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Make a list of 10 grammatical points about the target language that you

would want to display on posters to encourage beginning students’

peripheral learning.

Peripheral learning is one of my favourite techniques because this method provides optimal
conditions for learning and a more enjoyable learning environment that brain could process
and retain much more information, also the use of posters on the wall helps students to have a
clearer idea of what they are learning. Peripheral learning means learning from the
environment; learning from the posters, visuals and decorations displayed in the classroom.
By displaying the learning environment with images of posters which contain English words,
phrases and linguistic items, we can facilitate the learner’s exposure to the target language.
Below you will find 10 grammatical points that can be used during a lesson to learn a foreign
language, which are as follows:
1. The responsibility of the teacher in this method is to provide a class with a
comfortable, colourful and bright environment. The use of posters on the wall is
very helpful to better understand the lesson and also give a clearer idea of the
grammar that is explained in it.
2. Since our main focus is grammar, a great help for beginner students would be helpful
to put on the posters the simple present form of the verb “ to be" ( am/is/ are):
 Use am with the pronoun I.
 Use is with singular nouns like my brother, the professor, and with the
pronouns he/she/it.
 Use are with plural nouns like my friends, Simon and John and with the
pronouns we/you/they.
3. The teacher can also include pronouns in the poster, including the definition, a list of
them and examples:
A pronoun is used in place of a noun or a noun phrase to avoid repetition, (e.x she, it,
those , that , who)
Example: I want her to dance with me.
4. As we know the English language has many quantifiers, their presentation on the
poster would be more understandable for students. Quantifiers ( many/much, a little, a
few , a lot of and so on.
 We use much with uncountable nouns, in negative and interrogative
sentences. (Is there much bread?)
 We use many with countable nouns, in negative and interrogative sentences.
(There are many apples.)
 We use a lot of/ lots of with countable and uncountable nouns , in affirmative
sentences.( There are a lot of/ lots of tomatoes. )
5. Another grammatical point that we can include are articles , making a list and
explaining where can we use.

6. When we are talking, we use conjunctions, but in fact we are not aware of what they
express in the sentence, so their presentation in the poster will be more understandable
for the students. So, conjunctions are used to link or join two words or phrases that
are equally important and complete in terms of grammar. Some conjunctions are ( but,
and , yet , however, furthermore etc.)
 The weather was cold, yet bright and sunny.
 I like football and I like tennis too.
7. Another grammatical point that students get confused about are prepositions. By
arranging them in a list then showing their use might be more understandable for the
students. A preposition is a word or group of words used before a noun, pronoun, or
noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to
introduce an object. Some examples of prepositions are words like "in," "at," "on,"
"of," and "to."

8. The other interesting basic English grammar are adverbs. Adverbs are words that
modify and qualify an adjective, verb, clause, sentence and so on. Adverbs might be:
 Adverbs of time (already, ago, before, soon). I ‘ll be there soon.
 Adverbs of frequency (sometimes, always...) I often go out for dinner.)
 Adverbs of manner (so, badly, beautifully) She dresses beautifully.
9. Modal verbs are also so important when we express ability, permission, request,
offer or possibility. By using such posters is clearer to use them correctly, for example
the model verbs are
 Can (ability: I can sing)
 Should (request/ offer: you should be polite) so on and so forth.
10. The last but not the least grammatical point for this assignment are adjectives, as we
know adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns. and
the teacher can use coloured cards to present different types of adjectives such as :
 Some adjectives show about size of people or things( a big house, a short man, a
large army)
 Some adjectives show about the colour of things ( a black shirt, a brown bear)
 Some adjectives show about what people or things are like by describing their quality.
( a beautiful woman, a handsome boy, a poor family).

To sum up, using posters during a lesson helps students to better understand grammar
points because they have a clearer picture in his mind, and the grammar is clearer
because it is well organized in schemes or coloured cards that are catchy for the eye
of the student and are easily memorized.

Submitted by: Aldena CARCIU


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