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DECEMBER 2021 The following errata correct errors in Battletome: Ossiarch
The following commentary is intended to complement Battletome: Bonereapers. The errata are updated regularly; when changes are
Ossiarch Bonereapers. It is presented as a series of questions and made, any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in
answers; the questions are based on ones that have been asked by magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it
players, and the answers are provided by the rules writing team and has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation
explain how the rules are intended to be used. The commentaries issue or other minor correction.
help provide a default setting for your games, but players should
always feel free to discuss the rules before a game, and change things Page 72 – The Ossiarch Bonereaper Legions, Endless Spell Warscrolls
as they see fit if they both want to do so (changes like this are usually Change the first paragraph to:
referred to as ‘house rules’). ‘Endless spell warscrolls for the unique endless spells that can be
summoned by Ossiarch Bonereapers Wizards (pg 110‑111).’
Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes are made,
any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in Page 73 – Battle Traits, Lords of the Ossiarch Empire
magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it Delete this battle trait.
has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation
issue or other minor correction. Page 73 – Battle Traits, Ranks Unbroken By Dissent
Replace all paragraphs after the first paragraph of rules text (the one
Q: Can Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis, benefit from the that begins ‘Do not take battleshock tests…’) with the following:
‘Reinforce Battle-shields’ spell?
A: No, the ‘Shields’ in this rule refer to the weapon option for Mortek ‘RELENTLESS DISCIPLINE
Guard and Kavalos Deathriders units. The Ossiarch Bonereapers are a military force like no other.
They are organised and efficient to a supernatural degree, led
Q: If a mortal wound caused by the ‘Curse of Years’ spell is negated, do by generals created by Nagash himself and lent a measure of his
I roll another dice as described within the rules text? necromantic power.
A: No.
If your army is an Ossiarch Bonereapers army, you do not receive
Q: Can I use the ‘Endless Duty’ command ability on a Mortek Crawler command points. Instead, you receive relentless discipline points.
to give the Dread Catapult’s ‘Cauldron of Torment’ or ‘Cursed Stele’ 2
A: No, a Dread Catapult can only make 1 ‘Cauldron of Torment’ and You receive relentless discipline points in the following ways:
1 ‘Cursed Stele’ attack per battle.
• At the start of each battle round, after determining who will
Q: Can you clarify how wounds are allocated from an attack made take which turn, you receive 1 relentless discipline point for each
with the Dread Catapult’s ‘Cauldron of Torment’? friendly Ossiarch Bonereapers Hero that is on the battlefield,
A: Certainly. 1 model from the target unit is slain for each individual 1 relentless discipline point for each friendly Liege that is on the
dice roll that is equal to or greater than the unmodified Bravery battlefield, and 3 relentless discipline points if Katakros is your
characteristic of the target unit. general and is on the battlefield.

Q: If Nagash is included in an Ossiarch Bonereapers army, can • If you will take the first turn, you receive 1 relentless discipline
relentless discipline points be used to issue Nagash’s ‘Death Magic point. If you will take the second turn, you receive 2 relentless
Incarnate’ command ability, and if so, can a player commanding an discipline points.
Ossiarch Bonereapers army use that command ability more than once
in the same phase? • At the start of each hero phase, roll a dice for each friendly
A: Yes to both. Ossiarch Bonereapers unit on the battlefield (including any
Heroes). For each 6, you receive 1 extra relentless discipline point.
Designer’s Note: If Nagash is included in an Ossiarch Bonereapers All relentless discipline points that you have remaining are lost at
army, the only command he can issue is the ‘Death Magic the end of each battle round.
Incarnate’ command.
Relentless discipline points are used to issue a command in the
same manner as command points, but can only be used to issue a
command with command abilities that appear on a warscroll that
has the Ossiarch Bonereapers keyword, or to issue a command
with an Ossiarch Bonereaper Legion command ability, or to issue
the Unstoppable Advance command below. The restriction that you
cannot use the same command ability more than once in the same

