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CONTRACT MANAGEMENT BODY OF _ KNOWLEDGE CMBOK® 6™ EDITION ides the Contract Management Standard™ g@N CM A Includes the ANSI/NCMA ASD1-2019 ‘Sina TAT ANAT OT se ‘CONNECTING To CREATE WHAT Table of Figures Preface Chapter 1. The Contract Management Framework Chapter 2. What is the Objective of Contract Management? What is @ Contract? Contract Life Cycle Contract Stakeholders: Organizational influences Environmental Trends Implications of Current and Future Business Requirements Performance Metrics Fertifying the Technical Competencies Contract Management as a Profession 1. Professional Organization 2. Code of Ethies 3. Body of Knowledge 4, Research Activities 5. Credentialing Arm Specialized Knowledge Areas, Architect-Engineer Services and Construction Information Technology International Contract Management Major Systems Research and Development (R&D) Other Specialized Skill Areas Contract Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK) Overview Purpose The CMBOK Structure CMBOK Competency System The Contract Management Standard™ (CMS™) What is a “standard” and why is itneeded? What isthe value of the CMS™? What is the significance of ANSI Accreditation? How does ANS|-accredited CMS™ help professional development? What is the problem the CMS™ is intended to solve? What gives NCMA the standing to develop and maintain the CMS™? Why is the Contract Management Standard important? How was the Contract Management Standard developed and what gives it credibility? What is the intent of the Contract Management Standard? What is the Contract Management Standard not intended to do? In addition to ANSI accreditation, what major content changes were made from Version 1 of the CMS" to Version 2? What is the difference between the CMS™ and the CMBOK? POVYYVVVeaccuunawunnse 10 3 3 15 7 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 a a a a BRB 23 contents Chapter 5. 24 Guiding Principles Competency 3.0 34 32 33 34 35 2.2.16 Where's the Finish Line? Project Management: Oinae 231 ‘Management 4 233 bapa Chet ni tuoi of hac MOMS AT PO 2.3.3 Contract Manager and Project Manager Interfaces: 2.3.4 Causes of Failed Projects and Contract Claims or Disputes 2.3.5 Project Management Key Terms and Definitions Risk Management 2.4.1 Risk Management Overview 2.4.2 Sources of Risk in Contract Management 2.4.3 Sources of Risk in Project Management 2.4.4 Risk Management: Common Myths and Best Practices ‘Supply Chain Management 2.5.1 Purpose 2.5.2 Supply Chain 2.5.3 Supply Management 2.5.4 Supply Management Organizational Structures, 2.5.5 Key Supply Chain Concepts Related to Purchasing/Procurement Guiding Principles Skills and Roles 3.1.1 Skills to Develop in Individuals 3.1.2 Developing Professionalism in Team Members Contract Principles 3.2.1 General Concepts 3.2.2 Specific Contract Clauses ‘Standards of Conduct 3.3.1 Ethics 3.3.2 Conflict of Interest Regulatory Compliance 3.4.1 The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 3.4.2 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) 3.4.3 Government Contract Law Basics 3.4.4 Laws and Regulations Relating to Government Contracts 3.4.5 Laws and Regulations Related to International Contracting, 3.4.6 Case Law Situational Assessment. nonce Mnagernt M3 0 CONTEC Mang, as tran, 353 kroedge Lede Set senng Great Trough Knowledge 34 TemDyramie Jet me Convact Management To 1415 Formulate Contrct Management Statecy 42 Requesting Offers 42:1 Valcation Technique 422?ublicksing Requrements Chapter 7, Domain C: Feem Contract 51 Cost or Price Analysis 5.1.1 Price Analysis Chapter 10. Abbreviston, Acrenyms and Lexicon bata Acenms Re C1EOK ir Aes Cnc gor Seda Arp Fee Sd Cost Ape Core NnaguneC Arp. Coan anger Can Aree &8OY ongetny ad Kecnege Movs IESE Omid cb Naren tog ‘perdi nite Commer Coe | dpe hey aga Hewdit Sas nd oalSoemnan Conse De Folens enden 2 ice We ” ing Requements Devinn Prose tng the Reaurement Spetication Step Potential Risks in Project Mi nce SCOR) Model FlGURE 5.1 icuRE 52. FIGURE 53. FIGURE 5.4. 00 a 8 ws 18 1 1 wt 2 2 va va us 6 17 Me ue v0 ne 22 table of figures % Ey % % & a EY & 2 % a a a 2% The Contract Management Framework chapter one (gration and acive participa fromthe fst moment ofthe ‘hat pot but ihe pet sour the party whe promised tha renatdisabigned o pay ae Te cancer mh ee pei gus cores tb led Diowornoeses Solr Tn conc pay tec wht tiie cptenert fr gos dor | shone mut sd iat cmmencnon mong acted partes Rawal hamiion stent cs contact Management organization may read follows, ‘ute ually the aang partyin the contact FIGURE 1.1, Phases ofthe Contract Lie Qe the pofesion tough vadonal uedergrade 10 dogte programs ae very “The top 10 skills the resp fa oad nc of coc manages = ee) ee ls vast 3 Timeless, Cevelopmentof thor lt of teas Sakti fms rede 0 conduct an ‘en wth her, onde an inter 5. eteniens m ith he rs, nee ethe fms and eer a ecessary for sate ae Ce ea set csaagnberoprenee he ope Sxreain i ie ee ray include, fr example, hardware 3 ‘Applied esearch is an ofr tats 139, Nmaly fellows bai research, but may nate severable fom the elated bas eneoeh Atoms to achance the state ofthe at vhen used by contacter at ust cometh Nettuinles he tem cows notin et Sie princol emis the design, development of ‘ea sof apeaic tra orserces tbe considered Fathav forts are whi tbe deBton of CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 2 Teeloang wi se penne PCRTOOPITS CMBOK éth Edition chapter 2 iS 4 § 5 3 zy g 5 3 ~ vey Nowa announced te 30 ST onior 28 by pasting te " i matter expertise. Saran noc nema seiner ol the publics hs The SB responded te all comments and (ANSivas coped alte responses. ‘Actional ret provided trough anes: tablshed spel proces forany objectors ofthe CEMS™ content ofthe scrediaton proces. Whats the itent ofthe CMS™? A The CMSs itended 1+ Define snd standuebvo tho ter “contract ‘maragerent’—There ae lateral areas to ‘contact management which may have differing * roceses end terms 9, action manage- ment procurement management, subcontract ‘management, or supply mansgemert) The CCHES™ may not be an exact foreach ofthese (0: Whats the CMS™ NOT intended todo? ‘A The CMS™ isnot intended 10: (ost adilen to ANSI eee for content changes were made from Version 1 of Seles Vern 27 J tor changes the CHS nie talon + _Reaigning ging princola—lo Yeon 1 the Guiding Principles were displayed tthe left ‘fe naune 2 | 2 Leadership Competency CMBOK éth Edition chapter 3 gon to become even beter 8 led ip Competency anager. 