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Funding Agencies for Research and


Dr. Krishna K. Warhade

Ph.D (Communication and signal processing)
IIT, Bombay
Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Telecomm.
Research ?
 Thomas Alva Edison:
I have gotten lots of results! If I find 10,000 ways
something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not
discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded
Is often a step forward....
 Albert Einstein:
The entire universe is a manifestation of pure intelligence
& consciousness. I believe in god who reveals himself in
the orderly harmony of the universe. The basic of scientific
work is the conviction that the world is an ordered &
comprehensible entity & not a think of chance.

Science and spirituality ?

Research ?
 Role of students in research
 Scientific attitude
 Research for the benefit of human being
 Social responsibility of an Engineer/Scientist
 Thrust areas for research (Agriculture/ Health care)
 Productive thinking
 Real life issues
 Environmental issues and relation to research
Research ?
 Research environment
 Research Institutes and research universities
 Research idea
 literature survey
 Publishing
 Patenting
 Proof of concept
 Lab prototype
 Field prototype
Research Budget, who will sponsor?
Research funding ?
 DST: Department of science and technology

 AICTE: All India Council for technical education

 DRDO: Defense Research & Development

 CSIR: Council of scientific and industrial research
Research funding ?
 DBT: Department of Biotechnology
 Biotechnology Research Assistance Council
 ICMR: Indian council of medical research
 NAIP: National Agriculture innovation project‎
 NSTEDB: National Science & Technology
Entrepreneurship Development Board
Research funding ?
 AR&DB: Aeronautics Research and Development Board
 DAE: Department of Atomic Energy
 ISRO: Indian Space Research Organization
 NIF: National innovation foundation (DST)
Research funding ?
 ICAR (Indian council of agriculture research)

 MNRE (Ministry of new and renewable energy)

 Rajiv Gandhi science and Technology commission

 University Grand Commission

Other Agency/Departments/Ministry
 Department of Coal (DOC)

 Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES)

 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

 India Meteorological Department (IMD)

 Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MOCIT)

Department of Information Technology

 Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF)

Other Agency/Departments/Ministry

 Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI)

 Ministry of Power, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)

 Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR)

 Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA)

 University Grants Commission (UGC)

Science and Engineering Research Board
(SERB), Young Scientist

 Research funding for young scientist below the age

of 35 years
(Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST/OBC, Woman and Physically
 Open only
DST: Department of science and Technology
science and Engineering research board (SERB)
Scheme for young scientist
Scheme for young scientist
Scheme for young scientist
Scheme for young scientist
Research Proposal
Application Format: Scheme for young scientist

1. Broad Subject area -Choose any one (Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical
Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Engineering Sciences):
(a) Sub Area of the proposed project:
2. Specialization of the Investigator:
3. Title of the proposed Project:
4. Name and address of the Investigator:
(including Tel. No., Fax, Email, Mobile no,etc)
5. Details of the proposed project to be undertaken:

 Origin of proposal
 Research work engaged in at present
 Objectives of the proposed project
 Review of R & D in the proposed area (National & International Status, Importance,
Patents etc.)
 Work plan (including detailed methodology and time schedule)
 Future plans
 Details of the research funding received in the past and onging projects (mention Ref.
no., Title, Duration, Cost, Funding agency, and brief achievements).
Application Format: Scheme for young scientist

 Details of financial requirements for full three years (with justifications):

1. Fellowship @ Rs. 35,000/- p.m.*
2. Manpower**
3. Consumables
4.Travel (within India)
6.Analytical charges/Biological charges/Specific data procurement/ any other cost
7.Equipment (Generic Name with minimum required accessories, make & modal & cost in
Indian Rupees)
8. Overhead Costs

*applicable to researcher having no regular employment and are not drawing any fellowship during the
project tenure.

** applicable for researcher holding regular permanent position.

Application Format: Scheme for young scientist
 Have you ever applied before under this Scheme or Women Scientist Scheme or any other
scheme of DST? If yes, give details (Name of the Scheme, Title, Subject Area, DST/SERB
reference number, if any, year of submission and the decision).

 Any other information in support of the proposed project.

 Detailed Biodata as per Annexure-I.

 Certificate from the Investigator as per Annexure-II.

