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Central Philippine University

Jaro, Iloilo City

College of Business and Accountancy

a Performance Task entitled

“From Good to Great: Adapting to a Changing Business Landscape”

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements on the Course
MGT3206 – Training and Development

Submitted to:
Prof. Regine Aller

Submitted by:
Jiann Mabao
Ann Nicole Oliva
Joy Anne Rescate
Lady Camille Tan

In today's workplace, soft skills, often known as interpersonal or people skills, are becoming
increasingly crucial. While technical abilities and expertise remain crucial, companies are realizing
that soft skills are essential for success in a wide range of professions and industries.
Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptation, and leadership are
examples of soft skills. These abilities are required for developing effective working relationships
with coworkers, clients, and stakeholders, as well as navigating difficult work contexts.

Soft skill development is crucial since it has a substantial impact on employee performance
and job happiness. According to a Harvard University study, having well-developed soft skills
accounts for 85% of employment success, whereas technical abilities and knowledge account for
only 15%. Employees with good soft skills are more capable of communicating effectively, working
collaboratively with others, and navigating complicated situations. This can result in greater job
performance, job happiness, and motivation to learn and grow in their professions.

Further evidence why soft skill development is crucial is that it is required for the formation
of strong, cohesive teams. Employees with good communication and collaboration abilities are
better equipped to collaborate to achieve common goals. This can result in improved results, higher
efficiency, and a workplace that is more enjoyable. Furthermore, great leaders are more likely to
motivate and inspire others, which can lead to higher involvement and happiness at work.

In addition, in a worldwide and diverse workplace, soft skills are growing more and more
essential. Employees must have excellent interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence as more
organizations deal with coworkers, customers, and stakeholders from diverse cultures and
backgrounds. This involves the capacity to interact successfully with people from various origins,
traverse cultural differences, and demonstrate kindness and compassion for diverse viewpoints.

To summarize, developing soft skills is crucial for success in today's business. Employers are
recognizing the importance of these talents in developing solid connections, managing complex
work settings, and accomplishing common goals. Organizations may increase employee happiness
and productivity, establish more resilient teams, and establish a more enjoyable and welcoming
workplace by promoting soft skills training. Also, this training proposal focuses on developing the
soft skills of employees, specifically in small and medium businesses in Iloilo City.

The goal of this needs assessment is to determine the soft skills training gaps of the
organization's employees in small and medium businesses in Iloilo City. Moreover, soft skills are
critical for advancement in modern work environments, and investing in them can result in
improved communication, cooperation, problem-solving, and leadership.

The proponents will use ten of the most valued soft skills in a workplace stated below:
1. Communication Skills: The ability to express oneself effectively, both orally and in
writing, and to listen actively to others.
2. Teamwork: The ability to work collaboratively with others towards a common goal, to be
flexible and adaptable, and to contribute to a positive team environment.
3. Leadership: The ability to inspire and motivate others, to communicate a vision and goals
clearly, and to lead by example.
4. Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, to
be aware of others' emotions and empathize with them, and to build and maintain positive
5. Problem-Solving: The ability to identify and define problems, to generate and evaluate
alternative solutions, and to make decisions based on available information.
6. Time Management: The ability to prioritize tasks, manage one's own time effectively,
and meet deadlines.
7. Creativity: The ability to generate new ideas and think outside the box, to find innovative
solutions to problems, and to approach challenges with an open mind.
8. Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make
sound judgments based on evidence and reasoning.
9. Conflict Resolution: The ability to manage conflicts effectively, to negotiate and resolve
differences, and to find win-win solutions.
10. Networking: The ability to build and maintain professional relationships, to connect
with others in one's field or industry, and to leverage those relationships to achieve career
To conduct this needs assessment, the proponents will use a combination of quantitative and
qualitative methods. The methods include:

1. Surveys: To determine employees' perceived strengths and shortcomings in key soft skills
areas, we will give a survey to all employees in the organization. The data gathered will be
used to answer the following soft skills: emotional intelligence, critical thinking skills,
problem-solving skills.

2. Interviews: The proponents will conduct interviews with key stakeholders in the
organization, including managers and team leaders, to identify the soft skills they believe are
most important for success in their roles. Through interviews, the company will be able to
identify the employee’s soft skill level under the categories: critical thinking and
communication skills.

3. Performance data: Proponents will examine performance data for patterns or trends
connected to soft skill gaps. The data gathered will be used to answer the following soft
skills: problem solving, teamwork, time management, leadership, networking and creativity.

4. Observation: The proponents will observe employees in a variety of scenarios, including

team meetings and client interactions, to pinpoint areas where improvement in soft skills is
necessary. All aforementioned soft skills will be used as a criteria.