019 aUEED2,Lesdenip Competencies Soe aepthendbreecth ofthe igo of con marae Toh reece in te arte cf eONTaS they kno te} people, and people MBOX 6th Edition chapter 3 ° Ea & 5 5 g = 5 = Sear egos ih fs fone ofthe overall organization (Manvel 1997) Abuse of Power Going wut ndinfluence yields ote eenlth, and cl communes the evoed tes, tte team is poroming tks hat dont ion sist oinaters ino von gi be got lee ee eae be hers See 1. Beping modes do ot represent rei hey Soom 2 cpap moa oe ewe 2k fee 13 Easing madl srenatperect—therefore, tecasch better model 4 Yous capable officngabttermadel, 5 Youcan mede nto ad gt through the neces- sary complexity moved i fndng 2 beter model and 6 oust cipsble of ging youself the ime neces) to cesta better model ‘Astudes are vtlyimporantin determining the level of leaders deasiveness. Stop #2: Pre-Pan Strategies to Mako ‘eating high quality decision. Leaders must de- Ttareges. Resch closure by bing expansive, ‘png nel dese ardopinions and converging ‘ono dechcn afer considering many cere pespecives ‘hay oot ht 3 rarer of slurs When you Jy youre elustag norms: Prise Praise must ova, Ge Jor false. More damage is, i he noes Ogtimim may come: Tonks ere accomplished, mementun + Cooperwion + hancing Santtar Coordinating oe ae Coordinating eources + Common Networking ae ‘Aig ais Newesking + Echoing inoraton + Mutual beat MODERATE ‘TIME DEMAND relationship is short. An example of netwerking sa rent where business cards o other krowiedge ore ordinatng involves the elaments CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 3 stronge Ferinstarce, ong cagotitns il hare Fein oman you ar ody 2 st0ng meget rote yours oven SPO? eran ther back eras nema, colo NPS renfoce to take car of you 14 Vision ae needed timprove your sbity 1S stronger declan (9. easing Boks OF CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 3 CMBOK th Edition chapter 3 1 yaciy_goafordeoena he SO POR: oe pe nghpae athe rgRTM® Seo Youre coved Hot oe OS espana you Rnd yOu AO trove to thet ge 12 Resting Forces to Vision teem hebeck Becoming Pesenf niece by and corectng 9 rtoal leaders who seek to ste dare enderground Once his happens, [Social Awareness Relationship Management ligence Leadeship is Not Optional by perondl competences 51 Personal Competence compre of cl aware ations. “brows” ond ‘momenta resus come om puting momartany sche emg fon eerie CMBOK éth Edition chapter 3 Management Competency An example of messing perermance may iwche ontretonard and conproftconeertons or ‘he final contract pie negotated thin the Budget ization will estate, hie sellers might be evar onthe contrat profi, + Empathy—tat the customer now ht you share the concn and nope he cong caida ong ot ‘upp 0 ive we nd reac ate There CMBOK éth Edition chapter 4 fi i i i i Fanwenbe mabe nd arb eden eeasoeen aie. Tangle Aves ae ung bec Bee Socios” cMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 1 pmeatng actie Ts section iris © erica for netincome or losses, * Gu cat fow omallinvesting atts het inode pce rss of ong erm sel. IBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 CMI 2 CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 eexcimmmpevemasgencnsctunanah 11 Binsin Cnet Prd Coma mneen nes eta hehane meg I rodevetop an estmate of how much ‘ey Soon reverhingpowsons ng caus TH eect or tein ot ‘map out the read ahead ov. on RAMEE Stem XYZ roof of Concpn vas CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 ‘cMBOK éth Edition chapter 4 SESE crema hen oars include: zs + Exsblohing appropriate account codes and job CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 ‘Nip ena "i fi ang er no -caaraaajerpors east ea vehcna peeiotil 2 aanoe (goer Bapucspoeunsy denien joyo0id 2x was HEY sao cMBOK 6th 1+ The Exred Valve Management Sate laa. fst wo reporting equrements ae defined a Peoplenho are wating he progam ae then s- suede sporprite accu codes fr te abor (eMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 (thecrecer stress herman och whe tee ae ev ‘ornparaon ene standard 2p ae ct anil marae can che Bs Serco copie cla ports Oracle ‘1 milan or mores exe facie fits Spacdate when cont hace weed “The convactng oes encouraged ota the ona catype correct tari topes Sone wll rensaie pecans te ing that ta tothe tine phased program bude CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 3 i scope tion chapter 4 BOK cM jective [sot CMBOK &th Edition chapter 4 cies coer nen ae fey antes ter a atari eee eae eae ee Con on Process (OMS roy 1s Detorna aeoinitl vrng' ree me roes pose wereces Dring the Prem Pham / 2334 tion and Ae ~MBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 CMBOK 4th Edition chapter 4. marae (tee cig sce lion roe 23:3. teracs During the Posted hate rat (os me 429, Project Manager ? ract vas (EMS Go el Managers vine of Con he best ‘ie andthe expected, (myocar reine iaaeues Seng aay aemce céBok eth Edition chapter 4 ere puchinadrorce 2s posse. IGURE «34 Luexpeciedy and therfore mat be prepared or, {@provsion mace asunt Ltrs unoreseer ret CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 fF ; Se ec = “2.4 Risk Management ‘rem Geagen Garett book, Rk My Eomplec US. Government Coniaty i $ x 3 g = 6 project Cherter~Adoeumert swe By 560% eiesement tt proves te Po} ONSOET Gite sctrnty to apely organizations! resourens fopojectactntes Project Manogervnt The sppcation of knot Tic toot and technques to prot at fev order 12 meet project equre™en's project Manager ~The ndvidil pointed and Frresporsbiy for management of the Proves A Scope Change ment tothe project cost or schedile ‘Scope Creep ~The gradual edition of new 8 ments tothe riginal product specications. ‘Sponsor ~The individual or group that provides the financial resources, in cash oi the project, rane by CMBOK 6th Edition chapter & ‘ects ete RARE 3 ee aecneee Fiorano een oe ca Copociinik asesinent compose ee 1. or eppensies aa il os ce 1. Develep porn andi ston plas ard saeges 2. mpement opportunity nd tk actn plan nd tages e projec manager pl, sd 3 Brat project rts shepactonclite atte! seling Ber owas 49. Range f Canc ype and Rik (art 200) + Ueto ted dh pec. ‘asec sea song roca iy sone sevens pg, + Peoraecton ol pmfomanes suc eng ‘etic de selan ige panos ute yh 4: se of corm ahed oper sion mca cont onde pecs Sealy: Satins ourctanahed papery doe tecce ta con anak oft conc epee utmany tira oes ot infact tare nt ‘ante ourarhned propety eons ene ‘more poses tan tohen when ts ans tte, damaged etc Mth 5: rai ctor canbe ceed quae mamta Realy a buyer oseler dewlps an sactes at ‘management tn negated pect othe Sans competion ofthe ct Tio wey oe Mecneoreae CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 CMBOK éth Edition chapter 4 CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 4 125.22 Base Functions of @ Supply ch, £25 Supply Chain Management Byam kein) une 441, Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Mode! www Iw Il a te Puchasa mates are seven the omen fiat con cl Onneip CO) and % 1p fester ro hncorlltonehipn. (483.3 Components of Supply Management = fester Rete eavooretcol upp mano ‘obey came 909 FIGURE £42. The Chai of Supply CMBOK éth Edition chapter 4 [relics eh ae epustone sig geees oatreeda ecto wanna oe 25:5 Key Supply Chain Concopts Related to | Puchesing/Prociroment 255.1 Spend Analysis ter 4 OK 6th Edition chap' CMB! {Tempe Rion, rl ot ip Manage: 200 45, 1 |W. Gay okey Suri Managemen Tn em, Ag Tele Ste Misgomen ny ts enge, ions, hei 08207 2 bi 232258 7. MaraiogCuera sn Supper Resontips Yesion29, Moaile 305 709 4 Guiding Principles Competency 3am Drs Serer canon ond Daceeriion 1. fate ne Gang Paci Cam regione stan Tocagenat leona lens sch 35 10- equrement teat Sirmaies converters and condor, ond k CMBOK éth Edition chapter 5 nd aataing information about ca, The maAott9 sar the buyers ge 3.21.5 Compettion her profs There are dlferet pes of come 3.21.3 Een! Elements ofa Contract [Aconvactsa promise o¢ 2c of promises forthe feof which the law gies a remedy 0” the per formance of which the Iw naome way recognizes ancy In order for acon to be val, + Women to cates “The legs elaionhip it dementrated though the contracts + Legelpurpote fe contact fran lege ct nt sai 2nd + Capscty ofthe patie tha comractng partes rmusthave the egal capacty to enter no & comae). andconpet a corre noun crc na CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 5 in overeent ante othe oie S Teicher acorbt chy Be sonnet pesto teboye el ‘ypc retin es 5 under a “sake on 2p Koeeeeen eaten Genel te pany noha cents ofhe goa or Bonderocmrnal has good oo has therk of Jos one, 1997, 3224 Repeition opedion oxen one conrcing pany) este ener conracing pany Besson tobe Seti lmry Austereo he corte feoughanacion ratte When oped Toren convoing pany Bray then pswie2 teres) sca convecing pty Alec rech of Toro oe UCC 210) 2225 Warantes The USC proves imped nantes fierce Dhyne tno spec pupae. Exeress Sei ald bea wrtingin te conta ond ‘Pesta sate what the rotet wl oinot Ereapetswararter nal abosine te ep5/ ‘mpacemer poly fappsble. Pe Ss Many contacts, both govenment and commercal, Undergo changes throughout perfomance. Contec terms shoud pect how and when changes may ‘cau ad there ae any restrictions on pars utr to require a contract change. For examele, a Atypical code of conduct ing laments: CMBOK 6th Edition chapter § © Tathtu Cost or Picing Data” © Contract Werk Hour anc Safety Stan dec, Both corporations andr need tobe ace ofthe penal fo conte ofits in cesin business tustions Th scion desis the ip (pounce cules rug ree 101 tion chapter 5 (CMBOK oth Edition chapter 5. CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 5 Roun #4 Feds! Goveraent SUES Senate & Howse of ee seas ment funciona es wll Aales contact = tpialy ape ocerdunderving @ evenve tension. Bete SOK mory lrg companies didnot have 1 mana before onder to asure SOX cor ‘OX hashad. daproportonateimpect on com do buses Irbecause comperies ts ress wth the government before SOX were already rdf contact be tested 35 othr contra maintain 91 and equitable business rleionshio ‘Acsdcona information oboxt SOX canbe found at mscninste 8 24.3 Governmont Contract Law Basics vemmen contacting process ‘goverment + Legiltno, Execstve, and + Judicial ee FouKE 54) Although the Ce to government conics, the goveroment CMBOK éth Edition chapter 5 MBOK &th Edition chapter 5 c Hccrmacing cers erat en hey conse he orca offande's rope went 1. Fel Baye Process DK &th Edition chapter 5 Key Goverment Conatng Concepts in te rg es forthe ul pble dsdonure other stars See CMSO 33 former information onstandach candies) ‘Compeston FAR 101) ith Aci ofc must state reiarant th ‘eect to an sequston of uppies esas in tensa CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 5 nu emai olong Rurbaih, 2010 rivodiced he concet of eat coretiton + Slime compen rong, 1s Revsedihedaron ol “ompettv range Sale of Goods i Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 peal (Grae) TheGPRAIR L036 ps the fos ‘oxmationTecnclony Management el lnkprogam needs, the budge end menatonl Pein Ame elton noes Seaton eared nthe delet nonvaoe ‘re Fowpn Compt actos Ac FPA) TeremSUeC Tada" esr piel co CMBOK &th Edition chapter 5 ra eseaerthe ayt pial on chapter 5 CMBOK 4th Editi Er Capture and Sense Makin Connect Retain and Reuse osectio Vier NER. Prony Collaborate CMBOK éth Edition chapter 5 “Tre ae sever! yperofkronledgeegired of conver manage + plot tnonledge—tormal coded, and ‘puter knoe eg. Federal Aequstion + Preceiralinwedge—tnonledge of proces ‘erforcvelopina ropes and fers ond 1+ Svategekroniedge—developng compet: ‘pe beans stag 1 win the contract Peter