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ACME Corporation Storage Facility DELTA G4

West Central Islands, BETA CAROTENE Corporate Resource Preserve 3
11:23 Hrs BC Mean Time

Captain Tomasz Hankz sat at his desk, staring at the data pad Mr. Homm had just handed him.
“12,000 years old?” It was unbelievable, incredible, the object on the screen looked new.
Homm shrugged “Maybe more … the scientists who dug it up were being quite conservative.”
“Oh great” muttered Hankz “I suppose it must be valuable …”
“Yes indeed, very valuable” Homm coughed, blinked once. “Why?”
Hankz stopped reading and looked up. “So why here? This place is far too isolated to be secure.”
Homm shrugged again. “Secrecy was our paramount concern.”

* * * * *

Not so very far away, at least by stellar standards …

On the bridge of his battle-lander, WarMaster Xakk-Lnn stood silent and motionless as He Who is The Voice of His Queen
recited his instructions at him.
“If those we captured are to be believed, the soft-skins have recovered a Progenitor artefact - they are unworthy of such a
wondrous item. She Who Wills All desires that this thing be hers - many glorious breedings shall be gifted to The One Who is
Successful in this task.”
Xakk’Lnns six faceted eyes glittered in anticipation with the promise of access to The Garden of Eternal Delights …

* * * * *

Meanwhile, somewhat further way, drifting in an obscuring dust cloud is a small starship …

“Superior Sir?” Jorq again - obsequious, conniving, petty, ambitious Jorq hovered at his shoulder.
Hurqll turned to look at his deputy. “Speak!”
“We are nine standards out from the specified landing point, but our probes have detected …” Jorq wavered.
“Detected what, exactly?” Hurqll had no time for Jorqs mendacity. “Get on with it, or go away.”
Jorq flinched at his superiors withering tone, then … “Ixx, Superior Sir. One battle-landers worth, maybe twelve warriors
Hurqll gnashed his feeding palps agitatedly “Ixx? That will make things much harder. I think perhaps our employer will want
to pay us a great deal more for this … dangerous new development.”

* * * * *

Also not so far distant, another small starship is hiding behind an asteroid …

Tri-Arch Kmnn’s twin eye stalks twitched once, twice, then steadied to gaze emotionlessly at his fellow Tri-Arch’s. In turn, they
gazed equally emotionlessly back.
“The profit from this raid shall be considerable, Brothers-Mine. The Uumans are not expecting our arrival and we are ahead
of any of our other Clan-Commune competitors in this venture. All shall see profit and share reward.”
“What of reports that the degenerate hireling Xarr seek to gain this artefact too?”
Kmnn blinked slowly. “They are of no consequence.”

* * * * *

… and if smells could cross the vacuum of space, no distance would seem great enough for this lot …

Leader Gorrd slammed the table with a meaty fist, knocking the jugs over and startling the accursed Mind-Bender Jinnx
awake. Meat-grog dripped moistly onto the dirty deck plates.
Yarg, a minor squad leader lunged to its feet. “We take!” it roared. “We take!”
Gorrd stood taller, its mouth-tendrils frothing and bubbling with excitement. “WE TAKE!!”

* * * * *

At Beta Carotene Space-Control it was Sensor-Tech Betty Buup was the first to see the imminent danger …

“Sir! I have four solid returns on the orbital sensors …”


Welcome to the Battle of Beta Carotene, a five player game of USE ME 15mm Sci-Fi. In this small game five factions are
battling it out for possession of an advanced device of ancient origin.

Set-Up: See the various force rosters below for both the forces in play and their set-up.

Special Rules:
1). NO FACTION MAY ALLY WITH ANY OTHER FACTION … EVER!! The Corporate forces are too paranoid /
the Ixx are too arrogant / the Xarr are too greedy / the Crustys are too ‘superior’ to co-operate / and the Octopods are
far too aggressive, to ever consider making even temporary allies of any other faction.
2). The Corporate forces may enter / leave the building freely (they have the key) but all other factions characters
must spend full 1 activation (2 actions) in base to base contact with the building to force the lock. Once the lock has
been forced, ALL factions characters may enter / leave the building freely. Vehicles may not enter the building.
3). The Corporate forces know exactly where the artefact is in the building, but all other factions must use 1 full
activation (2 actions) inside the building in order to search the building for the artefact. Once the artefact is located
any character from the force that found it may pick it up freely.
4). The Corporate forces may, at the beginning of any turn, request air support from the Sky-Eye V.T.O.L. by having
the DC4X droid use 1 full activation (2 actions). The Sky-Eye V.T.O.L. arrives at the beginning of the following turn
on any table edge of the Corporate players choice and may activate normally.
5). Any character may carry the artefact, but due to its weight / size may not use more than 1 action per activation.
Whilst carrying the artefact a character suffers a -1 penalty in both ranged and melee combat. A character may elect to
drop the artefact at any time and leave it on the ground. A killed character automatically drops the artefact at the
position it was killed at, and the artefact remains there until another character picks it up. The artefact may not be
taken off table by any Corporate character.
6). TERRAIN: The hills / rough are classed as difficult terrain.

Victory: The only way any of the alien forces (Ixx, Xarr, Crusty and Octopod) can win is by having a character carry the
artefact off the table. The Corporate forces win if at the end of the game they still have possession of the artefact.

