, audiocassettes, records, radio,
telecommunication etc.).
o Television/Video (broadcast television, cable television, videotape video
cassettes, videodiscs, teletext, videotext etc).
o Computers (minicomputer, microcomputer etc).
o Simulations and Games i.e. Boards, Written, Human, interaction, Machine

✓ Audio TLMs. These TLMs primarily stimulate the hearing sense of learner. It
includes – human voice, telephonic conversation, audio discs/tapes, gramophone
records, Radio broadcast.
✓ Visual TLMs: These types of TLMs involve the sense of vision. They stimulate
the visual impulses. These can be of various types as given below:
• Visual (Verbal) Print. (the text is the main instructional or teaching learning aid)
• Textbook, Supplementary book.
• Reference books, encyclopedia, etc.
• Magazine, Newspaper
• Documents and Clippings
• Duplicated written material
• Programmed material or SLM
• Case Studies/Reports etc.
• Visual (Pictorial- Non Projected)
a) Non-projected two dimensional – Here the TLM is in form of an image or
picture explaining the concept. Examples of such type of TLMs are
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(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
blackboard writing and drawing Charts, Posters, Maps, Diagrams, Graphs,
Photographs, Cartoons, Comic strips.
b) Non-Projected three-dimensional – This category includes three
dimensional representation of the real object or phenomenon. It helps
learners in conceptualization. It includes – Models, Mock-up, Diorama,
Globe, Relief Map, Specimen, Puppet, and Hologram.
c) Visual (Projected but still) – Here the images are projected or displayed
on a screen and thus are nearer reality than visual non-projected ones. It
includes – Slide, Filmstrips, Over Head Projector (OHP), Microfilm, Micro
card, etc.

Reflect on the following questions/statements:

❖ Which of the purposes of TLMs do you appreciate most?
❖ Are all those purposes effectively served in the teaching-learning process?
❖ Which type of materials do you learn best when used in the classroom teaching?
❖ What types of materials are appropriate to use for English language teaching?

1) Create an infographic of your own design highlighting the most significant details of the
discussion above.

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(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041
2) Read the following statements. Write true if the statement about use of teaching
learning materials is correct and false if the statement is incorrect. For the sentences that
are falsely stated, justify your answers then to UBian LMS. (Format: short bond paper,
Arial 12, line spacing: 1.5)
1. Teaching and learning materials are not a complete method of teaching but an
aid to learning.
2. Teaching learning materials motivate learners to study more and learn better.
3. Teaching learning materials are not necessarily required or needed in all lessons.
4. Too many aids in one lesson may distract attention from the main subject of the
lesson and can take much of the learners’ time.
5. Teaching learning materials should be adapted to the understanding and level of
the class.
6. The use of teaching learning materials has nothing to do with the attitude of the
7. Teaching learning materials should be relevant to the subject of the lesson.
8. Do not use pictures when learners could see and handle the real things, e.g. a
real leaf is better than pictures of a leaf.
9. Do not leave teaching learning materials on display for too long. When the class
loses interest in them, they will no longer serve their purpose.
10. Make new teaching learning materials each year. All teaching learning materials
that had been used previously may already be obsolete.

The use of teaching learning materials in classroom teaching is an essential aspect about
which teachers should focus their attention on while designing and developing their
lesson. There are a variety of teaching learning materials to choose from depending on
the context, level of learners and availability.

Reply to:
(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041

Reply to:
(Address of Originating Campus)

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa

Telephone Numbers: +63 43 723 1446 | 980 0041

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