Drucker riifly en “Knowledge bast be moro chalengedarineeased conta, Dequtien Team Denon’) 26:1 The Controt Management Team ; 27 Communication and Documenta aaa ‘sehr gdnewqdrncma CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 5 + Gene. conduckand veil echonges, deviate fron th ered metho 2 panels wsedindeclonring medbushens Peremonie fr why ti racanny + nasusly ageedunon expections the decision, nding eon ae — Set conte Dr Einor Sue Coates, Fellow) Conract managers aslo in ateslsing cal shouldbe nvrting mo format ht comps wth Ssoplablepocachzes At miriam, awiten |llston has tae sation “Tojesty theft decison ate the decision to acd atin documents ad de on ‘ey tepert te raed onlay ot I ianeacon ot conto Recerh wore Aide endence oan cgiiborscovnes ce ‘rer docisons, nd ther mangement cae 13.7.2.) Record Management Pre-Award Life - Cycle Phase CMBOK 6th Edition chant rune 63, Soca Ginny nen tion Pon Contonts ‘A description othe need tobe satsfed-—The de- ‘Septon shoud be cere, yet complete enough toes = re cnablted os Ths orto spporine get it cla desert fonns 5 Saecost eats ae cao tm cnt th F Gherctanmdewriedtobeclson + inthe pate actor such pars my be cvated {thereof company polo, oe a best proc- ‘hore are may factors to condor when negeit- tng a contact ype. ineluding the flowing: "+ Price competition: +The ability to perform price anche, othe chapter 6 J. eect es Face CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 emeox th Edition chapist 6 | onsets te coh Grete er ae pecormance ory nates ely hairdo reba oes ensacr can atan evel ot culty overhear nd tothebyer, tel + Treapncyel evecare + Tepid penne 1 Teague contact ean + pestle tic gay nd pein eta on or 1 anecle aconbnsien core, 1 Tene and concen fe renee eon geht ton Se, CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 - Letter converts are normaly br weiter, 6 Irina contac stants tht shoe 2 ‘conver to begh performance ineadately Letter cones are wed inate pelormance hen pevlrmance i requved but heres infin’ 49 Se “The FARstats that contrctingoficers must se tealedbecing hen + Tine perm he soetaton abmision nd 4 ‘lution feted ods xa Thee ae reasendbe pectin fee fro tan ore vealed bd os any sn anol goverment fos Fson hee “The fede gover peste + Reimonathe aaa + Beindepanenty erat andelopady feo oe 1 be prepued wate gorementl pen Srdononer sho rea iahoner ion chapter 6 CMBOK 6th Eciiti ee ees cheer =e Will conmrcaton be aload Does my propcsld eaure a gna ofan ofc hot has the sthoiytoband the eer? Does proposal vequre a sighatire lan ida at has the authority tobi the bayer? pate tr ad te 0, he egy Feavon one oO ‘research shoud be vse ton oa 2 Sxletnerteomon 2 Severe = “ Be ee ederent | ass felpelons B otaghiniorendatareenes a § < 3 & s x 3° iB = & CMBOK éth Edition chapter 6 Phat be etd whch acon nll mate un Seesauton andthe ioe importance ofeach faa toesdr ober ant the cred ecquvon “£15 insrction for Preparing and Submiting Categories of Smal Businesses ‘Srl Bains A sna sresssa oreo, cng tafe ‘tis depen ouad oes chrinetn estonia orn deepest tecio authorty te eae gen 8 Pron chapter 6 CMBOK 6th Aptos tecnica dita droped tery eprint fd team roves so, 1 Notte duper, copy oepkestein any mam. i eth nfmation as mata reveled and : erations. © Toretun anand ll matrse andincmaton ‘mated the dacesed nformatonto the ‘ther purty wna ated pend me, 4.15.63 OwmorFumished Property Gorey speaking mest contac eae tt pee ‘ermence forthe ele Tat de th rere mete andes ard condor contained nthe Centre the slr uy requed to proie ak e.,ieel nto make bot) or that ay l conan manages oud command #0079 Srnsanng othe err pe Secomnese CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 cMBOK éth Edition chaptg and Key Act ster uly etd responsi requir property dapention incor rom the buy ard plans to award a contac requtng te 1s) (CMBOK 6th Edition chapter Berfeming wok sje he SS rasan conan recor reach rt ooed oa ae ‘The SCLS does ret spp 0b ftom: + Conta fr the cage ofreghtorpanon rely veel aepare bus tuck layne. olor sespipdine were publabed ar ae rein aoc. thought balance between seed, retabity, wacest Trorsgonation ated serices—hisiera Yars- performance by contractor CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 es Raqveting ofan the procenn cf a ‘amon perp cpt tate CMBOK 4th Edition chapter & om AliMed Vere aig a eng Commer Sonmucicsionbemaen bers are ers ought he caved iors td Tough cor sora noe mest occ mine 4 s é 2 3 2 é Online Market Research + eet Sench Velie infarstion canbe bined throush seach eng Enna iy nods can reduce mien ard sen sae OURE 614 reverts ssf federal gown ‘dere for verde common rd esc Intaves ind he Se of he wlean ce into tha seach oo 4.3.2 Marketing [From the Sal Bases Acninetatons rie, "Undertnd Yur Mate) “To sicestiy rm tures sed to stratand then woo ean alo be oiled cane 8 Matetingempharas he ae fe catoner tothe buses, neh two ging incl 1. Alconoany polos ard scien stod be rece omar shin eamome roe 2. Profabesals volume mere imgorant than ‘esas sales yl CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 Popeater CMBOK éth Editions th Yonder Cemuniestion Pans Deparonent fm [Seow eres ATION reas got fares Deparment of nce Navona Aernnas a Soace nope ates neo tomoumie ere nama tarcesstaer ores + piacere rsdn to ibhebrochures Pc advertisements, + Articles ntrade publications, +The companys pestbics oa quen custom ‘The companys past bids to emia customers, seers companies evening tlt +Customer comrsations* +Customer evant ard messing” + Tade orindsty asseciaons, and + Compettive research or analyse companies “which donot volte your companys, cuomer, or compotto! ule on cacosure comprehensive market assesment shou inclae *+ Ensuring the buyer ha funding forthe project (Fedral Pubiestons Seminars ond Capt ge Consulting. 