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Sci 73

• pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world
following a systematic methodology based on evidence

• knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general

laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method ( Merriam Webster)

• a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically

arranged and showing the operation of general laws (

• the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure
and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment

• knowledge from the careful study of the structure and behavior of

the physical world, especially by watching, measuring, and doing experiments, and
the development of theories to describe the results of these activities (Cambridge
Science Education
• teaching and learning of science to non-scientists, such as school children,
college students, or adults within the general public. The field of science
education includes work in science content, science process
(the scientific method), some social science, and some teaching pedagogy.
• cultivates students' curiosity about the world and enhances scientific thinking
which will help them recognize the nature of science and develop scientific
knowledge and science process skills to help them evaluate the impacts of
scientific and technological development. This will prepare students to
participate in public discourse in science-related issues and enable them to
become life-long learners in science and technology.

Aims of Science Education
• increase people’s understanding of science and the construction of
knowledge as well as to promote scientific literacy and responsible
Importance of Science Education in the
1. Provides ways of making sense of the world systematically.
2. Develops students’ scientific inquiry skills, values and attitudes,
such as objectivity, curiosity, and honesty and habits of mind
including critical thinking.
3. It helps in attaining cultural development and in preserving its
cultural identity.
4. Science knowledge helps the citizens to solve its own
problems and challenges, keeping a nation's cultural
uniqueness and peculiarities intact.
Challenges in Science Education in the Philippines
• Studies reveal that Filipino students have low retention of concepts, have
limited reasoning and analytical skills, and poor communication skills (they
cannot express ideas or explanations of events and phenomena in their own
words) (UP NISMED, 2004).
• A large percentage of Grade 6 and fourth year students in selected schools
cannot apply concepts to real-life problem solving situations nor design an
investigation to solve a problem (UP NISMED, 2005).
Efforts to address these challenges:
UP National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (UP
- has three major functions–curriculum development, training and
research in science and mathematics (UP Board of Regents, 1997),
- was designated as the National Center for Innovations and Research
(DOST SEI, 2005)
- focus its efforts on the science curriculum to improve the quality of
education at the elementary and secondary school levels.

Note: The curriculum dictates how instruction and assessment of student

learning should be done and guides service providers in designing professional
development programs for teachers.
The Guiding Principles of Science Curriculum
Framework (UP NISMED)
1. Science is for everyone – putting science into the service of individuals and
society. Science education should aim for scientific literacy that is
operational in understanding oneself, common human welfare, social, and
civic affairs.
2. Science is both content and process – Science content and science process
are intertwined. The value of science processes is to advance content or the
body of knowledge. Without content, students will have difficulty utilizing
the science process skills. Science processes cannot exist in a vacuum. They
are learned in context.
3. School science should emphasize depth rather breadth, coherence rather
than fragmentation, and use of evidence in constructing explanation.
4. School science should be relevant and useful - to be relevant and useful, the
teaching of science should be organized around situations, problems or projects
that engage the students both as an individual and a member of a team.
5. School science should nurture interest in learning. Students are generally
interested in problems that puzzle them. They have a natural urge to find
solutions. Organizing the curriculum around problems or phenomena that puzzle
students helps motivate them to learn.
6. School science should demonstrate a commitment to the development of a
culture of science. A culture of science is characterized by excellence, integrity,
hard work, and discipline.
7. School science should promote the strong link between science and
technology, including indigenous technology.
8. School science should recognize that science and technology reflect,
influence, and shape our culture. The science curriculum should recognize the
place of science and technology in everyday human affairs. It should integrate
science and technology in the civic, personal, social, economic, and the values
and ethical aspects of life.
Problems common to elementary, secondary and
tertiary science instruction in the Philippines
• Lack of adequate equipment and facilities in the laboratory.
• Lack of up – to – date and adequate textbooks, refernce materials and
• Lack of qualified and imaginative teachers.
• Lack of provisions for systematic upgrading of teachers.
1.Scientific knowledge is tentative
• There is no absolute truth in Science because everything is subject
to change – the only constant thing in Science.
2. Scientific knowledge is empirically based
• Scientific knowledge is developed by making observations
(information or data collected by using the senses) and inferences
(meaning given to an observation).
3. Scientific knowledge is subjective
• Scientific knowledge is based on individuals own thoughts and
4. Scientific knowledge is built up by creativity and imagination
5. Scientific knowledge is socially and culturally embedded
• Scientists are influenced by their societal and cultural values.
Society rules and cultural rules often dictate what type of Science
is acceptable. Example: Stem cell, is it right or wrong?
The success of teaching-
learning processes in science and
health depend greatly on the scientific
attitudes demonstrated by both the
teacher and learners. These enable
them to accomplish tasks while
appreciating the gains of the learning
1. CRITICAL MINDEDNESS – bases the conclusions and
generalization on evidences.
2. OPEN – MINDEDNESS - willingness to change own data in
the light of new findings.
3. CURIOSITY – asks questions about keen observations on
things and events in the environment.
4. CREATIVITY – plans new strategies to solve problems.
5. RESOURCEFULNESS – finds suitable substitutes for
expensive and unavailable materials.
6. OBJECTIVITY – makes impartial judgments by analyzing all
aspects of a situation
7. HUMILITY – recognizes and accepts his/her
own weaknesses and limitations.
8. PESRSISTENCE – keeps on trying to
experiment despite some obstacles, failures
and personal inconveniences.
the consequences of his/her own actions.