 Forwading letter by the institute (in respect of person holding regular position)
Application Format: Scheme for young scientist

 Detailed Biodata
1. Personal Details

Date of Birth: .............................................................Gender (M/F): ..................................
City………. ……………………. PIN:............................. State………………………………
Telephone: Landline.......................... Mobile No……………………….
Fax:........………………..... E-mail:............................…............
Residential Address………………………………………………………………
2. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PH:
(Enclose documentary proof)
3. Educational Qualifications (Starting from Graduation onwards):
S.No., Degree, University, Year, Subjects, Percentage
Application Format: Scheme for young scientist
 4. Ph.D thesis title, Guide Name, Institute/Organization/University, Date of Registration,
Year of Award, List of Publications from Ph.D work.

5. A. Details of professional training and research experience, specifying period.

B. Details of employment (past & present).
C. List of publications during last five years (with complete details such as
Journal name, all the author’s name as appeared in the journal, volume number,
page number, year of publication and the impact factor).
D. Intellectual property, technological innovations, new products etc.

6. Professional recognition, awards, fellowships received:

7. Any other relevant information.

Application Format: Scheme for young scientist

Certificate from Investigator

It is certified that The research work proposed in the scheme/project does not in any way duplicate the work
already done or being carried out elsewhere on the subject.

The same project proposal has not been submitted elsewhere for financial support.

I agree to submit a certificate from Institutional Biosafety Committee,if the project involves the utilisation of
genetically engineered organisms. I also declare that while conducting experiments, the Biosafety
Guidelines of Department of Biotechnology, GOI would be followed in to
I agree to submit ethical clearance certificate from the concerned ethical committee, if the project involves field
trails/experiments/exchange of specimens, human & animal materials etc.

I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of SERB grant.

Place & Date Name & Signature of Investigator

AICTE Schemes 1: RPS
 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or
AICTE approved university Dept.
 Requirements: (i) Fulltime regular faculty with
research publication and experience (ii) Research
facilities available in the institute (iii) Not more than
one proposal from one institute at given point of time
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee
out of which 2 members from the concern field not
below the rank of Associate professor
 Duration of Project: 3 Years
 Limit of Funding: 25 Lakh
AICTE Schemes 1: RPS
 Disbursement of funds: (i) On sanction of proposal :
100% of Nonrecurring and recurring of year 1
(ii) year 2: Recurring of year 2 (ii) Year 3: Recurring
of year 3
 Terms and conditions ( Documents to be submitted)
(i) Annual submission of progress report (ii) Project
completion report (iii) Payment and receipt account
(iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: To create and update general
research capabilities
AICTE Schemes 1: RPS

 Deliverables: (i) At least one PhD submitted at the

end of 3 years (ii) Minimum 5 papers published out
of which one at least in international journal (iii)
Minimum 3 workshops/seminar/training programs
organized (iv) Minimum 3 consultancy project
AICTE Schemes 2: NCP
( National Coordinated project)
 Eligibility of Institute: IITs, IISs, NITs, IIMs, AICTE approved
Institute or AICTE approved university Dept. with relevant PG
program and Accreditation from NBA
 Requirements: (i) coordinator must be Fulltime regular faculty
with the institute (ii) Multi institutional project (iii) Association
between IITs, IISs, NITs, IIMs, AICTE approved Institute or
AICTE approved university Dept. (iv) Accreditation from NBA
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee out of
which 2 members from the concern field not below the rank of
Associate professor
 Duration of Project: 3 Years
 Limit of Funding: 50 Lakh
AICTE Schemes 2: NCP
( National Coordinated project)
 Disbursement of funds:
 Terms and conditions
( Documents to be submitted)
(i) Annual submission of progress report (ii) Project
completion report (iii) Payment and receipt account
(iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: The research which will directly
contribute to the society at large
AICTE Schemes 2: NCP
( National Coordinated project)

 Deliverables: (i) At least one PhD submitted at the

end of 3 years (ii) Minimum 5 papers published out
of which one at least in international journal (iii)
Minimum 3 workshops/seminar/training programs
organized (iv) Minimum 3 consultancy project
( National Facility in Engineering and technology with
industrial Coolaboration )

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or AICTE

approved university Dept. with relevant PG program and
Accreditation from NBA
 Requirements: (i) AICTE approved Institute and university dept
running PG Program (ii) Having Accreditation of UG/PG
Programme under respective Dept. from from NBA
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee out of
which 2 members from the concern field not below the rank of
Associate professor
 Duration of Project: 3 Years
 Limit of Funding: 100 Lakhs
( National Facility in Engineering and technology with
industrial Coolaboration

