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Noli Me Tangere (Latin for "do not touch me") is a modern classic of Filipino literature in which José
Rizal exposes "matters. fragile that no one should touch them," unveiling an epic history of the
Philippines that has become that country's most significant political novel in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. While studying in Europe, José Rizal, the Philippines' national hero, finished Noli Me Tangere
in Spanish in 1887. Rizal continued to write until his execution by firing squad in 1896, finishing a
second novel and numerous additional poetry and articles.

In this novel highlights the life and experience of our Filipino ancestors back on the Spaniard colonialism
that still happens today. First of all of that is corruption and brutality, the dishonesty and cruelty of
Spanish priests and the injustices to the Indios. The Friars have used the Catholic faith to enrich
themselves and maintain their authority by coercing the uninformed Filipinos into fanaticism and
superstitions rather than teaching them authentic Catholicism. And just like in the novel powerful and
influential people used money and whatever means necessary to spread corruption leading to prolonging
of their reign of terror.

Second is graft, In the novel "Noli Me Tangere" by Jose Rizal, graft refers to the pervasive corruption and
abuse of power that existed during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines. Graft is depicted as a
major social issue, with various characters in the novel engaging in corrupt practices for personal
gain.Rizal's portrayal of graft in "Noli Me Tangere" serves as a critique of the Spanish colonial
administration and its oppressive practices. Through his characters, Rizal exposes the corruption and
moral decay that were prevalent in the society at that time, shedding light on the injustices faced by the
Filipino people. Overall, graft in "Noli Me Tangere" serves as a powerful symbol of the systemic
problems and social inequality that existed during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines.

Third and fourth are poverty and social inequality, is a central theme that reflects the harsh realities faced
by the Filipino people during the Spanish colonial period. He portrays poverty as a result of various
factors, including oppressive colonial rule, social inequality, and economic exploitation. Throughout the
novel, Rizal vividly describes the living conditions of the impoverished characters, highlighting their
struggles to make ends meet and the injustices they face. He exposes the stark contrast between the
wealthy elite, who enjoy lavish lifestyles, and the impoverished majority, who suffer from hunger,
disease, and lack of basic necessities. Rizal also explores the causes of poverty in the novel. He criticizes
the Spanish friars and colonial officials for their exploitation of the Filipino people, particularly through
excessive taxation and land grabbing. The novel depicts how these practices contribute to the
impoverishment of the masses, as their resources are unjustly taken away. Moreover, Rizal emphasizes
the lack of opportunities for social mobility and education for the poor. He highlights the limited access to
quality education and the perpetuation of social inequality, which further entrenches poverty in society.
By portraying poverty in "Noli Me Tangere," Rizal aims to shed light on the social injustices and
economic disparities that existed during the Spanish colonial period. He calls for social reform and
advocates for the empowerment of the Filipino people, urging them to rise against the oppressive system
and strive for a better future.
Lastly, Injustice is a prevalent theme in "Noli Me Tangere" by Jose Rizal. The novel exposes various
forms of injustice that were rampant during the Spanish colonial period in the Philippines. One of the
primary injustices depicted in the novel is the abuse of power by the Spanish friars and colonial officials.
Rizal portrays them as corrupt and oppressive, using their authority to exploit and manipulate the Filipino
people. They engage in practices such as bribery, embezzlement, and land grabbing, which result in the
suffering and impoverishment of the masses.Another form of injustice highlighted in the novel is the
social discrimination and prejudice faced by the native Filipinos. The Spanish colonizers view the natives
as inferior and treat them with disdain, denying them equal rights and opportunities. This systemic
discrimination perpetuates social inequality and denies the Filipino people their basic human rights.Rizal
also exposes the injustices within the judicial system. The novel depicts how the courts are manipulated
and justice is denied to those who cannot afford to pay bribes or lack social connections. Innocent
individuals are falsely accused and punished, while the guilty escape accountability.

Overall, "Noli Me Tangere" is considered influential because it not only exposed the harsh realities of
colonial oppression but also ignited a sense of national pride, unity, and the desire for social and political
change. The novel's impact on Philippine society and its role in shaping the nation's history and identity
solidify its status as one of Rizal's most influential works.

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