- Science and Health demands and

develops process skills during and after
the teaching and learning tasks. These
should be manifested by both the teacher
and the learners most specially during
their learning sessions so as to facilitate
the development and mastery of concepts
and skills.
1. OBSERVING – the skill in discovering the properties and
characteristics using the senses to collect information.
Ex. Observe object with different shapes, color, sizes
Observe sounds heard in the canteen, a busy street, or in
the church.

2. COMPARING – the skill in identifying the similarities and

differences that objects possess based on observed
Ex. Compare 2 chairs/tables in the classroom.
Compare a lighted candle and one that is not lighted.
3. CLASSIFYING – the skill in arranging, grouping, sorting
objects based on observed properties.
Ex. Classify soil into different types.
Classify animals according to their habitat.

4. COMMUNICATING – expressing ideas and collected

information in varied forms such as orally, in writing or with
graphs, diagrams, tables of data or photographs which
include describing and defining operationally.
Ex. Report the findings in Set – up A.
Plot the data in a graph.
5. INFERRING – making a statement about a specific event or
object that is based on observations but which itself is not
an observation. Inference may be an explanation of an
observation which may or may not be correct.
Ex. Infer why insects in a tightly closed bottled died after few

6. HYPOTHESIZING – the skill in formulating presumptions or

wise guesses that may be accepted as truths after validated
through experimentation.
Ex. Hypothesize on the possible effects of garbage to living
organisms in bodies of water.
7. PREDICTING/FORECASTING – the skill in making a specific
forecast of what may occur in the future based on past
Ex. Forecast the weather for the next 24 hours by observing
the general condition of the atmosphere.

8. MANIPULATIVE SKILLS – the skill in maneuvering, operating

or utilizing equipment and materials and equipment
Ex. Use the microscope in viewing the stomata of a leaf.
Measure the weight of a book using the platform balance.
9. QUANTIFYING – the skill in assessing values of quantities in
relation to standard measures and symbols.
Ex. Chart the difference between the volume of water before
and after dropping the stone into the container.