 Disbursement of funds: (i) On sanction of proposal : 100% of

Nonrecurring and recurring of year 1
(ii) year 2: Recurring of year 2 (ii) Year 3: Recurring of year 3
 Terms and conditions
( Documents to be submitted)
(i) Annual submission of progress report (ii) Project completion
report (iii) Payment and receipt account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: To provide state of art R&D facilities,
sophisticated testing and design centre and also provide
necessary facilities
( National Facility in Engineering and technology with
industrial Coolaboration

 Deliverables: (i) At least one PhD submitted at the

end of 3 years (ii) Minimum 5 papers published out
of which one at least in international journal (iii)
Minimum 3 workshops/seminar/training programs
organized (iv) Minimum 3 consultancy project
(Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence )

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or AICTE

approved university Dept.
 Requirements: (i) Institute must be 10 years old (ii) For self
financing/Institutes not more than 3 proposals per institutes per
year can be submitted (iii) For Govt/Govt-aided institutes not
more than 10 proposals per institute per year can be submitted
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee out of
which 2 members from the concern field not below the rank of
Associate professor
 Duration of Project: 1 Years
 Limit of Funding: 20 Lakhs
(Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence

 Disbursement of funds: (i) On sanction of proposal : 100% of

Nonrecurring and recurring of year 1

 Terms and conditions

( Documents to be submitted)
(i) Annual submission of progress report (ii) Project completion
report (iii) Payment and receipt account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: Modernization of existing Lab
 Deliverables: Modern equipments for students and faculty for
AICTE Schemes 5: EDC
Entrepreneurship Development Cell

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or AICTE

approved university Dept.
 Requirements: (i) Full time regular faculty as coordinator
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee out of
which 2 members from the concern field not below the rank of
Associate professor
 Duration of Project: 2 Years
 Limit of Funding: 10 Lakhs
AICTE Schemes 5: EDC
Entrepreneurship Development Cell

 Disbursement of funds: (i) On sanction of proposal : 100% of

Nonrecurring and recurring of year 1
(ii) year 2: Recurring of year 2
 Terms and conditions
( Documents to be submitted)
(i) Annual submission of progress report (ii) Project completion
report (iii) Payment and receipt account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: In stimulating and achieving excellence in
tech Edu
AICTE Schemes 5: EDC
Entrepreneurship Development Cell

 Deliverables: (i) Minimum 5 papers published out of

which one at least in international journal (ii)
Minimum 3 workshops/seminar/training programs
AICTE Schemes 6: IIPC
(Industrial Partnership Cell)

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or

AICTE approved university Dept.
 Requirements: (i) Fulltime regular faculty as a
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee
out of which 2 members from the concern field not
below the rank of Associate professor
 Duration of Project: 2 Years
 Limit of Funding: 15 Lakh
AICTE Schemes 6: IIPC
(Industrial Partnership Cell)

 Disbursement of funds: (i) On sanction of proposal :

100% of Nonrecurring and recurring of year 1
(ii) year 2: Recurring of year 2
 Terms and conditions ( Documents to be submitted)
(i) Annual submission of progress report (ii) Project
completion report (iii) Payment and receipt account
(iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: Interaction with the industries
and should be self sustainable after 2 years of
AICTE Schemes 6: IIPC
(Industrial Partnership Cell)

 Deliverables: (i) Minimum 3 papers published out of

which one at least in international journal (iii)
Minimum 3 workshops/seminar/training programs
organized (iv) Minimum 3 consultancy project
AICTE Schemes 7: TG (Travel Grant)
 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or
AICTE approved university Dept.
 Requirements: (i) Fulltime regular faculty for
presenting papers in conferences abroad to be
sanctioned once in 2 yrs to the applicant
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee
out of which 2 members from the concern field not
below the rank of Associate professor
 Limit of Funding: 1.5 Lakh
AICTE Schemes 7: TG (Travel Grant)
 Disbursement of funds: (i) 100 % amount as

 Terms and conditions ( Documents to be submitted)

(i) Conference report (ii) Payment and receipt
account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: Interaction at International level
 Deliverables: Papers to be published
AICTE Schemes 8: SG (Seminar Grant)

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or

AICTE approved university Dept.
 Requirements: (i) Coordinator must be Fulltime
regular faculty with adequate experience. (ii)
Maximum of two proposal per institute per year can
be submitted
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee
out of which 2 members from the concern field not
below the rank of Associate professor
 Limit of Funding: 3 Lakh
AICTE Schemes 8: SG (Seminar Grant)

 Disbursement of funds: (i) 100 % amount as


 Terms and conditions ( Documents to be submitted)