2013) ‘Opportunity-Risk Assessment Tools (One toot to use son epportuntyrik assesment {cto determine whch opportu to pusve ee CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 et chapter hapt CMBOK 4th vi eo ind. ~° 2 s 6 § B = 8 S eran 44 Prepare Ofer ! poune 620. Errol of Sales lary Dr Ne Cos cvs meen renin dp ORtn NSA contact + ers oe rem th ook, Stator i Poposal, nd Sc Selection Bong Wore Corey Ginoer Geet snd A Porc ‘The capt om s pets he goat orn dnetcpnganing starr aenohoddoe ceonernedf mera se hed ee ‘ato ome gol cfonstngs mange ‘A eal fan send rte aie as ~° 2 oom: & 2 ean 3 eee eecornn {es an a sneer cron [ee Shemini S z FAR Pa ing oe, ‘relatng wtnmaing operator sven, Ss ee Sidewcernoa es 2 g 441 caper eam 2 $ x ‘allberequredof be slerto comp wth he Scchatont terme The ong the atten of ‘he saoaton crt! imcase tha perl soe Scores nceatnces or amigas the se ‘ation Gee £426. ————— - pune 622. opt Teac Moers ener: CMBOK éth Edition chapter 6 4424 ty Koy norman Ae erst ety amen A8OK 6th Edition chapter 6 co aes bye yao eta ta dats pth eons {ecb olaracreconae cn 'o conduct both a ean and acetals el cases con alan fe propane ther no comptiton fr this ure ite, then ‘the extent of om formation rua ho ‘buyer wily be much peter Com essing s ude by the FP reaseants ‘sll arya res rd equator andthe Cost ‘Accounting Sandor accessed nite FAR Peng ‘spree upon managements coment he Iatatalue ote wort bong pcponed andthe mo. ‘esto patom te proposed ore Tha seument ng Popesah: Pro peal ced on mara ema manta ps by Federal igonce anes riligence RGURE B26 peers ‘dae Conaatins) seme estimating tcniqus ad the arcs Undersaning buyer aaa techies he rea and acnct ba ection shone ‘CMBOK éth Edition chapter 6 CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 ‘ue 625 Anat Tecnguer fo ing, Cae on Cost Rois Tra Soweto nto hea ng SST racers Re ne mez te, fac percent, int Ath bender cn " won soak tare anit str peter he 0 reps rant ‘ata fopeedcomertio ge ne irements, te sobitaton or + Fate 0 show an topcoat Aten + Vnvkatained or srr weniger roporedaroachen rule, Wore Exeter ‘Simp exatng capetng ters Tet wht dig Fanta ba, CMBOK éth Edition chapter 6: ‘separate rs rend dakcney athe dete: ‘es canbe pated thlog and tae The ky ‘ola to eral decor eed at CMBOK éth Edition chapter 6 EMBOK 6th Edition chapter 6 Foo exch fomat or ha cle deseo in the selctaton tte stare of wee tc ons othe frat th ofr helen nul bentyl tome + Thecoverinclaces ha completed and sgned oferta pter 6 CMBOK 6th Edition chay a us Saintes Soren Peectretoairee ee Sante amanicerecsie orien cn OO Tr eae goetonn _ Uenonty come ia acne be Oe aeeteeaetenrem are cick ee ec ma etary season en Brondndsan ote dco ote Fd ox aber on aune 7.2. Oreren of the Aad Competences ton Incomparsan wth prc na baseyen bat canbe eflin price ana CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 7 CMBOK éth Edition cha ato ha vty of determina We, ceca, sara aoe CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 7 Both tages aed ules nee exabah pect Sncolatenegnaton sje Ancjecne ST oetest pee weco gt trax ec testo ere mo way 0 know fhe en the buyer wantcur prods and voce? Prodiceadener + + Deamte who hat east pcos sector batch on + Popa the nagotton ey ti econ 1 ee magia dg commana ‘Satta tone ath tha etn Mui fees on bc btn eta oer inethade can esi te ning peared 8 Tiocealeson nota oar Simple eon + Seslebiing + Negotitedsouce econ CMBOK &th Edition chapter 7 comphance ensures hat bidders have, Irie sic selecton dec + Typeslesauaton cor, 1+ Propcelevahation tetris, + valtion ating scales + Contact amar 2nd + Corsa awar races unique to fede convecing eregeated sore sletonpocet het a tut denon hens ol the ents CMBOK éth Edition chapter 7 treed he eision eon shove actor onthe oa eta sys incu bat may be f soon oF eet Tess sfieane compared other eeiaton Sheree andortondrtherequrement onaion efoc- sottation te te fears proposed solution =n achiev "53.46 Baie of Award ranagerent capability. Schedule management, anc othe crv adesatelate Sehrrabon corona See ard tna enor eae, CMBOK éth Edition chapter 7? CMBOK éth Edition chapter 7 cn mney tom oe engee—Th a oe mo Contac pen each CMBOK éth Edition chapter 7 + poreeTh mayb elastin aon to + Puntie cimager—Thete ave deine pur ‘ri rfl breach he cote Stouts ee egercys Boao! contac appear ‘SSmages sm socal haste damages” Court Federal Come teteus, ry damages averse ve ‘er condi cone ten conor tet ann rege Post-Award Life Cycle . Phase = 5) o ha ® ex © @ G CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 8 une 8.1 itrates how the post award pocass nd interace within the Contract Manage, ‘pablo Kaoledge (CMEON conan, Apes mening che ted | alinecruact eng robe theperomnce xa, sapere i frp ee eae tons The nen hai a eae Saas The pa nding ofthe woo be dere he 17 Resolve Request fr Equitable Bo icion som ere co a epee eter Gregory A Ga" ‘et complete the won, athe ky stakeholder Toul nctae the development ofa proceatre Because many players on bth ides willrot be egjeerrontcan be CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 8 ‘emtbe bres tothe contmcing fee fre tebe forasum conan. ‘uidecean Whe corencerscom dened, a ‘Stier whole orinpon the conectormaythen ARM ACONEACI 3 contain ‘Scpea thet den Unde Convac Dupes gov Ket el ied “crent convacon donot have dec acess to {he curs Allens ere fst bjt toa coo tng oer fl ec ‘One prem aes for convo wih coma by ‘ubcontcton Because uibconaton dorethave ‘Scorer nth he goverment thy do ror have ractcnm agua te goer CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 8 | ‘acon i apse Meek atten chapter 8, CMBOK 6th Edition Bike) 16:3 Manage Subcontract subcontracts the maregenat 07 rcs supor ol heprina contac. Te alt econ 6.3.1 Prpove Tsecion dacs Se cueeaal (632 defirtons ‘Acontoctic mutualybinding legs rlaton- ok the pearls oon a contract ra hp obliging the slr ofumih supplies cr sarees, andthe buyer 0 roid LaF chapter 8 BOK éth Editio cM Scr siecon eh scorns se esa nawedonze soe Regen arn aon Eola corona papa cameron | ‘meyhove 9 conpllnce role anda eral business {tocecy role nother model, the compliance role tray be scomplsted by thelegs! deparmen a fonction outed the combed contacts and si contac organization, (63.8.2 Separation of Buying ond Selling tien rom th ling function. tospeciine