10. CONTROLLING VARIABLES – the skill in varying one

factor/variable of an investigation at a time to determine its
Variable – is a factor or condition whose effect is being
1. MANIPULATED VARIABLES – are the variables being
changed or varied
2. CONSTANT VARIABLES – are the variables that are
maintained to remain the same unaltered.
3. RESPONDING VARIABLES – are the results of the
interaction between the manipulated and constant
*A set-up in which bean seedlings are allowed to grow in two
different types of soil. Both set-up are placed under the
sun and are watered everyday.
manipulated variable = type of soil
constant variable = amount of sunlight and
responding variable = the difference in the
growth of seedling
Principles in teaching Science Content
1. SEQUENCE – the objectives and content in the curriculum
are arranged hierarchically from easy to difficult, from
familiar to unfamiliar. Prerequisite skills should be
developed before the advanced skills.
2. INTEGRATION – although the content of science and
health is organized into 7 main areas, these should not
be viewed as compartmentalized blocks of knowledge
because they are interrelated. Prior knowledge
influences learning.
3. MEANINGFULNESS – the lessons should be relevant to
the everyday life of the students. The learning situations
should suit local needs and available local resources.
more senses are involved
during the learning process,
the more meaningful and
retained the concepts
and/or skills.
1. Science Room – a place that houses display cabinets for
projects, collections and models; shelves for worksheets
and experiment sheets; aquarium, terrarium, laboratory
tables etc
2. Science Corner – a nook in a classroom where science
materials and activity sheets may be found.
3. School Garden - a place in the school premises where
natural, live plant samples are organized and taken care of
4. Exhibit Case – a permanent display for models and
miniatures, preserved rare specimen and award-winning
5. Nature Table – a table showing miniature ecosystem, jungle
or a community
6. Diorama – a three dimensional miniature presentation of
large forms like scale model of the solar system
7. Collections – plant or animal species or different objects in
a variety of forms
8. Bulletin Board – a wall – mounted board where clippings,
recorded data of on-going experiment, news paper,
announcement of science activities and outstanding
student performance can be posted or pinned.
Science Learning Activities
1. Hands on Learning - involves the active participation of students to experience scientific concepts than to just
have an audience view. (Learning by doing)hh
2. Story Telling
• Students love to hear stories and therefore, storytelling is one of the best ways to get their attention in class.
• Teacher can explain the facts of biology or the laws of physics in the form of stories. This is a mental organizer as
human brains can remember stories than just plain facts. Some teachers present the whole concept as a story
while some others use a story to open and end the session.

3. Role Play - students can intellectually and physically involve through activities while learning a new concept.
Principle of learning applied - The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. (learning is maximized
when the feelings and thoughts of the learners are working harmoniously. This is due to fact that man is the
“union of body and soul”. Man is a feeling being and a thinking being.)

4. Sports Based Learning - an interesting approach to learn problem-solving in physics or a stepwise method to
study complex chemical reactions.