phase does not apply to command abilities used with relentless Page 97 – Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead
discipline points. For example, you can use the Shieldwall command Replace this warscroll with the one in this document.
ability on the Mortek Guard warscroll more than once in the same
phase, as long as that command is issued by a model that has not Page 98 – Arkhan the Black, Description
already issued a command in that phase and it is received by a unit Add:
that has not already received a command in that phase. ‘WARMASTER: If this unit is included in an Ossiarch Bonereapers
army, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be
In addition, you cannot use the Expert, Slayers, Strategists or Swift the army’s general.’
battalion abilities (core rules, 26.3). Instead, for each battalion in
your army that has any of these battalion abilities, once per battle at Page 98 – Arkhan the Black, Staff of Spirits
the start of any battle round, you can choose to receive 1 relentless Change the second sentence of the rule to:
discipline point. ‘In addition, this model can attempt to cast Arcane Bolt any number
of times in the same hero phase, even if another Wizard has already
Unstoppable Advance: Ossiarch Bonereapers advance upon the foe at attempted to cast the spell in that phase.’
a remorseless pace.
Page 98 – Arkhan the Black, Keywords
You can use this command ability in your movement phase when Add the Ossiarch Bonereapers keyword to the keywords section.
you pick a friendly Ossiarch Bonereapers unit to make a normal
move, run or retreat. Add 3" to that unit’s Move characteristic in Page 99 – Arch-Kavalos Zandtos, Still Their Breath!
that phase.’ Change to:
‘You can use this command ability in your shooting phase or any
Page 77 – Spell Lores combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly Mortis Praetorians
Delete the first sentence of the paragraph under the header. unit that is wholly within 24" of this model. Re-roll wound rolls of 1
for attacks made by that unit that target Order and Destruction
Page 77 – Lore of the Mortisans units until the end of that phase. You can re-roll any wound rolls for
Add the following caveat under the table header: attacks made by that unit that target Chaos units until the end of
‘Nagash, Arkhan, Vokmortian and Mortisan units (including that phase.’
Unique units) only.’
Page 104 – Kavalos Deathriders, Deathrider Wedge
Page 77 – Lore of the Mortisans, Mortal Contract Add the following sentence to the end of the rule:
Change the last sentence to: ‘The same unit cannot benefit from this command ability more than
‘You cannot pick the same unit to be the target of this spell more than once per turn.’
once per battle.’
Page 105 – Immortis Guard, Description
Page 79 – Petrifex Elite, Unstoppable Juggernauts Add the following:
Change the rule to: ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’
‘Worsen the Rend characteristic of weapons that target Petrifex
Elite units by 1, to a minimum of ‘-’.’ Page 106 – Necropolis Stalkers, Description
Add the following:
Page 84 – Bone-tithe Nexus ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’
Delete this rule (it is replaced with the rule on the Bone-tithe Nexus
warscroll in this document). Page 107 – Morghast Archai, Description
Add the following:
Page 88-91 – Path to Glory ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’
These Path to Glory campaign rules are not compatible with the latest
version of the Path to Glory rules from the Core Book. You can still Page 107 – Morghast Harbingers, Description
use them to run a ‘classic’ Path to Glory campaign, or you can use the Add the following:
rules from the Core Book to run a ‘modern’ Path to Glory campaign. ‘ELITE: Models in this unit can issue commands to their own unit.’

Page 96 – Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis Page 109 – Gothizzar Harvester, Bone Harvest
Add: Change the first sentence to:
‘WARMASTER: If this unit is included in an Ossiarch Bonereapers ‘Roll a dice each time a model is slain within 3" of any models with
army, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be this ability.’
the army’s general.’
Page 110-111 – Endless spell and faction terrain warscrolls
Page 96 – Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis, Damage Table Replace these warscrolls with the ones in this document.
Change the Wounds Suffered values on the damage table as follows:

