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Tiara, Mody. 2017: Identification of Parasite Pollution on Chilli Rawit (Capsicum

frutescent) and Green Sawi (Brasica juncea L) in Four Main Market of Malang City.
Final Assignment, Medical Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University.
Supervisors: (1) Prof.Dr.dr. Teguh Wahyu Sardjono, DTM & H, Sc Sp.ParK (2) dr.
Nurrahma Wahyu Fitriyani, Mmed

Worm infections can cause indigestion, interfere with absorption of nutrients

and lower body resistance. The habits of eating raw vegetables (lalapan) is a way
port of entry the parasites into humans. Eventhough there are lot of advantage from
consumed fresh vegetables which is the nutrients are not lost. This study aims to
identify the parasite in green chili (Capsicum frutescens) and mustard greens
(Brassica juncea L) which is sold in 4 main markets of Malang City. Unfortunate city
itself consists of 5 districts, so this study represents 4 of 5 districts in Malang. This
study was analytic observational with cross sectional design because all were
observed at the same time. There were 5 shots taken in each market and 5
repetitions were done so that 100 samples of each vegetable were obtained.
Parasitic examination using precipitation method by centrifugation. The results of the
identification of the parasite on green mustard greens (Brassica juncea L) and green
chili (Capsicum frutescens) sold in Malang mothers market indicated that the most
contaminated parasites were 16% green mustard hookworm and 33% green chili.
Consumption of vegetables can not be separated from daily consumption, therefore it
is necessary to maintain the environmental and personal hygiene of farmers, sellers
and who consume to parasite pollution can be avoided.

Keywords: raw vegetables (lalapan), contamination, parasites.


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