5. Visual clues - The multi-sensory experiences improve their understanding and memorization. This includes
drawings, diagrams, and pictures to assist theory and setting up examples to show its application side.
6. Science Text Cards - an innovative teaching method to convey the science
facts in an easy and organized way. In this activity, statements related to science
concepts are written on index cards.
7. Word Games - a creative strategy to help students to experience the language
of science. Pictionary, Bingo, Scrabble, Charades are the common games.
8. Graphic Organizers - helpful for students to interact with science in a more
organized and structured way.
9. Social media - make the science classrooms more interesting and engaging.
Students may use Vine to document and to share science
videos, Pinterest account for sharing images for research projects or writing
prompts or WordPress class account for peer-to-peer learning.
10. Virtual science labs - gives hands on experience of learning the subject
through virtual laboratories (online) without much expense. Detailed diagrams,
illustrations or close up pictures allow students to virtually get inside a plant or
animal part without actually doing it. Dissections in biology can be studied
thoughtfully with a virtual hands-on sensation without the problem of odour
and similarly, experiment a chemical reaction without burns.
11. Word walls - can stimulate the interest of students in the subject and an
opportunity for them to illustrate different concepts.
12. Thinking Maps - an ideal way to visually represent different thought processes
which help to organize the science education with a better flow.
This includes bridge maps to teach relation between ideas, brace maps to break
larger objects into smaller parts, flow maps to show sequence of events, multi-
flow maps to show effects or causes of an event, tree maps to classify objects or
ideas and more.
13. Mini anchor charts - These interesting charts are a great idea to give a detailed
overview or explanation of a science topic. Teachers use it to interactively teach
areas such as scientific methods, types of energy, plant life cycle, states of matter,
mixtures and solutions, force & motion and more.
14. Crossover Learning
• In this teaching method, students are given opportunity to learn in multiple
settings such as inside the classroom, museums, field trips or clubs.
• Teachers can use this method effectively by proposing a question in class, taking
students to informal settings to find answers and then, going back to classrooms
to discuss and share the findings. This way, learners can record, link, recall and
share their diverse learning events to explore the topic and get a deeper level
15. Context-Based Learning
• In this method, students are given the opportunity to create context and explore
ideas from them. They interact with surroundings, hold conversations with
subject experts, make relevant notes and attempt to modify the nearby objects.
• The context can be understood in detail by exploring the world around. This
gradually helps them to interpret new information from the context and relate
to what they already know.
16. Remote labs
• Learning by doing is an unparalleled approach to teach science and this is made
a reality with remote labs. Students are given access to authentic scientific tools
and opportunities to control remote lab experiments.
• This would enhance their inquiry skills and conceptual understanding and also,
the students can learn and explore with motivation.
17. Science museums
• Give opportunity to students to visit a science museum as part of the learning
process. This gives them access to innovative resources and they can visualize
data they learned in class.
• They can have a look at the real work of scientists which improves their urge to
learn about it further. Regular visits to museums make learning science more
engaging and interesting.
18. Projects
• This can be an individual activity or group activity which helps students to
showcase the application side of what they learned through theory.
• This method involves choosing the idea, building a plan, executing the plan and
finally evaluating it. When students pass through these stages, they can improve
their skills to express ideas, problem solving, overcoming the challenges, team
work and self assessment.
19. Multimedia Approach
• This method is a blend of text, audio, animation, video, still images or
interactivity content forms to teach diverse difficult to understand concepts in
• The educator can convey vast information using advanced media, devices and
techniques, and involve a wide range of activities to provide a meaningful
learning experience.
20. ICT Enabled Learning
• ICT refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology to teach
the scientific ideas that promotes open source learning.
• In order to make the accessing, storing, transmitting, and manipulation of
information more easy, this approach integrates telecommunications,
computers and relevant enterprise software, storage, middleware, and audio-
visual systems required to handle the topic.
21. Video clips
• This teaching technique makes use of instructional video clips available online or
in libraries to show and teach a new concept.
• The evolution of a process can be conveyed better with animation videos. It can
also be videos of demonstration of an idea or an application side of a theory or
an interview with a scientist, tutorial by a subject expert and more.
22. Power Points
• Instead of the conventional talk and chalk methods, teachers now include
power point presentations in their classroom sessions to make it more
• They connect the computers to projectors to address a larger classroom and
include interesting slides with diagrams and flow charts to make the teaching
more interactive.
23. Mini-labs
• Mini-labs allow students to take part in hands-on activities inside the
classrooms to illustrate a concept. This makes classroom sessions more fun,
engaging and memorable.
• Students can attempt to mock-up day/night with a globe and flashlight, build
circuits, test for conductivity and magnetism, produce mixtures and solutions
or model the formation of sedimentary rock and more.
24. Science Fair
• Schools should conduct science fairs as part of their teaching strategy to