Wounds Suffered


SUMMONING: This endless spell Perpetual Hunter: The only way to
is summoned with a spell that has stop a Nightmare Predator is to slay its
a casting value of 7 and a range of caster before it kills you.
6". If successfully cast, set up this
endless spell wholly within range and When this endless spell is set up, the
visible to the caster, and more than 1" player who set it up can pick 1 Hero
from all models, other endless spells as its prey. If this endless spell’s prey is
and invocations. Only Ossiarch destroyed, this endless spell is removed
Bonereapers Wizards can attempt from play.
to summon this endless spell. Death Incarnate: A Nightmare
BONDED: This endless spell is Predator is certain doom to any who get
bonded to the model that summoned in its way.
it. A bonded endless spell is always After this endless spell has moved, roll
controlled by the model to which it is a dice for each unit within 3" of it. On a
bonded. A model cannot be bonded to 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
more than one endless spell at the same If that unit was this endless spell’s prey,
time and cannot attempt to summon on a 2+, it suffers D6 mortal wounds
other endless spells while it is bonded. If instead of D3. This ability has no effect
The Nightmare Predator is the model that summoned this endless
a looming conjuration of
on Ossiarch Bonereapers units.
spell is removed from play, then this
Shyishan magic that takes
endless spell is removed from play.
the form of a disturbing
terror. Bonded to its caster, PREDATORY: This endless spell is a
it floats eerily through the predatory endless spell. It can be moved
air towards its master’s
chosen prey, lacerating
up to 2D6" and can fly.
the flesh of its screaming
victims with claws the size
of sickles before stripping
them to the bone.


SUMMONING: This endless spell Soul Thief: This ethereal monstrosity
is summoned with a spell that has a can capture the departing souls of those
casting value of 7. If successfully cast, slain nearby, using the energy to heal its
set up this endless spell anywhere on master or blast its foes.
the battlefield and visible to the caster,
and more than 1" from all models, At the end of each phase, the
other endless spells and invocations. commanding player must roll a dice if
Only Ossiarch Bonereapers any Chaos, Destruction or Order
Wizards can attempt to summon this models were slain within 6" of this
endless spell. endless spell during that phase. On a
1-2, they can heal 1 wound allocated to
BONDED: This endless spell is the model bonded to this endless spell.
bonded to the model that summoned On a 3-4, each Chaos, Destruction
it. A bonded endless spell is always and Order unit within 6" of this
controlled by the model to which it is endless spell suffers 1 mortal wound.
bonded. A model cannot be bonded to On a 5-6, both of these effects apply.
more than one endless spell at the same
The Soulstealer Carrion time and cannot attempt to summon Second Sight: A wizard that is soul-
is a soul-linked construct other endless spells while it is bonded. If linked to a Soulstealer Carrion can see
that soars from its caster’s the model that summoned this endless through its eyes.
spread fingertips to take spell is removed from play, then this
wing above the battlefield. Anything visible to this endless spell is
endless spell is removed from play. also visible to the model that is bonded
Its caster can see through
the avian conjuration’s eyes; PREDATORY: This endless spell is a to this endless spell.
when it perceives spiritual predatory endless spell. It can be moved
energy unclaimed, it will
swoop down to capture
up to 8" and can fly.
it and either channel it
back to its caster or blast
it outwards to harm those
enemies nearby.


B O N E -T I T H E S H R I E K E R
SUMMONING: This endless spell Portent of Doom: Learned men know
is summoned with a spell that has that when a Bone-tithe Shrieker appears,
a casting value of 5 and a range of an army of Ossiarch Bonereapers cannot
12". If successfully cast, set up this be far behind.
endless spell wholly within range and
visible to the caster, and more than 1" Units cannot receive the Inspiring
from all models, other endless spells Presence or Rally command while they
and invocations. Only Ossiarch are within 12" of this endless spell.
Bonereapers Wizards can attempt This ability has no effect on Ossiarch
to summon this endless spell. Bonereapers units.

