Football Worksheet

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Уровень: Pre-Intermediate www.englex.


1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. a skipper ___ A. a player whose position is nearer the opposing team’s goal
2. a centre forward ___ B. a player who changes another player during the game
3. a winger ___ C. a captain of the team
4. a forward ___ D. the player in the middle of the front row of players who try to score
5. a defender ___ goals
6. a midfielder ___ E. a defending player who plays near the end of the field
7. a fullback ___ F. a player whose position is on the end of the field
8. a substitute player ___ G. a player who plays in the central area of the field
H. a player who tries to prevent the other team from scoring goals

2. Mark the following true (T) or false (F).

1. a first team - основной состав _T_

2. a skipper - нападающий ___
3. a centre forward - полузащитник ___
4. a winger - фланговый нападающий ___
5. a prolific goal scoarer - запасной игрок ___
6. a midfielder - полузащитник ___
7. a goalkeeper - капитан ___
8. a substitute player - вратарь ___

3. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) В этом году основной состав сильно отличается.

2) Прямо перед игрой капитан команды получил травму.
3) Центральный нападающий настолько плохо играл, что тренер принял решение заменить его на
4) Нашей команде нужно чудо и игрок, который будет забивать голы!
5) Защитник у ворот пропустил мяч, но, к счастью, вратарь его поймал.
6) На прошлой игре ни один запасной игрок не вышел на поле.

4. Make sure you know the words and phrases below. Use quizlet to learn the words.

1. a first team основной состав

2. a skipper капитан
3. a centre forward центральный нападающий
4. a winger крайний нападающий
5. a forward нападающий
6. a defender защитник
Уровень: Pre-Intermediate

7. a midfielder полузащитник
8. a centre back центральный защитник
9. a fullback защитник у ворот
10. a goalkeepr вратарь
11. a substitute player запасной игрок

5. Match pictures with the words from the box.

an open goal a pitch a header a goal line

a scoreboard a stand a free kick a header

__________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________

6. Underline the correct option in italics.

1. The skipper kicked the ball but it hit the goalpost / goalkeeper.
2. The team played much better last time because they were playing on the playground / home ground.
3. There was a hole in the net / head, that’s why the ball flew through the gates to the stand.
4. When the first part / half was over there was a 15-minute half-time / break.
5. Because of many injuries during the game, there was extra time / more time in the end of the second
6. The team haв to play a qualifier / quarter-final before the World Cup.

7. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Солнце было такое яркое, что мы не видели счета на табло.

2. В перерыве после первого тайма мы купили хот доги.
3. Домашнее поле помогло команде победить.
4. Этот любитель играть головой забил мяч в пустые ворота.
Уровень: Pre-Intermediate

5. Перед большими матчами все сборные проходят через отборочные матчи.

6. После штрафного удара вратарь получил травму.

8. Make sure you know the words and phrases below. Use quizlet to learn the words.

1. a goal line линия ворот

2. a goalpost штанга
3. a home ground домашнее поле
4. a net сетка ворот
5. a pitch футбольное поле
6. a half тайм
7. a half-time перерыв
8. extra time дополнительное время
9. a score счет
10. a scoreboard табло
11. a stand зрительская трибуна
12. an open goal пустые ворота
13. a cup-tie матч за кубок
14. a qualifier отборочный матч
15. a quarter-final четверть финал
16. a semifinal полуфинал
17. a coin toss жеребьевка
18. a free kick штрафной удар
удар головой (ещё так называют игрока,
19. a header
который любит играть головой)

9. Match the phrases with their definitions.

1. to concede the goal ___ A. try to take the ball from a player in the other team
2. to curl the ball ___ B. not to be able to stop the opposite team from scoaring a goal
3. to head the ball ___ C. catch the ball
4. to save a ball ___ D. fool an opposite team
5. to score a goal ___ E. a punisment when a player can’t continue the game
6. to sell a dummy ___ F. be chosen to play the game
7. to tackle ___ G. kick the ball with your head
8. to throw in ___ H. to make a ball move in a curved shape by hitting or kicking it in
9. to kick off ___ a particular way
10. to qualify for the final ___ I. not to win in the game
11. to suffer a defeat ___ J. start a game
Уровень: Pre-Intermediate

12. a suspension ___ K. kick the ball in the opposite team’s gate
L. return the ball back onto the pitch

10. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Вратарь пропустил третий гол, и тренер решил его заменить.

2. Нападающий закрутил мяч, запутал соперника и, наконец, забил гол.
3. Центральный нападающий ударил по мячу головой, но защитник у ворот поймал его.
4. Крайний нападающий попытался отобрать мяч у соперника, но получил дисквалификацию.
5. Судья дал сигнал свистком (просвистел) и футболисты начали игру.
6. Несмотря на то, что команда потерпела 1 поражение, им удалось выйти в финал.
7. Капитан вбросил мяч, и игра продолжилась.

11. Make sure you know the words and phrases below. Use quizlet to learn the words.

1. to concede a goal пропустить гол

2. to curl the ball “закрутить” мяч
3. to head the ball ударить по мячу головой
4. to save a ball поймать мяч
5. to score a goal забить гол
совершить обманное движение, чтобы
6. to sell a dummy
запутать соперника
7. to tackle пытаться отобрать мяч у соперника
8. to throw in вбросить мяч
9. to kick off начать игру
10. to qualify for the final выйти в финал
11. to suffer a defeat потерпеть поражение
12. a suspension дисквалификация

Уровень: Pre-Intermediate

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. C
2. D
3. F
4. A
5. H
6. G
7. E
8. B

2. Mark the following true (T) or false (F).

1. T
2. F
3. F
4. Т
5. F
6. Т
7. F
8. F

3. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) The first team differs a lot this year.

2) The skipper was injured right before the game.
3) A centre forward played so badly that the coach decided to change him on the field.
4) We need a miracle and a prolific goal scorer.
5) The fullback missed the ball but luckily the goalkeepr got it.
6) Last game none of the substitute players went on the field.

4. Make sure you know the words and phrases below. Use quizlet to learn the words.

Learn the words

5. Match pictures with the words from the box.

Уровень: Pre-Intermediate

a goal line a scoreboard a pitch a stand

a header a free kick a coin toss an open goal

6. Underline the correct option in italics.

1. goalpost
2. home ground
3. net
4. half; half-time
5. extra time
6. qualifier

7. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. The sun was so bright that we could see the score on the scroeboard.
2. During the half-time after the first half we bought some hotdogs.
3. The home ground helped the team to win.
4. That header scored an open goal.
5. Before the important cups all teams play the qualifiers.
6. The goalkeeper was injured after the free kick.

8. Make sure you know the words and phrases below. Use quizlet to learn the words.

Learn the words

9. Match the phrases with their definitions.

1. b
2. h
3. g
4. с
5. k

Уровень: Pre-Intermediate

6. d
7. a
8. l
9. j
10. f
11. i
12. e

10. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. The goalkeeper conceded the goal, so coach decided to substitute him.

2. The forward curled the ball, sold a dummy and finally scoread a goal.
3. The centre forward headed a ball but a fullback saved it.
4. The winger tackled but got a suspension.
5. The referee whistled and the players kicked off.
6. Despite the fact that the team suffered 1 defeat they managed to qualify for the final.
7. The skipper threw in and they continued the game.

11. Make sure you know the words and phrases below. Use quizlet to learn the words.

Learn the words.

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