promote students interest in the subject as well as to evaluate their level of
• In this competition, students are given a time frame to answer a question or
perform a task through a range of experiments and research. They showcase
the output in the form of reports, display board, or as models.
25. Science kit
• This is one of the innovative methods of teaching science to kids and adults
alike. Let it be physical science, life science, or earth science, teachers are now
making use of science kits to help students have an engaging educational
• They can conduct small experiments with guided instructions to identify rock
specimens, to watch out for insect metamorphosis or demonstrate chemistry
26. Science stations
• This is a fun, quick and engaging way to teach science that promotes student-
led learning. Science stations support differentiated learning that lets students
immerse themselves in topics, experience science to the fullest and then reflect
back on their learning.
• There will be multiple stations built with different learning styles and students
can research, explore, watch, read, write, assess and illustrate the science
27. Observation stations
• More than just the textbook assignments that have limitations in exploring the
topic, these advanced observation stations help students to build up their
research, observation, and creativity.
• This includes activities that help them to have an understanding of a specific
concept using 5 to 6 stations with varied options. The activities include
determining mass using a triple beam balance or testing objects to find out
their electrical conductivity and magnetism and a lot more.
28. Peer-to-Peer Teaching
• Students take the role of teaching each other that promotes excitement
learning science. In Peer-to-Peer Teaching approach, they are really engaged in
the content by discussing scientific topics, generating questions and working in
teams to explore new information.
• Some of the activities involved in this approach include buzz groups, solution
groups, and critic groups.
29. Science movies
• Teachers take initiatives to take them for science movies in theatres or in school
halls that clearly showcase the application side of scientific concepts.
• More than just entertaining them, many science movies captivate their
attention and illustrate diverse science concepts in the real world. Science and
nature-focused documentaries is one of the best ways to introduce science to
kids than spoon feeding them with text book content.
30. Science games for kids
• Kids always love to play and that is why smart teachers introduce science to
them with interesting games. They can learn more about science and
technology with fun.
• A wide range of games are available online that showcase the concepts of
animals, plants, space, forces, light, sounds, magnets, electricity, weather and
gases. There are games with multiple levels and passing each level teaches a
new concept and illustrates scientific experiments.
31. Science songs
• This is another creative teaching method to help kids to learn about the science
world with fun. Teachers can make use of the interesting science songs available
online or create one to introduce the basics of astronomy, biology, botany,
physical science and earth science with fun.
• Science Is Real, Meet the Elements, The Star Song and Motion Song are a few
among the popular science songs available online.
32. Science Exhibition
• Encourage your students to take part in science exhibitions as part of school
level or inter-school level competitions. This is a great opportunity to bring out
their creativity in science and design an application based on a scientific
• Develop this inquisitiveness and creative mindset in students right from the
elementary classes to help them to grow up as science enthusiasts.
33. A number of mobile apps are available online for elementary, middle school
and high school students as well as for those undergoing advanced studies.
Today’s kids are tech savvies and they love to learn science using their gadgets.
• The advanced mobile apps built with innovative features in fact turn students
into scientists. This lets them hold science in their hands and explore it with just
a few taps. The popular apps in the category include Human Body, Cozmic
Zoom, Earth Primer, Video Science, Science360, NASA GLOBE Observer and a lot
34. Field trips
• In the middle of boring classroom sessions, take your students out for field trips
to experience science while learning. Go to an aquarium, a nature center, a
scientist’s home or visit a pet store.
• You can also spend some time with the students in the bird park or simply go on
a nature walk to experience the science around while learning new concepts.
35. Science clubs
• Set up science clubs in your schools or community, which is an ideal approach
to STEM education that assimilates high quality hands-on instruction.
• This is the right place for science enthusiasts to share and discuss new
happenings in the science world and to connect innovative ideas to what they
actually learned.
36. Interactive science journals
• This is an advanced version of lecture notes in which students express the
information they learnt into different templates and elicit their own responses.
• Students can use this technique effectively to have a deeper connection to their
learning and this activity promotes their higher level thinking. They can be
creative with their notebooks using pictures, charts and comments, thus,
building an encompassing resource for future reference.
37. Science at home
• Like scientists say, science starts from home. Encourage your students to
discover science at home from elementary classes itself. Ask them to find out a
specific science concept application at home as assignments and let them
discover science on the go.
• There are fun science activities at home that involve parents and kids such as
measuring Earth’s circumference with a shadow, creating under water fireworks
with chemistry, building a balloon powered toy car and a lot more.
38. Guided Discovery Problems
• Understanding science is more than just knowing some facts and the guided
discovery problems method makes it possible. This technique can be integrated
into the lecture, lab and field courses.
• It refers to understanding science step-by-step through the discovery process
and involves the collection and processing of data, debugging and explaining it