FORCE 1 A.C.M.E. Corporation, Security Division, Beta Carotene Force

Cpt Hankz, Dr. DeForrest, QT3N P/A Droid, DC4X Comms Droid; Alpha Squad = Sgt William
TROOPS + 5 Troopers; Beta Squad = Sgt Leonard + 5 Troopers; Delta Squad = Sgt Nichelle + 5
Troopers, SC-01101 & SC-01102 Security Droids, Sky-Eye Opti-Jet V.T.O.L.
DEPLOYMENT Square 5, all within 6” of the storage building. The Opti-Jet is off-table at the start of the game
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Capt. Hankz Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grn
2 Dr. DeForrest K Medic Infantry 4 4” Sd Arm Medic
3 QT3N Droid Infantry 3 4” P / A Droid
4 DC4X Droid Infantry 3 4” Comms

5 Sgt. William S Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grn

6 Trooper James D Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
7 Trooper John C Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
8 Trooper Frank G Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
9 Trooper William C Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
10 Trooper Dorothy F Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl

11 Sgt. Leonard N Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grn

12 Trooper George T Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
13 Trooper Grace L-W Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
14 Trooper Majel B Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
15 Trooper Gene L Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
16 Trooper Irving F Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl

17 Sgt. Nichelle N Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl, Grn

18 Trooper Walter K Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
19 Trooper Michael A Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
20 Trooper Gene R Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
21 Trooper William W-T Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
22 Trooper Kevin R Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl

23 SC-1101 LT Vhcl 2 4” VAW Energy Shield
24 SC-1102 LT Vhcl 2 4” VAW Energy Shield

25 Sky-Eye VTOL LT Vhcl 4 16” VAW


FORCE 2 Xarr Mercenary Detachment “Brethren of the Red Eye”

TROOPS Leader Hurqll, Deputy Leader Jorq, 3 Heavy Warriors, 6 Warriors
DEPLOYMENT Square 7, within 3” of the bottom left corner
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Leader Hurqll Leader Infantry 5 6” Sd Arm, Grn Sniper
2 Deputy Jorq Leader Infantry 4 6” Sd Arm, Grn Sniper

3 Vill Infantry 3 6” Hvy Wpn Anti Vhcl Spclst

4 Klip Infantry 3 6” Hvy Wpn Anti Vhcl Spclst
5 Hmup Infantry 3 6” Hvy Wpn Anti Vhcl Spclst

6 Ddun Infantry 3 6” Std Rfl, Grn

7 Vlam Infantry 3 6” Std Rfl, Grn
8 Onpur Infantry 3 6” Std Rfl, Grn
9 Unju Infantry 3 6” Std Rfl, Grn
10 Gfug Infantry 3 6” Std Rfl, Grn
11 Seex Infantry 3 6” Std Rfl, Grn

FORCE 3 Brothers of The Drear-Tide Commune

TROOPS Tri-Archs Mmnn, Klvv, Jhin, 2 Heavy Warriors, 6 Warriors
DEPLOYMENT Square 1, within 3” of the top left corner
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Tri-Arch Mmnn Leader Infantry 4 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y
2 Tri-Arch Klvv Leader Infantry 4 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y
3 Tri-Arch Jhin Leader Infantry 4 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y

4 Gmnn Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn Y

5 Unmb Infantry 3 4” Hvp Wpn Y

6 Xzzn Infantry 3 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y

7 Jhhg Infantry 3 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y
8 Llem Infantry 3 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y
9 Pnnp Infantry 3 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y
10 Unnt Infantry 3 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y
11 Rrrt Infantry 3 4” Sup Rfl, Grn Y

FORCE 4 13th Blooded Band, 47th Octopod Battle Company 1017

Ldr Gorrd, Deputy Ldr Harrg, Mind-Bender Jinnx; Sqd 1 = Sqd Ldr Yarg + 4 Soldiers;
Sqd 2 = Sqd Ldr Dirg + 4 Soldiers; 2 Rocket-Bike riders
DEPLOYMENT Square 3, within 3” of the top right corner
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Leader Goord Leader Infantry 4 4” Std Rfl
2 Deputy Ldr Harrg Leader Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
3 Mind Bender Jinnx Psi Infantry 3 4” Sd Arm Psionic

4 Sqd Ldr Yarg Leader Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl

5 Klamm Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
6 Jubba Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
7 Qwerty Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn Anti Vhcl Spclst
8 Phlam Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn

9 Sqd Ldr Dirg Leader Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl

10 Guutt Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
11 Kogg Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl
13 Drujj Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn Anti Vhcl Spclst
13 Bloat Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn

14 Cnu Rocket Bike LT Vhcl 2 16” VAW

15 Vug Rocket Bike LT Vhcl 2 16” VAW

FORCE 5 Ixx Hive Fleet Incursion Force Xakk-Lnn

TROOPS WarMaster Xakk-Lnn, WarLeader Xakk-Nu, 2 Heavy Warriors, 4 Warriors
DEPLOYMENT Square 9, within 3” of the bottom-right corner
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Warmaster Xakk-Lnn Leader Infantry 6 6” Sd Arm, Grn Y Cls Cmbt Spclst
2 Warleader Xakk-Nu Leader Infantry 5 6” Sd Arm, Grn Y Cls Cmbt Spclst

3 Xakk-L Infantry 5 6” Hvy Wpn Y Cls Cmbt Spclst

4 Xakk-V Infantry 5 6” Hvy Wpn Y Cls Cmbt Spclst

5 Xakk-U Infantry 5 6” Sup Rfl Y Cls Cmbt Spclst

6 Xakk-K Infantry 5 6” Sup Rfl Y Cls Cmbt Spclst
7 Xakk-G Infantry 5 6” Sup Rfl Y Cls Cmbt Spclst
8 Xakk-Y Infantry 5 6” Sup Rfl Y Cls Cmbt Spclst

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