nthe tespecive areas. Te eget he ‘organization the morelikely te buying inthe spy ch ‘ompenent likely be spi between the corporate on chapter 8 CMBOK 6th Ei 6.29.62 Prmyof Contact Tegnarmer heap oe inet Dasng the preponlpae,e prime oman i he ie coc ters oaing tee ardcrstors seeded + Desigratonofepesn 62945 Set of Comer Conoanes pclae sets of aves tare GORE 111, Was to Mostly owed Dom Ces tion chapter 8 CMBOK 6th Ec tension Pap aoe ofthe peta ior ean eparabie pry 3104 Types of Ae 1+ By2p¢ig the substantia follows o> ‘Bum the sere o bas {53.1042 Two Way Agremont ‘ThenIAcanbe atrorwy ertemert pats doe propriety worst (63.94.12 Fikin nfermation and Detes ‘Belt owing down re causes there shld even caus te sri formation Beene ‘formation may reedto be tered 0 exeete Senboones Forearpie tthe prmestenca * on sete propel due the goverment with oe yor af contrac erin, the prime trustee he xcorvaorsterinaon sate. trent prec ore tt allow the pie ugh fone erate ad cud the conection ‘ropa init ropa the gover. {6219.12 Determine Clauses tobe Fowed Down — {63.40 Proprietary lformation Agreements (PAS) 53.94.16 Legal 3.10.1 Definitions ‘The adxconiec manager shoudconalt withthe © Propetary infomation data omnes PY + ntomases SRE ea ene NREMMO Re ee shoe ected. + oman he rceing pay maerensey seaped nd | - en promaedby aothe sre atl ether sa10ss utes spe racocreetbe sof each pey Genel 7 631059 Disoiners + Tehldiepoomaniomeimnen TATA ere + Toon) clea propel mloranon aioe be 4 Teens reson cara they wos et cum pepretoy formation se + Teun he propiny elon ony erthe epoca oper “+ olathe ni th company oor desewhoneedTonen and + Teeny date te prope ematon 2 Trout ofslegapoceedna bute mothe EMBOK éth Edition chapter 8 (i permaen by te calng pany along et yaaa ieemingarangerets nce ‘edi rhe the potecioncfthePIA Whe teaming groom icormon term che 5 lors cfageernrts todo buses tether rouse ee maroracara of uncetcing memersicirect speated The reement srs of rtnt. ane soforh Externe ‘auton shold be used wit thes types of doc ature both the sabconeact mara rere Stain ea) thet Coen ah eal rw ‘peste ofthe Terinaton casein te gwen casa ay tering angen Le! devatent shold evi ha work CMBOK éth Edition chapter 8 ‘yee ofchangerthe contacting ofcercanmaka —¢ Drawn, deg, or specication, Sdomaretwoceng heures nam, + Med ot ipsa ‘rent conoet changes canbe vote : Cniuvercmectnemem meyoeunedtorakead: > Pasestdeleey: ‘natatve changes mate Cenges aaherued bY yyathparies wat to dang the contact Chee conctcnre endiwe temmeston oie x cag Toute sopstmet to the convo rena trom miving»change rer Thy ae ae seco Gein eve cortace and elect oe gee tment changng the toms othe core ee eres Scena aoe sep ate: ‘he ner he contact (64.4 Contract Changes Management Process | mt eeompln he chon (Garren ard Renden, 2012 tncautege te cort'ator to peorm wont? Srosd be the subject ofa contract madicton ARS 102, ‘Seer tocommecalcorvacs, her are tree ypese changes Dimes changes, + Consrvctve changes and + Canal charges ‘Most convacs contain» Changer dase that es treconac Federal goverment convacts equre that a d= rected haa must be within the scope ofthe on rsleorvat Changes ae subject 0 equitable adjiment but maybe directed in ‘vectors performance and enaving tht eeomples abla reich bt contact termination by iy onacor isnot nopton| CMBOK éth Edition chapter 8 a & te css 0 the phy completes contact 164.5 Contract Termination Insome caves, Becomes necessan to ond prt mance ona canvet belore the contracua period ‘olonge needed, ek of un) “Teminston or delat fr cause used when ‘armel nt peer a (ean ‘Cove contracts domain of bothth bye antl, © Ste poces cl ved he contact requremente se stn ating uvesched dps, ard ec. ‘halng he coat to ae nl payne RGU 4) The process determines whether the buyerand * ttle contact obigntonshave beon sated. Clee coma composed of one compateney 65Close Out Convet in chapter 8 Ww CMBOK 6th to close 4 contract is to submit the final invoiée and 1 Release of Claims upon receipt ofthe final rates from DCAA. This results in o more efficient process ‘ond reduced overhead costs Base Work Subcontract Closeouts 07 Subcontract POP Do not wait for a prime contract to end before starting subcontract closeouts. Closing subcontracts ‘takes time and staying on top of them is impor tant. Monitor the POP of subcontracts and close them out as they end, Send closeout paperwork to subcontractors 30 days prior to their end date. ‘This alerts subcontractors to closeout requirements, starts the process, and brings up any issues that may need resolved while the subcontract is still active, Tackle the Backlog ‘The best way isto address the backlog isin small, manageable chunks. Set 2 monthly appointment to ‘work closeouts for older contracts. Dedicate time to this specific activty-—it could be a whole day or just ‘an hour—because delaying closeouts only makes it Be Flexible Ensure policy and processes are flexible enough to allow for closeouts of older contracts. Ifyou are try- ing to close a 10.year-old contract and the original parties are not available, current contract processes may not work to close that older contract. Meke sure your policies ae flexible enough to allow all contracts to be closed. An administrative closeout process enables a contract to be closed when the normal closeout procedure cannot be followed due ‘to missing personnel or files or other reasons. Compe Learn tency - nine chapter CMBOK éth Edition chapter 9 FIGURE 0.2. Example unions fora Taning Nees Asessment am on chapter 9 CMBOK 6th Editic “The trp Mal none sandr fo rang the etcvene of vaning Wears the abe of ‘ype eluaning fomat roma eos fou \oee 1+ Level}: Reaction The dogie 0 which pais ‘ors nd he traning Favorable engegng ond eleven ee pana, “Tha Make Value ch porta come a ening conmnaon to an vera bonnes ae ‘URE 7-6, The any CMA) Cericaion Phases _ CMBOK 4th Edition chapter 9 ‘et Opto een atypia crn Syathrcgony tog the NOMA) which ebay ‘haart te educa, trong per=nS ‘TS sunmracn era tat cadets ra meet ovacone carted ower some