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This document is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the course: 1301304 Modern Technology and AI in Business
2023, First semester
Result............................................................................................................................................... 4
Survey results.............................................................................................................................. 4
Model result................................................................................................................................. 4
Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 4
● Explain the background of this study (survey).
o Why are you interested in studying this topic?
Studying age-specific drinking habits not only helps us understand
health problems and risks. But it can also help us develop public
policies and programs to prevent future problems.
Drinking beverages at different times and at different ages is very
important to understand about health and wellness, considering some
reasons researchers, sociologists, doctors, and psychologists have to
study about it.
Public Health: Aging helps researchers and physicians understand
health care problems such as liver disease, vascular disease, health
care infections, and injury-to-injury.
Complaints: Drinking has many complaints regarding the noise of
relatives, family, control during drinking, and stories mentioned in the
story of drinking during adulthood helping to maintain control in...
And we apologize for this.
Sociology and Psychology: Part of the age-old view of alcohol
viewing helps psychologists and sociologists understand the factors
that influence it, including social mores, beliefs and values, and
personal risks.

Personality Development: Starting to drink alcohol during school age

can affect personality development and the social environment
regarding drinking during this age helps us to understand how
personality is developed and supported during this plus age period.
Public control: By understanding the alcohol intake of different age
groups, researchers and criminals can normalize public actions to curb
problem drinking.
o How is the study of this topic useful?
Study of alcohol drinking behavior in various age groups It is
important because it affects society and the health of the individual and
society as a whole. Here's why it's important to study age-related
drinking behavior:

Prevent disease and health: Drinking too much alcohol can be a risk
factor for chronic illnesses such as liver disease, heart disease, and
sexually transmitted diseases. and mental illness Studying this
behavior helps us understand problems and develop public policies for
disease prevention.

Socio-social risks: Excessive drinking can cause social problems such

as family problems. drunk driving And the infection that results from
trying to make such behavior is a legal risk.

Character development and well-being: Understanding ancient

drinking practices helps individuals gain knowledge and understand
the risks and benefits to their lives. Empower people to make decisions
and choose behaviors that benefit their health and society.

Public Policy: Studying drinking behavior by age provides researchers

and politicians with the information they need to develop appropriate
public policy. Prevent and reduce alcohol drinking problems

Developing prevention and support programs: Understanding

age-specific drinking behavior can help researchers and prevention
program developers develop appropriate campaigns and activities.
Encourage people to develop behaviors that are beneficial to health and
o How does the study of this topic impact people?
Studying social drinking behavior during age affects people in many

1)Understanding oneself and society: Studying alcohol drinking

behavior during adulthood helps to develop an understanding of
oneself and one's role in society. It allows people to recognize the
problems that may arise from excessive drinking and have the
opportunity to improve their behavior.

2)Physical health: Reducing excessive alcohol consumption reduces

the risk of diseases related to alcohol use. Which results in greater

3)Society and Family: This study provides a deeper look into the social
and family problems that arise from excessive alcohol use. This makes
it possible to develop appropriate programs and support to help
individuals with this problem.

4)Public Policy Development: Information obtained from studies of

age-related drinking behavior helps to develop beneficial public
policies. By improving consumer protection policies and providing
education to reduce risks to society.

5)Social Development: Reducing problems related to excessive alcohol

use helps build a healthy society. This results in a stronger and more
stable society.

6)Economic Development: Reducing problems related to excessive

alcohol use reduces health costs. and build a healthy workforce Makes
it possible to develop the country's economy.
● Explain the survey question (google form or else)
o How many questions are on your survey?
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o How many respondents did you survey?
50 คน
o Demographic, geographic, and basic information about the respondents
Questions asked in the survey related to income, age, gender, and
frequency of social gatherings. Expenses each time.

● Explain a model used in this study

o What is the algorithm (model) that you use?
We use a k-means algorithm to study social drinking behavior across
age groups in order to classify people: K-means helps group people
according to their drinking habits. This makes it possible to divide the
target population into groups with similar behaviors. This can help in
planning effective prevention policies and programs.

Behavior Prediction: Once a group has been organized, information

from this group can be used to predict future behavior, such as
predicting problems that may arise from excessive drinking.

Analysis and discovery of relationships: Using k-means helps in

analyzing data to discover relationships between various variables that
affect drinking behavior, such as the relationship between drinking and
age, income, or Family condition.

Recommendation improvements: If there is information about the

drinking behavior of different groups of people, Guidelines and
recommendations can be improved to suit each group.
Resource analysis and management: In terms of managing important
resources, such as public campaigns, prevention activities, or public
services. To reduce inappropriate alcohol drinking behavior.

Overall, the use of k-means in studying drinking behavior provides

understanding and analysis of information that is useful in planning
and implementing various areas to promote good behavior and health
of the population.

o What prediction do you want the model to make based on the survey
I would like this model to be able to be used to group survey
participants into groups. according to their social drinking habits These
groups represent categories such as "non-drinkers," "occasional social
drinkers," and "frequent social drinkers." The average age and income
for each group were By understanding these groups Researchers and
policymakers can gain insight into the prevalence of different drinking
behaviors within specific age groups.

o How is the performance of the model (% of accuracy)?

● Explain the step by step on how to do this experiment
1. Set up the objectives of this study
Objective: Know the risk factors: Studying drinking behavior helps in
identifying factors that affect this behavior, such as social factors.
(social perception of drinking), economic factors (price of the drink),
and personality factors (Risk of health problems related to drinking).

Development of prevention programs and access to services: This

study helps in developing appropriate prevention and promotion
programs. To reduce the risk of drinking alcohol. and increase access
to related services.