through intriguing puzzles, structured hands-on activities and right presentation
of information.
39. Simulation – a teaching strategy where students “act out” of a real world
activities and processes in a safe environment. Its aim is to provide an experience
as close to the real thing as a possible.
40. PROBEX – Predict, Observe, Explain
41. KWL Chart – Know, Want, Learned
1. All instructional materials are aids of instructions. They do
not replace the teacher.
2. Choose the instructional materials that best suits your
instructional objectives.
3. If possible, use a variety of tools.
4. Check out your instructional material before class starts to
be sure it is working well.
5. For results, abide by the general utilization guide on the
use of media which includes:
a. learn how to use the instructional material.
b. prepare introductory remarks, questions or initial
comments you may need.
c. provide a conducive environment
d. explain the objectives of the lesson
e. stressed what to be watched or listened to carefully
f. state what they are expected to do with the information
they will learn
g. prepare measure that can assess students’ experiences on
the use of the material based on the objectives.
1. PRINCIPLE OF MEANINGFULNESS – must contain purposive
activities and must contribute to the growth and
development of the learners.
2. PRINCIPLE OF APPROPRIATENESS – must be appropriate to
the level intended for the learner in terms of:
a. vocabulary level c. methods of development
b. difficulty of concepts d. interest
3. PRINCIPLE OF BREADTH – should encompasses all round
development of varying groups of learners.
4. PRINCIPLE OF USEFULNESS – must be useful to a particular
learner as he/she works for a particular group of learners.
relay information clearly and effectively.
6. PRINCIPLE OF AUTHENTICITY – should present up to date
dependable information.
7. PRINCIPLE OF RESPONSIVENESS – must be responsive to
the needs and demands of the society.
8. PRINCIPLE OF INTEREST – must stimulates curiosity, satisfy
the “need to know” and encourage creativity and
imaginative response among users.
9. PRINCIPLE OF COST EFFECTIVENESS – the cost per student
of media presentation diminishes as the number of students
using it increases.
instructional materials
1. PURPOSE – ask your self what you are trying to
accomplish and why this instructional aid is important.
- must be focused on helping learners to motivate them in
the learning process.
2. DEFINE OBJECTIVES - clearly defined objectives are
essential for planning the lesson and selecting and using
instructional aids.
3. FLEXIBILITY – the same instructional aids can satisfy many
different purposes.
4. DIVERSITY – use a variety of materials, media and
resources to develop and maintain interest of students.
5. DEVELOPMENT – must be related to the age, maturity,
ability and interest of students.
6. CONTENT – you must know the content of the instructional
materials to determine how to use them and how to make
the best use of them.
7. GUIDE LEARNERS - focus student’s attention on specific
things to attend while viewing, listening or reading
8. EVALUATION RESULTS – check student’s reactions and
consider your own reactions to the instructional aid.
9. SIMPLICITY – they must be simple but inspiring for the
learners and should not confuse them. They must be simple
but show creativity.
10. COMFORTABILITY (HANDY) – they must be handy for the
teachers and students to handle it well.
11. PRESENTATION – they must be presented at the right time
and at the right way.
1. AUDIO RECORDINGS – include tapes, recordings, and
compact discs used by teachers in connection with speech
rehearsals, drama, musical presentations, and radio and
television broadcasting
- transparency can show pictures, diagrams and sketches
at a time.
3. BULLETIN BOARD – usually stationary on a wall or it can be
movable which contains pictures, newspaper clippings,
real objects or drawings attached on its surface usually
made from cork or soft wall boards.
4. CHALKBOARD – a convenient writing area where
illustrations can instantly be drawn even during discussion.
5. CHARTS - may be in the form of maps, graphs,
photographs and cut outs.
- maybe pre-prepared graphic devices or posters.
6. Mock – ups – is a replica of an object that may be larger or
smaller in scale which can be used to show the essential
parts which are made detachable.
7. REALIA – stands for the real things that are to be studied.
8. VIDEO TAPES OR FILMS – motion pictures clearly show
movement and sequence of events which usually motivates
learners easily.
9. MODELS – scaled replicas of real objects which include
globe car models etc.
10. PICTURES – include flat, opaque and still pictures.
- “Pictures are worth ten thousand words”
11. BOOKS – present accurate facts and details that serve as
permanent sources of information
- is a day to day, step by step approach to learning. It sets
forth the proposal program or the instructional activities for
the day.
a. BRIEF – an outline of teacher’s activities and is usually
done by master teachers
b. SEMI – DETAILED – all activities and teacher’s questions
are listed and usually done by neophyte teachers.
c. DETAILED – all activities, teacher’s questions and students’
expected answers are reflected and usually done by pre –
service teachers.
Components of the lesson plan
- Cognitive
- Psychomotor
- Affective
- Topics/Concepts
- Values Integrated
- References
- Materials
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill – activity that will enable the students to automatize
response to pre – requisite skill of the new
2. Review – activity that will refresh or renew previously
taught material.
3. Introduction – an activity that will set the purpose of the
day’s lesson.
4. Motivation – all activities that arouse the interest of the
2 types:
a. Intrinsic Motivation – sustaining self – interest to
- maintains self – curiosity and involvement in
the work by using surprise, doubt, novel as
well as familiar things.
b. Extrinsic Motivation – interest that is ignited by an
outward force like awards – monetary or
material things, scholarships, inspiration
from love ones.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the Lesson – real life situation or within the
experience of the learners are incorporated.
- teacher uses different activities as a vehicle to translate