BONDED: This endless spell is No Escape: Enemies cannot hide when

bonded to the model that summoned a Bone-tithe Shrieker is nearby.
it. A bonded endless spell is always Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by
controlled by the model to which it is Ossiarch Bonereapers units that
bonded. A model cannot be bonded to target a unit that is within 12" of this
more than one endless spell at the same endless spell.
time and cannot attempt to summon
The Bone-tithe Shrieker is other endless spells while it is bonded. If
a four-headed, all-seeing the model that summoned this endless
monstrosity conjured to spell is removed from play, then this
hunt down those who would
endless spell is removed from play.
escape the Ossiarch tithe.
When it locates its quarry PREDATORY: This endless spell is a
it will give vent to an awful, predatory endless spell. It can be moved
mind-chilling scream that
dulls the wits and shivers
up to 8" and can fly.
the bones of those living
creatures nearby, making
them easy prey for the
Ossiarchs themselves.


B O N E -T I T H E N E X U S
FACTION TERRAIN: Only Ossiarch Deadly Gaze: The statue that towers Punishment of Lethargy: Pick 1 enemy
Bonereapers armies can include this above a Bone-tithe Nexus can unleash unit wholly within 18" of this terrain
faction terrain feature. punishing beams of energy upon those feature and visible to it, and roll a dice.
who break an Ossiarch contract. Each On a 4+, that unit cannot run until your
SET-UP: After territories are of the statue’s four faces can deliver a next hero phase, and a D6 is used to
determined, you can set up this faction different punishment. make charge rolls for that unit instead
terrain feature wholly within your of 2D6 until your next hero phase.
territory and more than 3" from all I n your hero phase, you can choose for
objectives and other terrain features. If this terrain feature to unleash one of the
these restrictions mean you cannot set following punishments:
up this faction terrain feature, you can
remove 1 terrain feature that is wholly Punishment of Agony: Pick 1 enemy
or partially within your territory and unit wholly within 18" of this terrain
attempt to set up this faction terrain feature and visible to it, and roll a dice.
feature again. If it is still impossible to On a 4+, subtract 1 from hit rolls for
set up this faction terrain feature, then attacks made by that unit until your
it is not used. If both players can set next hero phase.
up faction terrain features at the same Punishment of Death: Pick 1 enemy
The Ossiarch tithemasters time, they must roll off and the winner unit within 36" of this terrain feature
often demand their grisly chooses who sets up their faction
bounty be left at designated
and visible to it, and roll a dice. On a 2+,
terrain features first. that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
nexuses of power. The soul
energy and raw bone of
Punishment of Ignorance: Pick 1
these sites can be drawn
upon to heal nearby enemy Wizard within 36" of this
Ossiarch constructs. If the terrain feature and visible to it, and roll
vassals and mortals nearby a dice. On a 2+, subtract 1 from casting,
refuse the tithe or break dispelling and unbinding rolls for that
contract, the statue at the unit until your next hero phase.
nexus’ heart lets loose its
deadly gaze.


16 3+
MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage

Gaze of Nagash 12" 1 3+ 2+ -1 D6

10 MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
BR Alakanash 3" 4 3+ 3+ -3 D6
Zefet-nebtar 2" ✹ 3+ 4+ -2 3
Spectral Claws and Daggers 1" 6 3+ 4+ - 1