arganatons ete fee 9. ‘ormendsegure corner anager tobe ett ‘Smaman englomentanste be sbieto pusie re #7. Anus Medion Slay by Coin nano saa so0 s200 emer aethose wna certian 1 Uiogs seu eg tacos th prc, 2. arcing nee ml chapter 9 EMBOK 6th Edit + ewcan oe gure he vl of mero Eiadlag te. he nee cntpa Tice rarcacion the rape mbes of rs arsscion per buy the me gptine. ete? + Howshaulé the gst ate ecives be raked croromaed og, 1 Reng cons, 2 eras opeeanry oosteat redenG posronen etme, te? chapter 9 ofthe mening lator, Be uy engage inthe latonthip, Be open to constructive feedback, ety acd wack gost, end ep ky lessons leaned to peremance ‘em 911, Compore QURE 32. The CMBOK Compete 1D Leadership 2DManagement Review Scoreboard Lean from successes and fal dures aa lt CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 10 acwe ‘ecgted cont fr wok perermed io caed “eos sale") ews ceed cont fr wotk chee ao called "lanes lie’ Pll “pariomarce messxenent besene” MED ear cand propos B08 teicoderngegeerent ‘cuN, cenit ine tem umber coc cacate of competency 208 Esorennute Fs porlomanceassossment eGo Sit mera ce Assessment Reporting Brhaepctne tener a Src sna as Soe securing oncars cet commen if odng bo abarment oficial dlvery ener RFP. alt vegies for propose! conn manager conect manegerent co contacting ofcer charge oer cor confi ofirerst con contacting oficers representative coms commerdly evaiabl of he shell orc desiont-cost CMBOK éth Edition chapter 10 FP wEPA {ned-grce wth esnomepce adsment FP ‘308 pc icarte Fre ‘ed prce monte im tae Fs esc centive scene GED FPLOE aed level felon PR ard pce redeteminae fed ie wh ‘insti ral proposal revtion PRA foward pring te ogreerent 11a indefinite delnergindehte vary wv indefnte dear iehice FPR fal proposal reson ee BAFO) FSD. {ullecle development ss Federal Supiy Sched FTA fre ade agreement Kahiin equaled Wr fecalyeor Gre ‘goverment funshod equipment cr ‘goverment fished information orm ‘government urihed mater crP ‘goverenerumished propery ca ‘gees andadrnsvatie orc goverment purchase cd or S - 3 2 om Boece Sar es 3 _ceocurement admirvstrative Ind trme as 2 Teper tors a _pertormance-based 2equisition SCORE = me Seeara dt eireresig fen x — 9 SPR von anddtburrert 8a BD Peamentnetiots = Sf a Crbeoce eid wot snark 3 =) Srouuator hpi contgustion nest - Pci Suen ore!seerent paceman Feral confe of een PEON a eon Ssnen mmr vs Po eee cing creasing tom Bas = a _quaiiications-based selection “eeatoment of objectives eee Pea seh geen nets peer ome sow we i Guiles manus at Sater of work oa Pip eraenentncument are on ssa = quater potent BE reniecionoey =e pw ssac ome t “source selection advisory council ra ee oe aluation board Pn prcenegaaioh eran ro Pacem roc lens Tec ‘ers and conditions co ‘wrminstion centring oficet ; CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 10 r act of God Tree adn oreerenrnny wa OF jaa 109 es fenen and ounces Feitarg torades ovenchavaker, actual cost basis jabie ames therefor 9 asoconthe of received the conta, Parece con resonably conc th Ia eas ubraited Wh He oxo. (see FAR 149073) Seceoeraeae Arent rey eae rosea 2 cine arekcl Oe Fo prance adn cont Sarintenatnatennamoiiet lO | TNs rier rite cf cried ce apogee sean rtd parece Pa eas bene ceo dacunepice competion f erie Pe ooo pc competion 4 Tio or mere responsible feos, tay “+ Processing contract docurnentetion, cea em . ee eee esi contc promos (© faard mile made tothe offer: whose (ter ropreserts the best ave where pce a sania fctorin source electon: sod © There isno fading that the price ofthe there sues fects uree= orale Any fndog thatthe pies Chresonable mustbe seppotedby = Siotement ofthe facts and apooved 2 level above the contacting ofcen: 2. Therenasa reoronble expectation based on ate esearch ov ober assessment, that twocormote response olerors, competing Independent, wold submit priced lfesin reponse tthe sociation’ expressed raqate- tment, eventhough oly one fei received fam a esporble of err ae é— fect the sbstaniive ight it change inthe paying office or the appronratin The convacting officer, often a than the one making the contrect, who i 3 te perform post-anard contact adminis tive costs stad vparesincantoeoot, (SeeFAR2 101) anaes of ate buy shea as attr rilipated shortages, sues, oF agent authority doagatady pec tehiscrhet oe rere poner nds thefallonng: ‘advance payment Anadvance of money made the pro to, in eniipation of, zi EMBOK 6th Edition chapter 10 rotbe oe, allocate ‘ssorment ofan rem ofcout oa group cits fear tone or more cost electives. Ts tem incedesboth direc aspnent of cos ante teomgenent ofa share om an nec cos peo ron by the natn orb. alternative clpute resolution (ADR) ‘Any type of procadie combination of proce Gutevlurtarly ued leu cf ington, 1 ree ‘urs controversy These proceckret mynd ombudenen amendment | ‘Revange orection, deletion, oF etn) oo ilormstion contned man mtn for bier anticipatory breach anticipatory repudiation ‘Gcass hes the promis hou justin and below ne ese ha comn‘ted a beach, makes 2 postive statemers othe promise mccatnghe or he wil ot or camot parr ose corral oes, anticipatory profit Profs paleo west rt pererrsed This pay Inert viewed ob tesonabe sorevon tobe whan the federal goverrnentromintesaeoract fer comenienee. vation “Saanich propery. ren, f mecha plate hihes de (Se Conn aso Std mona ‘sth conn padomnce mao assignment The slgnent of cyto ato receive an at fo" ‘ample: repr ight ech 858 contactor purchase ore ori to ance! ao EMBOK 6th Edition chapter 10 * npubicseter purchasing a bids the fern + AboK conse appabie nam ardimt_bid and propossl costs ‘Seecy when an order say becomes abd Ingcortrct Depending on he eee, 1 cortccougbeeabianed won the n> ‘rtm acastance basic research Reseuch Grete toward creating nowledge 9 scence The pinay am ofan eearch safle Inendedge or urderaandng othe sje de ‘udytherthan uy practeal pola on oat rowiesge best an final offer BAFO) Aber requets abestard fal oft tndcote ‘hte the negotiation wltake place Ths these oppertnty 1 make changes tots ‘ow an tecnica propos