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The Elephant in the room, the hard chat, the “/ will deal with that later”. Having that difficult conversatian can be the one thing many of us dread at work. In fact, a'survey of 2,000 workers found, *57%-of respondents said they would do Eee Uae Te Rela eect ae eh Paeen UeIm sme Mote POUT RMU RSCG NC le UC Ss aoe LSC ero Rosy cu a emo} Riera Nees me ck Oe etl ketene ratte Priel r ure om |) ese Cras Cea Toler Uh aecu ts Mee oP Ce oe These discussions have the potential to became emotional and unpredictable and Same celal nell meen ag Cech Due to this, many people fear them and ultimately avoid conducting them, which can mean the situation continues to worse! Moreover, asa leader, it is often expected that you know how to have these confronting conversations. So what if you have never done this before? Where do you begin and how do you make sure it is done ina respectful and timely manner? ee RL for getting through difficult conversations, keeping your relationships intact and achieving Peres Tei oR ce ULI! SAVE THE -~ SURPRISES FOR | NG aaa) Let the person in question ra Te eA know from the outset Leta alo the purpose of the meeting “honesty is the best policy”. YOUR PLACE OR MINE? Depending on what you need to communicate, you want to ensure the environment and timings are right. | TIMING IS EVERYTHING TIMING IS CRITICAL Teer cay well then be upfront and call it early. Pec ue Pree Mtn ener eat) Bee Rucker Ideally, have these conversations first thing in the morning and then if required give your team member time to reflect and digest what has been discussed. _ WHEN YOU ASSUME... \W YOU MAKE AN ASS OUT OF * YOU AND ME... VMN ule cae ee. Aer\ 8) ee _ AND CARRY ON — GIVE YOURSELF A CHECK-UP FROM THE NECK UP FOLLOW ua ellen Don't have the meeting and then pretend it never happened Dore Le eels UL ome ee G Never intentionally avoid that person. If they reed to provide anything to you, make sure oe MNase 1e-8 (iam ial mia) how to manage difficult conversations and to achieve positive outcomes fram them. Website our website to learn more www. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rajiv Jayarajah is the Founder of Bare Inc., a consulting and professional feel Coie ra el else ore A ela | leaders so that they can achieve their goals faster. Tee eke mae el) inl Instagrarr @bare_c | www.bareinc.c

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