the knowledge, values and skills into learning that could
be applied in their lives outside the school.
2. Discussion / Analysis – asking a series of affective or
cognitive questions about the lesson presented.
3. Abstraction / Generalization – the summary of the lesson.
- organizing significant information about the lesson
- completing graphic organizers like concept map, Venn
Diagram, fish bone, table, matrices and etc.
C. Closure / Application – relates the lesson to other situations in
the forms of:
- dramatization, simulation and play
- story telling
- oral reading
- construction and drawing
- written composition
- singing or reciting a poem
- test
- creative works
- solving problems
IV. Evaluation – determines whether the objectives are met and
- questioning
- summarizing
- comparing present and previous learning
- assigning work – project, research
- administering short quiz
- portfolios
- rubrics
- journals
V. Assignment
1. An activity done outside the classroom/at home to:
- reinforce or enrich the day’s lesson
- set the materials that students have to bring to school to
implement the next lesson.
2. The activity should help attain the day’s lesson objective. It
should be interesting and differentiated (with provision for
remedial, reinforcement and enrichment activities.)
AIMS – are the most general objectives of the Philippine Education
System. They are broad and value – laden statements expressing
philosophical and ethical considerations that:
a. answer the needs and demands of the society especially
children and youth.
b. are formulated by experts as policy – making bodies, panels
and commissions.
c. are societal in nature or in a national level concern.
Example: Prepare students for a democratic citizenship.
GOALS – descriptions of the general objectives of school’s
curricula/courses that are expected to:
a. accomplish and organize learning experiences stressed on a
system – wide basis.
b. represent the entire school program prepared by
a professional associations or any local
educational agencies.
Example: Development of reading skills.
Understanding mathematical concepts.
Appreciation of art works.
OBJECTIVES – are the descriptions of what eventually take place in
the classroom.
a. They should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, time bound)
b. These are used as a standard way of judging what has been
achieved or not achieved.
c. Their chief functions is to guide the teachers in making
decisions on what to cover, what to emphasize, what
content to select, and what learning experience, activity,
strategy or method best suit a certain learning plan.
d. Have 2 essential components namely behavior and content
but for assessment purposes, the objective should be written with the
following elements:
A – audience or the performer
B – behavior or the action verb specifying the learning
C – content of the subject matter
C – criterion or the degree of performance considered
sufficient to demonstrate mastery
Example: The student (audience) should distinguish (behavior) all
(criterion) objectives indicating learning outcomes (content) from a set
of objectives having both learning outcomes and learning activities
2 types of Objectives:
1. Terminal – an important learning outcome that should be attained at
the end of the instruction.
d. Products – student ability to create achievement –
related products such as written report, oral presentations,
projects, artworks.
e. Affective – (attitudes, values and appreciations) –
moods and connections or dispositions to act in a given
manner toward a person, thing, or event and the
sensitive awareness or perception of worth of an object or
2. State terminal learning outcome in measurable learner
performance or product
- avoid terms like KNOW, UNDERSTAND, LEARN, THINK, and
APPRECIATE because they are not observable behaviors.
3. Obtain representative samples of essential and supportive
pre-requisites (enroute or enabling objectives).
Sequencing of Objectives
- the process of ordering or arranging the behavior of the
objectives in the same content in hierarchical order from
simplest to most complex.
The designers of objectives in many forms were finalized
based from:
1. TYLER – interprets philosophical and psychological
concerns of instructional objectives.
2. Gronlunds – distinguishes objectives between general and
specific outcomes.
3. Mager – relies on three major characteristics as
behavioral, conditional and with proficiency level in the
formulation of objectives.
4. Gagne – just as precise as Mager – defines types of
learning objectives as measurable and observable.
5. Bloom and his associates (1956) – developed the
taxonomy of cognitive objectives
6. Krathwohl and Associates (1964) – developed the
taxonomy of affective objectives.
7. Simpson – developed the taxonomy of psychomotor
Domains and Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives
Taxonomy – classification systems of learning
TERMS heirarchy.
A. Cognitive – refers to the mental or thought complexity
1. Knowledge Recalling and remembering Name, match, list, Identify equal
previously learned material identify, recall, fractions.
including specific facts, events, define, label,
persons , dates, methods, select, state
procedures concepts, principles
and theories
2. Understanding and grasping the Explain, convert, Change fractions to
Comprehensi meaning of something, including estimate, describe, lower/higher term
on translation from one symbolic interpret,
form to another interpretation, illustrate, infer,
explanation, prediction, represent
inferences, restating, estimation
and other uses that demonstrate
3. Application Using abstract ideas, rules or Demonstrate, use, Add two to four
generalized methods in novel apply, solve, prepare, similar fractions.
and concrete situations. implement, carry out,
construct, show
4. Analysis Breaking down a Differentiate, Analyzed word
communication into a distinguish, problems involving
constituent parts or elements discriminate, relate, addition and
and understanding the compare, contrast, subtraction of similar
relationship among different classify, categorize fractions
5. Synthesis Arranging and combining Combine, assemble, Solve non – routine
elements and parts into novel suggest, integrate, problems involving
patterns or structures create, plan, propose, fractions
Design, conclude,
synthesize, summarize