Once the data has been collected, it will be examined to determine the areas where
improvement in soft skills is required most. To find any patterns or trends in the data, the
proponents will utilize qualitative as well as quantitative analysis tools.

a. Quantitative data analysis: The proponents will use statistical analysis to identify any
significant differences in soft skills levels across different employee groups or departments.
It is to see which soft skills are the lowest that exist in the employees. These soft skills that
have the low percentages will be made as the priorities of the training program.
b. Qualitative data analysis: The proponents will analyze the interview data and
open-ended survey responses to identify themes related to soft skills needs. The approach
that will be used is thematic content analysis, where the responses will be grouped according
to a common theme and finding common patterns among the data.

Based on the data analysis, the proponents will identify the most pressing soft skills training
needs for employees in the organization. These may include areas like communication, collaboration,
problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and leadership. The proponents will use this information to
develop a comprehensive soft skills training program that meets the needs of all employees in the


Implementing a soft skills training program that incorporates gamification can have several
benefits for both employees and organizations of small and medium businesses in Iloilo City. Here
are some potential benefits:

1. Increased engagement and motivation: By adding elements of competition, prizes, and

feedback, gamification can make learning more interesting and exciting. This can improve
employee enthusiasm and involvement in the training program, resulting in higher learning

2. Improved learning retention and transfer: Gamification can also promote learning
retention and transfer by allowing employees to hone and utilize their abilities in an
appropriate and engaging setting. This can serve to reinforce learning and raise the
possibility that new abilities will be applied on the job.

3. Enhanced collaboration and communication: Gamification may also promote

teamwork and interaction by allowing employees to work together to solve challenges or
accomplish common goals. This can help to strengthen relationships and boost unity among
4. Increased ROI and productivity: Companies can see a beneficial effect on their bottom
line through improving employee soft skills. According to a University of Warwick study,
happy employees are 12% more productive than unhappy employees. Improved customer
satisfaction, greater decision-making, and enhanced innovation and creativity can all be
attributed to soft skill development.

Overall, incorporating gamification into a soft skills training program can result in a variety
of benefits for employees and organizations, including increased engagement and motivation,
improved learning retention and transfer, improved collaboration and communication, and increased
ROI and productivity.


I. Introduction
– Overview of the training program and its objectives
– Importance of soft skills in the workplace
– Explanation of the gamification approach

II. Soft Skills Training Modules

– Communication: listening, speaking, and writing skills
– Teamwork: collaboration, conflict resolution, and leadership
– Problem-solving: critical thinking, decision making, and creativity
– Adaptability: flexibility, resilience, and agility

III. Gamification Elements

– Explanation of how gamification will be used in the training program
– Types of game mechanics that will be used
– Rewards and incentives for participation and achievement

IV. Learning Activities

– Interactive e-learning modules for each soft skill
– Group challenges and team-building activities
– Case studies and real-world scenarios
– Role-playing exercises and simulations

V. Evaluation and Feedback

– Pre- and post-training assessments to measure learning outcomes
– Feedback mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program
– Opportunities for continuous learning and development

VI. Conclusion
– Recap of the training program and its benefits
– Next steps for applying new soft skills on the job
– Call to action for continued learning and development


Expenditures Amount

E-learning Modules: to deliver education in the devices of every employee Php 200,000.00

Gamification Platform Php 300,000.00

Snacks/Lunch for trainers, staffs and instructors Php 200,000.00

Learning Management Systems: will be needed to deliver the e-learning Php 50,000.00
modules and track employee progress

Content Development: creating the e-learning modules, designing the Php 100,000.00
game mechanics, and developing the learning activities

Technology Infrastructure: Stable internet connection, devices for Php 300,000.00

employees to access the program, and software licenses for any necessary
tools or applications

Personnel: Manage and deliver the training, such as trainers, instructional Php 50,000.00
designers, and technical support staff
Certification: E-certificate of the participants, business owners/managers, Php 25,000.00
and instructors/trainers.

TOTAL Php 1,225,000.00

Table I: The budget of the training proposal entitled “From Good to Great: Adapting to a Changing Business

1. Pre-training Assessment: Conduct a pre-training evaluation to establish a baseline of worker
understanding and abilities in the soft skills areas addressed by the training program. This evaluation
can take the shape of a survey or a quiz.

2. Evaluate Employee Engagement and Learning Progress During Training: Collect

continual feedback from employees during the training session to assess their involvement and
educational progress. This can be done through surveys or feedback systems integrated within the
gamification aspects.

