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Pulse Width Modulations

Nursena Kacar


The PWM technique is one of the most widely used strategies for controlling the ac output of Power
electronic converter .In this technique, the duty cycle of converter switcher can be varied at a high frequency
to achieve a target average low frequency output voltage or current. And in the second part APWM is
basically a digital unipolar square wave signal where the duration of the ON time can be adjusted (or
modulated) as desired. This way the power delivered to the load can be controlled from a microcontroller. it
ensures that the output voltage of the inverter has
good harmonic characteristics when the switching frequency of the high voltage unit is low. For example,
PWM is widely used to control the speed of electric motors, the brightness of lights, ultrasonic cleaning
applications, and many other things. The results of the simulation and experiment prove the correctness of the
theoretical analysis.

PWM; Converter; Low frequency; Current backflow

1. Main text


A Basic pulse width modulation techniques

B Topology of Hybrid Seven‐Level Inverter
continues down the page inside the text box

1.1. Structure
2 Nursena Kacar

1.1 Single Pulse Width Modulation

The width of the pulse is varied to control the inverter output voltage in single PWM control, and there is
only one pulse half per cycle. The gating signals are generated by comparing the rectangular reference signal
to the triangular carrier wave.

as illustrated in Fig. 1.

1.2. The fundamental frequency is determined by the frequency of the reference signal.

The output voltage's frequency.

The benefits of this technique include the absence of even harmonics as a result of the

The output voltage is symmetric along the x-axis, and the Nth harmonics can be eliminated from the
inverter output voltage if the pulse width is set to 2/n. However,

One of the drawbacks is that the output voltage introduces a lot of harmonics.

content, as well as at a low output voltage.

1.2.2 Multiple pulse width modulation

In many industrial applications, sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) is used to control the inverter output voltage.

SPWM provides good drive performance across the entire operating range, ranging from 0 to 78 percent of

the value achieved by square wave operation. If the modulation index exceeds this threshold, the linear

relationship between the modulation index and the output voltage is broken, and

Methods of over-modulation are required. PWM generation is referred to as SPWM.

modulates outputs with a sine wave as the modulating signal The ON modulation method is used in this
modulation method.

By comparing a reference signal, the ON and OFF instances of the PWM signals can be determined.

signal with a high-frequency triangular wave, as illustrated in Fig. 1.4

Nursena Kacar

2. Topology of Hybrid Seven‐Level Inverter

Figure 2 shows the topological structure of Type II ACHB inverter. The DC voltage ratio of the two cascaded
units is 2:1, and the output phase voltage uAN is :uAN =uH 1+uH 2
where uH1 and uH2 represent the output voltages of the high voltage unit H1 and the low voltage unit H2,

H2 and i0 are the inverter's output currents, respectively.

Each cascade unit can output three different voltage levels based on the inverter's operating principle. uH1
can output +2E, 2E, and 0 for high voltage unit H1, and uH2 can output +E, E, and 0 for low voltage unit H2.
As a result, the inverters' output phase voltage

can reach seven levels, which are (+3E), (+2E), (+E), and 0. Assume that the switching

The function of the unit I I = 1, 2) is as follows:

in different output voltage waveforms for all levels of joint units. The positive half cycle is used as an
example in the following section to elaborate on the synthesis method of PWM level in each interval. Interval
[0, E]: There are two ways to synthesize the output voltage when it is at the PWM level of interval [0, E]. A1
mode [(0, 0) (+1, 0)]: alternating output 0 and E, constant output 0; A2 mode: alternating output 0 and E,
alternating output 0 and 2E. For working mode A1, lowvoltage unit H2 operates in highfrequency PWM
mode, highvoltage unit H1 operates in lowfrequency PWM mode, and the output voltage polarity of the two
units is the same. Lowvoltage unit H2 and highvoltage unit H1 all work in highfrequency mode for mode A2
[(0,0) (1,+1)], and their output voltage polarity is opposite.

(2) Interval [E, 2E]: There are two types of intervals. (3) Interval [2E, 3E]: There is only one synthesis
mode C[(0,+1) (+1,+1)] in this region.

alternating outputs 0 and E, which operate in a high frequency PWM mode, while uH1 constant output 2E,

When both units are in low frequency PWM mode, the polarity of their output voltages is the same.
4 Nursena Kacar

2.1 Project Schedule

The program schedule is depicted in Figure 8.12. (called PWM.C). At the start of the program, the
microcontroller's pin OC1 (RD0) is configured as an output pin. The function CONFIGURE PWM MODULE
is then called to configure the OC1CON and TIMER 2 registers to generate a 40 kHz PWM wave with a 50%
duty cycle. The code below demonstrates how to configure the system.

void Configure_PWM_Module(void)
T2CONbits.T32 = 0; // Timer 2 in
16 bit mode
OC1CONbits.OC32 = 0; // 16 bit
PR2 = 1999; // Load PR2
OC1RS = 1000; // Load duty
Nursena Kacar

OC1CONbits.OCM = 6; // Enable PWM

OC1CONbits.OCTSEL = 0; // TIMER 2 is
the source
T2CONbits.TCKPS = 0; // Set Timer 2
prescaler = 1
T2CONbits.ON = 1; // Enable
Timer 2
OC1CONbits.ON = 1; // Enable
The rest of the main program consists of an endless loop where the PWM module runs in the background.

Figure 8.13 shows the PWM waveform generated in this project.

2.1 Simulation Result

Project Schedule
The program schedule is depicted in Figure 8.12. (called PWM.C). At the start of the program, the
microcontroller's pin OC1 (RD0) is configured as an output pin. The function CONFIGURE PWM MODULE
is then called to configure the OC1CON and TIMER 2 registers to generate a 40 kHz PWM wave with a 50%
duty cycle. The code below demonstrates how to configure the system.
6 Nursena Kacar

These and the Reference headings are in bold but have no numbers. Text below continues as normal.



Appendix A. appendix

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