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I had just woken up from what felt like 2

minutes of sleep, but had actually been 4

hours. It's the start of another day. I always
dread the feeling of waking up in the
morning, tired, sleep deprived and terrified
of what the day had in store for me. I was
hoping it will all end well and prayed that
God would somehow save me from this
feeling, the feeling of hopelessness. I got
up from my bed, tired and slumbering as
always, getting ready for the day. As I try
my hardest to stop my overwhelming
thought of self pity and disgust with my
own self, I put on my clothes, which I don't
particularly like to wear and head off to
I hate people. The way they speak, act
and the manner in which they present
themselves always disgusted me. I
always wished they would all disappear.

As I make my normal morning commute, I

started noticing a very weird feeling,
specifically in my abdomen and thigh area.
I thought nothing of it at first and went on
with my day as I usually do, but this was
not a usual day. I felt this eerie air that was
always hanging around the city that day.
It’s as if I had woken up into a different
world. Even my breakfast tasted different,
or it didn't taste like anything at all. I
couldn't even smell the stench of the city
and everything felt like a blur.
As I walked through the city, trying to
make sense out of everything that was happening,
I could not help but seek out for some help, or to find
someone that I could talk to about this
impossible situation I was in. None of the
people in the street would answer me, no
matter how hard I screamed and plead.
I went into a store and after opening the
door, the air inside was so gloomy it felt
like I was choking. It was the most
unpleasant feeling I had ever felt. Then the
feeling in my abdomen and thigh area that
I had neglected before was beginning to
worsen. As I looked down on my body, I was
shocked to see that I was beginning to
I quickly rushed out of the store
and found a quiet place to myself to think
about what and why this is happening to
me. At first I thought I had angered God, or
maybe I am atoning for my sins, or I had
done someone wrong and I am getting
punished for it. As quickly as those
thoughts were rushing through my head, I
was seeing myself shrink smaller and
smaller and the feeling of dread and shock
increased. As I saw all the things
happening to me unfolding, after a certain
amount of time, I accepted it and the more
I shrunk.
The lesser I cared, the more the world
around me made less sense. The people
were like a blurry mush in the distance and
the world felt as if it was melting around
me. Nevertheless, I was indifferent knowing
I had no control over what was happening
to me, and a feeling of bliss washed over
me. I did not know why I was happy in that
moment where one would be dreading, but
knowing I had no control over it, had a
sense of bliss to it. As if whatever
happened from then onwards, wouldn't
matter and perhaps nothing mattered to
begin with. For even in my shrunken state, I
could discern a sense of happiness that I
had never felt before. In a sense, being
indifferent to the situation I was in made
me have hope.
For once in my life I was finally happy
knowing that no matter what I did, I could never
change the outcome.
The End.

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