(i) Conference report (ii) Payment and receipt
account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: Provide forum for interaction of
academicians sharing of innovation and inventions
 Deliverables: Proceeding to be prepared and
AICTE Schemes 9: FDP (Faculty
Development Programme)

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or

AICTE approved university Dept. Limited to QIP
 Requirements: (i) Coordinator must be Fulltime
regular faculty with adequate experience. (ii)
Institute capability to do good FDP Programme (ii)
Maximum of 10 proposals per institute per year can
be submitted
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee
out of which 2 members from the concern field not
below the rank of Associate professor
AICTE Schemes 9: FDP (Faculty
Development Programme)
 Duration Of Project: Maximum 2 Weeks
 Limit of Funding: 7 Lakh
 Disbursement of funds: (i) 100 % amount as
 Terms and conditions : 2 weeks programme for
minimum 50 participants ( Documents to be
submitted) (i) Conference report (ii) Payment and
receipt account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: Promoting quality of teachers
,facilitated career and faculty development
 Deliverables: Certification for short term courses to
be issued
AICTE Schemes 10: EF
(Emeritus Fellowship)

 Eligibility of Institute: AICTE approved Institute or

AICTE approved university Dept with relevant PG
 Requirements: (i) Superannuated professors/
Scientists of reputed institutes such as IIT, NIT
colleges, Universities etc (ii) Only applicable to
institutes offering PG program
 Method of assessment: 3 Member expert committee
out of which 2 members from the concern field not
below the rank of Associate professor
AICTE Schemes 10: EF
(Emeritus Fellowship)
 Duration Of Project: 2 years or up to the age of 70
whichever is earlier
 Limit of Funding: 13 Lakh

 Disbursement of funds: (i) Recurring of year (ii)

Recurring of year 2
 Terms and conditions :

( Documents to be submitted) (i) Annual submission of

progress report (ii) Project completion report (iii)
Payment and receipt account (iv) duly audited
 Expected Outcome: In stimulating and achieving
excellence in technical education
AICTE Schemes 10: EF
(Emeritus Fellowship)

 Deliverables: (i) At least 4 PhD students

guided for PhD (ii) Minimum 2 papers
published out of which one at least in
international journal (iii) Minimum 2
workshops/seminar/training programs
National Science and Technology
Entrepreneurship Development (NSTEDB)

The need for instruments such as TBI has been
recognised the world over for initiating technology
led and knowledge driven enterprises.

Studies also show that such mechanisms help not

only in the growth of technology based new
enterprises but also in improving their survival rate
substantially (from 30 per cent to over 70 per cent).
TBIs also facilitate speedy commercialisation of
research outputs.
National Science and Technology
Entrepreneurship Development Board
The TBIs (Technology Business Incubators) usually provide
following types of services:-
 Market survey/ marketing assistance,
 Business planning and training,
 Organising management/ technical assistance,
 Assistance in obtaining statutory approvals,
 Information dissemination on product ideas/technologies,
 Syndicating finances,
 Arranging legal and IPR services,
 Using facilities of the Host Institute (HI) at nominal charges,
 Work space for a limited period
 Common facilities of TBI such as communication, conference, computers.
 Thus, the TBIs besides providing a host of services to new enterprises (and also
to existing SMEs in the region) also facilitate an atmosphere congenial for their
survival and growth. The essential feature of a TBI is that the tenant companies
leave the incubator space within 2-3 years.
Criteria for selection of location : TBI
 Ideally a TBI should be located near a source of technology and
knowledge i.e. around R&D Institutions/Academic Institutions or
it should have strong links with such institutions to ensure
optimal use of the already existing expertise and facilities thus
keeping the cost of the TBI on lower side.

 Locating TBIs in such location could also reduce time lag

between technology development and its commercialisation.
Further, as the success of a TBI largely depends on its location
and management besides quality of tenant enterprises,
following aspects relating to the HI need to be kept in view
while selecting location of the TBI:
Criteria for selection of location : TBI

 R&D track record and subsequent

commercialisation of R&D output,
 Dedicated team of R&D persons,
 Industrial milieu in the region,
 Proximity to other R&D/academic institutions,
 Infrastructure, facilities and expertise
 Strong commitment and willingness of the HI.
Thrust Areas
 Each TBI would focus on not more than 2-3 thrust
areas. The thrust areas for a TBI would be identified
based on the following:

 Expertise and facilities available in the HI,

 Track record of the HI in the chosen areas,
 Industrial climate in the region,
 Market potential/demand in the region.
Thrust Areas
 TBIs are proposed to be promoted in following
selected thrust areas which have potential for faster
 Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
 Application of bio-technology
 New materials including nano materials
 Instrumentation and maintenance
 Agriculture and allied fields
 Garments and fashion technology
 Services
Facilities required

 The TBIs should mainly draw upon the existing

facilities available in the HI including land and
building. However, certain essential facilities, which
need to be created in a TBI are given below:
 Modern work space,
 Communication facilities,
 Computing facilities,
 Vital equipment needed in identified area
 Library & information centre
 Training and conference facilities
 The TBI may be promoted by the selected HI
and DST jointly.
 The HI has to provide the requisite land and
building for the TBI. Other related and
interested agencies could also be involved as

 Each TBI would be required to plan and undertake specified

activities based on the identified thrust areas. However, the
following set of activities is suggested as general guidelines:
 Provide specialized services to existing SMEs in the region,
 Facilitate technology commercialization,
 Consultancy,
 Training including short courses,
 Technology related IPR issues, legal and quality assurance
 Marketing, Assistance in obtaining and other clearances,
 Common facilities,
 Assistance in preparation of business plans,
 Technology shows/ technology clinics/ trade fairs.
Organisation Status

 The TBI should itself represent a dynamic model of sustainable

business operation and generate revenue as well as profits. As
per the guidelines of the Department regarding legal status of
new Technology Business Incubators it has become mandatory
to register the new TBIs as an autonomous body functioning as
a society registered under societies act of 1860/or as a non
profit making section 25 company.
 The affairs of the TBI should be managed by an Advisory Board.
The Board of the TBI should help not only in development of a
strategic plan containing quantifiable objectives to achieve the
desired results but also in managing the TBI efficiently and
effectively. The Board should have representation from the
promoters and reputed professionals. This may include
representatives of DST, SIDBI, HI, industry, VC companies,
Entrepreneurs, student bodies and tenants of the TBI. A
committee should also be set up for selection of tenant firms.
Role of the HI
 The Host Institution has to play an important role not only in
the establishment of the TBI project but also in its smooth and
efficient functioning. Only those institutions/ organisations that
can provide land and built-up space for TBI and are also willing
to share available facilities and expertise would be considered
for setting up of the TBI.
 An MOU would be signed by the TBI, HI and DST, which will
clearly define the role of these three agencies. HI should
demonstrate its commitment and responsibility towards the TBI
project. The HI will provide a suitable built up area of about
5000-10,000 sq. ft. where-in the TBI could be set up besides
provision of utilities such as electricity and water. The HI will
also ensure availability of following facilities to the tenants of
the TBI on mutually agreed charges:
 Lab/testing facilities, Library, Mainframe computer, Faculty
Performance Parameters and Expected
 The performance of TBIs would be judged based on the
following parameters:-
 Number of tenant enterprises promoted and their growth
 Number of businesses graduating successfully and their growth,
 Number of new jobs generated,
 New technologies commercialized,
 Quality of services offered,
 Number of consultancy jobs undertaken,
 Net revenue earned,
 Return on Investment,
 Upgradation/ modernisation facilitated in existing units.
Special Features of TBI

 Dedicated management team

 Well defined tenant selection & graduation system

 A set of value added services

 TBI to be run as a business entity

 Periodic performance evaluation

Estimated Project Cost

 Each TBI should prepare a detailed project proposal

and work out the cost, based on actual requirements.
A project implementation schedule may be prepared
covering the key activity of the project.
 Since TBI is software intensive, greater focus should
be laid on providing value-added services rather than
facilities (hardware) to its tenants. Wherever
possible, duplication of the facilities already existing
in HI may be avoided and only need-based facilities
may be proposed in the initial phase of the project.
Self Sufficiency

 Each TBI is expected to become self sufficient

within a period of five years from the date of
sanction of the project. The TBI should,
however, start earning from the very first
year of its operation. The TBI should appoint
a Project Manager with relevant experience
and exposure to the business environment.
Women Scientists Programs:
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)
 The 'Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)' of the Department of
Science and Technology is aimed to provide opportunities to
women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in
basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and

 A special provision has been made under this Scheme to

encourage those women scientists who have had breaks in their
careers. It will provide a launch pad for them up to the age of
50 years to return to mainstream science and work as bench-
level scientists in the field of science and technology.
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)

 Scientific Disciplines: The scholarships have been instituted in

the following subject areas
(1) Physical Science;
(2) Chemical Science;
(3) Mathematical Science;
(4) Life sciences;
(5) Earth Sciences;
(6) Atmospheric Sciences;
(7) Engineering Sciences.
A project proposal should be submitted in active collaboration
with an academic/R&D institution in the chosen subject area.
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)

 Support: This scheme will provide a research grant with an

upper limit of Rs. 23 lakh (for Ph.D. or equivalent) and Rs. 20
lakh (for M.Sc. or equivalent) for a well-defined R&D project
proposal for a period of three years.