6. Evaluation Judging the quality worth, or Appraise, critique, Judge the

value of something according judge, weigh, reasonableness of a
to established criteria evaluate, verify, given solution to a
confirm, defend, word problem
decide, justify
B. Affective Domain – reflects underlying emotions, feelings or values
1. Develops an awareness , Observe, listen, Pay attention to the
Receiving/atten shows willingness to receive, attend, look, watch, traits of a well – kept
ding shows controlled or selected house
2. Responding Shows willingness to Share, follow, Keep the house clean
respond and finds some respond, comply, and orderly as told.
initial level of satisfaction in conform, react
3. Valuing Shows the object, person or Admire, support, Formulate a cleaning
situation has worth. praise, assist, schedule in the house
Something is perceived as cooperate, indicating tasks that
holding appositive value, a participate, conserve, need cleaning daily,
commitment is made. promote weekly, and
4. Organization Brings together a complex Propose, resolve, Keep the house clean
set of values and organizes balance, integrate, and orderly everyday
them in an ordered organize
relationship that is
harmonious and internally
5.Characterization Organized system of Advocate, approve, Maintain the
values becomes a justify, influence, cleanliness and
person’s like outlook commit, assert, orderliness of one’s
and the basis for a maintain house and other
philosophy of life places at all times
c. Psychomotor – observable reflexive behavior, which involves cognitive and affective
1. Perception Uses the sense organ Monitor, observe, Observe how to
to obtain cues that listen, watch position the fingers in
guide motor activity; the keyboard
(awareness), through
cue selection to
2. Set Readiness to take a Show, prepare, set-up, Tell the order of the
particular action, ready alphabet in the
includes mental, keyboard
physical, and
emotional set.
Perception is an
3. Guided Concerned with the early stages Imitate, follow, Practice proper
Response of learning a complex skill. copy, install, position in the
Includes imitation, trial and error. repeat, practice keyboard.

4. Mechanism Concerned with the habitual Demonstrate, Type at least 60 words

responses that can be performed manipulate, per minute using the
with some confidence and collect, draw, use, correct position of the
proficiency. Less complex sketch, type, write fingers.

5. Skillfully performs acts that Operate, build, Execute the print

Complex/overt require complex movement construct, drive, formatting
response patterns, like the highly troubleshoot operations.
coordinated motor activities.
Proficiency indicated by quick,
smooth and accurate
performance, requiring a
minimum of effort.
6. Adaptation Concern with skills so well Change, modify, Use the desktop
learned that they are modified to repair, adjust, publishing
fit special requirement or to meet integrate applications in
problem situations. creating income
7. Origination Creates new Create, originate, Creates one’s own
movement patterns to produce, develop, web page.
fit a particular compose
situation or problem

Levels of Cognitive Domain






Levels of Affective Domain





• Levels of Psychomotor Domain





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