Wounds Suffered The Nine Books of Nagash Zefet-nebtar Staff of Power
0-6 Cast and unbind 5 extra spells 6 +3 cast /+3 unbind or dispel
7-9 Cast and unbind 3 extra spells 4 +3 cast /+2 unbind or dispel
10-12 Cast and unbind 2 extra spells 3 +2 cast /+1 unbind or dispel
13+ Cast and unbind 1 extra spells 2 +1 cast /+1 unbind or dispel
Nagash is armed with Alakanash, The Nine Books of Nagash: Nagash that unit or add 1 to the number of slain
Zefet-nebtar and Gaze of Nagash. has committed to memory much of his models that are returned to that unit.
vast library but carries nine of the most
WIZARD: This unit can attempt potent tomes with him at all times. Death Magic Incarnate:
to cast 3 spells in your hero phase Nagash stands at the apex of the
and attempt to unbind 3 spells in the The Nine Books of Nagash allow this necromantic hierarchy.
enemy hero phase. If this unit is part unit to cast extra spells in your hero
of a Nighthaunt, Flesh‑eater Courts, phase and unbind extra spells in the You can use this command ability if this
Ossiarch Bonereapers or Soulblight enemy hero phase. The number of unit is on the battlefield at the start of the
Gravelords army, it knows all of the extra spells this unit can attempt to combat phase. The unit that receives this
spells from the spell lores in that cast or unbind is shown on this unit’s command must be a different friendly
faction’s allegiance abilities in addition damage table. Death unit. Add 1 to ward rolls for that
to the other spells it knows. unit until the end of that phase.
Invocation of Nagash: With but a
WARMASTER: This unit can be thought, Nagash can call forth fresh Hand of Dust: It is said that the touch
included in a Nighthaunt, Flesh‑eater minions to assail his foes. of Nagash can wither and age any
Courts, Ossiarch Bonereapers or mortal, turning them to little more than
Soulblight Gravelords army. If it is, it is At the start of your hero phase, if a pile of dusty bones in mere moments.
treated as a general even if it is not the this unit is on the battlefield, you
can pick up to 5 different friendly Hand of Dust is a spell that has a
model picked to be the army’s general. casting value of 8 and a range of 3". If
In addition, you can still use the army’s Summonable units or friendly
Ossiarch Bonereapers units in any successfully cast, pick 1 enemy model
allegiance abilities even though this within range and visible to the caster.
unit is not from the army’s faction; combination. For each of those units,
you can either heal up to 3 wounds that Then, take a dice and hide it in one
however, this unit does not benefit of your hands or under one of two
from them. have been allocated to that unit or, if no
wounds have been allocated to it, you appropriate containers. Your opponent
FLY: This unit can fly. can return a number of slain models to must pick one of your hands or
that unit that have a combined Wounds containers. If they pick the one holding
COMPANION: This unit is characteristic of 3 or less. the dice, the spell has no effect. If they
accompanied by a host of spirits armed pick the empty hand or container, the
with Spectral Claws and Daggers. Morikhane: This ensorcelled armour enemy model is slain.
protects Nagash from arcane as well as
Alakanash, the Staff of Power: This physical attacks and can even cause an Soul Stealer: Nagash can siphon souls
staff is capped with gems of purest intense magical backlash on those who from the living to heal his own wounds.
Shyishan realmstone. dare strike him. Soul Stealer is a spell that has a
Add the Staff of Power value shown This unit has a ward of 4+ for damage casting value of 6 and a range of 24".
on this unit’s damage table to casting, inflicted by mortal wounds. In addition, If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit
dispelling and unbinding rolls for this if the unmodified ward roll for this within range and visible to the caster
unit. In addition, this unit can attempt unit is 6, that attacking unit suffers 1 and roll 2D6. If the roll is greater than
to cast Arcane Bolt any number of times mortal wound. that unit’s Bravery characteristic, it
in the same hero phase, even if another suffers D3 mortal wounds. If the roll
Wizard has already attempted to cast Supreme Lord of the Undead: is at least double that unit’s Bravery
the spell in that phase. Nagash is the undisputed master of all characteristic, it suffers D6 mortal
undead creatures. wounds instead. You can heal up to 1
Nagash is the Great
Necromancer, Supreme Lord wound that has been allocated to the
If this unit is on the battlefield when you caster for each mortal wound caused by
of the Undead and master
use an ability that returns slain models this spell that is not negated.
of all that passes beyond the
mortal coil. He is nothing to a friendly Death unit, you can
less than an evil-hearted either re-roll the dice that determines
god, and those who earn his the number of slain models returned to
displeasure are soon turned
to dust upon the wind. KEYWORDS Death, Deathlords, Hero, Monster, Wizard, Nagash

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