 This grant will include the fellowship of the applicant and cost of
small equipments, contingencies, travel, consumables etc.
Institutional overhead charges will be extra.
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)

 Persons already in employment need not apply.
 Women scientists, with a minimum of Post Graduate degree, equivalent
to M.Sc. in Basic or Applied Sciences or B.Tech. or MBBS or other
equivalent professional qualifications, are eligible for this scheme.
Maximum age limit for this category is 35 years at the time of
submission of the application. The amount of fellowship for such
candidates will be Rs. 20,000/- PM.
 Women scientists having a Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences or
M.Tech. or MD/MS, DM/MCH in Medical Sciences from recognized
Universities can apply up to the age of 50 years. The amount of
fellowship for such candidates will be Rs. 35,000/- PM.
 Age relaxation of 5 years would be given to candidates belonging to
SC/ST/OBC and physically challenged category. Attested copies of
supporting documents in this regard must be enclosed.
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)

 Desirable:
 Preference would be given to candidates having a break-in-
career due to family reasons.
 Also, preference would be given to Ph.D./equivalent degree
candidates. M.Sc./equivalent candidates may, however, be also
considered if they have a bright academic record and
demonstrable research experience in the form of publications,
dissertations, patents, etc.
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)

Procedure For Applying:

 Five (5) copies of neatly typed application (in single space and on both
sides of the paper) should be submitted in the enclosed format at the
address given below.
 Carefully prepared proposal should be concise focused and complete in
all respects.
 Address for Submission of Application and Enquiries:
Dr H B Singh
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)
Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi – 110016
E-mail: haribsingh at nic dot in
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-B)

 This scholarship is specially intended to encourage women

scientists involved in research and application of innovative
solutions for various societal issues.

 This scholarship would be made available to the aspiring

women scientists willing to work for the search, design,
adaptation and demonstration of Science and Technological
skills and techniques for improving the income generating
activity and reducing drudgery of weaker sections of our society
in different occupations, capacity building on the societal
programs at the grassroot level etc.
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-B)

 Eligibility
The minimum essential qualifications are PG degree equivalent
to M.Sc in basic or Applied Science, B Tech in Engineering
Science and MBBS or other equivalent professional
qualifications. The desirable qualifications are PhD in Basic or
Applied Science, M.Tech in Engineering Science and MD/MS,
DM/MCH in Medical Science from recognized Universities. Cut
off age for the candidate is 50 years. The candidates should
also have working experience and linkages with the relevant
organization to carry out research on R&D projects of societal
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-B)

 The selected candidate will be awarded upto Rs. 10,000/- pm

(for Post Graduate in science and bachelors in Engineering and
Medicine) and Rs. 15,000/- pm (for Doctorate in Science and
Masters in Engineering and Medicine) as Research Scholarships
and a research grant up to a maximum limit of Rs. 15 lakhs
including the scholarship amount for a period of three years to
cover the cost of small equipment, travel, contingencies,
consumables and institutional overhead charges.
 Contact: Dr (Mrs.) Jyoti Sharma
SEED Division,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590304
Email: sharma dot jyoti at nic dot in
Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-C)

 WOS-C: This category is mainly focused to provide an

opportunity to women scientists for self-employment by utilizing
their specialized domain knowledge in areas such as patenting,
proof reading, science journalism, technical translation, clinical
pathology labs, medical transcription etc. The objective of this
scholarship is to create a large pool of trained women workforce
with experience in the diverse areas mentioned above and
building up a professional network.
 Ms Sangeeta Nagar
Patent Facilitating Centre- TIFAC,
Department of Science and Technology
Vishwakarma Bhawan
A Wing, 5th Floor
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone : 011- 42525802, 26852937
Email: wosc.pfc at gmail dot com, sangeetanagar2005 at gmail dot com
AICTE Schemes
AICTE Schemes
AICTE Schemes
AICTE Schemes
AICTE Schemes

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