Scenario 2 Tiger Tiger

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Forward Command Post, Wulfsburg Mercenary Company 5th Panzer Abteilung IV

Eastern Brunheim Plains, Nova Konigsberg Colony, Fringe Worlds
13:46 Hrs NK Mean Time

Leutnant Gustav Kellermann, Graf von Hohenstein und Mecklenburg, was slovenly … as usual. Egg mayonnaise, yellowish
stains (mustard?) and crumbs spotted Kellermanns’ tatty tunic and dirty shirt, whilst the man himself was again unshaven and
looked like he’d not washed for a month … at least. And then there was that smell …
For such a high born noble you’re a damn pig, thought the approaching Hauptman Karstagg as he glowered at his annoying
junior officer. When Kellermann finally decided to notice his superior he waved a stained hand in what passed for a salute as
Karstagg stopped just short of the reach of that smell.
“Yes, Herr Hauptmann?”

* * * * *

13:51 Hrs, 148 Km west of Karstagg’s Command Post …

It was hard to hear what the Captain was saying over the whistling roar of the engines warming up. Harris cupped his hand to
his ear.
“Eh? What was that again?”
Captain Marcus began shouting again and Harris strained to listen.
“We’re to be cautious. Intel says the Wulf’s got some kind of heavy tank in the target area., not their usual Jaeger type. They’re
a bit sketchy as to exactly where though - the Wulf took out most of our satellites two days ago. Could be one of the old type
V’s. Keep your speed up and keep going - the 7th Companies depending upon us, Sergeant Harris. Good luck, and good

* * * * *

15:03 Hrs, 36 Km west of Karstagg’s Command Post …

Kellermann stood upright in the cupola and let the cool breeze clear his head. Below him, in the bowels of the massive tank,
Kellermann’s crew lounged and chatted idly whilst Karl, the driver, whistled tunelessly up front. Kellermann picked up his
magnocular’s and swept the horizon again but saw nothing but the rolling of the low hills speckled with trees, and the cerulean
blue sky dominated by its large brown-stained moon, Gretel.
Glancing down at the map Karstagg had (gingerly?) handed him, Kellerman checked their position against both it and where
the computers navigation markers said they were. Despite the massive Conqueror’s low top speed they were making excellent
time. Hill 103B was steadily approaching. It was time, Kellermann decided.

* * * * *

15:57 Hrs, 3 Km west of Hill 103B …

Sergeant Harris was seated uncomfortably in the Grants cramped hull below the flat, unmanned turret. Fully enclosed, he was
totally reliant on the external sensors and vision systems for his view of the outside world. Not for the first time, he cursed the
stupid sons-of-bitches who’d dreamt up the idea of replacing their reliable old Taranis with these new hover tanks. Sure, they
were faster and cheaper (“more cost effective” the quartermaster had said), but they had poor external vision and were also
unreliable and prone to …
The tactical alarm shrieked loudly as, in front of him, Captain Marcus’s Grant abruptly lurched to the right as its turret was
blown clean off the hull and the fuel tanks erupted in the azure blue flames of burning hydrogen …

* * * * *

15:58 Hrs, Hill 103B …

“Good shooting! Reload: Hans - long rod”

“Selecting long rod, confirmed. Reloading now”
The breach block automatically slid shut after Hans had rammed the long round into the Conquerors gun.
As Kellermann designated the next target, the huge flat turret smoothly rotated to track it.

Welcome to Tiger! Tiger! A small two player game of USE ME 15mm Sci-Fi. In this small game the attackers small force of
vehicles and infantry is trying to travel across the battlefield on their way to a distant destination far off table, whilst a lone
defender tries to stop him.

Set-Up: See the various force rosters below for both the forces in play and their set-up.

Special Rules:
1). Hi-Power Gun: High power guns do not have an explosive radius but do have an additional +2 bonus to their
penetration rolls when rolling to penetrate all characters. When firing at infantry characters a high power gun suffer a
-2 to hit penalty.
2). The hill and rough are classed as Difficult terrain.
3). The defenders character begins the game hidden - its miniature should not be placed on the table until the defender
chooses to either move or open fire for the first time.

Victory: The attacker wins if at the end of the game 4 or more of his vehicles, or all 3 of his APC's AND their embarked
infantry squads have exited the right hand edge of the table. The defender wins if, at the end of the game, all of the attackers
vehicles are killed. Any other result is a draw.

DEFENDER Wulfsburg Mercenary Company 5th Panzer Abteilung IV

TROOPS Lt. Kellermanns' Conqueror Super Heavy Tank
DEPLOYMENT Anywhere in map squares 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9. Begins the game hidden.
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
Energy Shield
1 Lt. Kellermann SH Tank SH Vhcl 6 4” SVC, 2 VAW Y High Power Gun

ATTACKER Elements of Captain Marcus’s 19th Lift Armour Company

TROOPS 5 Grant Heavy Hover Tanks, 3 Lee Heavy Hover APC’s, 3 Infantry Squads of 1 Sergeant & 7
Infantry (1 squad embarked per APC)
DEPLOYMENT Off table at the beginning of the game. Enter the table during their first activation anywhere
along the left hand edges of map squares 4 and 7 only.
Id Name Descrptn Type Elan MV Weapons Armr Notes
1 Capt. Marcus Grant HV Vhcl 4 6” HVC N
2 Sgt. Harris Grant HV Vhcl 4 6” HVC N
3 Corp. Jenks Grant HV Vhcl 3 6” HVC N
4 Corp. Klee Grant HV Vhcl 3 6” HVC N
5 Corp. Minty Grant HV Vhcl 3 6” HVC N

6 Corp. Oxtoby Lee HV Vhcl 2 6” LVC N Carries Squad 1

7 Corp. Bellamy Lee HV Vhcl 2 6” LVC N Carries Squad 2
8 Corp. Xavier Lee HV Vhcl 2 6” LVC N Carries Squad 3

Squad 1
1 Sgt. Leader Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
6 Troopers Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
1 Trooper Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N Anti Vhcl Spclst

Squad 2
1 Sgt. Leader Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
6 Troopers Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
1 Trooper Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N Anti Vhcl Spclst

Squad 3
1 Sgt. Leader Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
6 Troopers Infantry 3 4” Std Rfl N
1 Trooper Infantry 3 4” Hvy Wpn N Anti Vhcl Spclst

* * * * *

There was a deafening CLANG!! noise, as if an angry God was knocking at the door, and the tank rocked as another AP round
hit the Conquerors glacis plate only to ricochet skywards.
Kellermann gasped a slightly crazed laugh “That makes eleven!”
He looked through his command periscope again. “Target acquired - tank, range 3,500, tracking right - reload!”
“Reloading now … ready.”
The gunners voice … “I see it – ready.”


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