3. Post Training Assessment: Conduct a post-training assessment to determine the impact of the
training program on workers' expertise and abilities in the soft skills areas addressed. This could take
the shape of a survey or a quiz.

4. Observation and Feedback: Assess the implementation of soft skills gained during the training
program by observing employees' performance on the job and gathering feedback from supervisors
and colleagues.

5. Follow-up Assessment: Conduct another evaluation several months following the training
program to analyze the training's long-term influence on employee performance and organizational
outcomes. This could take the shape of a survey or an interview.

6. ROI Analysis: Analyze the training program's return on investment (ROI) to determine the
program's economic impact on the organization. Cost-benefit analysis or productivity metrics are
examples of this.
The timeline for a soft skills training program that incorporates gamification may range from
12-24 weeks from July 8, 2024 to January 10, 2025.

Descriptions No. of Weeks Estimated Date

Needs Assessment 1-2 weeks July 8, 2024 - July 19, 2024

Content Development 4-8 weeks July 22, 2024 - Sept. 6, 2024

Gamification Development 2-4 weeks Sept. 9, 2024 - Oct. 4, 2024

Training Program Outline 2-4 weeks Oct. 7, 2024 - Oct. 31, 2021

Testing and Evaluation 1-2 weeks Nov. 4, 2024 - Nov. 15, 2024

Implementation 4-8 weeks Nov. 18, 2024 - Jan. 10, 2025

Table II: Schedule of the training proposal entitled “From Good to Great: Adapting to a Changing Business

Needs Assessment



Training Program

Testing and


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Table III: Gantt Chart


Expenditures Unit Cost/Rate Quantity Cost

E-learning Modules: to deliver education in Php 90,000.00 1 Php 90,000.00

the devices of every employee

Gamification Platform Php 225,000.00 1 Php 225,000.00

Snacks/Lunch for trainers, staffs and Php 4,000.00 25 Php 100,000.00


Learning Management Systems: will be Php 94,025.00 1 Php 94,025.00

needed to deliver the e-learning modules and
track employee progress

Content Development: creating the e-learning Php 135,000.00 1 Php 150,000.00

modules, designing the game mechanics, and
developing the learning activities

Technology Infrastructure: stable internet Php 200,500.00 1 Php 200,500.00

connection, devices for employees to access
the program, and software licenses for any
necessary tools or applications

Personnel: manage and deliver the training, Php 20,000.00 6 Php 120,000.00
such as trainers, instructional designers, and
technical support staff

Certification: E-certificate of the participants, Php 120.00 156 Php 18,720

business owners/managers, and

TOTAL COST Php 998,245.00

Table IV: Cost of the training program for proposal entitled “From Good to Great: Adapting to a Changing
Business Landscape”

A support coaching plan for a gamified soft skills training program can help ensure that
employees can apply their newly learnt talents effectively in the workplace. A support coaching plan
may include the following elements:

1. Coaching sessions: Set up regular coaching sessions with your staff to talk about their
development, provide input, and address any inquiries they may have. These meetings can be held in
person or electronically, depending on the resources and preferences of the company.

2. Peer coaching: Encourage employees to participate in peer coaching so that they are able to
benefit from one another. Group activities, role-playing exercises, and other collaborative learning
opportunities can help with this.

3. Resources and tools: Provide employees with information and tools to assist them in putting
their newly acquired abilities to use on the job. This may include job aids, checklists, templates, and
other easily accessible and usable tools.

4. Performance feedback: Offer regular feedback on employees' performance and growth, both
prior to and following the training program. This can help to underline the significance of newly
acquired skills and create possibilities for continued development.

5. Continuous learning: Encourage personnel to acquire and expand their talents outside of the
training program. This can be aided by regular coaching and mentorship, as well as access to extra
learning resources and opportunities for further training and development.

Jiann Mabao Ann Nicole Oliva

Contact Number: 09514264463 Contact Number: 09667550279

Email Address: Email Address:

Joy Anne Rescate Lady Camille Tan

Contact Number: 09667917573 Contact Number: 09672746148

Email Address: Email Address:

Deloitte. (2017). Gamification in Action: Employee Learning and Development. Retrieved


Forbes. (2018). The Power of Gamification in Business. Retrieved from:

Harvard University. (n.d.). The hard truth about soft skills. Retrieved from:

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). (2021). Career readiness

defined. Retrieved from:

TalentLMS. (n.d.). Gamification in eLearning: Why It Works and How to Use It. Retrieved from elearning

University of Warwick. (2019). Happiness and Productivity. Retrieved from

World Economic Forum. (2020). The future of jobs report 2020. Retrieved from

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