Testing the effectiveness of prevention strategies: Studies such as

these help in evaluating the effectiveness of prevention strategies that
have actually been implemented. To see if it is effective in reducing
drinking behavior.

Knowing the social and economic impact: Drinking alcohol has social
and economic effects. Studying in this section helps to know the
impact on the public health system and economy of the country.

Developing Public Policy: Studying drinking behavior helps in

developing appropriate public policy. To control and reduce problems
related to alcohol consumption at the local or national level.
According to the chemical model To predict the distribution of people
who drink. To use the results of the experiment to further analyze why
some people have drinking behavior at different ages. And people
don't go out to drink.
The story of the wiccan's wife is the same as the last one.

2. Design survey questions

Survey questions designed from using Google Forms to ask known
people and link forwarding to the general public.
3. Distribute the survey
Distribute surveys through LINE groups and through Instagram and

4. Gather raw data from respondents

Raw data obtained from Google Forms :

Data is converted from letters to numbers to use in k-means modeling in


5. Do data preprocessing (data cleansing, remove missing value, data

Do data preprocessing the data by selecting only the information
necessary for the experiment, including

Then remove the missing value of the data in rapidminer. Use

operators declare missing values to find missing values, then use filter
examples to select only data that does not contain missing values.
6. Create a process of prediction using RapidMiner

7. Fine tunning of parameters of the algorithm (model)

8. Get the final prediction result

Figure 6 : process of prediction using RapidMiner

Step 1 : is to import data from Excel.

Step 2 : Use the declared missing values operator to find missing values.
Step 3 : Use the example filter operator to select only data that does not contain
missing values.
Step 4 : Use clustering operators to let the model predict the causes of people not
using condoms.
Step 5 : Use the sample filter operator to look at each group of people drinking a

7.Get the final prediction result

Figure 9 : line division


Survey results
● List all questions in the survey

2.)Income by month

3.)Education Level
"Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree
4.)How often do you go out drinking?
Every week
once a month
never out

in Relationship

Expenses each time


● Show the statistical results by the google form (graph, pie chart)

Education Level
During bachelor's degree 26.3%
During the master's degree 30.5%
During the doctoral degree period 22.9%
No education 20.3%
How often do you go out drinking?
Every day 18.6%
Every week 25.4%
Once a month 32.2%
Don't go out to drink at all 23.7%
Each use of money

Status of people who go out drinking: single 21.2%, have a boyfriend
42.4%, married 36.4%
● Show the raw data after preprocessing step


Education Level
1=Bachelor's degree
2=Master's degree
3=Doctoral degree

How often do you go out drinking?

2=Every week
3=once a month
4=never out

Relationship status?
2=in Relationship

● Give analysis on the survey results

Analyzing survey results on drinking behavior can provide a wealth of valuable
information about the population surveyed. You can get the following information:

Know your drinking habits: You can know how many people drink alcohol, how
much they drink, and how often they drink.

Know your demographics and drinking habits: Analysis can help you figure out
which age groups or gender groups are most likely to drink. or have a higher
frequency of drinking than other groups

Know the variables that affect drinking behavior: You can identify other variables
that may influence drinking behavior, such as stress levels, social environment, or
mental health.

Trend analysis and comparison: Analyzing data from one year to another can know
the trends in drinking behavior over time. and differences in drinking behavior
between different groups.
Creating policies and practices: Data from the analysis can help in creating policies
and practices related to alcohol use in society. and changing behavior in a healthy

Risk prediction: Analyzing drinking behavior survey results may help predict
associated risks, such as health risks, accident risks, or risks to society.

Analysis of drinking behavior survey results is therefore an important step in

knowing trends and factors affecting drinking behavior in that population and can
help in public health management and the formulation of various policies in
Model result
● Capture the picture of PROCESS PANEL
o Explain all operators being used, parameter setting

It can be seen that between the ages of 20-40 and above, there will be
moreGo have a drink.Once a week
● Capture the picture of RESULT PANEL after click RUN
o What is the result do you get? Explain in detail

Age range, frequency of drinking and the cost of each person each time
Income, age, frequency of drinking
Physical status, age, and frequency of drinking
Make the conclusion of this study.

Analysis of survey results on drinking behavior of people of different ages and

costs/education is a process in which the relationship between drinking behavior and
education can be seen. and the lifetime costs of individuals in different populations
depend on the information received from the survey. Here are the steps to analyze
survey results regarding drinking behavior and costs/education:
1. Relationship verification:
Examine the relationship between education and drinking behavior: If information on the
education of the respondents is available, analyze whether there is a relationship
between the level of education and the amount and frequency of drinking.
Relationship between length of study and drinking behavior: Analyze whether people
who have studied further and completed their studies have different drinking behaviors
than those who have not studied for a long time.
2. Separation of groups:
Segmentation by education level: Group respondents into groups by education level.
(from primary school to bachelor's degree or higher) to see differences in drinking
3. Cost/Education Analysis:
Looking at the relationship between education level and income: If the data allows,
analyze whether people with high education levels have different drinking expenses than
people with low education levels.
4. Trend Prediction:
Predicting future drinking behavior: Using old data To predict future trends in drinking
behavior in various population groups.
5. Summary and introduction:
Summary of analysis results: Summarize the data obtained from the analysis in an
easy-to-understand and accurate format, such as charts, graphs, and statistics
summarizing survey results.
Recommending policies and measures: Recommending policies and measures that are
consistent with the needs of each age group to support the reduction of unwanted
drinking behaviors.

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