Th term sued in Commerc and ats catia, but ot if ‘ealgovermantconmacng once the FAR Par 1S Torte £1977 Tasic wher tet “na propel evsion’ ma adonted best value The spaced otcone ofan action that inthe Seeman cmmrngcmeni Be ereiprctosn on seer, _vaselero we bres “ong ote “palndenct cost 10 o8ablshed emperor ‘The peed of trea ele of good sn. buyers econ groves the retest owl —— [usta develop a ilproneal conciet nore ‘best value continuum ‘Abuyr cn cbtan best value a nected seq tons by wing any one or acombraion of source ‘leche approaches aiferontypes of acqus ‘es, te litre importance of costor price may ‘vay Foc exanple, acquisition where the reaite- trent emlycetnble ad here cf unsccee' Cntr prcane rina cos pice sy ‘ens may pays dominat olen soue selection bi ‘nh invesgensato a inetation or bids FB) ‘change 0a conc formed bythe echarge ot promises to perform reciroclcligatons forthe thesedestidprocs as oppesedtootartian ‘sed proneerart. whee te flr ay be ‘efenedo a3‘ popea ora “a.tator") Anpurchasing. bd ante an ofr oselor an ofr buy ‘govern ereangasing te ty ed poi an Earn ci 1 cui chapter 19 EMBOK bth &, lin oe ty em fib pani a comer Aires cosceotn,or nance Awiterdomerd eckg asamett of annem esrsonbyoracl close contract Iisadomenin te posal tooo econaing he contact omake fn payment ‘Tho yalee aed by ths process tin deterning a bye and sell contrac obligations have al Free permed unr a coriract clase Oa ee tretsogity te came't been sated Ferpecnvocn orahereute request Aeermancncaseaciersasnited (ze the Contac Managument Sander! ium Tressonsson snctacom Anes) reves he sbmsion ry be corre 2 Jerr erecta be canvecong ice, ose out COMI Ts eonptency isin the pom phose of eonvact mensgemé Ereconvct= domain. the proces ofensing ‘A dkrand by ene pry to corrac for some theg fom another pay, sul bs ot ces: avlernere money ot mor tine Clins re ring whether armodtcaton 8 nor nce the val and 2 fhe 5 & 3 5 a s s x 3 competitive proposal ming tha ont Be, amc tar pete in Teta aes S CMBOK éth Edition chapter 10 Bo contin th th au eran heer techs prepen hh Se eer eg tee eed Tagine tanec eeh tert pene See rane [erences ‘Nalecs istngenntteate ne istcncch Sede ‘Settee tbe nsec bepadter einer one ptyo9 ormeciavaveatel nace contac an Toeurel ve contan, CMBOK 6th Edition chapter 10 +The jesgmentl acon spp Truncate mete CMBOk 6h, Edition chapt ter 10 devel offer Fre bmon mt pre-nardife le pose of ee anagemant sprint te damon ecole ordi ste process of 1 Dmelying founda busines pratis poserre ce conpete nihemeriapice, _nglsborssichaelabiy qui asuane, wo testing, eign, ete, tht 9208) den eg + Responding tsokctatns wah he niet of vith he ond product Ronn eomact ond meeting prfornce squrenen “Twa acdc by this process the sles PO- ia he bape’ wt» conprohanae soliton Ihe bers reooceent tat enhances he eles CBovctt pastonsn he maetlace mile dee eng tore vole (Soothe Contract Management Stnderdin the foves) Enon rect 2 Integition of program sop chest and cost objectives, ‘ascot, ogultery ee) tote sles. The au + The comeentton oF Pc ein > vend item Sie aeyerncewnenmerts wonenumentt meng M4 “te tended ua oaenaTereR Oty, Send product is BE canst ene cnet eeciton conrat Sect sar cae eta rey ntended overhang eveatecdeng Tixconcptue dete usaneinclnesg ee ae naroyeert sett deo a8 PT ue ‘Fonty shew a oven nae peal 1 chapter 10 MBOK 6th Editi 3 * Cen eer tn mete ‘oat nd orator tases Inedoaute cobareu wees ‘sehr aan an te seGaagenaale oats sir bid rl ‘Arle tat che ior the pve ‘rat dap afro ‘valet t Ta pce pa ‘atvacer coven seaman Rate aa (arjladsepaainaton atts fad rice contact with reactive price redetermination ‘ronae bre boedaiegcee nea escne ce ctematon ar ng enol cote Faerie natn em a cn” ret on ppofs eden fom Simul we sed CMBOK éth Edition chapter 10 enced Meese Srepuneey S\cewsmnation to proceed wih ot sbandon api “or project quality contol, “go dances hat 2 sn chapter 10 CMBOK 6th Editi occ conforms tothe spectcatons wren doe nonin ge Eecane: Becta sir Sear momentos sotate we talent “py ca ayment governmentwide acauistion contract 4+ The bujer pce orders fr nil ere ‘mente The quant maybe stated as umber (hun a ala valves. 1 Thesetan mast have fushed same cece, Pormy eure pi aveneetes, Tecan he conract that reasonablo person the estas” gas or eel oe Rc ena PM saan vane, 4+ Thebuyermuathove had the copay Sree cmataratiog ooketO" "fa aenr popu sdafeGiodo ss, le a repotl de ‘implied warranty arabe nce Serer UnmeioatesGee USC HIOIS).8 A prom ang by operat one (Gants datngushed om a conve whichis wed Sau property or sevens forthe federal gor trent Set beret ore gratuity Something of manetay value, rely vento Zomeone ee ith no pit expectation of return fr rewerd Ih acl practic, te motive bein Gipenang rmtuty scan spect site ger were bingo but pedal corsiceston EMBOK éth Edition chapter 10 Independent research and development R&D) “The cont flor that snethersperscmay 2 ‘pov noerequredin pflering ene ‘Sac tat wn any ofthe folowng areas: + asereeeah, + oped esoach Development and + Sytem and ottercancept formulation studies = = Sone rato cng ve Tre eramintion nding eng rc Fralvouet 9 soted tn ears act ncaa = sue in controversy i val daneerert beeen eta nse Agar ioumarmika acm ortdksretane ‘mien da onture Jeet res omy om ard anager Tenet aoren ethd se ool een ort wth eae ae aS ae snes — a =e ‘hm reshape _ ae Esc «eae aa 2 ae — =e ‘bce delet ‘nore ha adr aye ach Se rete cinch leadersin Ie pen es op 12) pelea peter eben ogres pirents (A progress aner torn cing meted ser he nae ng ita ecu When he pect core ng tere Sorte Rate seem arco ro coronene re nomen et 5 Encourages cofaboraton high-tust relation = + mcr) eeonretee ceded beagencn” Be raciaieane oo talon Sunline esos eee Sap erepute rcs = Trier teeren gee ‘anne pcm tac aan eth 7 mang omen gta tng + Macianng cogent cn! econ tnd tet coat ra ‘Tha eked ts ces low ny ‘nang nce cron cage ay (ee Conac Mange = eva a ‘manage daagreements Tar antieqe pae f cnact rae MBOK 6th Edition chapter 19 cM

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